Adam's Simulator
In a world transformed by a mysterious rift ripping through the sky, the balance between technology, nature and civilization collapses. Titanic monsters born of the energy generated by the rift, and nicknamed the primordials, oppose an alien invasion, plunging humanity into a devastating war.
In a war lasting 10 years, the aliens were repulsed thanks to the primordials, and humanity was reborn thanks to a major scientific discovery: it was possible to awaken unique talents in every individual from the age of 16.
At the heart of a universe where advanced technologies, martial arts, mythical creatures and the shadows of an extraterrestrial past coexist, Adam, our protagonist, will have to prove that a simple individual can defy expectations and forge his own destiny.
Adam's simulator is intended to be my second contracted book, so I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter release: 1 chs/day.