Green Wizard
"Grimm the Wizard" tells the story of the growth and adventure of the young wizard Grimm. Unlike the traditional magic world, Grimm relies on rational reasoning and scientific experiments to explore the mysteries of witchcraft. He not only understands the principles of magic through "pseudoscience", but also combines modern sciences such as physics and chemistry to create a unique witchcraft system. In different foreign worlds, Grimm participated in wars between multiple civilizations, and each time he resolved the crisis through reasoning and experimentation, and gradually became a powerful wizard. There are constant cool points in the story. Grimm constantly breaks through his own witchcraft limits, and finally uncovers the scientific laws behind witchcraft, changing the pattern of the whole world. The novel is full of profound explorations of knowledge and wisdom, combining witchcraft and science, and presents readers with a fantasy adventure full of innovation and suspense.