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Seoul Spring Trailer

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Sharon war eine gewöhnliche Person, während ihr Mann, Wallace Harris, ein vielversprechender und gut aussehender Mann war. Seine Familie gehörte zu den angesehensten und reichsten Familien in New York City. Dass sie Wallace heiraten konnte, war ein Zufall. In den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe hatte Wallace nie mit Sharon geschlafen. Auch seine Familie überredete ihn immer wieder, sich von Sharon scheiden zu lassen. Es war die Geburtstagsfeier der alten Matriarchin der Familie Harris, und alle jungen Leute der Familie Harris hatten die teuersten Geschenke gemacht, um die alte Dame glücklich zu machen - alle außer Sharon. Sie bat Madam Harris um Geld für den alten Haushälter, Onkel Smith, da er kein Geld für seine medizinische Behandlung hatte. Aber wie zu erwarten war, wurde sie von der Familie Harris gedemütigt, als sie darum bat. "Die Familie Harris hatte noch nie eine arme Verwandte wie dich. Lass dich nie wieder in meiner Gegenwart blicken! Wallace hätte Crystal heiraten sollen. Sie ist sicherlich eine junge Dame, die es wert ist, in unsere Familie einzuheiraten", sagte Madam Harris. "Bitte weiß, wo du hingehörst und verschwinde von hier. Bleiben Sie nicht mehr in unserem Haus. Wie kann Wallaces Großvater so töricht sein, eine arme, nutzlose Frau wie dich mit meinem Sohn zu verheiraten?", sagte June, Wallaces Mutter. "Es sind nur ein paar Millionen Dollar, aber du bist so arm, dass du dir von unserer Familie etwas leihen musst. Wie kann eine Frau wie du es verdienen, mit Wallace zusammen zu sein? Wenn es Crystal wäre, hätte sie uns bestimmt nicht so blamiert!" An diesem Abend überreichte Wallace Sharon eine Bankkarte, auf der Millionen von Dollar standen. "Die Firma ist in der Entwicklung, deshalb habe ich nicht viel Bargeld. Du kannst das benutzen, um Onkel Smith zu helfen." Angesichts der Feindseligkeit der Familie Harris erklärte Wallace: "Da ich sie geheiratet habe, bin ich für sie verantwortlich. Egal, ob sie reich oder arm ist, Sharon ist meine Frau." Erst als eines Tages ein Fremder Sharon ansprach, wusste sie, dass sie eine Frau war. Erst da wusste Sharon, dass sie die Tochter einer angesehenen Familie war, die Anspruch auf ein Vermögen von mindestens zehn Milliarden hatte. Plötzlich besaß sie das größte Unternehmen in New York und eine Bankkarte, die Hunderte von Millionen an "Taschengeld" enthielt. Im Handumdrehen hatte sich ihre Identität verändert. Sie war nicht mehr die arme Schwiegertochter, die von der Familie Harris nicht bevorzugt wurde. Stattdessen war sie die angesehenste Person in New York geworden!
Mountain Springs · 107.9K Views

Recuperei Minhas Memórias e Fiquei Rica Após o Divórcio

"Gu Dai, só me casei contigo para fazer o Vovô feliz. Se outra pessoa tivesse salvo o Vovô, eu teria me casado com ela do mesmo jeito! Não se ache tão importante!" Ao longo dos três anos de casamento, o marido de Gu Dai insultou-a em muitas ocasiões. Ela não teria acreditado que um dia foi mimada e rica se não tivesse de repente recuperado a memória. Por que ela serviu voluntariamente a esse homem por três anos? Esse homem era até desprezível o suficiente para se apaixonar por outra mulher! A primeira coisa que Gu Dai fez após recuperar sua memória foi se divorciar! Rumores se espalharam pela capital que a menina das favelas estava se divorciando do Sr. Song! "Sério? Ela não é uma caça-fortunas?" Todos perguntavam. "Ela está só se fazendo de difícil. Você acha que ela algum dia vai seguir em frente?" Sr. Song perguntou. Logo em seguida, todos descobriram que Gu Dai tinha voltado para a família Gu na capital. Agora ela era a jovem senhora da família mais rica da cidade. Acontece que ela era a jovem senhora da família Gu que tinha desaparecido após um acidente de navio de cruzeiro três anos atrás! "Sr. Song, a Srta. Gu é muito acima do seu nível," todos diziam. "E daí? Ela não sabe planejar o futuro. Tirando dinheiro, ela não tem mais nada," Sr. Song disse. Não muito tempo depois, as pessoas começaram a descobrir as múltiplas identidades de Gu Dai. Ela era uma hacker de grande importância, uma médica milagrosa, a melhor designer do país... Ela era tudo o que Song Ling estava procurando. Quando eles se encontraram novamente, ele a agarrou e implorou com lágrimas nos olhos. "Dai, não me importo se você tem sentimentos por outros. Você pode me deixar ficar ao seu lado mesmo assim?"
Mountain Springs · 88.7K Views

