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A Esposa do Rei é a Companheira do Alfa

``` 1º LUGAR / VENCEDOR DE OURO NA COMPETIÇÃO DE ESCRITA DE LOBISOMENS DA WEBNOVEL 2022 "Você é minha companheira..." Leland disse com uma voz rouca. "Você não sabe o que eu estou fazendo?" Ele a olhou com um brilho nos olhos, e naquele exato momento, Sophie pensou que poderia entendê-lo. Ela podia sentir suas emoções transbordando. Era isso que queriam dizer com o laço de companheiros? Ela podia sentir tanto desejo envolvendo Leland e ela simplesmente sabia o que ele queria. Ele a queria. Queria devorar seu corpo e marcá-la com suas mordidas de amor, queria que ela gritasse seu nome uma, e outra, e outra vez. Queria possuí-la e fazer amor com ela como se não houvesse amanhã. O homem subiu na cama e a beijou novamente. Cobria-a de beijos, das bochechas aos lábios, e depois passou para a clavícula. Logo, ela estava gemendo suavemente por causa da estimulação. Os sons que escapavam dos lábios dela soavam tão sexy em seus ouvidos e o excitavam terrivelmente. Se Leland não tivesse um autocontrole melhor, já teria rasgado as roupas de ambos e a penetrado imediatamente. No entanto, ele se conteve e tentou permanecer gentil. Esta era apenas a primeira noite deles juntos como marido e mulher de verdade. Esta noite, ele finalmente poderia dar a ela tanto prazer que ela iria querê-lo em sua cama todas as noites. O sexo que tiveram da última vez foi uma obrigação. Foi seco e ele fez apenas o mínimo necessário. Mas desta vez... ele iria devorar o corpo dela e fazer amor com ela de maneiras que apenas a sua luna merecia. Sua resistência era de primeira linha e ele poderia satisfazê-la a noite toda. ___________________ SINOPSE: O Rei, ou o Alfa? Quando ela pula os muros da academia para escapar de seus intimidadores, Sophie cai direto nos braços de Nicholas, o príncipe herdeiro do reino com uma disposição doce e ensolarada. Faíscas voam e o amor floresce entre a pobre órfã e o príncipe. Mas... de repente, Leland, o perigoso novo alfa da matilha de lobisomens mais poderosa do reino reivindicou-a como sua companheira?! Sophie está dividida entre dois homens. Um a chama de esposa, o outro a reivindica como sua companheira. O príncipe é caloroso e doce, seu amor é ardente como o sol. O alfa é frio e dominador, seu amor é tão pesado quanto a montanha e tão frio quanto o inverno. Com quem Sophie acabará quando ambos os lados travam guerra por sangue, ódio e vingança? Leland incendiaria o reino inteiro apenas para ter Sophie e vingar sua raça. Por outro lado, o recém-corado rei, Nicholas, luta para expulsar os lobisomens que o reino considerava monstros... enquanto mantém um segredo sombrio dentro de si — Ele também é um lobisomem. __________________ Nota: Este livro é um harém reverso, o que significa que a protagonista feminina acabará com vários protagonistas masculinos. A capa é minha, por Arkans LER MEUS OUTROS LIVROS? * The Alchemists - COMPLETO * The Prince Who Cannot Fall In Love - COMPLETO * Till Death Do Us Part - COMPLETO * O Príncipe Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO * O Rei Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO * Encontrando Stardust - COMPLETO ```
Missrealitybites · 13K Views

Esposa Amada do Bilionário

