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Suzume Essay

Schemes Of A Flower

Crown Prince Yun Chi chose as his consort the youngest daughter of the Hua Family, Hua Yan, and the news shattered the hearts of countless ladies in the Capital City. It was said: the Crown Prince could write poetry at three, compose essays at seven, debate with the greatest scholars at ten, shoot arrows with precision at twelve, oversee the examinations of all scholars at fifteen, and was regent by the time he was sixteen. He reached the pinnacle in letters, the extreme in martial arts, his looks were world-shaking, and his presence unrivaled. Hua Yan felt as though a gigantic pie had fallen from the sky, landing squarely on her head. From then on, was she to compete with the entire world for this man? -------------------- Yun Chi: Standing at the pinnacle of the Azure Clouds, he learned the art of balance, practiced the strategies of an emperor, envisioned the land and skies in his heart. Within the nine-layered royal palace, he could turn his hands to clouds and his palms to rain, holding sway over the court and the nation, trimming himself into a figure free from desire and henceforth unyielding. Hua Yan: She viewed herself as beneath the dust, with all her emotions and desires, disliking the Son of Heaven's court, preferring the ordinary alleys, treading on ten feet of soft red and experiencing all facets of life. She believed that nothing was better than green mountains and clear waters. "If you promise me a lifetime, I will accompany you for an eternity."
Xiziqing · 125.1K Views

Obsession du contrat du PDG

[Avertissement : Contenu Mature, R18+] [Terminé] [Rejoignez mon serveur Discord pour voir plus de photos d'Amy et Henry.] Elle est fauchée et a tout perdu, il ne lui reste rien d'autre que des dettes et des passifs. Il est riche et a tout, héritier d'une entreprise valant plusieurs milliards. Deux personnes différentes, rapprochées par leurs besoins ou est-ce le destin? **** Amelia Bell avait seulement 22 ans lorsque ses parents, son frère et sa belle-sœur sont morts dans un accident de voiture. Les enfants blessés de son frère sont maintenant sa responsabilité. Elle a vendu tout ce qu'elle possédait, elle est criblée de dettes et tout ce qu'elle peut faire maintenant, c'est pleurer à chaudes larmes. Et puis cela l'a frappée… la réponse à sa question... où trouvera-t-elle l'argent pour l'opération ? Bien… elle n'avait pas tout fait jusqu'ici, elle n'avait pas encore essayé de se vendre. C'était un geste désespéré mais elle n'avait d'autres solutions. Elle fut immédiatement tirée de ses pensées lorsque l'homme cria. "C'est insensé, ses qualités sont tout simplement impossibles… Maintenant, il me demande de lui trouver une pure et innocente cette fois... Même si elles signaient un contrat de 6 mois pour être à lui, ces femmes tombaient toujours amoureuses de lui même si elles savaient qu’après 6 mois, elles seraient évincées de sa vie... ... Je ne pourrai jamais trouver cette femme pure et innocente qu’il recherche, même si je leur offre 5 millions d'avance." Sans hésitation, Amy courut après l'homme, montant les escaliers aussi vite qu'elle le pouvait. "Excusez-moi, monsieur." "De quoi avez-vous besoin, mademoiselle? Je suis pressé." "Je veux le travail… Le contrat de 6 mois, je peux le faire." "Donc je suppose que vous avez aussi entendu que j'ai besoin d'une femme pure et innocente, même moi je ne sais pas ce que cela signifie." "Est-ce qu'une vierge compterait ? Je-Je suis vierge, peut-être que c'est ce que veut votre patron, n'est-ce pas ?" Amy affirma avec audace. Puis enfin le patron, Monsieur Welsh, lui fit face... Elle ne s'attendait pas à ce qu'il soit si jeune, presque de son âge. Elle imaginait un vieil homme ou quelqu'un pas aussi beau que lui. "Vous ne devriez pas arrêter de respirer, ange, c'est dangereux, vous pourriez vous évanouir. Qui sait ce que je vais faire de vous une fois que vous perdrez connaissance." Amy eut le souffle coupé, 'Mais qu'est-ce qui vient de m'arriver,' elle maudit intérieurement tout en fixant toujours l'homme devant lui. Il se pencha alors vers elle. "J'ai entendu dire que vous avez quelque chose pour moi. J'ai hâte de recevoir votre cadeau, mon ange. Je suis Henry." ******** La couverture du livre est générée par IA et éditée par l'auteur, merci de ne pas l'utiliser sans permission.
Shiroi_Nami · 62.5K Views