Saya Mengembalikan Ingatan dan Menjadi Kaya Setelah Bercerai

"Gu Dai, aku hanya menikahimu untuk membuat Kakek senang. Kalau orang lain yang menyelamatkan Kakek, aku akan menikahinya dengan cara yang sama! Jangan terlalu tinggi hati!" Selama tiga tahun pernikahan, suami Gu Dai sering menghinanya. Dia tidak akan percaya bahwa dirinya pernah dimanja dan kaya raya jika dia tidak tiba-tiba mendapatkan kembali ingatannya. Mengapa dia dengan rela melayani pria ini selama tiga tahun? Pria ini bahkan cukup hina untuk jatuh cinta dengan wanita lain! Hal pertama yang dilakukan Gu Dai setelah mendapatkan kembali ingatannya adalah bercerai! Rumor menyebar di seluruh ibu kota bahwa gadis dari kawasan kumuh itu bercerai dari Tuan Song! "Serius? Bukannya dia penambang emas?" Semua orang bertanya. "Dia hanya berpura-pura susah didapat. Kalian pikir dia bisa melanjutkan hidupnya?" Tuan Song bertanya. Segera setelah itu, semua orang mengetahui bahwa Gu Dai telah kembali ke keluarga Gu di ibu kota. Kini, dia adalah putri muda dari keluarga terkaya di kota. Ternyata, dia adalah putri muda keluarga Gu yang hilang setelah terjadi kecelakaan kapal pesiar tiga tahun lalu! "Tuan Song, Nyonya Gu jelas tidak selevel denganmu," semua orang berkata. "Lalu apa? Dia tidak tahu cara merencanakan masa depan. Selain uang, dia tidak memiliki apa-apa lagi," Tuan Song berkata. Tak lama setelah itu, orang-orang mulai mengetahui identitas ganda Gu Dai. Dia adalah peretas besar, dokter ajaib, desainer terbaik di negara itu... Dia adalah segalanya yang Song Ling cari. Ketika mereka bertemu lagi, dia meraihnya dan memohon dengan air mata di matanya. "Dai, aku tidak keberatan jika kamu memiliki perasaan terhadap orang lain. Bisakah kamu tetap membiarkanku di sisimu?"
Mountain Springs · 103.7K Views


I have always taken a security-first approach with my Bitcoin. That's why I put my hardware wallet in a fireproof safe-because you never know. Turned out I should have been even more paranoid. A few months ago, a fire took hold in my house. I lost nearly everything: the electronics, furniture, irreplaceable memorabilia. But when I dug through the remains, there it was: my Ledger hardware wallet, somehow intact. I held it up like some sort of post-apocalyptic movie scene, thinking, "At least my Bitcoin survived." But then, fate was not quite done with me: when I powered it on, it showed no signs of life whatsoever. The heat had fried the internal chip, and all I had was a melted, lifeless brick. That's when I realized my entire $680,000 in Bitcoin was trapped inside. At first, I told myself: "There has to be a way." From forensic data recovery to DIY repair tricks, everything I could conceivably Google, I researched. I considered buying an identical Ledger device and swapping components: spoiler, not a good idea unless you are an electrical engineer. Nothing worked. Every expert I contacted had the same answer: "Your Bitcoin is gone." I refused to accept that. That's when I found DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION I was skeptical, to say the least. If the manufacturer couldn't help me, how would they? At that point, I had no other choice but to try them. The first call I made, I immediately knew I was dealing with pros: no absurd promises, no giving of hopes, just explanation of their entire process with clarity-from advanced forensic techniques to secure data reconstruction. I mailed them my charred wallet, still half expecting a miracle to be impossible. Four days later, an email arrived. The subject line? "We have good news." They had successfully extracted my seed phrase and restored every single Bitcoin. I couldn't believe it. I had gone from losing everything to recovering $680,000 worth of crypto in just days. If your hardware wallet is damaged, dead, or seems irreparable, please do not give up. Just call DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION. They really did pull off some sort of high-stakes rescue operation on my behalf, and believe me, it was the stuff of legend. +13433030545
Willi_Spring · 371 Views