A primeira vez que se encontraram, ela invadiu o quarto dele bem quando ele tinha acabado de sair do banho. Calmamente enfrentou o olhar perigoso dele e provocou ousadamente, “E aí, gato, belo corpo~” A segunda vez que se encontraram foi em um banquete extravagante. Ela tinha sido encantadora e exuberante. Logo após torturar alguém, ela se inclinou em direção a ele e perguntou de maneira coquete, “Ouvi dizer que você tem me chamado de sua namorada e me usando como escudo. Então, pode ajudar uma ferramenta como eu?” Desde então, Mestre Qin ganhou em casa um pequeno monstro caótico que o irritava todo dia. Todos diziam que a verdadeira filha da família An não se comparava à falsa filha porque foi criada como uma caipira. Ela nem se comparava ao cabelo da falsa filha. Ah, mas todos receberam um tapa na cara, junto com a filha falsa. Eles foram até torturados até que se sentissem nauseados. Depois, diziam que mesmo que a verdadeira filha se comparasse à falsa, ela ainda era apenas uma filha abandonada que não era amada pelos pais e não tinha poder, que ela não valia o Mestre Qin. Sem que eles soubessem, quando os pais dela perceberam isso, eles e seus quatro irmãos estavam implorando para que ela voltasse para casa. Até que um dia, a verdadeira filha anunciou que estava se retirando de cena para cuidar do marido e dos filhos. Naquele momento, inúmeros magnatas e magnatas lamentaram, implorando para que ela ficasse... A pequena monstra selvagem, audaciosa e encantadora VS o CEO abstêmio, protetor e flertador
Jun An'an · 58.7K Views


``` VOLUME 1: CONCLUÍDO Link oficial do trailer do romance abaixo: 1. Link do Instagram: 2. Link do Youtube: AVISO: Uma jornada de amor e ódio como uma montanha-russa e uma história comovente repleta de mistérios. Dylan Sterling, o mais jovem e impiedoso CEO do Grupo Sterling, possuía poderes especiais que superavam o Grupo. Dinheiro, fama e inteligência eram claras evidências de seu status na sociedade a que pertencia. Seu talento excepcional tinha um propósito oculto, e o MUNDO SOMBRIO que ele comandava era cruel. Ele não mostrava misericórdia a todos que bloqueavam seu caminho e devorava aqueles que tentavam se opor a ele. Savannah Schultz - 21 anos, órfã que se tornou modelo, estava noiva para se casar com Devin apenas para ganhar apoio para o negócio da família que seu pai construiu por muitos anos. Depois ela decaiu após a morte de seu pai. E seu tio Dalton Schultz a adotou para pegar tudo que ela tinha, incluindo a ajuda de Devin. Devin a vendeu como uma escrava para seu tio Dylan - para tramar contra o homem notório por capital adicional para injetar em sua empresa. Dylan a consumiu como uma caixa de chocolates e a tratou como um chip de barganha. Ela se sentiu desequilibrada e caindo em um abismo profundo. Raiva, tristeza, constrangimento – incharam dentro dela e ameaçaram arruinar sua vida. Para se salvar da humilhação, ele planejou perfeitamente tomar ela como sua esposa nominal e prometeu ajudá-la a terminar o noivado e apoiar o negócio da família. Desamparada e humilhada, ela aceitou sua barganha. Ela começou a se fortalecer diante daqueles intimidadores, mas ainda era fraca quando se tratava dele. Eles moravam juntos, mas tratavam um ao outro como estranhos. Ele não tinha planos de se apaixonar por ela, pois alguém já ocupava seu coração há alguns anos. Então, a situação mudou quando ele descobriu quem ela realmente era! Mas o mundo sombrio que ele comandava ameaçava destruí-los. Mistério, engano e vingança os impulsionaram a se erguerem juntos. Capa criada por Weilan Quer saber mais sobre a história, siga-me no Instagram: annashannellin ```
AnnaShannel_Lin · 29.9K Views


