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Aroma Arknights

Enamorándose del Rey de las Bestias

``` —¿Quién-quién eres tú? —balbuceaba Elia, retrocediendo, con las manos levantadas—. Él igualaba su paso a paso hasta que ella se estrelló contra el árbol detrás de ella—y no se detuvo hasta que se alzó sobre ella, tan ancho que sus hombros y pecho formaban un muro frente a ella. Podía sentir el calor que desprendía su piel en el fresco aire de la noche. —Yo soy el Rey Leonino —su voz era un oscuro grava ronca. Detrás de él, un coro de jadeos, aullidos y chirridos de acuerdo se elevaba de la gente que miraba—. ¿Y tú eres? —Elia —ella suspiraba. —Elia —gruñía él, inclinándose más cerca, trayendo consigo el aroma a pino y lluvia y el almizcle de algo distintivamente masculino—. Yo soy Reth —dijo el nombre con un extraño y gutural rodar en su garganta—. Yo soy el Rey de las Bestias. Yo soy el Líder del Clan, y yo soy el Alfa de WildWood —varios gruñidos se elevaron de la multitud detrás de él entonces, pero los ignoró. —Yo soy el Rey —dijo, y tú serás mi pareja. El bosque detrás de él estalló. ****** Elia es una estudiante universitaria pobre hasta la noche en que es llevada al mundo de los Anima—gobernado por humanos cuyos corazones antiguos palpitan con la sangre de animales. Ahí, se ve forzada a participar en una batalla a muerte. Pero cuando Elia sobrevive, y se niega a matar a su último oponente, el Rey debe o matar a Elia él mismo, o tomarla como su pareja. Reth, el brutal Rey de las Bestias con sangre de leones, sorprende a todos cuando elige a la débil humana Elia para convertirla en su Reina. Promete darle todas las comodidades de su riqueza y posición—pero es claro: Ella no calentará su cama. La eligió para derrotar a aquellos que intentaban acorralarlo para mezclar su línea Leonina con los Lobos. Elia necesita la ayuda de los Anima para hacerse más fuerte y gobernarlos bien. Pero los Lobos vengativos ven solo a una humana débil que les trajo vergüenza. Mientras Elia y Reth se aproximan más, los lobos están decididos a destruirla. ¿Admitirán Reth y Elia sus sentimientos el uno por el otro a tiempo para luchar por el Reino—y sus vidas—contra la villana tribu de lobos? O ¿matarán los lobos a Elia y robarán el trono? [Contenido maduro - sin violencia sexual] Arte de portada utilizado con permiso de derechos de autor pagado. Ilustrado por Aenaluck—vea más arte hermoso y apóyelos en ```
AimeeLynn · 66.4K Views

Reencarnada Como la Compañera Maldita del Alfa