La légende oubliée de la fleur ensanglantée

``` « Vis la vie que tu souhaites cette fois. » Une assassine sans pareille, nom de code : Hua, a déjà commencé sa carrière depuis qu'elle était enfant. Son dossier de missions était parfait et quiconque était considéré comme son ennemi finissait mort sans savoir pourquoi. Lorsque la guerre prit fin, elle fut envoyée dans un établissement où elle était étroitement surveillée. Le médecin responsable lui donna un roman de wuxia ordinaire à lire. Une avalanche se déclencha après qu'elle eut fini de lire. À son réveil, elle était devenue Nan Hua, la jeune demoiselle d'une puissante famille militaire dans le roman qu'elle avait lu. La fille était également la fiancée de l'ancien personnage principal, qui mourrait à cause de son obstruction à l'amour du personnage principal. Maintenant qu'elle avait pris la place, qui oserait encore se comporter de manière si présomptueuse autour d'elle ? Ils ne sauraient jamais comment ils se retrouvaient si misérablement ! Mais… personnage principal, que fais-tu à rôder autour d'elle ? Ne devrais-tu pas te concentrer sur la guerre imminente et sauver ta protagoniste féminine ? Pourquoi essaies-tu par tous les moyens de la conquérir à la place, hein ? ... Histoire située dans un monde fictif avec une culture similaire à celle de la Chine ancienne. Rejoignez le discord pour discuter avec l'auteur et les autres lecteurs : ... P.S : Cette histoire est également publiée sur Amazon, si vous y lisez, merci de bien vouloir laisser un commentaire. Merci ^^ ... Suite : Fleur Astrale [en cours] ... Autres romans : - Les Fleurs Éclosent sur le Champ de Bataille [complet] - Sous le Voile de la Nuit [complet] - 7 Chemins des Lys [en longue pause] - 1 An de Commencement [complet] - La Dame Méchante [complet] - Science et Fantaisie [complet] - 2 Ans de Redémarrage [complet] - L'Impératrice Silencieuse [en cours] - Le Petit Chat du Méchant [en cours] ... Suivez-moi sur IG : @sora100518 ```
Sorahana · 114.4K Views

The Classified Confession

At Aldridge Academy, success isn’t an aspiration—it’s survival. In this elite, hyper-competitive school where ranking determines everything, students are reshuffled weekly, their futures dictated by a ruthless meritocracy. The top 20 enjoy unimaginable privileges: mentorships from industry leaders, access to classified research, guaranteed scholarships to the world’s best universities. The rest? They fight to stay afloat, knowing that one bad week could destroy everything. Liam Carter was built for this system. Rank 14. A scholarship prodigy. A perfect machine. With a mind sharper than any algorithm, he has calculated, optimized, and outperformed his way to the top. But when his flawless Ivy League applications are rejected, his entire world fractures. Now, his scholarship is on the line. The school’s administration has given him six months to secure admission to one of ten elite universities—or he loses everything. But Liam isn’t just up against a broken admissions process. Because when his best friend, Ethan Reyes—a wealthy underachiever sinking toward the bottom ranks—posts Liam’s personal statement on Reddit for feedback, it triggers something no one expected. The essay goes viral. Not because of inspirational storytelling—but because it contains something dangerous. A fragment of classified information. A half-forgotten piece of an experiment Liam doesn’t even remember being part of. And now, the wrong people are watching. The CIA believes he’s a leaked asset. A powerful tech cartel wants him recruited—or eliminated. And his biggest rival at school, Jasper Voss, Rank 9, knows Liam’s secret and is willing to use it against him. To survive, Liam must outthink everyone—weaponizing Aldridge’s brutal ranking system, manipulating the school’s elite, and uncovering the truth about his past. Because his rejection wasn’t just bad luck. Someone didn’t want him getting out. And if he fails now, Aldridge won’t just take his scholarship. It will erase him.
Irakarama_Laurent · 735 Views

La Sorcière Maudite du Diable