``` Uma corrida noturna mudou a vida de Aila para sempre após ser envolvida em uma batalha entre lobisomens e caçadores. Ela é subitamente sequestrada pelos ditos caçadores e descobre segredos sobre seu passado e seu futuro enquanto embarca em uma jornada para descobrir quem ou o que ela realmente é. Problemas surgem um após o outro quando ela finalmente escapa do alcance dos caçadores, apenas para ser acolhida pelo feroz Alfa da Matilha Crescente de Prata. Ao contrário da maioria que o teme, Aila desafia sua autoridade a cada passo do caminho à medida que aprende mais sobre si mesma e sobre o dominante e possessivo Alfa que tenta reivindicá-la. Será que cabeças vão colidir em uma batalha de vontades, ou eles podem trabalhar juntos e ajudar a manter o mundo oculto das criaturas seguro dos caçadores? Junte-se a Aila em sua jornada de redescobrimento, amor, ria e chore junto com ela neste romance repleto de ação e cenas quentes. ----- Vencedora do Tier de Ouro no Concurso de Prompt de Escrita #161 - Metamorfos. ------ *** ESPIADA *** [ CONTEÚDO MADURO ] "Olhos pra cá, Aila." Ele ríspido; sua voz dura fez com que ela olhasse em seus olhos, e ela foi imediatamente capturada por seu olhar gélido. Ela não conseguiu desviar o olhar do dele enquanto ele se aproximava dela, seus movimentos lentos como se estivesse pronto para saltar sobre ela, sua presa. Sem pensar, ela se levantou da posição em que estava, pronta para correr, mas ele a agarrou e prendeu suas mãos contra a cama. Ele moveu seu joelho para frente, separando as pernas dela que resistiram apenas por um segundo antes de permitir a entrada do seu joelho. Ele empurrou lentamente para o espaço entre as coxas dela, fazendo-a ofegar com o contato súbito. "Você gosta de me desobedecer, Aila?" Ele rosnou; Aila ficou confusa por um momento até se lembrar de como facilmente ela desafiava suas ordens. Ele ainda estava realmente bravo desde mais cedo? Mas quando ela procurou em seu rosto por uma resposta, logo encontrou. Ele estava definitivamente irritado desde mais cedo. "Para ser bem honesta, eu gosto. Te coloca no seu lugar," Aila sorriu ironicamente ao encontrar seus olhos ardentes. Ele abaixou seu rosto para perto do dela, a pressão do seu joelho entre as pernas dela aumentou, fazendo-a morder o lábio inferior. "Resposta errada," Ele rosnou antes de morder seu lábio afastando-o dos dentes. ----- *AVISO* CONTEÚDO MADURO: Violência Gráfica Linguagem Forte Conteúdo Sexual Abuso -- 【Volume 1: Completo】 【Volume 2: Completo】 【Volume 3: EM BREVE - Agosto de 2024. #InimigosParaAmantes #QuímicaForte #ToqueNelaEVoceMorre 】 -- Se você está gostando da história, por favor vote com uma pedra do poder, deixe comentários e uma resenha! -- Imagem da Capa: Encomendada por @if._art Meu Instagram: @kelly_starrz Meu novo servidor no discord: ```
Kelly_Starrz · 8.1K Views

Desvios da Carne

Lucas, um escritor em crise criativa, busca uma história ousada para reavivar sua carreira. Desafiado por um amigo, ele se aventura no submundo da prostituição masculina e se depara com Miguel, um jovem sedutor e enigmático. O que começa como uma simples pesquisa para um livro logo se transforma em uma obsessão perigosa, onde desejo, manipulação e mistério se entrelaçam de maneira assustadora. Enquanto Lucas se entrega aos encantos de Miguel, ele se vê envolvido em um jogo de poder e segredos obscuros. A cada encontro, a linha entre ficção e realidade se desfaz, e Lucas descobre que a vida de Miguel está longe de ser simples. Entre traições, desaparecimentos e ameaças, Lucas luta para entender os limites de sua atração e as consequências de suas escolhas. À medida que a verdade sobre Miguel e seu envolvimento em uma rede de prostituição e chantagem vem à tona, Lucas é forçado a confrontar a difícil decisão entre salvar Miguel ou entregá-lo à polícia. O romance, que mescla paixão e violência, desafia não apenas os personagens, mas também o próprio conceito de moralidade, deixando Lucas com a dúvida inquietante sobre o que é real e o que é ficção. No final, ele encontra um vazio inexplicável, sabendo que Miguel, de alguma forma, nunca o deixou de verdade. Desvios da Carne é um thriller psicológico onde o desejo, o medo e o sacrifício se encontram nas sombras da carne, levando o leitor a questionar até onde pode ir o preço da verdade.
