A King's Legacy
In a seemingly ordinary world governed by a single omnipotent king, the world order is maintained by a formidable military force comprising five branches: the navy, army, coast guard, air force, and marine corps. Commanded by powerful generals unmatched in raw strength, the military's authority extends across the entire globe, constantly in pursuit of individuals known as "Specials."
Specials possess extraordinary abilities, and under martial law, they are mandated to forsake their previous lives and join the esteemed military. Those who refuse this fate become hunted runaways or members of the daring rebel alliance, the sole opposition to the military's dominion. The rebel alliance, led by the enigmatic and fearsome Dante, wages an unrelenting struggle against the military's iron grip.
However, beneath the surface of this tumultuous world lies an elusive organization responsible for every disaster, shrouded in mystery. Their identity and motives remain unknown, leaving chaos and uncertainty in their wake.
Amidst this backdrop of intrigue and strife, a young boy named Christian emerges, fueled by an unyielding determination to reshape the world and claim the title of king for himself. As the world teeters on the brink of collapse, Christian seeks to rise against insurmountable odds, defying the established order and forging a new era. With his sights set on creating a legacy of his own, Christian must confront the shadows that threaten to consume him and unravel the secrets of the hidden organization.
In a world where alliances shift, loyalties waver, and the truth is obscured, Christian's journey to become the new king and rebuild society stands as a beacon of hope. As the battle for power unfolds, only time will tell if Christian can overcome adversity, fulfill his destiny, and shape a future where his name will be remembered throughout history.