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Ratten Reich Trailer

Ich bin der König der Technik

Autor hier; Bitte sehen Sie sich auch mein anderes Buch an! Vielen Dank an alle für das Einschalten..... Englisch ist meine zweite Sprache... also verspreche ich, mein Bestes zu geben. Nochmals, die ersten paar Kapitel mögen langsam erscheinen, aber vertraut mir, alles wird sich fügen. es gibt einen Grund für alles. Diskord: Oh... und schaut euch unbedingt auch meine anderen Bücher an; -Hilfe: Ich glaube, mein System will mich umbringen! -In einer Kultivierungswelt mit einem Vergnügungspark... -Gastgeber, bitte seien Sie ehrlich! Was genau sind Sie? Sie können auch meine Website besuchen, um weitere Bücher zu finden: Nun, zurück zur Inhaltsangabe. ............... . Chu Yi stirbt bei einem Autounfall und wird zu Landon Barn, dem unehelichen Sohn von König Barn, dem Herrscher von Arcadina. Weil seine Mutter ein Dienstmädchen und die größte Schande des Königs war, hatte sein Vater ihn immer verachtet. Das Gleiche gilt für seine Halbgeschwister. Als er 15 Jahre alt wurde, hatte sein Vater verkündet, dass er die Stadt Baymard bekommen würde und sie nicht mehr unter der Kontrolle des Reiches stehen würde. Es war allgemein bekannt, dass die Ländereien von Baymard unfruchtbar und arm waren.... Um Himmels willen, das war Verbannung. Sein nichtsnutziger Vater hatte ihn indirekt aus dem Reich verbannt. Chu Yi wachte in einer Kutsche auf, auf dem Weg nach Baymard mit einem System "Was soll's, wenn mein Vater mich hasst? Was soll's, wenn ich verbannt werde?.... Ich werde mein Gebiet in eine moderne Gesellschaft verwandeln. . Autorin: Das Buch ist ein bisschen schnelllebig. Aber es wird sich wirklich lohnen. also versuchen Sie es einfach und Sie werden überrascht sein.
lumydee · 4.4K Views

Mr. CEO, Ihre Frau ist ein versteckter BOSS!

Vor fünf Jahren wurde Qiao Nian von ihrer Schwester, Qiao Xin, hintergangen. Nachdem sie eine Nacht mit einem Fremden verbracht hatte, wurde Qiao Nian schwanger. Sie wusste nicht, wer der Vater des Kindes war, und brachte schließlich eine Totgeburt zur Welt. Durch die Machenschaften ihrer Mutter und ihrer Schwester wurde Qiao Nian ihre Anteile an der Qiao-Gruppe entzogen und in eine psychiatrische Klinik eingewiesen. Fünf Jahre später sollte ihre jüngere Schwester, Qiao Xin, mit dem zweiten jungen Meister der Familie Gu verheiratet werden. Es wurde gemunkelt, er sei extrem hässlich. Am Tag seiner Geburt sagte der Arzt voraus, dass er nicht älter als zwanzig Jahre alt werden würde. Ihre Mutter konnte es nicht ertragen, dass Qiao Xin einen solchen Menschen heiratete und dachte an Qiao Nian, die immer noch in der Nervenheilanstalt eingesperrt war. Über Nacht wurde Qiao Nian aus der Klinik geholt, um Qiao Xin in ihrer Ehe mit der Familie Gu zu ersetzen. Ihre Mutter sagte: "Es ist gut, dass Qiao Nian, dieser Taugenichts, Xin'er als lebende Witwe in der Familie Gu ersetzen kann. Wenn Xin'er in diese Familie einheiraten würde, würde es mir das Herz brechen." Qiao Xin sagte: "Mutter, sag das nicht über die Schwester. Wenn sie nicht wäre, wüsste ich nicht, was ich tun sollte. Ich mache mir nur Sorgen, dass die Schwester nicht einverstanden ist." Ihr Vater sagte: "Xin'er, du bist zu nett. Hast du vergessen, wie