```` L'histoire d'un homme qui apporte la mort et d'une fille qui la nie. ---- Sur la montagne hantée dans le royaume, ils disent qu'il y avait une sorcière. Elle était née princesse. Mais même avant sa naissance, le prêtre l'avait déclarée maudite et avait exigé sa mort. Ils empoisonnèrent la mère pour tuer le bébé avant qu'elle n'accouche, mais le bébé naquit d'une mère morte — un enfant maudit. Encore et encore, ils ont essayé de tuer le bébé mais elle a miraculeusement survécu à chaque tentative. Abandonnant, ils la laissèrent sur la montagne hantée pour mourir mais elle survécut encore sur cette terre aride — Une sorcière ‘Pourquoi ne mourra-t-elle pas ?’ Des années plus tard, le peuple en eut finalement assez de la sorcière et décida de brûler la montagne. Mais le Diable arriva à son secours et la prit avec lui loin de cet endroit en flammes, car mourir n'était pas son destin même à ce moment-là. Draven Amaris. Le Dragon Noir, qui régnait sur les êtres surnaturels, le Diable que personne ne souhaitait croiser. Il haïssait les humains mais cette certaine fille humaine l'attirait vers elle chaque fois qu'elle était en danger. ‘Est-elle vraiment humaine?’ Il prit l'humaine avec lui et nomma cette fille étrangement tenace “Ember”, un morceau de charbon ardent dans un feu mourant. Une âme teintée de vengeance et des ténèbres de l'enfer, qui s'élèverait des cendres pour accomplir sa revanche. ------ Ceci est le deuxième livre de la série des Diables et des Sorcières. 1er livre - La fille de la Sorcière et le fils du Diable. 3ème livre- La Fiancée du Diable. Tous les livres sont liés les uns aux autres mais vous pouvez les lire indépendamment. ````
Mynovel20 · 83.9K Views

Lever de l'Alpha Obscur

[COMPLET - GAGNANT SILVER 8 000 $USD : Compétition Loup-garou 2022] Zev avançait vers elle, toute la beauté brutale et éclatante, menton baissé et ces yeux perçants incroyables fixés sur elle. Il ne s'arrêta qu'à un souffle d'elle et bloqua sa vue de tous les autres mâles du cercle. Ses yeux se baissèrent sur sa bouche tandis qu'il se penchait, son murmure jouant sur sa peau. « Tu. Es. À. Moi. » Sa voix profonde vibrait dans son ventre alors que les hurlements de la meute de loups s'élevaient derrière lui pour se répercuter à travers les montagnes de Thana, tandis que les autres Chimères contestaient sa revendication. Luttant contre l'envie de caresser son large torse nu avec ses mains tremblantes, Sasha se força à incliner la tête et à lever un sourcil. « Si audacieux pour un jeune loup qui vient de trouver ses crocs. » Les autres mâles rugirent de rire. Ignorant leurs railleries, les yeux de Zev pétillèrent et il se pencha encore plus près, la barbe naissante sur sa mâchoire la chatouillant alors qu'il souriait. « Si audacieuse pour une humaine qui connaît déjà le plaisir de souffler mon nom. » Elle frissonna lorsque ses dents effleurèrent son oreille. ***** Juste quelques jours après que Sasha se soit donnée à son amour d'enfance, il disparut. Cinq ans plus tard, dans une sombre rue de la ville, Zev revint - avec le danger à ses trousses. Zev est une Chimère : Moitié humain, moitié loup. Fabriqué dans un laboratoire de recherche sécurisé, son existence est un secret. Mais quand les hommes puissants qui l'ont créé tentent de tuer la seule femme qui ait jamais fait chanter son cœur, Zev rompt leur laisse et l'emmène dans le monde brutal et caché des clans Chimères. Déchirée entre l'attraction magnétique de son premier amour et la douloureuse trahison de sa disparition, Sasha essaie de garder Zev à distance. Mais lorsqu'ils atteignent cet univers mystérieux, Zev découvre qu'en son absence, les humains ont pris le contrôle et ont volé presque toutes les femelles. Les Chimères meurent - et Zev n'est plus l'Alpha. Maintenant, Zev doit combattre son propre peuple pour gagner le droit de s'accoupler avec son unique amour. Peut-il lui prouver que sa promesse de longue date de protéger son cœur, ainsi que son corps, était vraie ? Ou bien les humains traverseront-ils les mondes pour chasser le loup et séparer les amants pour toujours ? [Contenu mature, pas d'agression sexuelle] Image de couverture par Aenaluck et utilisée avec permission et droits d'auteur rémunérés. Découvrez plus d'art magnifique et soutenez l'artiste sur
AimeeLynn · 91.3K Views

Duc, ça fait mal...