Lioran_Zatron · 186 Views

Primordial Bloodlord: Ascensão do Primeiro Vampiro

Lucas Mendes era um jovem comum com uma vida comum... até o momento de sua morte. Após ser atropelado em sua cidade natal, ele acorda em um mundo completamente diferente, repleto de dragões, elfos, titãs e outras criaturas fantásticas. Mas Lucas não renasce como um humano. Ele se torna algo único, algo que o mundo jamais viu: um **Vampiro Primordial**, a primeira criatura de sua espécie em um universo onde a palavra "vampiro" sequer existe. Com poderes desconhecidos e uma fome insaciável, ele descobre que sua existência está atrelada a um misterioso **Sistema de Ascensão Vampírica**, que o guia em sua jornada para evoluir, caçar e dominar. Enquanto Lucas explora este mundo cheio de magia e intrigas, ele logo percebe que ser único tem seu preço. Governantes temem o desconhecido, e os poderosos seres que habitam o mundo o veem como uma ameaça ou como um prêmio a ser conquistado. Com a capacidade de evoluir ao consumir o sangue de suas vítimas e adquirir habilidades através de seus pontos de sangue, Lucas precisa enfrentar monstros, superar guerras e desvendar os mistérios de sua nova existência. Ele será um predador implacável, mas também um símbolo de poder e terror. Lucas terá que decidir se usará sua força para proteger, conquistar ou destruir este mundo que agora chama de lar. Prepare-se para uma jornada sombria de ascensão, onde o primeiro vampiro deve escrever seu próprio legado e decidir quem merece viver sob sua sombra.
noctarion_Sangrath · 431 Views

The Lycan Gifted Slave

Poor Lucy Wood never foresaw things getting this dire. She was borne by a slave woman who died after giving birth to her and treated as a slave by her step mother and sister. Shunned and rejected by Alpha Thorne-her fated mate-she is all but shattered in her lonely misery. Yet, the fates can be hilariously sadistic. Not even six months into her abandonment, Lucy finds herself in the custody of the most feared Lycan King, Tristan Landon. Fearsome, with a reputation to make even the bravest cower, Tristan rules with an iron fist, his law extending over the whole realm of the werewolves. Still, beneath the commanding and intimidating exterior, Lucy feels that there must be something far more complicated about Tristan-some dangerous allure, perhaps even a spark of something more than dominance. Thrown into the world of royal politics, ancient bloodlines, and dangerous plots, Lucy's life does another flip when Tristan declares her his future Luna. His impulsive move rattles the very core of the kingdom, further enraging Zara-a cunning she-wolf who laid claim to the position of Luna. Jealousy knows no bounds, and with Lucy's former mate, Alpha Thorne, they become a force to be reckoned with. They both join in an attempt to destroy everything she has ever loved. While trying to learn the ropes of her new position, Lucy learns some shocking truths about her lineage: deep inside her lies a power unlike any other-the power of the Lamia pack, a lineage of Alphas forgotten by time, whose powers can alter the very fate of all werewolf packs. But as Spiderman knows, with great power comes great danger, and soon Lucy's strength will be both blessing and curse. Smitten by his growing feelings for Lucy and his need to control the powerful forces surrounding him, Tristan must ultimately decide if their bond is worth the risk of his kingdom. But when Alpha Thorne kidnaps Lucy's child, an ancient prophecy is illuminated-one that speaks of a great reckoning, one where the future of the packs hangs in the balance of Lucy's talents. Amongst betrayals lurking at every turn and old and new enemies threatening her at every pass, Lucy must make her way through a maze of deceit, love, and power. Now, will she be able to find her trust in Tristan and become the Luna their world needs, or will the darkness within tear them apart for good? This is a thrilling tale of love, power, and betrayal. Lucy must rise above the shadows to claim her own fate before it is too late.