Qiao Nian dich vor fünf Jahren verleumdet hat? Sie hat keine Selbstbeherrschung. Sie wurde vor der Ehe schwanger und brachte sogar eine Totgeburt zur Welt. Wir behandeln sie gut genug, indem wir sie jemanden aus der angesehenen Familie Gu heiraten lassen! Welches Recht hat sie, wählerisch zu sein?" Qiao Nian spöttelte. Damals war die Intrige gegen sie nur durch eine verrückte Kombination von Faktoren erfolgreich gewesen, unter denen sie zu leiden hatte. Sie wollte es ihnen allen heimzahlen! Alle dachten, dass ihre Handlungen auf einer Kombination aus Verlierermentalität und Geisteskrankheit beruhten, aber sie ahnten nicht, dass diese Ehe eine so starke Verbindung sein würde, wie der Mars, der auf die Erde stürzt! Qian Nian machte sich ihre brillanten medizinischen Fähigkeiten zunutze und brachte so manchen Abschaum zum Schweigen. Im Handumdrehen schockierten ihre zahlreichen Identitäten die Welt, als jede von ihnen aufgedeckt wurde. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sie reich genug war, um es mit einem ganzen Land aufzunehmen! Später stellte der Zweite Junge Meister Gu ein Paar von Qiao Nians Miniaturklonen vor sie hin. Angesichts dieser beiden Kinder, die ihr und Gu Zhou ähnelten, blinzelte Qiao Nian schockiert. "Wann habe ich eure Kinder zur Welt gebracht?"
JQK · 47.8K Views

Anspruch auf meinen besitzergreifenden CEO-Ehemann

Gerüchten zufolge hatte Xaviera Evans eine schwache Konstitution - eine kränkliche Schönheit. Man munkelte, dass sie jeden Tag ein Vermögen für Medikamente ausgab und sie wie Süßigkeiten verschlang. Man munkelte, dass zehn Diener jeden Tag an ihrem Bett auf sie warteten - eine Last für alle. Sie alle warteten darauf, dass die Familie Evans Xaviera Evans zurück aufs Land schickte und sie sich selbst überließ. Xaviera Evans: "Sie sagen alle, dass ich schwach bin und nicht auf mich selbst aufpassen kann. Anscheinend gebe ich auch leichtsinnig Geld aus." Sie sah auf ihr zerfleddertes Hemd hinunter und war verärgert. Xaviera Evans: "Willst du damit sagen, dass diese reiche Familie ihre Tochter jeden Tag zerfledderte Kleidung tragen lässt?" Die reiche Tochter der Familie Evans? Sie hatte genug! Sie würde es nicht mehr sein! Deshalb... Dreckskerl: "Ohne die Familie Evans bist du nichts." Xaviera Evans: "Wenn ich aus der Evans-Familie rausgeschmissen werde, bin ich erledigt." Das dreckige Mädchen: "Schwesterherz, sei nicht zu enttäuscht. Solange du hart arbeitest, wirst du eines Tages gelobt werden." Xaviera Evans: "Halt die Klappe, so eine Verräterin wie dich kenne ich nicht." Der Dreckskerl und das Mädchen: "???" Man munkelt, dass der jüngste Sohn der Familie Mamet, Caleb Mamet, vorschnell eine Frau geheiratet hat, die nichts als Aussehen hatte. Xaviera Evans: "Schaut jemand auf mich herab?" Eines Tages sah Xaviera Evans, wie sich ein Angestellter von Caleb Mamet den Kopf über eine Reihe von Zahlen auf dem Computerbildschirm zerbrach. Da sie frei war, half sie ihm. Hatte sie gerade die Firewall geknackt, die durch die gemeinsame Arbeit von Top-Elite-Hackern entstanden war? Caleb Mamet kam mit jedem Schritt näher. "Xaviera, was verheimlichst du noch vor mir? Hmm?" Xaviera Evans: "Oh, nein! Mir ist schon wieder schwindelig! Ich bin so schwach. Mein Körper ist einfach zu schwach!"
