The Demonic Cursed Sword
Twenty-one years ago, a demon cultivator named Mo Jixue threatened the balance of the world. With unmatched power and a fierce desire for control, he began a war with the four major sects: the Bai Sect of the East, the Li San Sect of the North, the Meng Sect of the West, and the He Sect of the South. Mo Jixue's dark powers wreaked havoc, leaving villages destroyed and countless lives lost. In response, the four sects united, setting aside old rivalries to protect the land from his wrath. Together, they fought a fierce battle, drawing on their combined strength and ancient techniques. After a long and brutal struggle, they managed to seal Mo Jixue away. His powers were trapped in a special sword, bound by powerful spells and hidden from the world. The four sects vowed to guard the sword, knowing that if it were ever released, Mo Jixue’s destructive power could rise again, threatening the peace they had fought so hard to preserve.