Sterling_Omodiya · 7.2K Views

Rise of Yahunyens: Origin

DON'T READ IT. SOMEDAY WATCH IT. "I Am... The Revolution!", Born God Griswa Skaar, the last of the Skaar Gods, lost his memories as he struck the planet of Aeartha. Later he met allies and observed the cruel events of this world. As the 'God of Revolution/Jilhadid Mackenadock', he won't just free the world from the Yahunyens after 185,000 years of their rule, but the entire Omniverse from Greater God 'Brighter Dark'. This is not a struggle for supremacy. Supremacy itself is a struggle here. While every other story is dealing with weak to strong, this story explores the struggles of being too powerful, yet trying to adjust and control it. But even with too much power you need to cultivate, cultivate differently, using your powers with limits and cultivation of not trying to be stronger but to control your power, because even if you have everything, there is a chance you'll have left nothing (Only MC), if any apocalypse dawns on the worlds because of those powers. Being too overpowered, boon or a curse? Rages are on... Welcome to this 'Cinematically Written' Webnovel. Note: Yes AI has been used here, but ideas, concept, characters, scenes, arrangement, world building, story development, direction, dialogues, plot, action, everything is mine. This is a Human x AI masterpiece for the future. I'll admit, I am not a good writer, but I am a good dreamer and visualizer, so please bear the AI writing (Its's not even complete AI writing, it's just improving the raw writing of mine to a better level) because the story is really good. Its just that I am much more of a cinematographer, director, actor than a professional writer or manga artist, and I am not good at non-dialogue writing for depth and intensity of a scene, I can visualize the intensity, but I cannot present it with uttermost perfect word usage. I just want to bring forth my story and ideas but can't make any films or anime coz I got no money, so I started this Webnovel being passionate about this story. This novel isn't for people who like reading books, but instead who love presentation more than words. I wrote this note because I wanted to be clear and honest so that it isn't unfair to the writers who are really good. And that's why I'll never apply for a contract and monetize it on Webnovel, and it'll remain free forever till the story ends in like what? 10 years? Rest is your choice, it depends on you how you wanna take it. If you wish to read it, then a useful tip is visualize it, don't just read it, and you'll feel the scale. What I wanna convey is read it for the story, the idea and the concept behind it, not just the writing. I hope I have been honest enough to Webnovel. Thank you. Introducing an enhanced genre of mass (something made for a wider range of audience with ingredients loaded for the masses), #SUPERMASS Action Level: Dragon Ball Series and Demon Slayer Story Level/DreamVision Like: One Piece, Naruto and Attack on Titan Other Inspirations: Avengers (Everything in Marvel) and Star Wars A complete package of entertainment containing the elements of all the peak franchises. Also it's a great shout-out to them all, at once! My vision tells us that if any peak franchise is at its peak for all the reasons why they should be at peak, what if I combine everything and bring a new peak (infinity) story including my Origin-al elements too? The purpose of this story is simply fun! And that's why, ascertain the tragedies, histories and mysteries Around & Beyond The World. Trailer out on YouTube and Instagram. Follow me at Instagram @mackenadock
TezarxAI · 172.4K Views

The Devil's Secretary

The world-famous hacker, Dexter, is a woman and she is the daughter of one of the most prominent families of aristocrats, going by the name Daisy Chen. Daisy has stayed away from her family, and juggled from one job to another in disguise or while cross-dressing as her alibi 'Dexter'. It never once got her into trouble, not until she chanced upon him. Ryle Harper, the CEO of Harper Societies, manages a multinational company on the surface but danger lurks beneath every façade he presents to the world. Daisy had decided to tread carefully around the man but trouble always comes uninvited. One night. One mistake. A stranger. An unprepared pregnancy. To keep her façade of being a man and not offend the devil, she did what was feasible… She disappeared without a trace. However, two years later, she finds herself facing him again only to realize that the man was, all along trying to track her down. By a twist of fate, she becomes his secretary again but this time, their deal comes with certain conditions and a time limit. But when destiny rolls its dice and Daisy has to assume the position of the head of her family, how would she escape Ryle's clutches again? Would she want to? Or would he let her? ... “Look at me,’’ his eyes darkened as he stepped towards her. With every step he took towards her, Daisy took a step back until her back hit the wall. The curtains swayed in the night wind, the glow of the pale moonlight illuminating the dark room where she could see the danger lurking in those hazel eyes. She averted her gaze. He pinched her chin and turned her face towards him, ‘’Dexter?” his fingers grazed up to her wig, ‘’Or shall I call you Daisy now? Daisy Chen?” he leaned closer to her, whispering next to her lips. Her lips parted but before she could utter a single word, her wig was tugged off. Her long dark hair came cascading down, answering all his unanswered questions. ''Tell me Daisy, or there are more ways I can make you speak,'' his hand reached inside her shirt, his long fingers grazed on the expanse of her delicate, bare skin, ''You believe me, right?" he whispered. She shivered, partly in pleasure and partly in denial of that pleasure that she felt.