Qiaoqiao · 216.7K Views

O Príncipe Amaldiçoado

``` Este livro é sobre fazer bebês. [COMPLETO no capítulo 715] O príncipe herdeiro foi amaldiçoado no dia em que nasceu, prevendo que jamais seria feliz. Pior ainda, nenhuma mulher poderia tocá-lo sem morrer. Assim, encontrar uma esposa para gerar um herdeiro tornou-se o maior desafio da família real, já que o príncipe é filho único. Até que um dia.. uma servo que tentou matá-lo não morreu após tocá-lo. Emmelyn era uma princesa de uma de suas colônias que jurou vingar a morte de sua família matando o príncipe herdeiro. E foi assim que ela acabou no seu castelo. Percebendo que ela era a única mulher com quem ele poderia ter um relacionamento sexual, sem matá-la, o príncipe fez um acordo para deixá-la ir e libertar seu reino de sua opressão se ela lhe desse três herdeiros. Emmelyn disse sim, mas todos os dias que estavam juntos, ela fazia planos para matá-lo e obter sua vingança. Emmelyn conseguirá o que deseja, ou acabará cada vez mais envolvida com o inimigo que era considerado o próprio diabo encarnado pelos seus adversários? EXCERTO: "Você será a mãe dos meus filhos," disse o homem com um tom autoritário. Suas palavras descaradas deixaram Emmelyn sem palavras e chocada, ainda mais do que o beijo que ele havia dado em seus lábios antes. "Eu preciso de três filhos de você." "Eh... espera.. o quê? Espere um minuto," Emmelyn, que saiu de seu choque, esfregou os lábios apressadamente como se tentasse remover as marcas do diabo deles. "Eu não quero ser sua esposa! Não quero me casar com você, seu diabo!!" O homem franziu a testa e estreitou os olhos ameaçadoramente. "Quem falou alguma coisa sobre casamento?" NO DIA SEGUINTE "Vamos," disse o príncipe. "Vamos pra onde?" perguntou Emmelyn, sem entender. "Vamos fazer bebês." *** CONFIRA MEUS OUTROS LIVROS com todos os maridos devotados: - A Esposa do Rei é a Companheira do Alfa - EM ANDAMENTO - O Rei Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO - Em Busca do Pó de Estrela - COMPLETO - Os Alquimistas - COMPLETO - O Príncipe Que Não Pode Se Apaixonar - COMPLETO - Até Que A Morte Nos Separe - COMPLETO EU NÃO FAÇO HISTÓRIAS DE ROMANCE LENTO. Este livro é MUITO ENGRAÇADO e MUITO PICANTE. Apenas para ADULTOS e pessoas de mente aberta. ME COMPRE UM CAFÉ? Assista ao trailer do livro no TikTok/Instagram: @missrealitybites Servidor do Discord: ```
Missrealitybites · 119.5K Views

Das charismatische Glück des Bauernmädchens

Am Xishui-Fluss lebte eine Familie mit dem Nachnamen Ruo, die so viel Pech hatte, dass es schien, als sei das Unglück von ihrer Seele besessen. Während andere Familien reiche Ernten einfuhren, erntete die Familie Ruo nicht ein einziges Korn. Ihr angepflanztes Gemüse wurde von Insekten aufgefressen, ihre Hühner bekamen die Hühnerpest, ihre Schweine die Schweinepest... Obwohl der Haushalt voller starker Männer war, waren sie entweder verrückt, verkrüppelt oder blind... Aus einer Familie mit guten Aussichten wurde die ärmste im Umkreis von zehn Meilen. Das Einzige, worum die anderen die Familie Ruo beneideten, waren ihre blühenden männlichen Mitglieder! Die alte Dame der Familie Ruo hatte sechs Söhne zur Welt gebracht, die ihr dann vier Enkel schenkten. Sie träumte Tag und Nacht davon, eine Enkelin zu haben. Als sie endlich ein Enkelkind bekam, war das Kind zu ihrem Entsetzen geistig behindert: Mit über drei Jahren konnte es immer noch nicht sprechen oder gehen, konnte nicht einmal essen oder sich ohne Hilfe erleichtern. Alle dachten, die Familie Ruo würde ihr Schicksal in diesem Leben nicht mehr wenden! Bis das halb so alte, dreijährige, geistig behinderte Kind plötzlich rief: "Mama..." Der Himmel begann sich zu verändern. Die Welt begann sich geheimnisvoll zu verändern. Im Hof der Familie Ruo waren über Nacht die Kakis reif geworden. Das Gemüse auf den Feldern, das von den Insekten fast kahlgefressen worden war, wurde üppig und grün. Die alte Henne, die noch nie Eier gelegt hatte, begann plötzlich zu legen... Während andere vor einer Hungersnot standen, war die Kornkammer der Familie Ruo voll. Der älteste Sohn war nicht mehr verrückt, der zweite Sohn war nicht mehr verkrüppelt, der dritte Sohn war nicht mehr blind... Die alte Dame der Familie Ruo stemmte die Hände in die Hüften und lachte herzhaft in den Himmel: "Wer sagt denn, dass meine Xuanbao ein Dummkopf ist? Sie ist eindeutig ein Schatz an Segnungen!" (Dies ist ein Bauernroman mit einem Hauch von Feencharme, in dem die weibliche Hauptfigur in einem früheren Leben eine gerade erwachte Taglilie war, die sich als Mensch reinkarniert hat).