``` ¿Qué pasa cuando una diosa se enamora de un cambiaformas? Asara, la diosa del amor, fue castigada por su padre, el dios del trueno. Su delito fue enamorarse de un mortal cambiaformas alfa. Para pagar por sus pecados fue reencarnada como Cassandra LeBlanc, una princesa mortal en el mágico Reino de Speldaria. Su familia y su reino, exceptuando a su hermana mediana, la rechazaron porque nació sin ninguna habilidad mágica y no tenía recuerdos de su verdadera identidad. Su prometido, el poderoso mago comandante de Speldaria, no se inmutaba por ella. Deseaba a alguien fuerte. La vida de Cassandra se trastornó cuando recibió como obsequio un esclavo guerrero por parte del poderoso alfa de Dusartine. Se le pidió que participase en el Evento Anual de la Arena colaborando con el guerrero. Cassandra, que odiaba "La Arena" con todo su ser —un lugar donde la sangre fluía como el vino y la vida era más barata que el propio aire que respiraban—, no entendía su propósito en ella. Encima de eso, el misterioso guerrero la afectaba de maneras inimaginables. Su mirada hipnótica la desconcertaba. Su esencia rara la abrumaba. Su cuerpo bronceado y musculoso la consumía con pensamientos pecaminosos. Incluso los sueños de su vida pasada la atormentaban. Cuando "La Arena" comenzó, las agendas ocultas y las verdades subyacentes salieron a la luz y a Cassandra se le presentó un destino. No le quedó más opción que ceder y elegir un camino. La pregunta sería: —¿Cómo enfrentará Cassandra una vez que se entere de la maldición que se le ha impuesto? —¿Podrá obtener sus habilidades mágicas y enfrentarse a su padre? —¿Quién la ayudará en su viaje? ~Extracto~ Entonces lo sintió, todo él. Toda su aspereza. ``` ``` La fuerza de su brazo. La suavidad de sus labios. El agarre de su mano. El calor de su aliento. Cada músculo de su cuerpo se tensó al pensar en las implicaciones de dormir en brazos de un hombre. Nunca antes había dormido en el abrazo de un varón. Toda su piel hormigueaba como pequeñas chispas danzando en las partes que lo tocaban. Las grietas de su cerebro tenían estos recuerdos que no eran suyos. Este roce de alguna manera no le parecía ajeno. Se sentía segura en su abrazo tranquilizador y no deseaba apartarlo, y sin embargo sabía que esto no era para nada apropiado. Cassandra intentó zafarse de su agarre, pero sus brazos parecían hechos de hierro, pues no se movían. La ligera prenda que había llevado se había alzado de su muslo de leche dejándolo al descubierto, mientras el musculoso y bronceado de él se posaba sobre el suyo. Y ahora podía sentir algo punzándola en la espalda. Sus ojos de repente se expandieron al darse cuenta y Cassandra entró en pánico total. —¡Suéltame! —dijo con voz grave. Siroos lentamente levantó su pierna y aflojó su agarre en su cintura para que pudiera moverse. Se había despertado cuando ella se tensó por primera vez, pero deseaba ver qué intentaría. Con los ojos muy abiertos le echó un vistazo al hombre que la tenía envuelta en su abrazo como a un tesoro precioso, su tesoro. Sus ojos dorados fundidos se abrieron y había una suavidad y deseo con los que la miraba. Aquellos suaves rizos marrones le caían sobre los ojos mientras olvidaba parpadear, observando la belleza eterna que era ella. Su fragancia única era una tortura para sus sentidos. —Cómo deseaba tomar su delicado tobillo, jalarla hacia él y tenerla esparcida bajo su cuerpo —murmuró—. Besar la misma piel que desprendía tal aroma que le estaba volviendo loco. En su lugar, dobló su brazo y lo colocó debajo de su mejilla usándolo como una almohada para mirarla con ojos llenos de deseo. El silencio incómodo entre ellos se prolongó mientras Cassandra se aclaraba la garganta. —¿Tenías que subirte sobre mí para dormir? —preguntó. —No fue intencional, pero ciertamente fue tentador y definitivamente no será la última vez —su voz profundamente hipnótica era aún más seductora temprano en la mañana cuando resonaba a su alrededor. La portada del libro es mía. ```
Sunny_Shumail · 32.8K Views

