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Kevin Levin Omnitrix

Secret Spy

Being completely alone in a dark and forsaken world, with no family to turn to, no guidance to rely on, no care to comfort, no support to uplift, and no love to cherish, is a utterly terrible and absolutely awful existence. Lisa, a beautiful young lady, lives with her foster parents and siblings, trying her best to lead a normal life and suppress her extraordinary powers, which she longs to keep hidden from the world, fearing their discovery would only bring chaos and destruction. When Lisa was a little girl, she lost her parents in a tragic car accident. A huge truck collided with their vehicle, sending it plummeting into the water. With blood streaming down her face, she held her breath and struggled to free herself from the seatbelt, desperate to save her mom and dad before the car sank further into the ocean. The more she struggled, the more she felt her strength fading, until she finally lost consciousness. As she slipped away, the car continued to sink, taking her parents with it, leaving Lisa alone in the darkness. ★★★★ Kevin, a young orphan boy, had no family or friends to speak of, and had never experienced any kind of affection or love. As a result, he had built walls around his heart, shutting off his emotions completely. He dedicated himself solely to his work, using it as a distraction from the emptiness and loneliness that had become his life. His sole focus was on survival, and he allowed nothing to penetrate the armor he had built around himself. Welcome to Secret Spy – where every mission is a step closer to the truth. ★ This book is officially participating in the Webnovel Spirity Awards (WSA) 2025! ★ Join me, Lisa_Lucy, in this thrilling journey filled with action, suspense, and mystery! Support your favorite characters by adding this book to your library, sharing it with friends, and leaving comments! Your support will mean everything in this competition! Chapter Updates: ★ March – June: 3 to 5 updates per week! ★ After June: A mass release dedicated to your favorite characters and more surprises! ★Cover Art Disclaimer★ The cover of this book is not mine. It was created by an incredibly talented artist whose work deserves all the praise! Their creativity and unique artistry bring this story to life in ways I never could. Huge thanks to them for this amazing piece! Let’s embark on this adventure together!
Lisa_lucy · 934 Views

Mon Système de Mage (BL)

Il avait été le meilleur assassin de tous les temps dans son monde et lorsqu'il a été finalement tué, une déesse a saisi l'occasion pour envoyer son âme dans le corps d'un garçon dans un autre monde qui était faible pour le moment mais qui était destiné à devenir le mage le plus puissant de cet univers. Ce jeune garçon s'appelait Kevin et il a décidé de prendre son identité car il avait conservé ses souvenirs. La seule chose qu'ils avaient en commun, c'est qu'ils étaient tous les deux orphelins, mais Kevin avait un esprit faible et un corps faible, bref, tout ce qu'il détestait le plus. Après être entré avec succès dans la Secte du Soleil en tant que mage, il a réussi à ouvrir le livre que Kevin avait hérité de ses parents et qu'il avait été incapable d'ouvrir. Quelle ne fut pas sa surprise lorsqu'il se rendit compte que ce livre s'était transformé en un Système lui permettant de monter de niveau comme dans les jeux de réalité virtuelle auxquels il jouait dans son monde natal. Avec l'aide de ce Système, il réalisera son souhait, il deviendra l'humain le plus puissant de ce monde, pas même les métamorphes ou les démons ne pourront rien contre lui. ………… Kevin tourna la tête vers lui et, voyant qu'il était toujours nu, il dit en détournant à nouveau le regard : "Habille-toi d'abord, ensuite on parlera." Axel trouva des vêtements qui semblaient amples et les enfila tout de suite, il prit aussi une paire de dagues dont les lames étaient juste un peu plus courtes que ses avant-bras, et il s'approcha ensuite de Kevin pour l'enlacer par derrière. Kevin le laissait faire ce qu'il voulait, même si l'une de ses dagues était maintenant très proche de sa gorge, Axel lui dit à l'oreille : "Je veux te faire confiance Kevin, alors donne-moi une bonne raison de le faire." Kevin lui demanda alors : "Qu'est-ce que tu veux savoir ?" Axel soupira, menacer Kevin avec ses propres dagues ne lui serait d'aucune utilité et il risquait de briser le lien qu'ils étaient en train de créer. Il prit alors une décision et planta les deux dagues dans le sol devant eux, il passa ses mains sous le pull de Kevin et en cerna la taille, le pressant davantage contre lui. Kevin ne s'attendait pas à ce tournant des événements et il sentit son cœur battre plus vite. Les mains d'Axel étaient chaudes et il pouvait sentir sa grosse érection contre lui, une chose était sûre, c'est qu'il ne le laissait pas indifférent. …………. AVERTISSEMENT ceci n'est pas une romance à progression lente et c'est un roman BL R18 avec beaucoup de scènes épicées donc si vous aimez lire 100 chapitres avant que les personnages principaux ne s’embrassent pour la première fois, passez votre chemin, cette histoire n'est définitivement pas pour vous Autrement, suivez les aventures de nos deux héros, si vous aimez les mondes remplis de créatures mystérieuses, de magie, de combats, de donjons, d'un Système qui vous permet de monter de niveau rapidement, et d'une histoire d'amour unique et puissante alors cette histoire est pour vous. ……………. Si cette histoire vous plaît, essayez mes autres romans : Le Système du Mage Divin Le Phoenix Céleste et Son Gardien (BL) Réincarné pour sauver l'univers (GL/BL) Nouvelle mise à jour : Dimanche/Lundi/Mercredi/Vendredi/Samedi Profitez de votre temps de lecture et n'oubliez pas de voter, de commenter et de laisser une critique :)
CeliaNaya · 31.3K Views

