Scarced World: Hunger Rebellion
In a world ruled by a single global government, humanity faces its greatest enemy: starvation. Resources have dwindled to nothing, and food scarcity has become an inescapable plague. For Nicolas, a boy born into this desolate reality, survival is a daily battle. Weakened by hunger and despair, he is ready to surrender to the inevitable—until a fateful misstep changes everything.
By sheer accident, Nicolas stumbles into the government's restricted zone, a place whispered about but never seen. What he discovers shakes him to his core: lavish feasts, overflowing tables, and a privileged few indulging in the very abundance denied to the rest of the world.
Fueled by anger and a newfound will to fight, Nicolas sets out on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the government's lies. But as he digs deeper into this web of secrets, he learns that rebellion comes at a cost—and the hunger for justice might be just as dangerous as the hunger for food.
Will Nicolas spark the revolution his world desperately needs, or will he be silenced by the very powers that sustain this cruel system?