Jatuh Cinta dengan Raja Binatang

[LENGKAP] Reth bergerak mendekati Elia, dagunya rendah sehingga bayangan dari rahang kerasnya membelah kerah bulu tebal di rompinya. Rambutnya jatuh menutupi matanya dalam perkelahian, sehingga ia menatapnya melalui rambutnya seperti singa di dalam rumput. Setiap langkahnya, langkah anggun dan bergulir mengingatkannya pada pemangsa yang mengendap-endap mendekati mangsanya. Meskipun lantai hutan penuh dengan ranting dan daun, ia tak membuat suara sedikitpun. “Si-siapa kamu?” Elia tergagap, mundur sambil mengangkat tangan. Dia mengikuti langkah demi langkahnya sampai Elia menabrak pohon di belakangnya—dan tidak berhenti sampai ia menjulang di atasnya, begitu lebar bahu dan dada Reth membentuk dinding di depannya. Dia bisa merasakan panas yang terpancar dari kulit Reth dalam udara malam yang sejuk. “Saya adalah Raja Leonine.” Suaranya adalah kerikil yang dalam dan serak. Di belakangnya, paduan suara desah, auman, dan cuitan persetujuan meningkat dari orang-orang yang menonton. “Dan kamu adalah?” “Elia,” ia berbisik. “Elia,” ia mendengus, mendekat lebih jauh, membawa dengan dirinya aroma pinus dan hujan serta musk yang khas dari sesuatu yang sangat maskulin. “Saya Reth.” Ia mengucapkan namanya dengan gulungan aneh di tenggorokannya. “Saya adalah Raja Binatang. Saya adalah Pemimpin Klan, dan saya adalah Alfa dari WildWood.” Beberapa geraman muncul dari kerumunan di belakangnya saat itu, namun ia mengabaikannya. Elia menelan ludah ketika ia mendekat sampai rambut kasar di dagunya menggesek pipinya. “Saya adalah Raja,” katanya, “Dan kamu akan menjadi pasangan saya.” Hutan di belakangnya meledak. ****** Elia adalah seorang mahasiswi miskin sampai malam ketika ia dibawa ke dunia Anima—diperintah oleh manusia yang jantung kuno mereka berdetak dengan darah binatang. Di sana ia dipaksa mengikuti pertarungan sampai mati. Tapi ketika Elia selamat, dan menolak untuk membunuh lawannya yang terakhir, Raja harus membunuh Elia sendiri, atau mengambilnya sebagai pasangan. Reth, Raja Binatang yang brutal dengan darah singa, mengejutkan semua orang ketika ia memilih Elia yang lemah, manusia, untuk menjadi Ratu-Nya. Ia menjanjikan semua kemewahan dari kekayaan dan posisinya—tapi ia jelas: Elia tidak akan menghangatkannya di tempat tidur. Ia memilihnya untuk mengalahkan mereka-mereka yang mencoba membuatnya terjebak dengan menggabungkan garis keturunan Leonine-Nya dengan Serigala. Elia memerlukan bantuan dari Anima untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan memerintah mereka dengan baik. Namun, Serigala yang dendam hanya melihat manusia lemah yang telah membuat mereka malu. Saat Elia dan Reth semakin dekat, Serigala bertekad untuk menghancurkannya. Apakah Reth dan Elia mengakui perasaan mereka satu sama lain tepat waktu untuk berjuang demi Kerajaan—dan nyawa mereka—melawan suku serigala yang jahat? Ataukah Serigala akan membunuh Elia dan merebut tahta? [Konten matang - tidak ada kekerasan seksual] Cover Art digunakan dengan izin hak cipta berbayar. Diilustrasikan oleh Aenaluck--lihat lebih banyak seni menawan dan dukung mereka di
AimeeLynn · 15K Views

Terjerat dalam Cahaya Bulan: Tidak Berubah

Menjadi cacat di dalam kawanan sudah cukup buruk. Ditolak? Oleh pasangan sejatimu sendiri? Ya. ITU adalah tingkat rendah yang baru. Ava Grey adalah cacat dalam kawanan, seorang shifter tanpa serigala. Dia berjuang dalam hidup dengan impian kebebasan yang samar. Kesempatannya datang ketika tiba-tiba dia diberi tahu bahwa dia akan menghadiri Gala Bulan, sebuah pesta dansa tahunan untuk shifters muda dewasa untuk menemukan pasangan sejati mereka. Dan dia menemukannya. Dia tampan dan intens, dan ciumannya mengirimkan keinginan melalui pembuluh darahnya seperti narkoba. Hingga dia MENOLAKnya. Ava tidak akan kembali ke kehidupan suramnya. Dia melarikan diri dan membentuk identitas baru jauh dari kawanan, dan jauh dari pasangan alpha nya. Dia berteman baru dan bahkan diadopsi secara paksa oleh seekor husky yang lucu. Tapi tepat ketika dia mulai menetap dan menemukan kebahagiaan, hal-hal aneh mulai terjadi... Husky-nya telah menyimpan rahasia. Dia mendengar bisikan bahwa kawanan shifter di mana-mana sedang mencarinya. Dan dia dapat mencium aroma familiar di apartemennya, yang tidak masuk akal sama sekali... karena pria yang aromanya itu telah menolaknya. [Entri Cupids Quill Mar 2024] --------- Ini adalah roman shifter serigala dengan banyak pemicu yang suka berdansa beriringan dengan semua tema gelap melalui sebuah padang bunga mati. Dalam buku ini Anda akan menemukan titik tertinggi dan terendah. Tertawa, menangis, marah; Anda dapat melakukannya semua saat Anda mengikuti Ava dalam perjalanan yang cukup berbahaya menjadi pemindah serigala di generasi ini dari roman werewolf. Ada adegan R18 yang disebarkan di seluruh buku ini seperti permen yang meledak dari pinata. Silakan baca dengan tanggung jawab. ------- DISCORD PENULIS:
Lenaleia · 41K Views