My Mage System (BL)#

Er war in seiner Welt der beste Attentäter aller Zeiten gewesen, und als er schließlich getötet wurde, nutzte eine Göttin die Gelegenheit, seine Seele in den Körper eines Jungen in einer anderen Welt zu schicken, der im Moment noch schwach war, aber dazu bestimmt war, der mächtigste Magier dieser Welt zu werden. Dieser Junge hieß Kevin, und er beschloss, seine Identität anzunehmen, da er seine Erinnerungen behalten hatte. Das Einzige, was er mit ihm gemeinsam hatte, war, dass sie beide Waisen waren, aber Kevin hatte einen schwachen Geist und einen schwachen Körper, kurz gesagt, alles, was er am meisten hasste. Nachdem er erfolgreich als Magier in die Sonnensekte eingetreten war, gelang es ihm, das Buch zu öffnen, das Kevin von seinen Eltern geerbt hatte und das er nicht hatte öffnen können. Wie groß war seine Überraschung, als er feststellte, dass sich dieses Buch in ein System verwandelt hatte, mit dem er wie in den Virtual-Reality-Spielen, die er in seiner Heimatwelt zu spielen pflegte, aufsteigen konnte. Mit Hilfe dieses Systems wird er sich seinen Wunsch erfüllen, er wird der mächtigste Mensch dieser Welt werden, nicht einmal Gestaltwandler oder Dämonen werden ihm etwas anhaben können. ............ Kevin drehte seinen Kopf zu ihm und als er sah, dass er immer noch nackt war, sagte er, den Blick wieder abwendend: "Zieh dich erst an, dann reden wir." Axel fand ein paar Klamotten, die locker aussahen, und zog sie sofort an, er nahm auch ein Paar Dolche, deren Klingen nur etwas kürzer waren als seine Unterarme, und dann ging er auf Kevin zu und umarmte ihn von hinten. Kevin ließ ihn machen, was er wollte, obwohl einer der Dolche jetzt ganz nah an seiner Kehle war, sagte Axel zu ihm dicht an seinem Ohr: "Ich möchte dir vertrauen Kevin, also gib mir einen guten Grund dafür." Kevin fragte ihn daraufhin: "Was willst du wissen?" Axel seufzte, Kevin mit seinen eigenen Dolchen zu bedrohen, würde ihm nichts nützen, und er riskierte, das Band zu brechen, das sie gerade geknüpft hatten. Dann fasste er einen Entschluss und steckte die beiden Dolche vor ihnen in den Boden, fuhr mit seinen Händen unter Kevins Pullover und umkreiste mit ihnen seine Taille, um ihn noch mehr an sich zu drücken. Kevin hatte diese Wendung nicht erwartet und er spürte, wie sich sein Herzschlag beschleunigte. Axels Hände waren warm und er konnte seine riesige Erektion an ihm spüren, eines war sicher, er ließ ihn nicht gleichgültig. ............. WARNUNG, dies ist keine Slowburn-Romanze und es ist ein R18 BL-Roman mit vielen pikanten Szenen, wenn du also gerne 100 Kapitel liest, bevor mc und ml sich zum ersten Mal küssen, dann lass diese Geschichte aus, sie ist definitiv nichts für dich Ansonsten folgt den Abenteuern unserer beiden Helden, wenn ihr Welten voller mysteriöser Kreaturen, Magie, Kämpfe, Dungeons, ein System, das euch einen schnellen Levelaufstieg ermöglicht, und eine einzigartige und starke Liebesgeschichte liebt, dann ist diese Geschichte etwas für euch. ................ Wenn dir diese Geschichte gefällt, probiere doch mal meine anderen Romane aus: Das göttliche Magier-System Der himmlische Phönix und sein Wächter (BL) Reinkarniert, um das Universum zu retten (GL/BL) Neues Update: Sonntag/Montag/Mittwoch/Freitag/Samstag Viel Spaß beim Lesen und vergesst nicht abzustimmen, zu kommentieren und zu rezensieren :)
CeliaNaya · 20.6K Views

