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Daphne Fred Scooby Doo

Vom Rebellenkönig gestohlen

Als Prinzessin, die nicht zaubern konnte, bestand Prinzessin Daphnes einziger Wert für ihr Königreich in ihrer arrangierten Ehe. Die Aufgabe war einfach, aber als Daphne entführt und in die kalten Berge von Vramid gebracht wurde, wurde ihr klar, dass sie überfordert war. Sie hatte schon einmal von diesen verfluchten Bergen gehört - felsiges Gelände, eisige Temperaturen, und das Land wurde von einem Mann regiert, der von vielen auf dem Kontinent gefürchtet wurde. König Atticus Heinvres, der blutdürstige Herrscher des Nordens. Obwohl sie ihm noch nie begegnet war, erzählte man sich Geschichten über die Skrupellosigkeit von König Atticus. Manche sagten, er sei ein Ungeheuer, andere behaupteten, er sei der Teufel persönlich, aber wie auch immer die Geschichte lautete, jeder kannte den Mann, der über ungeahnte Kräfte verfügte. Er konnte Armeen stürzen und Nationen mit einer einzigen Handbewegung zerschmettern, unterstützt von einem Ring aus verfluchtem Obsidian, wie es hieß. Niemand außerhalb von Vramid war dem furchterregenden König je begegnet. Nicht bis Daphne. Bei der Begegnung mit dem furchterregenden Mann fand Daphne jedoch heraus, dass der König vielleicht gar nicht das Monster war, für das ihn andere gehalten hatten. Das, was sich unter dem Obsidianschild verbarg, könnte tatsächlich ein Rohdiamant sein. - [Auszug] "Also ... wo soll ich euch beide unterbringen?", fragte er beiläufig, ohne eine Antwort zu erwarten. "Es ist bedauerlich, dass ich nur einen Kronleuchter habe." "Unter meinem Bett? Nein, nein, zu schmutzig. Das haben meine Staubhasen nicht verdient", sinnierte Atticus vor sich hin. "Der Kaminsims? Wie wäre es mit dem Frisiertisch? Ich nehme an, wenn ich einen eurer Köpfe abschlagen würde, könnte ich ihn dort anbringen... Frau, welchen Kopf willst du anstarren, während du dir die Haare machst?" "Atticus!" Daphne schrie. "Ich will keine Köpfe! Lass sie los!" "Na gut." Atticus zuckte mit den Schultern und schnippte mit den Fingern. Es gab zwei identische Knackgeräusche, als beide Hälse auf einmal brachen. Daphne keuchte entsetzt auf. Dieser Mann, ihr Ehemann, hatte gerade zwei Männer mit einem Fingerschnippen getötet, als würde er Kerzen auslöschen. "Ich habe dir gesagt, du sollst sie gehen lassen!" Daphne schrie auf. "Ja, ich habe sie gehen lassen", sagte Atticus. Dann verfinsterten sich seine Augen. "Um das göttliche Urteil des Himmels zu empfangen." - Discord Server:
saltedpepper · 129.2K Views

The Red Queen of Nothing

“I Lord Tank Albridge, and my family, Pete Albridge, Cleo Albridge, and Fred Albridge, disavow Vinnandra the hateful as our blood. “Today, in one voice we curse the day she joined us, and we’ll forever celebrate the day she has left our ranks! Vinnandra shall not know us, and she is not ours to know anymore.” *** In a world of white-haired dragon riders and black-haired witches, Princess Vinnandra Albridge is born red-haired as the forbidden spawn of a witch-spy and a dragon rider known as the Hateful. Unwanted by her family and shunned by society, Vinn tries to get by everyday unnoticed and alive. However, her simple plans come crashing down when her family disavows her by removing her from her royal bloodline, proclaiming her a traitor to consequently serve as an official slave to the notorious Lenklock dragon riders family that rules in the North. There, it would seem that while Vinn might not be able to groom a dragon, she might make good food for one… not if she had anything to do about it. Vowing to fight for her life and rise above others, Vinn must learn how to break through her blood and reach to whatever minute strength she possesses and become a dragon rider… or something. And it would seem Vinnandra’s vows would be realised in the form of Xander Lenklock—a troubled man and problematic heir who charges into her life, proclaiming a nobody like her his greatest ally and seeking her alliance. For the first time in a long while, Vinn feels needed and wanted—two dangerous elements that ignites feelings she shouldn’t have, and evokes thoughts she shouldn’t think. And in a partnership that might make or break them, Vinn was sure she would do anything to have Xanders’ body, heart and soul. Problem is, Xander has a fiancée who was there to stay… forever. But with her mothers past looming over her, and with shadows of the enemy hidden in the trees playing their ultimate move, even if Vinnandra manages to steal Xander’s heart, will she be able to keep it? Or will her dubious identity destroy everything she has come to enjoy? Will the powers she has come to possess swallow her? Or could she be the enemy that her people really fear? Be whatever it might, the ultimate question remains—Dragon rider or Witch… which is she? ***** VOLUME 1 (Beginnings): COMPLETE VOLUME 2 (Chaos Abounds): ONGOING
JaneSmitten · 210.1K Views