Threads of Yesterday

The sun dipped low over the skyline of Austin, casting long shadows on the streets below. In the heart of the city, the hum of life pulsed on. Irena Valdez adjusted her lab coat as she stepped out of the biomedical research facility she called her second home. She had spent years carving a name for herself in the world of science, becoming one of the most sought-after lab technologists in the field. Her days were filled with precision, breakthroughs, and the satisfaction of knowing her work made a difference. Tonight, as she strolled down the sidewalk toward her favorite coffee shop, a sense of calm washed over her. Her life felt perfect—or close enough. Her marriage to Daniel was steady, filled with laughter, warmth, and the kind of trust that made her believe in forever. They were building a future together, one filled with love and mutual respect. The soft chime of the café’s bell greeted her as she pushed open the door. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped her like an old friend. Irena ordered her usual—an almond milk latte—and found a seat by the window. She pulled out her phone to catch up on messages, her mind still swirling with the day’s experiments. But then she heard it. A voice. Deep, familiar, and achingly tied to a part of her life she thought she had tucked away. “Irena?” She looked up, her heart skipping a beat. Standing there, holding a steaming cup of coffee, was Ethan Reyes. Her ex. The man who had once been her everything before life had pushed them apart. His face held a mixture of surprise and something else—nostalgia, perhaps? Time had etched faint lines around his dark eyes, but he was still unmistakably Ethan, with that easy confidence and the smile that had once unraveled her. For a moment, the café faded away, replaced by a flood of memories. The late-night drives, the laughter, the arguments that had burned like wildfire. The quiet moments when they thought they’d found forever. And the heartbreak when they realized they hadn’t. Ethan’s gaze flicked to her left hand, where the glint of her wedding band caught the light. He smiled, but there was a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes. “Mind if I join you?” he asked, his tone casual, though his question carried a weight they both felt. Irena hesitated for only a second, then nodded. “Sure.” As he sat across from her, the past and present collided in a way Irena hadn’t anticipated. She was happy—secure in her life with Daniel. But as Ethan leaned forward, his words carrying the echoes of their shared history, she realized the past never truly disappears. It lingers, waiting for moments like this to remind you of who you were, who you are, and the choices that shaped it all.
Heena_Tabassum · 390 Views

Enigma of the Thousand-Year Sentinel: The Ethereal Tale of Wyrmpire

Seven Realms, One Egg, Two Hearts. In ancient times, there lay a story that was condemned to be chained in secrecy—an unthinkable era was brewed by continuous discord among the inhabitants of the seven realms, blinding them to the cruelty of war. From there, the era's aroma lingered, and darkness dominated both the realms of humans and elementals. But a streak of hope appeared in the sky. In times of crisis, a glowing orb emerged from the depths of the Wyrmpirean seas. People from all seven realms were revitalized and rejoiced. Mythical beasts of Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Spirit, and Shadow came to light. Their power grew through the alchemy of elements and light, and this glowing orb turned out to be an ethereal egg. It was the vital force of the great Luxian beast, destined to be the sentinel of Wyrmpire. However, the poison of greed for power once again took hold of one of the human leaders. In an age when the seven realms coexisted in delicate equilibrium, the harmonious symphony of magic and mythical creatures was abruptly silenced by Gat of Luwalhat'ti's insatiable thirst for dominion. He ordered the capture of the elemental beasts and exploited their essence. Relentlessly pursuing the fabled Mythical Egg for his own self-indulgent desires, he caused this primordial artifact—whispered to possess unimaginable power—to shatter the peace and plunge the world into devastating war, reigniting the embers of chaos from the past. The realms became more divided than ever. Sinagthala, the first to succumb to his ruthless conquest, bears the scars of his ambition. Emir Akkainu, in a desperate act of self-sacrifice, secured the egg at a heart-wrenching cost—his own son, Karrim. Now, Karrim, burdened by a curse yet bestowed with enigmatic abilities, embarks on a perilous quest for vengeance against the Gat. His path intertwines with that of Klarra, Gat's daughter, who, disillusioned by her father's tyranny, yearns for peace and justice. Amidst the chaos and despair of a war-torn world, an unexpected love blossoms; a fragile beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. Will they find redemption amidst the ruins of a broken world, or will the insatiable hunger for power and the scars of the past consume them all, as history repeats itself? The convergence of Karrim and Klarra's journey is set to test the very limits of their courage, loyalty, and love.
Ylislewordsmithery · 8.5K Views