Auroraaa · 869.1K Views

Earth's Greatest Magus

#Top 20 Webnovel Best Sellers 2021, 2022, 2023, and in 2024 #### History is said to be written by the victors. If so, how about Earth's history? Two millennia ago, a young boy named Emery met a tragic fate. In his final moments, he was transmigrated and accepted into the Universe's most prestigious school of magic. “You are among the chosen few from thousands of human worlds. Whether you seize this opportunity or not, is up to you. You are at Magus Academy, the pinnacle of humanity's ingenuity. Magic, science, and might are all within reach for those who dare to pursue them." [Scan complete - Quadruple affinity. Water, Earth, Plant, and Darkness.] "A quadruple acolyte! Only one in tens of thousands of acolytes possess this!" Thus began Emery’s journey together with his 4 friends from the furthest corner of Earth. Each year they returned to Earth to grow, seek revenge, save the princess, conquer the world, and become Earth's Greatest Magus. Their names are still etched in our history books to this day. Authors Note: I have always been fascinated by writing fantasy relating to historical facts. In this story, you will find characters inspired by real-world myth and legend. The universe I created hopefully will make the reader's imagination excited and logically plausible. I hope you enjoy it. ### Here are some key aspects you'll encounter: MC: The protagonist follows the classic weak-to-strong arc. World: Picture a blend of Harry Potter and Star Wars. System: While it's primarily a magic-based story, there's a structured system in place that's easy to follow. Additionally, elements of cultivation. Harem: No, there are several female interests. But I enjoy romance first. So even if there will be more than one love interest it will be deep. Note: English is not my first language, but you'll notice that my writing and English skills gradually improve throughout the chapters. Other: The novel delves into deep research on science and history, enriching the storyline with factual and intriguing details. Give it a read—you might be pleasantly surprised by what unfolds. Check Out the Video Trailer on youtube type "Earth's Greatest Magus"
Avan · 11.6M Views

System Nemesis

Between the howls and wails, the screams and cries of women being raped, and the villagers being eaten and butchered like cattle, there was a middle-aged man who was desperately running away while yelling his lungs out. ''Why.... WHY!!! YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKERS!!!'' His clothes were in tatters and marred in blood, with his body being barely able to function. His state was simply beyond recognition. As for where he was running to... It didn't matter... He just wanted to flee the hellish scene that was unfolding behind him. His remote village, the one he had lived in his entire life, was now a fiery beacon illuminating the night. ''Whyyyyy areeeeeee youuuuuuuuuu runninnnnnnnnnnng awwaaayyyy froooooom usssssssss?'' Terrifying low growls and voices could be perceived behind him, and every time he heard them, his body released adrenaline to try to override its limits, but to no avail as his injuries were just too severe. The humanoid creatures pursuing him were like shadows, barely distinguishable through the cover of the night. Their eyes, akin to black holes, were fixed on their prey as it struggled for its pathetic life. Their faint and sinister giggles kept reverberating through the darkness... *** As blood rushed up his throat and leaked at the corners of his mouth, his sinister appearance aggravated to where he resembled a devil. During his maniacal laugh, his punctured lungs had finally given out, causing his whole body to collapse on the ground and dyeing it a scarlet shade. His mind went blank, while his consciousness left his battered body. *** After what appeared to be a few minutes, he suddenly woke up. He was startled at first, but he soon realized that he had indeed died. Everything around him was black, without an ounce of life in sight. He was basically a spirit floating in the absolute void. ''So this is what happens when you die... You just drift in darkness... That's actually underwhelming. I wonder if I'll just fade away'' When Derrick's thoughts started to drift, a prompt appeared in front of him. [Welcome to System Nemesis, Derrick Tarlin] [Would you like to seek revenge? Yes/No]