Fade in and out · 20K Views

Earth's Greatest Magus

#Top 20 Webnovel Best Sellers 2021, 2022, 2023, and in 2024 #### History is said to be written by the victors. If so, how about Earth's history? Two millennia ago, a young boy named Emery met a tragic fate. In his final moments, he was transmigrated and accepted into the Universe's most prestigious school of magic. “You are among the chosen few from thousands of human worlds. Whether you seize this opportunity or not, is up to you. You are at Magus Academy, the pinnacle of humanity's ingenuity. Magic, science, and might are all within reach for those who dare to pursue them." [Scan complete - Quadruple affinity. Water, Earth, Plant, and Darkness.] "A quadruple acolyte! Only one in tens of thousands of acolytes possess this!" Thus began Emery’s journey together with his 4 friends from the furthest corner of Earth. Each year they returned to Earth to grow, seek revenge, save the princess, conquer the world, and become Earth's Greatest Magus. Their names are still etched in our history books to this day. Authors Note: I have always been fascinated by writing fantasy relating to historical facts. In this story, you will find characters inspired by real-world myth and legend. The universe I created hopefully will make the reader's imagination excited and logically plausible. I hope you enjoy it. ### Here are some key aspects you'll encounter: MC: The protagonist follows the classic weak-to-strong arc. World: Picture a blend of Harry Potter and Star Wars. System: While it's primarily a magic-based story, there's a structured system in place that's easy to follow. Additionally, elements of cultivation. Harem: No, there are several female interests. But I enjoy romance first. So even if there will be more than one love interest it will be deep. Note: English is not my first language, but you'll notice that my writing and English skills gradually improve throughout the chapters. Other: The novel delves into deep research on science and history, enriching the storyline with factual and intriguing details. Give it a read—you might be pleasantly surprised by what unfolds. Check Out the Video Trailer on youtube type "Earth's Greatest Magus"
Avan · 11.9M Views

Rise of Yahunyens: Origin

DON'T READ IT. SOMEDAY WATCH IT. THIS IS JUST A PROTOTYPE. ENDS ON 75 CHAPTERS. "I Am... The Revolution!", Born God Griswa Skaar, the last of the Skaar Gods, lost his memories as he struck the planet of Aeartha. Later he met allies and observed the cruel events of this world. As the 'God of Revolution/Jilhadid Mackenadock', he won't just free the world from the Yahunyens after 185,000 years of their rule, but the entire Omniverse from Greater God 'Brighter Dark'. This is not a struggle for supremacy. Supremacy itself is a struggle here. While every other story is dealing with weak to strong, this story explores the struggles of being too powerful, yet trying to adjust and control it. But even with too much power you need to cultivate, cultivate differently, using your powers with limits and cultivation of not trying to be stronger but to control your power, because even if you have everything, there is a chance you'll have left nothing (Only MC), if any apocalypse dawns on the worlds because of those powers. Being too overpowered, boon or a curse? Rages are on... Welcome to this 'Cinematically Written' Prototype that will help you understand the foundation of this story. Note: Yes AI has been used here, but ideas, concept, characters, scenes, arrangement, world building, story development, direction, dialogues, plot, action, everything is mine. This is a Human x AI masterpiece for the future. I'll admit, I am not a good writer, but I am a good dreamer and visualizer, so please bear the AI writing (Its's not even complete AI writing, it's just improving the raw writing of mine to a better level) because the story is really good. Its just that I am much more of a cinematographer, director, actor than a professional writer or manga artist, and I am not good at non-dialogue writing for depth and intensity of a scene, I can visualize the intensity, but I cannot present it with uttermost perfect word usage. I just want to bring forth my story and ideas but can't make any films or anime coz I got no money, so I started this Webnovel being passionate about this story. This prototype isn't for people who like reading books, but instead who love presentation more than words. I wrote this note because I wanted to be clear and honest so that it isn't unfair to the writers who are really good. And that's why I'll never apply for a contract and monetize it on Webnovel, and it'll remain free forever anyways. Rest is your choice, it depends on you how you wanna take it. If you wish to read it, then a useful tip