प्रेम की लय – Rhythm of Love कहानी की शुरुआत रूही, एक साधारण गरीब लड़की, जो अपने छोटे से गाँव में बड़ी हुई थी, सपने तो बहुत देखे, लेकिन हालातों ने हमेशा उसे सीमित कर दिया। संगीत और नृत्य से उसे बेइंतहा प्यार था, लेकिन पैसे की तंगी ने उसे कभी इसे सीखने का मौका नहीं दिया। उसके पिता एक रिक्शा चालक थे और माँ एक घरों में काम करने वाली महिला। एक दिन, किस्मत उसे सियोल (Seoul) ले आई। वहाँ उसे एक कैफे में काम करने का मौका मिला, जहाँ वह टेबल साफ करती और बर्तन धोती। इसी शहर में रहता था ह्योन्जिन, एक मशहूर K-pop आइडल, जिसकी आवाज़ पर लाखों दिल धड़कते थे। पहली मुलाकात एक शाम, ह्योन्जिन अपने दोस्तों के साथ उसी कैफे में आया। रूही उसके बारे में कुछ नहीं जानती थी, लेकिन उसकी आँखों में कुछ खास था—एक अनकही उदासी। ह्योन्जिन ने रूही को गुनगुनाते सुना, उसकी आवाज़ में कुछ था, जो उसके दिल को छू गया। “तुम्हारी आवाज़... बहुत अलग है,” ह्योन्जिन ने पहली बार उससे कहा। रूही चौंक गई। “सच में?” उसने धीरे से पूछा। वह सिर्फ़ एक साधारण लड़की थी, और ह्योन्जिन... एक सुपरस्टार! संगीत से बंधा रिश्ता धीरे-धीरे, दोनों के बीच संगीत एक पुल बन गया। ह्योन्जिन उसे गाने और नृत्य की बारीकियाँ सिखाने लगा। रूही को कभी यकीन नहीं हुआ कि कोई उसकी इतनी परवाह कर सकता है। पर यह रिश्ता आसान नहीं था। मीडिया, फैंस और ह्योन्जिन के मैनेजर को यह कतई पसंद नहीं था कि वह एक गरीब लड़की के करीब आए। “अगर तुम उससे मिले, तो तुम्हारा करियर खत्म हो सकता है।” लेकिन ह्योन्जिन के लिए रूही सिर्फ़ एक आम लड़की नहीं थी। वह उसकी प्रेम की लय थी—जिसने उसके जीवन की धड़कनों को फिर से संजीवनी दी थी। क्या उनका प्यार मुकम्मल होगा? क्या रूही अपनी पहचान बना पाएगी? क्या ह्योन्जिन अपने करियर को दांव पर लगाकर उससे प्यार कर पाएगा? यह कहानी सिर्फ़ प्रेम की नहीं, सपनों को पाने की जंग की भी है।
Kitty_Rajput · 399 Views

our beloved spring

The move had brought more than just a new home for Jiwon, Teayoung, and Nari—it had forced them to confront the quiet, lingering grief they had carried since the death of their daughter, Nara. While the neighborhood around them seemed welcoming, every corner held a reminder of their past, and the challenge of forging a fresh start weighed heavily on their hearts. As Jiwon tried to adjust to his new role at the sub-district police station, Teayoung focused on settling Nari into the new space, but both parents knew there was more at stake than unpacking boxes or rearranging furniture. The weight of their loss, though not always visible, was ever-present, especially for Teayoung, whose heart still carried the quiet ache of a life forever altered. It was in moments like these—when the world seemed to move forward with its own rhythm—that the grief would surface, unpredictable and sharp. Minho’s innocent gesture with the walnuts stirred something deep within Teayoung, unlocking a flood of memories of her daughter that she hadn’t fully allowed herself to feel. Though she was surrounded by people who cared, the pain of Nara’s absence seemed to find its way back, each day a subtle reminder that healing was a journey, not a destination. And so, in the quiet of Nari's room, Teayoung had to confront not just her grief, but also her deep love for the family she still had, knowing they would carry each other through these tender moments.
Huawol_Seo · 430 Views

The Chronicles of Me: The Dragon's Prophecy - Rise of the Chosen One

Where the neon lights of Seoul meet the shadows of the past, Kendra's homecoming sets off a deadly chain reaction of events that will force her to confront the darkest secrets of her family's history and the darkness within her own soul. When Kendra returns to Seoul after four years abroad, she unleashes a chain reaction of events that threatens to destroy everything she thought she knew about herself, her family, and the city she loves. As she reunites with her enigmatic best friend Vyn, she's drawn into a hidden world of ancient temples, whispered legends, and cryptic secrets that have been hidden in plain sight. But as Kendra delves deeper into this mysterious world, she begins to realize that her connection to Vyn goes far beyond friendship - and that their bond may hold the key to unlocking the secrets of her own destiny. As they navigate the treacherous landscape of Seoul's underworld, Kendra must confront the darkness within herself and the secrets that have haunted her family for generations. With every step, Kendra is forced to confront the ultimate question: what if everything she thought she knew about herself was a lie? Will she be able to uncover the truth about herself, her family, and the city she loves - or will the shadows of the past consume her? Dive into a world of ancient mysteries, forbidden love, and self-discovery that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Will Kendra find the truth, or will it destroy her?"
Triton_Damien · 5.2K Views
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