VELMORA : Perang Dibalik Bayangan

Helena Morgan, pewaris keluarga konglomerat terbesar di Velmora, hidup dalam dunia yang penuh dengan kekuasaan, pengkhianatan, dan darah. Keluarga Morgan bukan hanya pemimpin bisnis besar, tetapi juga bagian dari jaringan mafia internasional yang memiliki pengaruh sangat besar di kota ini dan dunia. Meskipun kehidupannya yang penuh kemewahan, Helena terperangkap dalam permainan berbahaya yang bukan ia pilih. Ayahnya, David Morgan, seorang tokoh yang sangat berpengaruh di Velmora, terlibat dalam konspirasi gelap yang menyentuh berbagai lapisan kekuasaan. Warisan keluarga yang seharusnya menjadi kebanggaan, justru membawa ancaman yang tak terelakkan. Ketika perselisihan besar mengguncang dunia bisnis keluarga, Helena terpaksa menghadapi kenyataan bahwa orang-orang terdekatnya tidak semuanya bisa dipercaya. Di tengah intrik yang semakin dalam, ia bertemu dengan Kevin, seorang pria dengan masa lalu rumit yang terhubung langsung dengan keluarganya. Keduanya, terikat dalam hubungan yang rumit, terperangkap dalam pertempuran mematikan yang melibatkan darah dan pengkhianatan keluarga. Musuh utama mereka, Ronald, kakak Kevin, dan tangan kanannya, Stuart, berusaha meraih kekuasaan dengan cara-cara brutal. Untuk bertahan hidup dan melindungi masa depan keluarganya, Helena dan Kevin harus berhadapan dengan konspirasi yang melibatkan bukan hanya kekuatan politik dan ekonomi, tetapi juga nilai-nilai yang telah lama teruji dalam keluarga mereka. Namun, seiring dengan penyelidikan yang semakin mendalam, mereka menyadari bahwa ancaman terbesar datang bukan hanya dari luar, tetapi juga dari orang-orang terdekat mereka.
Selena_Vyera · 235 Views