is visualize it, don't just read it, and you'll feel the scale. What I wanna convey is read it for the story, the idea and the concept behind it, not just the writing. I hope I have been honest enough to Webnovel. Thank you. Introducing an enhanced genre of mass (something made for a wider range of audience with ingredients loaded for the masses), #SUPERMASS Action Level: BEYOND Dragon Ball Series, Demon Slayer and One Punch Man Story Level/DreamVision Like: BEYOND One Piece, Naruto and Attack on Titan Other Inspirations: Avengers (Everything in Marvel) and Star Wars A complete package of entertainment containing the elements of all the peak franchises. Also it's a great shout-out to them all, at once! My vision tells us that if any peak franchise is at its peak for all the reasons why they should be at peak, what if I combine everything and bring a new peak (infinity) story including my Origin-al elements too? The purpose of this story is simply fun! And that's why, ascertain the tragedies, histories and mysteries Around & Beyond The World. Trailer out on YouTube and Instagram. Follow me at Instagram @mackenadock
TezarxAI · 180.3K Views

Lunar Legacy: Rise Of The Beastlord

"They called me a beast," "They called me a monster," "They killed my mother and took my sister, yet they called me the animal!" "I will make them pay!" After losing his mother and a young age, Jayden struggled with rage and isolation, getting angry at everybody and everything, while still having the dreams of crushing those who took his mother from him But his goal was hindered when he discovered that he couldn't possess an ability, he would remain a ordinary human in a world where power was everything. Years after being sent to therapy, he returns only to get struck by lightning. But before he could die, a mysterious interface appeared in his eyes [Requirement has been met] [System integrating...] [Alert! Non-human genes found in host; modifying system to meet Host's genetic code] [Curse has been forcefully activated] [Congratulations you have acquired the Beastlord system] "Huh? What the hell is this? And what curse is it talking about? Jayden thought as he slowly lost consciousness He wakes up as a new being entirely, receiving various powers and abilities related to nature and it's creatures, but the most incredible was the absolute control over beasts. Now he could achieve his goals without being stopped and get revenge for his mother. While also leading a war with the ancient beasts against beasts from beyond. .... "Mother, i have finally become the animal they say i am," Jayden chuckled, as he stared at the bright full moon "I have become the lord of beasts," he stated, as his body began to slowly transform into a large humanoid wolf. _________ A/Q: Don't mind the long synopsis, just wanted to make it seem more of a trailer-like summary. Anyways so pls add to collection if you like it and also support. There's going to be a lot of suspense and shocking revelations including the connection with my other book(Celestial Speed: Legacy) So if you're a fan of same universe/multiverse and crossover concept, then you'll enjoy it. Gracias! Join my discord server for updates and more information on my universe:
Red_Hood69 · 16.9K Views

The Magnolia Beauty

Suyin, a modern pediatrician known for her unyielding sense of justice, finds herself catapulted into the past when a lightning strike hits her during a storm. She awakens in the body of Han Suyin, the only daughter of a noble family responsible for educating the royal family of the Long clan (This is inferred she is in her ancestor's past body). Trapped in a society where women, especially female doctors, are looked down upon, Suyin faces severe oppression and control from her parents, who prioritize their fame and fortune above her well-being. Determined to escape her stifling life, Suyin flees to the territory controlled by the Qin clan, who are embroiled in a fierce war with the Long clan. Crossing the border, she encounters Qin Fuhua, the feared Prince of Qin, notorious as the "Devil of Misfortune." After saving his younger sister with her advanced medical knowledge, Suyin is taken hostage by Qin Fuhua, who is both intrigued and suspicious of her unusual skills and knowledge. Within the Qin clan's stronghold, Suyin's resolve and medical expertise begin to challenge the clan's ruthless and merciless reputation. Despite the absence of modern technology and the freedom she once knew, Suyin adapts, using her compassion and intelligence to navigate her precarious situation. A mysterious riddle involving magnolia flowers and a prophecy ties Suyin to Qin Fuhua, drawing him to her despite his initial reservations: "Flowers of magnolia will guide for a better future." The scent of magnolia flowers that