She Belongs To The Devil

Theodore was not satisfied with just looking at her, he wanted to touch her. He slowly raised his hand and approached Princess Adeline. But Adeline subconsciously pulled back and shouted again, “I have already warned you, not to do anything like before. Or else I will…” Instantly, Theodore’s cheerful face turned grim. His golden eyes were now blood red and were staring very deeply at Adeline’s eyes. He was starting to emit a dark aura around him. Before Adeline could react, in the very next moment, Theodore pushed Adeline flat on the bed and was on top of her. He pinned both of her hands down with his hands and whispered near her ear, “Or else you will what? You will shout for your maids again?” Theodore sniffed in the sweet aroma that Adeline was giving off and gave a wicked smile, “Oh! I want you to try. I want you to try calling for your maids again. But don’t be shocked when I seal your juicy lips with my own lips.” Adeline had never in her life expected to see this side of Theodore. Yes, she knew he was the Devil but... [Book 1 Synopsis] Princess Adeline is the youngest child of King Dragomir of Wyverndale. She is detested by her stepmothers because she is born to a concubine – the only woman whom the King loved. And she is envied by her stepbrothers and stepsisters for being adored and loved by the King. Blinded by jealousy, the first Queen orders Princess Adeline to be kidnapped and thrown into the faraway Devil’s Cave as an offering. Her fate was to die that evening. However, her fate got rewritten by the very creature who was supposed to take her to her deathbed. The Devil took pity on the Princess and even went as far as sharing his demonic power with her. Ever since that day, her fate was bound to the Devil Prince of Hell – Prince Theodore. With time, love blooms between the son of God and the daughter of humans. They are madly in love and they want nothing more than to be together forever. However, with the rise of several enemies, from other fallen angels, supernatural creatures, and even God himself, will they get their forever after? [Book 2 Synopsis] **Spoiler alert for Book 1** Adeline and Theodore have a beautiful daughter – Ariel. She is the definition of perfection because God himself created her to be without any flaws. God wants to hand over the whole universe to his granddaughter and retire from his duty as the Supreme Being. However, nobody else wants that future for Ariel. Ariel, on the other hand, is oblivious to her grandfather’s plan for her. She is a free spirit who always has a wide smile on her face. And the only thing she wants to do is go on adventures with her childhood friend – Damien and her cousins. But will she be able to maintain the smile on her face upon being faced by God? Will she be able to maintain her friendship with Damien when he discovers a gut-wrenching truth – that Theodore was the one to kill his father? Follow me on Instagram for more. This art was commissioned from Shu G Sin. Find him on Insta gram @shu_g_sin
sanimimosa7 · 2.5M Views

Saiko to Maniakku

I was alone. brought up by a stranger disguised as my mother. I was different, somewhere inside I knew this. The desire of flesh and bone with a flame of heat brought me to the truth after that accident. 'The cold never felt so freeing in that night breeze with the stench of blood and the aroma of a single burning cigarette.' Who was I supposed to be? My body isn't the same. My taste buds in confusion and my mind lost in clouded sexaul desire. Something happened that day I was hit, some thing changed. 'I remembered that led copper taste of my own blood on that wet and cold, gravel surface.' I. Am. Not. Human. So who am I supposed to be now? ^^^^ A new world was opened. One hidden to normal eyes. Riku a young male, hit by a truck in the midst of two people fighting. What luck. Not only did he live through that hideous accident, things around him started to change. How lucky? Pushed into a hell one could only describe as their most surreal deja vù moments or nightmares. Riku can't afford not to trust. As what lies waiting in the shadows could very well be his death. He needs to learn how this new world works before he's their next meal. Or could they be his? (Other book titles; サイコとマニアック/ Psychos and Maniac's) Language: English (No translations avalible in other languages) Genres: Adult, Action, horror, supernatural, psychological, mature, abuse, monster, demi-god, sexual themes & nudity. recommended for mature audiences 16+ and over. Reader discretion is advised. All Rights reserved. Author: JK
JK_Maternity_ · 22.5K Views