LaPlume · 1.9M Views

When darkness falls in love

Excerpt* As Cian removed his jacket, revealing a serpent-like tattoo on his chest, a chill ran down her spine. “Who sent you?” she asked, her voice quivering as she clutched the sheets tightly around her. Cian smirked, “Which insignificant creature would dare to command me?” Confused, she glanced at the doors, praying for someone to walk in and save her from this dangerous stranger. “Then why are you here?” she managed to ask, her heart pounding in her chest. Cian casually tossed his jacket onto the nearest chair, revealing his muscular chest and the glowing, serpent-like tattoo that coiled around it. “For you, sweetheart,” he replied, his voice deep and seductive. She stared into his piercing, emerald-green eyes, awed by their luminescence. They seemed to pierce right through her, illuminating her heart and igniting a fire within her that she couldn’t quite extinguish. As Cian moved closer, he bent down to look her directly in the eyes, his gaze penetrating. “Marry me,” he whispered, his voice low and dangerous. She recoiled in horror, pushing his hand away as she tried to back away from him. “Pardon me, my Lord, but I must refuse your offer,” she said, her voice shaking with fear. Cian let out a low, sinister laugh as he pulled off his shirt, revealing the full extent of the tattoo that seemed to writhe and twist on his skin. He crawled onto the bed, pinning her down as he loomed over her. She struggled against him, trying to break free from his grip, but he was too strong. He leaned in close, his breath hot against her skin as he whispered, “Sweetheart, what is mine is mine, and what is yours is mine.” “She froze, her heart racing as she realized the danger she was in and how ridiculously aroused she was getting. Cian, with his piercing gaze and devilish grin, knew exactly what he was doing.
Love_chi_24 · 10.1K Views

False Gods: Apocalypse

It was just a normal night but it was unknown to many that a disastrous event was underway. The night sky bursts into a crimson-gold hue, illuminating the landscape as a planet-altering extraterrestrial meteor collides with the Evermoon World bringing destruction in its wake. This cosmic event completely changed the planet as a wave of primal force swept through Evermoon. Animals turned into terrifying beasts, some plants gained self-awareness, and the humans who managed to withstand the wave of primal force awakened the ability to acquire strength by defeating powerful enemies. And those who did not turned into man-eating mutants and zombies. The entire planet entered a new era where the old laws fell. The only law was the law of the jungle where the strongest devoured the weakest. Damien Quinn, an apparently normal college student and an orphan is unceremoniously exposed to such a cold and heartless new world, he is faced with a choice: Find a deep dark hole and hope it goes back to "normal"? Or overcome all obstacles and struggle towards evolution! Initially only hoping to get his friends and escape to a refugee camp, our protagonist sets out, inadvertently building a team along the way. After a series of fortuitous events and a few serious hunches our hero decides it's time to do more than just survive! However, it seemed that Evermoon also had its hidden side that humans would discover in a very uncanny way. And was evolution the last of it?