seems to follow Suyin hints at a destiny intertwined with the fate of both the Long and Qin clans. As she strives to survive and make a difference in this ancient world, Suyin's presence becomes a beacon of change, challenging old beliefs and forging new paths. Author's note: Please excuse any grammar, historical, any sorts of error in this novel. I've personally enjoyed reading Chinese novels and wanted to have a try at it. This is pure FICTIONAL, so please do keep in mind that this is written with FICTIONAL traditions, taboos, and etc (although some may be coincidentally true). Any characters, storyline, and historical remarks are fictional in this novel and thank you for reading! Here is the STORY TRAILER for this novel that I made on my own time! ^^ LINK:
Aeriesu · 618.5K Views

Celestial Speed: Legacy

Ding [congratulations you have acquired the Celestial{God of speed}System] [Do you accept the term and conditions of the system] With a huge claw at his face ready to take off his head, sending him back to the dark abyss from which he had just arrived not so long ago, already accepting his fate for a second death. Henry saw a holographic screen flash in front of him, one that would change his new life for the better... or worse, seeing no other option in his current dilemma and with nothing else to lose. "Yes, yes i accept!" he screamed out with determination and hope that this might just be a miracle here to save him from certain doom,and indeed it was. [You have successfully acquired all the functions and priorities of the system,including its benefits and disadvantages] Henry saw the screen again but that wasn't all he saw to his disbelief everything in the surroundings including the ferocious beast trying to kill him, were now completely still with the lion's claws just a few centimeters away from his head. "Wow, i guess this must be part of the benefits the system granted," he exclaimed with surprise "But what about the demerits?" I guess we'll find out soon enough as this was only just the beginning. Now with his newly acquired "cheat" system in a new world he had just been reincarnated to. From an urban civilization to an even more futuristic, civilized urban utopia where magic and technology are well versed, Henry must find his true purpose in the new world as he discovers more beings like him both good and bad. And as he navigates his way to a better second chance, making new friends and encountering old foes courtesy of his predecessor. Going against both celestial entities and monsters from other realms and doing as he pleases, defying rules of the multiverses and discovering worlds beyond. "Or maybe I'll just kick back and relax in this New World." SNEAK PEAK! Henry stood face to face with the mysterious figure, their suits a stark contrast to each other. Henry's white and gold suit gleamed in the sunlight, while the other figure's black and purple suit seemed to absorb the light around them. A mask covered the figure's face, making it impossible for Henry to discern their identity. "You're quite the legend, Henry," the figure said in a low, gravelly voice "I've heard a lot about your skills." Henry's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?" The figure chuckled. "Someone who's been watching you. Someone who's been waiting for the perfect moment to strike." Henry's grip on his fists tightened. "What do you want?" The figure smiled, their mask glinting in the light. "I want to see how fast you really are." Without warning, the figure took off, their black and purple suit blurring as they sprinted away. Henry's eyes widened, and he grinned. "Game on!" he exclaimed, taking off after the mysterious figure. The two speedsters tore through the city streets, their suits leaving trails of distorted air in their wake. As Henry left a trail of gold lightning so did the figure leave one of purple. Henry's Nitro suit glowed with a brilliant white light as he pushed himself to his limits, his feet pounding the pavement in a blur. The mysterious figure was fast, but Henry was determined to catch up. He focused all his energy on the chase, his senses heightened as he navigated the crowded streets. The city became a colorful blur as the two speedsters clashed in a battle of velocity and agility. Henry's heart pounded with excitement, his mind racing with the thrill of the chase. Who was this mysterious figure, and what did they want? Henry was determined to find out. Crap! I wanted to write more but looks like I've reached the word limit. Sigh* Well I hope I've gotten your attention with all this, i like my summary to always look like a trailer, that's why it's so long. Anyways check more of these when you read my book and support, I'll appreciate. Gracias! Check my discord link in bio, join for more info.
