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La Heredera que Lee la Mente: De Impostora a Favorita de la Familia

Wenyan leyó un libro en el que un personaje secundario que compartía su nombre era una falsa heredera. Después de que la verdadera heredera asumiera su posición, la impostora intentó asegurar su lugar en la familia adinerada drogando al hijo mayor y haciendo un hecho consumado de un arroz cocido, solo para ser desenmascarada por la Familia Shen y terminar suicidándose en la desesperación. Wenyan estaba furiosa de ver tal final. ¿Cómo no se podría sobrevivir sin el respaldo de una familia adinerada? ¿Acaso la familia no le había proporcionado una casa de lujo y un sinfín de artículos de lujo? Solo vender esos le reportaría decenas de millones. ¡Ella era simplemente un caso perdido! Si ella fuera la Wenyan del libro, habría renunciado a su posición y simplemente habría vivido relajada como un pez salado! Pero cuando despertó de su sueño, realmente transmigró al libro. Fiel a su palabra, dejó de conspirar. De la noche a la mañana empacó sus maletas, vendió su casa, coche y bolsos, y buscó un trabajo. Toda la Familia Shen notó el cambio en Wenyan, su hija adoptada. No solo se había mudado obedientemente, sino que también nunca causó problemas de nuevo. Aún más extraño fue que ahora podían ver sus pensamientos más íntimos. «Papá, Mamá, nunca quise usurpar su nido, pero los resultados de la prueba de ADN de la verdadera hija tienen problemas. De hecho, ella es incluso más falsa que yo, la supuesta heredera.», pensó. Padres de la Familia Shen: ...... Entonces, la 'hija' perdida y encontrada fue expuesta como una impostora y llevada por la policía para ser interrogada. «Hermano mayor, ese compañero de colegio tuyo no es bueno, es un espía corporativo, el hijo ilegítimo de los archienemigos de la Familia Shen.», pensó. El hijo mayor de la Familia Shen: ...... Después, el compañero fue sorprendido robando documentos confidenciales y también fue llevado por la policía para ser interrogado. «Segundo hermano, eres una persona tan pura y noble, no debes estar con la hija de la Familia Qin, ella solo te está usando, su corazón en realidad está puesto en alguien más.», pensó. El segundo hijo de la Familia Shen: ...... Gracias, lo investigaré. «Y tercer hermano, cuarto hermano......», pensó. Al final, nadie podría haber predicho que la hija adoptada menos distinguida de la Familia Shen se convertiría en la mimada nuera.
Draw the sword with a smile · 72.8K Views

The Original Character Lives in the Fanfic World

There was a popular comic that captured the hearts of readers not because of its plot, but rather the bromance between the two protagonists, a crown prince and a duke. Their friendship & mutual trust led fans to ship them endlessly, with countless fanfiction stories ranging from dating to marriage or even incorporating omegaverse settings. One particular m-preg fanfic novel became extremely popular among fans, where the previously cold duke becomes pregnant. But the popularity of both the original comic and this novel caused everything to become unbalanced, until something strange happened - these works of fiction turn into real worlds that collided, creating an error that connected them together. In the world of the comic: Carlton from the fanfic world gazed up at his husband with longing eyes. "Husband..." He pouted, "Why don't you kiss me today?" Alaric from the comic world recoiled slightly and goosebumps broke out over his skin as he moved away. "Please don't come close to me..." He said tersely. Meanwhile, in another world: Alaric from the fanfic world, pulled his beloved Carlton into a warm embrace and peppered kisses on his cheeks. "Darling, are you mad at me?" Alaric asked affectionately. "It's okay, you're still cute." He leaned down to whisper into his ear before continuing. "But don't forget to comfort all our children, they think you're mad at them." Suddenly, seven children barged into the room and called out to their fathers. "Father, Daddy!" they exclaimed. Carlton's frozen expression spoke volumes about his state of mind as he tried to process what was happening. His murderous gaze fixed on Alaric as he muttered through gritted teeth. "Whose children do you say they are....?"
callciel_rin · 12.8K Views