La_Sleek007 · 68.5K Views

Celestial Speed: Legacy

Ding [congratulations you have acquired the Celestial{God of speed}System] [Do you accept the term and conditions of the system] With a huge claw at his face ready to take off his head, sending him back to the dark abyss from which he had just arrived not so long ago, already accepting his fate for a second death. Henry saw a holographic screen flash in front of him, one that would change his new life for the better... or worse, seeing no other option in his current dilemma and with nothing else to lose. "Yes, yes i accept!" he screamed out with determination and hope that this might just be a miracle here to save him from certain doom,and indeed it was. [You have successfully acquired all the functions and priorities of the system,including its benefits and disadvantages] Henry saw the screen again but that wasn't all he saw to his disbelief everything in the surroundings including the ferocious beast trying to kill him, were now completely still with the lion's claws just a few centimeters away from his head. "Wow, i guess this must be part of the benefits the system granted," he exclaimed with surprise "But what about the demerits?" I guess we'll find out soon enough as this was only just the beginning. Now with his newly acquired "cheat" system in a new world he had just been reincarnated to. From an urban civilization to an even more futuristic, civilized urban utopia where magic and technology are well versed, Henry must find his true purpose in the new world as he discovers more beings like him both good and bad. And as he navigates his way to a better second chance, making new friends and encountering old foes courtesy of his predecessor. Going against both celestial entities and monsters from other realms and doing as he pleases, defying rules of the multiverses and discovering worlds beyond. "Or maybe I'll just kick back and relax in this New World." SNEAK PEAK! Henry stood face to face with the mysterious figure, their suits a stark contrast to each other. Henry's white and gold suit gleamed in the sunlight, while the other figure's black and purple suit seemed to absorb the light around them. A mask covered the figure's face, making it impossible for Henry to discern their identity. "You're quite the legend, Henry," the figure said in a low, gravelly voice "I've heard a lot about your skills." Henry's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?" The figure chuckled. "Someone who's been watching you. Someone who's been waiting for the perfect moment to strike." Henry's grip on his fists tightened. "What do you want?" The figure smiled, their mask glinting in the light. "I want to see how fast you really are." Without warning, the figure took off, their black and purple suit blurring as they sprinted away. Henry's eyes widened, and he grinned. "Game on!" he exclaimed, taking off after the mysterious figure. The two speedsters tore through the city streets, their suits leaving trails of distorted air in their wake. As Henry left a trail of gold lightning so did the figure leave one of purple. Henry's Nitro suit glowed with a brilliant white light as he pushed himself to his limits, his feet pounding the pavement in a blur. The mysterious figure was fast, but Henry was determined to catch up. He focused all his energy on the chase, his senses heightened as he navigated the crowded streets. The city became a colorful blur as the two speedsters clashed in a battle of velocity and agility. Henry's heart pounded with excitement, his mind racing with the thrill of the chase. Who was this mysterious figure, and what did they want? Henry was determined to find out. Crap! I wanted to write more but looks like I've reached the word limit. Sigh* Well I hope I've gotten your attention with all this, i like my summary to always look like a trailer, that's why it's so long. Anyways check more of these when you read my book and support, I'll appreciate. Gracias! Check my discord link in bio, join for more info.
Red_Hood69 · 117.7K Views

Usurping the Universe

A high ceiling, adorned with intricate carvings and fanciful decor. A warm golden light passing through stained glass highlighting the beauty of justice and righteous valour- a contrast to the maleficent beings that would often face this light- illuminates the room. Upon a raised dais, there is a displeased king, and by his side, stern-faced nobles and court officials stare down menacingly at the accused. Below these extinguished figures, bounded by chains and covered in grime, was a six-year-old girl. "Ixion Akastos Vespera" "In the presence of our sovereign King and the noble dukes of this great nation, you are summoned to answer for the grave crimes alleged against you. The entire house of Vespera, your family and lineage, has been wrongfully slain by a treacherous prisoner of theirs. We have reason to believe you have conspired with the ungrateful fiend, betraying your own blood and committing treason against our liege. How do you answer? Are you guilty or not guilty of this heinous crime?" "Not guilty." "Not guilty? Very well. You shall-" "I killed them myself. Not the dragon, only I." Murmurs erupted among the usually unperturbed high-class nobles. "Is it not according to law that a bloodline inheritor may kill all other potential heirs? As for my unfortunate mother, she was merely an unintended mishap." °°° Alexandra Chase, among a million others, found herself in a deadly game orchestrated by a supreme goddess to gain access to another world. Unfortunately, her life in this new world won't be any softer than the one before it. Her drive is not only to survive but also to supersede those beings who stand above. The goddess's schemes are far deeper than she could imagine. She is granted talent, unlimited potential, and terrifying attunement to the world itself with her new body, but many geniuses die young. Her most capable weapon is a concept many have yet to fathom- her soul.
Novel1ntent10ns · 53.1K Views
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