The one I cherish

Sam, the high school basketball captain, seems to have it all: talent, popularity, and ambition. But his pursuit of Rose, a sweet and innocent girl, takes a sharp turn when he dumps her at the end of his second year. Heartbroken, Rose becomes entangled in a series of unexpected relationships and life-changing events. When Daniel, a famous pop star, casually chats with Rose, the school erupts with rumors, leaving her overwhelmed. Seeking solace, Rose finds herself drawn to Kevin, the charming tennis star. Their connection deepens after a fateful kiss at Kevin's beach party, but it sets off a chain reaction of heartbreak and jealousy. Leah, the super-rich aristocrat with a secret love for Kevin, watches her world crumble as she witnesses the kiss. Just as Rose begins to move on, circumstances force her to reunite with Sam—only for her to collapse during a trip to Los Angeles. Kevin, abandoning everything in New York, rushes to her side and takes her to safety. As Rose slips into a coma, Kevin becomes her devoted caregiver, treating her as his wife in a bittersweet act of love and hope. Months later, Rose awakens on prom night, unaware of Kevin’s sacrifices. With her memory hazy, she resumes her engagement with Sam, who once again breaks her heart. Meanwhile, John, her childhood friend, resolves to win her love as they all enter college. Rose pursues a degree in music, with John and Kevin by her side. Kevin’s love for Rose remains steadfast, and when she finally remembers his unwavering support, they embark on a new chapter together. But the shadows of the past linger. Leah, devastated by her unrequited love, takes a tragic leap from the balcony, leaving Kevin, John, and Rose haunted by guilt. They return to New York, hoping to rebuild their lives, but Leah’s best friend seeks revenge, threatening to destroy everything they've built. As Rose becomes pregnant, a web of misunderstandings ensues, but Kevin’s joy shines through when the truth emerges: the child is his. With love as their anchor, Kevin and Rose grow their family, raising five children in a house filled with happiness. John and Sam, once rivals, find their place as cherished uncles, vowing to protect Rose and her children as part of their extended family.
Rose_love_4995 · 19.9K Views


A sickle lodged deep in his neck, cold steel biting through flesh. Voices murmured around him, debating his fate as blood poured in thick rivulets, staining the ground beneath him. His vision wavered, the world blurring at the edges. Fragments of memory surfaced, slipping through his grasp as darkness crept in. With faltering breath, he muttered a prayer. "Pitiful child," a voice crooned, its melody both soothing and unsettling. Then—screeching tires. A violent crash. From nowhere, a truck barreled through the alley, crushing him and his murderers beneath its weight. The world went silent. Kevin awoke. The question of where he was lingered in his mind, yet he could feel it. An eerie, suffocating void stretched around him, vast and oppressive. There was no warmth, no sound, only the weight of nothingness pressing down, as if his very soul could wither away. "Pitiful child," the voice whispered again, its presence weaving through the void. "Love evades you. Singled out, discarded, assumed to be nothing. No one would mourn your disappearance." A flicker of sadness crossed Kevin’s face. "But there is no redemption for you here either. You will serve as a tool for my adversary, fulfilling what I cannot. Your existence has granted me this moment, and in return, you will perish as you were always meant to. Your memories of this life and our encounter will fade" A hand emerged from the abyss, pale and grotesque, reaching for him. Kevin’s very being twisted. A sensation beyond pain, beyond fear—something worse. An unbearable pressure built inside him, warping his essence, as though he were unravelling, torn apart from within. Then came the rage. A lifetime of being used, manipulated, and discarded. Again and again, others had shaped his fate, moulding him to their will. Even now, even here, the cycle continued. No more. Through the agony, he roared. "I will not be what you want or what anyone wants. Even without my memories, I will hunt, I will devour, and I will carve my own path. It doesn’t matter if you are a god or the devil” The entity smiled. "I am no god. I am no devil. " Its voice echoed, a whisper and a thunderclap all at once. "I am A@#!@ro♧h!!"
Martin_Moorning · 3.2K Views