Red_Hood69 · 274.4K Views

Married to the vegetative prince

In a small village, young Jane Woods' world comes crashing down at just six years old when a terrible accident takes her farmer parents away. Their trailer, heavy with tomatoes, veers off the road and erupts into flames, leaving no chance for survival. Now orphaned and heartbroken, Jane is sent to live with her unkind aunt Betty and uncle Pat, who resent having to care for a child not related to them. Over the next ten years, Jane faces a life filled with hard labor and mistreatment. She’s made to do endless chores, spends long hours working in the tomato fields, receives little food, and endures severe punishments from her unfeeling guardians. Her small frame grows frail and sickly, a shadow of the lively girl she used to be. When Jane turns sixteen, the village buzzes with the arrival of a mysterious visitor—a royal aide on a secret mission to find a bride for the kingdom's heir, the eighteen-year-old Prince Dubois. The once charming and vibrant prince has been in a vegetative state for two years following a terrible riding accident. A witch has predicted that only the kiss of true love from his wife can awaken him. Eager for riches, Jane's vile uncle Pat decides to sell her to the king’s aide, ignoring her desperate cries for help. Ripped away from all she’s ever known, Jane is taken to the stunning royal palace to become the wife of Prince Dubois. At first, she’s repulsed by the idea of marrying someone who can’t even respond, but her resistance begins to fade when she meets the compassionate king, who pleads with her to save his son and the kingdom with her love. Will she succeed?
Elmielos · 5.9K Views

Ich habe gerade das Vermächtnis des arkanen Kaisers geerbt

Im Solarischen Reich wurden die Menschen durch ihr Blut getrennt. Die Adligen genossen ihr Leben in Reichtum, mit feinem Wein und hervorragendem Essen. Sie herrschten über das gemeine Volk. Das konnten sie nur, weil sie über die mächtigste Kraft der Welt verfügten - die Magie. Die Adligen verhinderten, dass ihr Wissen an die Bürger weitergegeben wurde, was es ihnen erschwerte, Magie zu erlernen. Leo, ein junges Waisenkind in Solaria, hatte eine unglaublich starke Affinität zur Magie. Er wusste nicht einmal davon, weil er nie Magie lernen konnte - er war zu arm, um an einer Magie-Akademie zu lernen. Er versuchte einfach, auf den Straßen von Solhaven zu überleben, bis er den verlorenen Folianten des Arkanen Kaisers fand. "Ich kann einen Magier des 7. Kreises besiegen." "Wow! Du musst viele Jahrzehnte lang trainiert haben. Wie alt bist du?" "17." "..." Die Welt sollte auf den Kopf gestellt werden. HINWEIS FÜR MEINE AMAZIN-LESER: Nehmen Sie KEINE Privilegien in Anspruch, wenn sich der Monat dem Ende nähert. Ihr Zugang zu den Privilegien endet, wenn der Monat zu Ende geht. Sie bleiben NICHT einen ganzen Monat lang bestehen, nachdem Sie sie erworben haben. Bitte kaufen Sie die Privilegien in der ANFANGSHÄLFTE des Monats, um den besten Gegenwert für Ihr Geld zu erhalten. Für Leute, die denken, dass Discord der letzte Schrei ist, hier ist der Discord-Server für dieses Buch. Fühlt euch frei, auf dem Server zu diskutieren, was ihr über dieses Buch denkt.