The Mind-Read Heiress: From Impostor to Family Favorite

Wenyan read a book in which a cannon-fodder character sharing her name was a false heiress. After the true heiress assumed her position, the impostor tried to secure her place in the wealthy family by drugging the eldest son and making a done deal out of a cooked rice, only to be unmasked by the Shen Family and end up committing suicide in despair. Wenyan was furious to see such an ending. How could one not survive without the backing of a wealthy family? Hadn't the family provided her with a luxury house and countless luxury goods? Just selling those off would fetch tens of millions. She was just a hopeless case! If she were the Wenyan in the book, she would have relinquished her position and just lived laid-back like a salted fish! But when she woke up from her sleep, she actually transmigrated into the book. True to her word, she stopped scheming. Overnight she packed her bags, sold her house, car, and bags, and looked for a job. - The entire Shen Family noticed the change in Wenyan, their adopted daughter. Not only had she moved out obediently, but she also never caused any trouble again. Even more bizarre was that they could now see her innermost thoughts! 【Dad, Mom, I never wanted to usurp your nest, but the DNA test results of the true daughter have issues. In fact, she's even more fake than I, the bogus heiress.】 Shen Family parents: ...... Then the long-lost 'daughter' who had been found was exposed as an impostor and taken away by the police for questioning. 【Big brother, that schoolmate of yours is no good, he's a corporate spy, the illegitimate child of the Shen Family's archenemies.】 Shen Family's eldest son: ...... Afterwards, the schoolmate got caught stealing confidential documents and was also taken away by the police for questioning. 【Second brother, you are such a pure and noble person, you mustn't be with the Qin Family's daughter, she's just using you, her heart is actually set on someone else.】 Shen Family's second son: ...... Thank you, I'll look into it. 【And third brother, fourth brother......】 In the end, nobody could have predicted that the Shen Family's most undistinguished adopted daughter would become the pampered daughter-in-law.
Draw the sword with a smile · 2.3M Views

Demon Lord Detour

In a realm where magic and mayhem reign, the fearsome Demon Lord Grumblethor finds himself in the human world, utterly transformed into a comically peculiar figure. Tasked with solving a mischievous gnome problem, he stumbles into an unlikely alliance with a bumbling knight, Sir Percival, and an eloquent skeleton, Morty. Together, they unravel a series of absurd adventures filled with laughter, friendship, and surprising camaraderie. As they navigate through the chaos of both human and demon realms, Grumblethor and his newfound companions discover the power of positivity and the unexpected bonds that can form in the most peculiar circumstances. Their journey takes a twist when a disgruntled demon, Zorgon, joins their comical crew, leading to a series of hilarious confrontations and an unforeseen alliance. In the depths of the underworld, they encounter a realm that is in dire need of laughter, as mischievous imps wreak havoc with absurd pranks. The mismatched group of heroes and imps, with their peculiarities and quirks, introduce comedy to the darkest corners of the underworld, proving that humor can brighten even the gloomiest of places. "Demon Lord's Delight" is a comical and heartwarming tale of self-discovery, the unbreakable bonds of friendship, and the transformative power of laughter. With vivid visuals and rich humor, this story invites readers into a world where the unexpected is celebrated, and where even the darkest beings can find delight in the most unlikely of places.
ZeroPower · 6.4K Views

I Shall Become The Strongest Dragoness!

What if your fictional character became you? What if after you became your fictional character, you were thrown in a world where there is no civilization? ..What if said fictional character isnt as strong as you thought it was? Or what if it is even stronger? It was the year 2097, August 23th when it happened, a change happened. Every human that had a powerfull imagination became their fictional characters, while those that lacked creativity succumbed in the new world. After the change, every living being were transported to a mysterious place, a world where everyone need to adapt to survive, a world that is way bigger than their past home land, a world with unthinkable dangers and a universe that is even more so. You will be acompaning Emilia, someone who loved action packed fantasy stories, comics and drawing. Though of the hundreds of fictional characters she created, she didnt expected to become this one.. "Ugh, why have i becommed Chronos? She was just supposed to be a stepping stone! A classic boo-hoo evil dragon for the protagonist to kill!" "But this body is also way smaller than it should have been! I am barely 140 centimeters! Chronos was supposed to be mountain-sized!" "Agh! If it has come to this, i might aswell become the strongest! I will never allow myself to be eaten by mere ogres!" =-=-=-= Expect grammar mistakes B) Though this is not my first book im still new to this whole thing, so be patient yes? I try to atleast post 3 chaps a week Try.
Egg_Lover · 44.3K Views
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