Bienvenue dans le monde sophistiqué de l'élite, où Seraphina Alaric, une jeune fille délicate et fragile qui dépend toujours de médicaments pour aller mieux, essaie juste de souffler un peu avant que sa vie ne soit bouleversée par un mariage arrangé... Sérieusement, qui a envie d'être enchaîné quand on essaie encore de déterminer ce qu'on veut dans la vie? Lors d'un banquet fastueux, elle rencontre le mystérieux duc d'Everwyn. Et la partie la plus folle? Elle n'a aucune idée de qui est ce gars - elle pense juste qu'il s'agit d'un étranger mystérieux. Sortie de nulle part, se sentant aventureuse (et peut-être un peu téméraire), elle suggère une liaison secrète qui chamboule son monde entier. Dans cet instant caché, Seraphina plonge la tête la première dans ses désirs les plus fous. Mais coup de théâtre - il s'avère que l'homme avec qui elle vient de passer la nuit n'est autre que son futur mari. Oups! Tant pis pour l'étranger mystérieux - elle vient de passer la nuit avec son futur époux! "Duc, ça fait mal..." vous invite dans un tourbillon de découverte de soi, de romance torride et du doux chaos de l'amour quand on s'y attend le moins. Seraphina pourra-t-elle se libérer des chaînes de la société, ou se retrouvera-t-elle empêtrée dans la toile même qu'elle a tenté d'échapper? Rejoignez-la dans ce voyage palpitant, et découvrez comment l'amour peut être à la fois libérateur et compliqué. Ne manquez pas ça - votre prochaine obsession n'est qu'à une page de distance!

Trials of Trancending

In the remote corner of the World, humanity’s unchecked ambition for a unlimited energy source inadvertently sparks the evolution of the Universe itself. In doing so, they unleash an apocalyptic upheaval—an onslaught of otherworldly catastrophes that threaten civilization’s survival. But this cosmic shift also births a powerful [Universe Core], a newly formed nexus that bestows rewards on those who contributed, knowingly or unknowingly, to its creation. Chris Lunarborn, a down-to-earth engineering student, is like everyone receive such a gift: the rare, not unique, [Engineer] class. At first, he questions how problem-solving and technical know-how can help in a world overrun by evolving animals, collapsing cities, and rampaging supernatural energy that forcing everyone to either evolve or transform them into monsters. Yet as the apocalypse deepens, Chris discovers that crafting defenses, salvaging technology, and building new settlements might just be the key to keeping loved ones safe—and forging a brighter future in the chaos. With his family scattered across the ruins of a world turned hostile, Chris embarks on a perilous journey. He must navigate treacherous wastelands, form alliances with fellow survivors, and harness the powers of his rare class to rebuild from the ashes. As Chris learns to push his [Engineer] class to unimaginable heights, he begins to see a path not just for survival, but for kingdom-building—a chance to create sanctuaries amid the devastation. But danger looms around every corner, and the evolving Universe has its own designs for humanity’s next chapter. Will Chris Lunarborn’s technical ingenuity, backed by the blessings of a transcended Universe, be enough to save his family and carve out a new civilization? Or will the relentless apocalypse consume them all, leaving only ruins behind? Find out in Trial of Transcending, an epic saga of survival, invention, and the rebirth of hope in a cosmos on the brink of cosmic rebirth. |--------| Author's note:- Hello guys, I would like to inform you that i am a newbie writer with experience of writing essays in exam. so please cope with my mistake if you find any of them and please support me to let me know that my story is compelling to you |--------| Disclaimer This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either originate from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), events, or locales is purely coincidental. The views and opinions expressed by characters are not necessarily those of the author. This story may contain scenes of violence, strong language, or other mature themes. Reader discretion is advised. All rights to the story and its contents, including but not limited to text, artwork, and world-building elements, belong to the author. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or modification of this work in any form is prohibited without the author’s explicit permission. By continuing to read this web novel, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to this disclaimer. Thank you for your support and enjoy the story!
Peter_Parker_8076 · 1.2K Views