The burden of expectations

The Burden of Expectations – A Novel Introduction In the heart of Nigeria, where tradition and modernity often collide, two lives are set on a course neither of them could have foreseen. Zahra Muhammad Aliyu has always known her path. The last daughter of one of Kano’s wealthiest families, she has spent her life cloaked in discipline, dignity, and the quiet burden of expectation. Her mother, ever doting, whispers prayers of success into her ears, while her father, a man too busy building an empire to look back, assumes she will never falter. Medicine is her calling, and excellence is her duty. There is no room for distraction. No room for deviation. No room for someone like Kevin chidera Ikechukwu. Kevin is everything Zahra is not. A nursing student by choice and a Casanova by reputation, he walks through life with an ease she cannot understand. Where Zahra sees duty, he sees freedom. Where she clings to faith, he tests his own beliefs. He is Igbo, Christian, and reckless—three reasons she should never cross paths with him. But fate is not so easily dictated. When Zahra arrives at Lagos University of Nigeria, she steps into a world that challenges everything she knows. And when an infuriating encounter with Kevin marks the beginning of their story, she realizes that some battles are fought not with words but with the unspoken weight of expectation, pride, and something even more dangerous—curiosity. This is not a love story. Not yet. This is a story of identity, faith, ambition, and the unpredictable ways the heart defies reason. And it all begins the moment Zahra and Kevin meet.
Zia9300 · 324 Views

Quick Transmigration: Changing the Male Lead's Terrible Fate

On the fourth day of May, Kevin was murdered in his apartment. He has no enemies and no friends. His parents have their own families, and he lives alone in a 200 meter square apartment – in other words, he does not have anyone who bores hatred against him. But he died. And the police concluded his death was an act of revenge homicide. Kevin pondered who would kill him when he suddenly woke to unfamiliar surroundings. And it took a few minutes to be processed in his head… Why are the furnitures so big?! The bed's mattress is so wide it's like the whole floor uses it as a floormat! The window is so high Kevin felt he was inside a church with glass walls as high as a three-storey building! Even worse, the appearance of a flower vase at his side is as tall as him! What the hell is going on?! [Host, you now possess the identity of the Male Lead's precious cat!] Kevin: What did you say? [Current Mission Progress: 0%] [Host, please work hard and prevent the Male Lead's terrible fate!] Kevin: …… What nonsense?! I just died! ………………………. [Host, the villain is one step closer to harming the Male Lead's life! Please prevent them!] Kevin: …… [Host, a villain's lackey wants to kill the Male Lead! Please stop them!] Kevin: ….. [Host, the Male Lead incurred a huge loss because of the villain, please bring him home and pamper him well!] Kevin: …… [Host, the Male Lead is injured because of the villain! Please nurse him back to health!] Kevin: …… Am I the Male Lead's mom or a pet?! ______________________________________________________ Updates are on Wednesday and Thursday.
phoenixhyperion · 353.7K Views

Rise Of The Infinite Sovereign

Kevin Reed gained enlightenment at the brink of death, as he sees the one he pledged allegiance to, and some long-time comrades betray him. He closes his eyes one last time thinking, 'If only I had known' Yet against all odds, he finds himself back in time in the body of the fourth prince of the royal family of a soon-to-fall Empire. This is the story of a Knight who uses the machinations of an Empire to take his revenge on all those who betrayed him. A man who uses the knowledge of the future to get the best out of every situation. A man preparing for the coming of the Era of Prodigies and Disaster. But he would have to challenge adversity if he is to bring his ambitions to fruition. So come along on his journey filled with twists and turns, enemies and thorns. As we see the knowledge of the future is used at its best. But no one, not even Ezra, could've predicted just how much Chaos this single irregularity would cause. So join us to witness Ezra, as he rises from humble beginnings, well... maybe not so humble, to becoming a peerless existence. As he rises from the ashes to become a True Sovereign! This is the rise...of the Infinite Sovereign! Discord server: ------------------------------------ A/N: This book is written with a pace in relation to the events. It's written in a pace that neither slow enough to cause boredom nor fast enough to cause confusion. It's just right. In this novel, too much is always happening all at once. what do i mean? read to find out. And while this novel's title doesn't seem to have correlation to the story in the beginning. It was titled in regards to events in the long term. ----------------------------------------- WARNING!: Read at least five Chapters before drawing any conclusions ---------------------------------------------- Release Rate: 1ch/day.
VOID_ · 1.9M Views