The billionaire's cook

"How dare you splash that filthy, muddy water on me?" Flower's voice rang out angrily as she confronted Charles. Stepping out of his sleek car, Charles casually tucked his hands into his pockets, his eyes scanning Flower from head to toe. "It suits you," he finally muttered, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "What? You shameless, senseless jerk! If stupidity could fly, you'd be a private jet. Total scumbag," Flower retorted passionately, her frustration boiling over. And then, without hesitation, she swiftly delivered a sharp kick to his unmentionables. Charles groaned in pain, but fate had more in store for him. Flower's fury propelled her to give him an unexpected yet forceful push, sending him tumbling into the muddy water below. A burst of hearty laughter erupted from Flower as she swiftly turned on her heels, making a quick getaway from the scene. ... Flower Cunningham had always dreamt of becoming a renowned chef and owning one of the trendiest restaurants in Las Vegas, USA. With her exceptional culinary skills and the ability to lure anyone in with the tantalizing aromas of her food, Flower thrived in the fast-paced world of gastronomy. She dedicated her life to perfecting her craft while balancing the responsibilities of caring for her disabled father, loving mother, and her supportive siblings. On the other hand, we have Charles Hamilton, the epitome of wealth and popularity, not just in the USA but across the globe. As the enigmatic and elusive billionaire, Charles was the face behind Hamilton's Group—the behemoth conglomerate with numerous divisions worldwide. His mysterious demeanor often left his employees puzzled, trying to decipher his ever-changing moods. When Flower and Charles first crossed paths, it was nothing short of chaotic. It became an unforgettable moment that would shape their lives forever. As fate would have it, Flower was soon employed as Charles's personal chef, marking the beginning of a thrilling game.
Rejoice_Diamond · 77.7K Views

Black is Red

Kehidupan yang normal, kehidupan yang selalu diimpikan oleh Kahime Murasaki. Karena kehidupan lamanya telah direnggut sejak empat tahun yang lalu, direnggut oleh para gangster yang dipimpin oleh Saikome Hanaru. Diumur sebelas tahun kehidupannya sebagai orang normal sudah tidak ada lagi, dan baginya itu adalah hal yang baik, selama keluarganya aman –jauh dari para gangster. Empat tahun telah berlalu, bersamaan dengan ingatannya yang hilang akibat kecelakaan dua tahun sebelumnya. Tetapi, pekerjaannya sebagai bawahan Saikome yang selalu membawa aroma darah dan kebencian, tidak pernah lepas darinya. Di ajaran semester kedua kelas sepuluh SMA, dua orang murid pindahan baru masuk ke kelasnya secara bersamaan, Saki Raijuu dan Vincent Yamato. Kahime yang kebetulan kemarin malam bertemu dengan Saki dalam perjalanan pulang tidak terlalu peduli, akan tetapi ketika Vincent menyinggungnya menggunakan panggilan, ‘Si Putih Aneh’. Hal itu menghebohkan satu ruangan di kelas, karena Kahime bukanlah orang dimaksud, melainkan putri wali kelasnya yang telah meninggal empat tahun yang lalu. Merasa terganggu akan kedatangan mereka berdua, dia tidak bicara ataupun membalas ucapan mereka. Tidak hanya mereka, bahkan Yuri –sahabatnya sendiri diabaikan, sampai Saki yang tinggal bersebelahan dengan rumahnya berusaha meminta maaf. Saki pun mengetahui kalau dia hilang ingatan, padahal hanya dia, sahabatnya, dan atasannya yang tahu kejadian itu. Sedangkan Vincent, dirinya sangat syok setelah mendengar kematian Kahime Shitou –putri sulung wali kelasnya. Gadis yang pernah dia lukai sudah tiada, seharusnya dia merasa senang dan lega, akan tetapi hatinya terasa ditusuk oleh ribuan jarum. Karena perasaan tidak terimanya, dia melakukan berbagai penyelidikan terhadap tiga orang, yaitu Kahime Shitou, Kahime Murasaki, dan M-01 petarung andalan Naga Hitam. Seiring waktu, muncul perasaan yang mengganggu Kahime setiap kali bersama Saki. Perasaan campur aduk, bersamaan dengan Vincent yang mengungkapkan perasaan padanya. Tepat di tahun ajaran kedua semua itu terjadi, disusul oleh kemunculan dua saudari kembar Subaki. Airi Subaki dan Reina Subaki pindah ke SMA tempatnya bersekolah, kedatangan mereka tersembunyi maksud lain –untuk menunjukkan kebenaran akan jati diri Kahime yang ditutupi oleh kebohongan. Menerima banyak hal tak terduga dalam waktu yang singkat membuatnya tertekan, karena tekanan berat tersebut, dia pingsan dan dibawa ke rumah sakit. Saat dirinya mulai sadar, Saki tepat berada di sampingnya. Perasaannya kembali jadi campur aduk, akan tetapi dia mencoba tidak peduli. Namun, kepingan mimpi yang mulai terkumpul membuatnya ingin segera bangkit dari kegelapan.
naisa1_ · 24.1K Views