The genealogy of morals

On the Genealogy of Morality: A Polemic (Genealogy of Morals) is an 1887 book by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It consists of a preface and three interrelated essays that expand and follow through on concepts Nietzsche sketched out in Beyond Good and Evil (1886). The three trace episodes in the evolution of moral concepts with a view to confronting "moral prejudices", specifically those of Christianity and Judaism. Some Nietzsche scholars consider Genealogy to be a work of sustained brilliance and power as well as his masterpiece. Since its publication, it has influenced many authors and philosophers. In the "First Treatise", Nietzsche demonstrates that the two opposite pairs "good/evil" and "good/bad" have very different origins, and that the word "good" itself came to represent two opposed meanings. In the "good/bad" distinction, "good" is synonymous with nobility and everything which is powerful and life-asserting; in the "good/evil" distinction, which Nietzsche calls "slave morality", the meaning of "good" is made the antithesis of the original aristocratic "good", which itself is re-labelled "evil". This inversion of values develops out of the resentment of the powerful by the weak. In the "Second Treatise" Nietzsche advances his thesis that the origin of the institution of punishment is in a straightforward (pre-moral) creditor/debtor relationship. Man relies on the apparatus of forgetfulness in order not to become bogged down in the past. This forgetfulness is, according to Nietzsche, an active "faculty of repression", not mere inertia or absentmindedness. Man needs to develop an active faculty to work in opposition to this, so promises necessary for exercising control over the future can be made: this is memory. Nietzsche's purpose in the "Third Treatise" is "to bring to light, not what ideal has done, but simply what it means; what it indicates; what lies hidden behind it, beneath it, in it; of what it is the provisional, indistinct expression, overlaid with question marks and misunderstandings" (§23). As Nietzsche tells us in the Preface, the Third Treatise is a commentary on the aphorism prefixed to it. Textual studies have shown that this aphorism consists of §1 of the Treatise (not the epigraph to the Treatise, which is a quotation from Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra). This opening aphorism confronts us with the multiplicity of meanings that the ascetic ideal has for different groups: (a) artists, (b) philosophers, (c) women, (d) physiological casualties, (e) priests, and (f) saints. The ascetic ideal, we may thus surmise, means very little in itself, other than as a compensation for humanity's need to have some goal or other. As Nietzsche puts it, man "will rather will nothingness than not will".
Davidplays_5397 · 6.6K Views

Time and Massless Particles

In Time and Massless Particles: The Nature of Time in Physics, readers embark on a transformative journey through the most profound questions at the heart of modern physics. This comprehensive work seamlessly weaves together the fundamental principles of time—from its classical roots and relativistic evolution to its quantum and cosmological dimensions—with an in-depth exploration of massless particles, the elusive carriers of nature’s fundamental forces. Beginning with an insightful analysis of the nature of time itself and the groundbreaking discoveries that redefined its role in physics, the book guides you through the captivating world of massless particles and their central role in shaping our understanding of light and energy. Delve into the intricacies of special relativity as it bridges time and light, and discover how photons serve as the archetype for massless particles in both theory and technology. Moving beyond the familiar, the narrative unfolds into the quantum realm, where the fabric of time is examined through the lens of quantum mechanics and field theory. Explore the vast cosmos as modern cosmology reveals the interplay between time, light, and the Universe, and then venture into advanced theoretical perspectives that challenge established paradigms—from symmetry principles and CPT invariance to the bold quest for quantum gravity. Blurring the lines between science and philosophy, the book concludes with reflective essays on the philosophical implications of time and existence, and it casts a visionary look at future directions and open questions that promise to reshape our understanding of reality. An analysis of influential references and their impact in theoretical physics further anchors the work in a rich academic tradition, making it an essential resource for researchers and students alike. Time and Massless Particles is a bold, interdisciplinary exploration that not only charts the evolution of our understanding of time but also illuminates the intricate connections between theory, experiment, and the very nature of existence. Whether you are a seasoned physicist or an inquisitive scholar, this book offers a compelling glimpse into the dynamic frontier of modern science.
Andrew_Bardsley · 27.6K Views