Elegi Cinta Asha

Follow Instagram @sere_nity_lee untuk info novel terbaru Serenity Lee VOLUME 1 DAN 2 (Asha-Angga) Asha Haryanto, gadis tomboy yang manis, jago ilmu bela diri, namun kemampuan akademisnya hanya rata-rata. Tiba-tiba didekati Angga Darmanto, sang Bintang Kelas dan juga Primadona Sekolah. Selain tampan, kemampuan akademisnya juga di atas rata-rata. Segala cara Angga lakukan untuk menarik hati Asha. Ketika benih-benih cinta mulai tumbuh, Angga harus melanjutkan studinya di luar negeri. Angga pun berangkat ke Jerman, hingga tiga tahun kemudian mereka bertemu kembali. Dan Asha saat itu tengah berbadan dua, yang membuat Angga terkejut. Gadis pujaan hatinya ternyata telah menikah. Dengan kakak kelasnya yang bernama Bayu. Bagaimana akhir kisah mereka? Temukan jawabannya di dalam cerita ini ya. ==== VOLUME 3 (Keenan-Kanaya) Keenan Andriansyah (anak Asha-Bayu), jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama dengan seorang gadis di sekolahnya, Kanaya Zettira Putri Herlambang, ODHA. Bagaimanakah lika-liku percintaan mereka pada akhirnya? Ikuti terus kisah ini hingga akhir. ==== VOLUME 4 New Love Stories Ada kisah percintaan Keenan Ada kisah perjuangan cinta Kevin Ada kisah cinta Kayla dan juga Alisha Bagaimanakah lika-liku percintaan mereka pada akhirnya? Ikuti terus kisah ini hingga akhir. ===== MASUKKAN COLLECTION/TAP LOVE/ADD SEBELUM BACA. AGAR CERITA INI ADA DI DALAM DAFTAR BACAAN KAKAK DAN MENDAPAT NOTIFIKASI SAAT UPDATE BAB BARU ^^ DUKUNG TERUS CERITA INI YA KAK DENGAN MELEMPAR POWER STONE SI BATU BIRU UNTUK CERITA INI! — 1 POWER STONE NANTINYA KAKAK DAPAT 1 VOUCHER GRATIS LHO BUAT BUKA BUKU YANG TERKUNCI. JANGAN LUPA, REVIEW BINTANG 5 YA! MAMPIR JUGA KE CERITAKU YANG LAIN YA KAK: 1. Mendadak Menikah 2. ALISHA (PRETENDING) 3. Zarina the Abandoned CEO 4. Terpotek Cinta CEO Botak tapi Ganteng 5. Annethaxia Luo Putri Negeri Salju 6. Saat Kita Muda 7. Angela the Alpha's Mate TERIMA KASIH
Serenity_Lee · 280K Views

Dungeon Hunter: Morphmaster

[Note: This novel will no longer be posting any more chapters, but you can still read the existing content as it will be kept as a time capsule. just keep in mind there won’t be any further updates.] In a world transformed by dungeons and mutations, most people have gained extraordinary powers or unique racial traits. But a boy name Hugo Icelandra is different—he's a powerless human, lacking both abilities and the advantages of mutated races. With no strength to speak of, he’s overshadowed by his talented family and mocked by peers for daring to dream of becoming a Hunter. That all changes when Hugo’s father gifts him the Megatrix, an advanced device capable of transforming him into superior versions of other species. Armed with this revolutionary technology, Hugo takes his first step into the Hunter High Academy, determined to prove his worth. However, the path to greatness is fraught with peril. Hugo must survive deadly trials, face his old bullies, and earn the respect of his peers—all while learning to master the Megatrix and discovering his own inner strength. Along the way, he encounters an unlikely group of allies, including a silver-haired sharpshooter, a fiery dark elf, and a gravity-wielding half-dragon. Together, they’ll uncover secrets that could reshape the very foundations of their world. In a world where power defines status, Hugo’s journey is a testament that ingenuity, resilience, and hard work can surpass even the greatest natural gifts. ---- This novel is loosely inspired by the concept of shape-shifting tech and super-powered transformations, kind of like if Ben-10 went to a dungeon, got a makeover, and swapped the Omnitrix for a wrist gadget with some extra flair. Totally not a copy, just a fun twist on the idea!
Frost_Icelandra · 10.5K Views
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