WhiteNightingale · 60.2K Views

A tale from Tokyo to Kyoto <<1>>

Die Geschichte folgt Akiro, einem 16-jährigen Jungen aus einem abgeschiedenen Dorf, das von Legenden und Relikten eines alten Krieges geprägt ist. Das Dorf verehrt die mystische Gottheit Tokyo, obwohl viele jüngere Bewohner diese nur als Mythos ansehen. Akiro ist von einer tiefen Verbindung zur Natur geprägt und lebt nach strengen Prinzipien von Harmonie und Respekt gegenüber allem Leben. Eines Tages besucht er den alten Tempel Tokyos, wo er seltsame Visionen hat. Ein Gespräch mit dem Geschichtenerzähler Argon über die Helden vergangener Tage enthüllt, dass Opfer und alte Rituale eine zentrale Rolle in der Vergangenheit spielten. Akiro beginnt, diese Mysterien zu hinterfragen, während er gleichzeitig Hiori Sora begegnet, einem geheimnisvollen Fremden, der scheinbar eine Verbindung zu den Legenden des Dorfes hat. Während Akiro mehr über die alten Geschichten und seine eigene Rolle erfährt, zeigt sich, dass er eine tiefere Verbindung zur Vergangenheit hat. Durch Visionen und Begegnungen mit der Gottheit Tokyo wird er mit dem Schicksal der früheren Helden konfrontiert. Das Schicksal von Akiro scheint eng mit dem Kampf gegen eine uralte Dunkelheit verbunden zu sein, die das Dorf bedroht. Die Geschichte verbindet Elemente von Mythologie, persönlichem Wachstum und der Suche nach der eigenen Identität. Sie spielt in einer Welt, die reich an spirituellen und kulturellen Symbolen ist, und untersucht, wie alte Legenden das Leben der Menschen prägen können.
Kyototsukishiro · 1K Views

Wilkfang Volume 01, Chapters 01 - 02

Wilkfang is a creative narrative designed to help a friend's son promote his WOW stream. It's essential to clarify that this story does not represent his raids or streaming experiences; it is purely fictional. Furthermore, the narrative does not revolve around my friend's son, as the main character is an accountant, which is not his profession. I choose not to reveal his name at this moment, as he needs to establish a biography and give me permission to share it. Regarding the series, I will be releasing chapters 01 and 02 simultaneously since the story unfolds gradually. My aim is to provide readers with the best value for their reading time. Additionally, I will publish it in novel format, alongside a collection of short stories corresponding to the chapters. This way, if anyone finds they’re not enjoying the tale, they won’t feel like they’ve wasted much time or money. Based on the feedback and popularity, Wilkfang may also be developed into audiobooks. Introduction : Eventually, the violent shaking subsided. William remained extremely cold and shivering, even though the temperature in the medical trailer was approximately 85 degrees and he was wrapped in an electric blanket. "You should start to warm up after you eat," suggested one of the medics as she connected the IV. "Is that really necessary?" William inquired, glancing at the IV. "Absolutely," she replied. "First and foremost, you need hydration, which is crucial. It also contains mild pain relievers and antibiotics." William turned his gaze toward Henry. "Don't worry; I had it much worse," Henry remarked. "It was -15 degrees when I had my first experience." "But why am I so cold? It's 45 degrees outside. Sometimes I wear shorts when it's only 45. I can handle the cold; it's the heat that I can't stand," William asserted. The medical technician settled beside the stretcher. "You’ve entered a new realm, William. Once merely human, now you are considered a supernatural being. The cold is part of your transition." She paused to check the IV. "It won't always feel this way, and it will only get easier." He glanced at Henry, who nodded and smiled reassuringly. "All the wolves here have undergone this transformation," the medic continued. "As you can see, they are doing well." She looked toward the door, where group members were trying to check in on William. "See? They care about you, but I’m not worried. I know you’ll be fine." "I thought werewolves were hard to kill. Why the need for antibiotics?" William questioned. The medical technician met his gaze. "You're correct; 'werewolves' are indeed quite difficult to kill. However, in comparison, humans are very fragile. While the condition enhances the immune system and accelerates healing, it doesn’t provide immunity to everything. A wolf can take a bullet to the head, and experience a brief headache and momentary confusion, but its body will expel the bullet, allowing it to keep charging. As we know, most humans would be killed instantly." "It's also my responsibility to keep your human body functioning," she added.
Elizabeth_B_Hall · 691 Views
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