Joy of Life Drama
Based on the hit 2017 web novel Qing Yu Nian by Mao Ni, Joy of Life (庆余年) tells the story of Fan Xian (Zhang Ruoyun), who wakes up as a baby in the Qing Dynasty with the knowledge of a 20-something year old man from the 21st century. Armed with his quick wit and natural intellect, the story follows Fan Xian’s adventures in this new world as he rises to be a hero in his own right, eventually coming head-to-head with the Emperor (Chen Daoming) himself.
This show premiered on Tencent Video and iQiyi in November of 2019 and ran for 46 episodes in total. This is the first season of three, and will only cover part of the original web novel. Joy of Life received very positive reactions from viewers, who were especially impressed with how well the novel was adapted into the pacing of the show. The cast is stacked with some of China’s most well known actors and actresses, and the writing has a perfect blend of drama and comedy.