The Ruthless Hidden
"In a city gripped by a series of mysterious murders, Detective Ahmad finds himself drawn into a complex web of Curiosity and suspicion. As he enquired and researched deeper into the investigation, all signs point to the mysterious artist, Whispering Abyss. Convinced that there's a connection between the murders and Whispering Abyss’s artistry, Ahmad becomes determined to uncover the truth, despite the artist's undeniable talent and fascination.
In the middle of his pursuit of justice, Ahmad crosses paths with Helena, a woman who becomes an unexpected ally in his journey. Together, they navigate the shadowy corners of the city, following leads and untangling the threads of a twisted mystery. But as their investigation progresses, Helena finds herself torn between her loyalty to Ahmad and her growing affection for Whispering Abyss.
As tensions rise and secrets unravel, Ahmad must confront the possibility that the truth may not be as clear-cut as he once believed. In a race against time, he must untangle the complexities of art, love, and deception to unmask the true identity of the killer before it's too late."