Wondering about my life

Chen is a senior high school student who is now 17 years old. Ever since his mother died of breast cancer, life has been one storm after another. His father works abroad, sending money for Chen's schooling, but every day, he feels farther and farther away from his son. Chen cannot focus in class and is haunted by loneliness, guilt, and pressure to succeed for his family's sake. One day, Chen's English teacher, Ms. Alina, assigns him a reflective essay because he seems to be slipping. Reluctantly, Chen sits down and writes from his heart onto the paper. Through this piece of writing, he relates to Jia, a classmate who turns out to be very compassionate while sharing her experience of having lost one of her parents. Her friend leans on her for support. Meanwhile, there is Chen's childhood friend Miguel, who continues to pull Chen out of his shell, remembering their shared dreams. Luna is the spirited school athlete who promotes Chen to become a member of the running club, and suddenly he finds this endurance sport thrilling. Mr. Tan, this wise school counselor, guides him through his anguish. As Chen starts to heal, he is reunited with his dad through heartfelt video calls. He comes to realize that they both carry the same pain. With support from friends like Sophia, Rafi, Elena, Kai, Maya, Dante, Zara, and Leo, Chen eventually learns that strength lies within vulnerability. At the end of the year, Chen gives a great valediction speech before honoring his mother's memory and embracing a hope of a brighter tomorrow at the school's end.

God’s Judgement

A sickly boy meets an untimely end, dying alone and cold. As he stares up at the moon, his final wish is to help the protagonist of his favorite novel find a happier ending. Miraculously, his wish is granted, and he’s reborn with the chance to change the fate of the world he once adored. But will everything unfold according to plan, or will he have to adapt his strategy to navigate a path filled with unexpected twists? Trigger Warnings: This novel contains themes that may not be suitable for younger readers, including but not limited to violence, descriptive gore, profanity, and mature content. Reader discretion is advised. Note from the Author: This is a passion project that I started years ago on a whim, without much experience in writing outside of essays. Please bear with me as the story may contain errors—typos, awkward phrasing, and occasionally confusing or overcomplicated descriptions. I am continuously editing and improving older chapters, but corrections may take time. Some chapters might be deleted or revised if I feel they no longer serve the overall narrative. Genres & Tags: Genres: Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Romance School-Life War Sub-tags: Reincarnation Handsome Protagonist Genius Protagonist Weak-to-Strong Strong-to-Stronger Leveling System Gods, Demons, Elves, Hybrids Magic, Mana Undercover Protagonist Tragedy Harem Unrequited Love Nobility, Companions BL/Possibly BL Content Warning: This story may contain profanity, suggestive content, and graphic violence. Please proceed with caution, as the themes may be intense or disturbing for some readers. Why You Should Read: If you’re a fan of epic fantasy adventures, character growth, and unexpected twists, this story will take you on a rollercoaster ride through thrilling battles, deep emotions, and complex relationships. Follow a protagonist determined to rewrite his fate, protect his loved ones, and carve his own path in a world of gods and monsters. But beware—nothing is ever as simple as it seems, and the journey ahead will be anything but predictable.
AuthourClevvy · 6.6K Views

Former Protagonist:The Ghost Of The Past

"a story that tells about the journey of an ordinary young man who aspires to become a protagonist in the story of the modern world" Akira Mizuki, a young man from the real world just like us with an introverted personality who likes to read comic books every day which inspires him to keep dreaming about himself who will one day become the protagonist in everyone's story he always hoped and thought that he was the one destined to become a protagonist who was always given an advantage in terms of wealth, power and a harem with many beautiful women, but his big dream slowly crumbled as he grew into adulthood he grew up in an irregular way of life due to his hobbies which were considered childish by all the people living in his neighborhood but all that was broken when a strange incident happened to him one night one night he was forced to transmigrate to another world which he considered to be the world of fantasy creatures such as elves, orc fairies and humans. all of that, made him feel very happy because his dream of becoming a protagonist in the world was about to come true but will his journey in the fantasy world be easier like the fantasy stories in the isekai manga where he gets everything? or lose all? follow the journey of Akira, the dreamer in that world, in fighting his cursed destiny and unraveling the mystery behind his existence in that fantasy world [all pictures are for character illustration purposes only and all storylines are essays from the ideas of the author of this book, not from the ideas of other authors ] this book is inspired by the lifestyle of webnovel readers and if these readers are transferred to another world by force and most likely what they do, whether loyalty, evil or lust "Give us back our future!" [Schedule:2/1 Chapters on random 2 days in week because of work] enjoy and thank you
Autum_Rain_Guy07 · 139.5K Views
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