Locus Mentis
In an infinite universe where eight regimes govern different aspects of existence, a central mechanism known as the "Nocturnal Clock" regulates the flow of time and destiny across 24 kingdoms. When the Clock begins to falter, the protagonist, a renowned social engineer with a calculating mind and a cold demeanor, is tasked with uncovering the cause of the growing chaos.
As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Clock, his investigation leads him to a hidden cult bent on unlocking the "Crypt of Aeons," a mythical place beyond human comprehension. The Crypt is said to hold the ultimate truth: existence is merely an illusion crafted by a cosmic mind, and the regimes, kingdoms, and even time itself are mere pieces in a grander design.
The protagonist must navigate a labyrinth of betrayal, conspiracies, and self-discovery. Every answer he uncovers about the Crypt and the Clock draws him closer to a harrowing revelation: his own existence may be nothing more than a "cog" in a greater machine, created to serve an unseen purpose. But will he be able to bear the cost of uncovering the truth?
Set against a backdrop of breathtaking landscapes and kingdoms where steampunk technology merges with magic, the story explores the boundaries of humanity, the psyche, and cosmic truths. Each step forward brings him closer to a point of no return, where evil can no longer be distinguished from good, and darkness becomes the only light.