The Duke's Passion

[ MAIN STORY COMPLETED ] In the Heart’s Kingdom, a kingdom where vampires reign and humans were nothing but livestock, Lilou, a peasant, found herself being preyed upon by the worst maniacal vampire of his kind. However, as terrifying as what he addressed her as his ‘reserved meal’, this vampire also called her his bride! Except: My eyes brood with fear, gazing at the still-beating heart in his hand. “My Lord, pardon me but… is this the bloody proof you promised to show me?” I asked, my voice shook as I gulped down whilst struggling my trembling knees from giving away. “Mhm… do you now believe I’m good at capturing hearts?” The silver-haired man, bearing those menacing pair of deep crimson eyes stared proudly at me after a nod. I gasped when he clenched his hand and squeezed the fresh heart to smithereens. “Yes, milord. You’re good at it, literally.” I’m mortified, watching the pieces of the heart fall as he approached. His every step made me take a step back until my back reached a solid pillar. “Huh,” Samael chuckled briefly, stopping in front of me. His long, pointy nails that were covered with blood traced my elbow down to my hand. Gently, he clipped my forefinger in between his, guiding it before his lips. “Did I pass your test, though?” He asked, the sharp tip of his nail playing over the tip of my finger. I stared at his penetrating gaze as I reluctantly answered, “Barely.” He smirked, nodding in satisfaction before he pressed his nail on the tip of my forefinger that was quick to produce a drop of blood. “Such sweet aroma.” He whispered, placing my bleeding finger in his mouth and licking it with passion. His menacing gaze never left mine as he consumed a bit of my blood. “Does that mean you’re accepting my invitation?" Keeping my finger in between his fangs, Samael inquired. I bit my lower lip unconsciously, my heart within my chest drummed as my back broke into sweats. “But… I’m just…” I paused, hoping my answer would put an end to this. “… I’m just a human.” Samael clicked his tongue, displeased at my response as he let my finger go. “No,” He whispered. My entire body stiffened when he bent over, caressing my shoulder up to my neck by the apex of his nose, as his hot breaths prickled my skin. "You're not just a mere human... you are my human." He stressed before I sensed his lips part and the tip of his fangs against my skin. Cover not mine. *** Original Story by: alienfrommars FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM for original character arts: @authoralienfrommars Discord server:
alienfrommars · 3M Views

Whispers of Serendipity

Whispers of Serendipity" is a captivating tale set in the bustling halls of the University of California, Los Angeles, where the protagonist, Daisy, finds solace in the enchanting world of literature. As a devoted bibliophile, she cherishes the magic of books and seeks peace amid the chaos of college life. Her contentment with the little joys – like the aroma of a fresh book and the tranquility of quiet moments – defines her serene existence. Amidst her like-minded friends, Daisy's life takes an unexpected turn with the arrival of Alfred Marshall, the cousin of her best friend. Despite their seemingly disparate worlds – Daisy immersed in the realm of literature, and Alfred pursuing a business administration degree – destiny binds them together. A magnetic attraction begins to blossom as they share laughter, deep conversations, and discover kindred spirits in one another. Their love story unfolds with tenderness, but it faces hurdles that test their bond. In a world where literature coexists with commerce and ambition intertwines with serenity, Daisy and Alfred learn to respect each other's dreams and provide unwavering support during uncertain times. "Whispers of Serendipity" beautifully amalgamates the allure of literature, the charm of peaceful moments, and the magic of unexpected love. Daisy and Alfred's journey reveals the profound joy found in life's simple pleasures and how these cherished moments can forge a path to enduring happiness. Ultimately, their love becomes a testament to the power of serendipity and the profound beauty of life's unanticipated treasures.
John_Wick_ · 9.2K Views
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