La Mirada De Un Asesino

Antes del comienzo, mi vida fue horrible, ya que todos en mi familia me ignoraban y abusaban de mí, especialmente mi hermano. Después de mucho tiempo de aguantar los abusos por su parte, decidí acabar con su vida. Sin embargo, termine siendo odiado por todos en la ciudad, mi vida estaba acabada... Realmente no merecía ser excluido por solo defenderme de él, solo buscaba vivir en paz. Pasaron los meses, nos habíamos mudado a la ciudad de Starling, por suerte nadie me conocía y pude rehacer mi vida que siempre quise, hice amigos, conocí a la persona mas importante en mi vida, pero mi sed de venganza había creído tanto que escuchaba una voz que me controlaba al punto de volver a matar. Al llegar a la universidad, las cosas cambiaron muy inesperadamente, porque este Gabriel y sus amigos me volvieron a recordar esos golpes que me daba mi hermano pero esta vez sería diferente, porque tenía un juego diseñado especialmente para acabar con él. Pero solo fue el comienzo... De la venganza. Una noche fue el baile de primavera, todos mis compañeros de la universidad estaban allí, cuando se apagaron las luces del gimnasio, todos salimos del lugar para saber que había sucedido. Hasta que hubo una sorpresa para todos, estaba este Gabriel Mendoza tendido en el piso en la salida, solía ser el chico más popular de la universidad, al parecer fue asesinado a sangre fría. Sin embargo, el asesino dejo una nota en donde decía que era la persona más cercana a Gabriel, sin embargo, sólo eran cuatro personas que lo conocían mejor, uno de ellos era Fred su mejor amigo, otro es Tim su hermano, Kiera su novia y Anaís la presidenta de la clase. ¿Quién mató a Gabriel? O mejor dicho... ¿Cuál es el verdadero motivo de su asesinato? La respuesta es simple, solo es mi regreso a mi vida de monstruo.
DarkSkye1987 · 25K Views

Stolen by the Rebel King

As a princess who could not wield magic, Princess Daphne’s only value to her kingdom was her arranged marriage. The task was simple, but when Daphne was kidnapped and brought to the cold mountains of Vramid, she realized that she was in over her head. She had heard of these cursed mountains before― rocky terrain, freezing temperatures, and the land was ruled by a man feared by many within the continent. King Atticus Heinvres, the blood-thirsty ruler of the North. Even though she had never met him before, tales were spread of King Atticus’s ruthlessness. Some said he was a monster, others claimed he was the devil himself, but whatever the story was, everyone knew of the man who had powers beyond anyone’s imagination. He could topple armies and crumble nations with just one wave of his hand, aided by what others rumored to be a cursed obsidian ring. No one outside of Vramid had ever met the fearsome king before. Not until Daphne. However, upon meeting the formidable man, Daphne found out that the king might not really be the monster others had claimed him to be. In fact, what was hidden under that obsidian shield could just be a diamond in the rough. ― [Excerpt] “Now… where should I put you both?” he asked casually, not expecting a reply. “It’s regretful that I only have one chandelier.” “Underneath my bed? No, no, too dirty. My dust bunnies don’t deserve this,” Atticus mused to himself. “The mantlepiece? How about the vanity table? I suppose if I lop off one of your heads I could mount it over… Wife, which head do you want to stare at while you do your hair?” “Atticus!” Daphne screamed. “I don’t want any heads! Let them go.” “Fair enough.” Atticus shrugged, and flicked his fingers. There were two identical cracks as both necks snapped at once. Daphne gasped, horrified. This man, her husband, had just killed two men with a flick of his finger, as though he was snuffing out candles. “I told you to let them go!” Daphne cried out. “Yes, I let them go,” Atticus said. Then, his eyes darkened. “To receive divine judgment from the heavens.” ― Discord Server: Spin-off/Prequel: The Hidden King's Stolen Wife (WIP)
saltedpepper · 2.2M Views

Pebble: I Finally Got My Barbarian Build, But it’s Support?!

In the world of Tiamat, mortals are playthings for the gods—summoned to serve, survive, and entertain an unseen audience. Alain, an ordinary man from Earth, gets thrust into this world through an unexpected summoning, quickly stripped of his humanity and transformed into "Pebble," a brawny, low-intelligence character with a unique class called "The Battery." Tasked with walking a mysterious "Forest Path," Pebble quickly learns that his fate is being controlled by divine entities who act as his omniscient spectators, granting rewards, issuing tasks, and meddling with his every move. Pebble, with his new identity and peculiar skill set, teams up with an unlikely party of heroes: Phil, the eager snake-man rogue; Fred, the elderly wizard with unsteady but surprising powers; Bard, the charismatic musician; and Puffy, the foul-mouthed gnome who offers both guidance and exasperation. As Pebble struggles to navigate the rules of his new reality, he faces off against monsters, bandits, and divine "challenges" that range from inconvenient to life-threatening. Along the way, Pebble encounters gods who meddle in his life—sometimes offering aid, sometimes just making things harder. Among them are Glurt, the playful trickster; Artia, the shrewd, vengeful and alluring goddess; Aphrodite, who has her own plans for Pebble; and Reeki, the mysterious Mountain God who seems to have taken a special interest in him. As Pebble's viewership grows, he gains more power—but also more problems, as the gods begin to influence his decisions, pushing him toward a fate even he doesn’t fully understand. Haunted by his past life and the slow erosion of his Earthly hobbies and habits, Pebble tries to make sense of his role in this divine game. Aided by his comrades he must balance the absurdity of his situation with the reality of high-stakes danger. His class, "The Battery," holds mysterious potential that he's only beginning to uncover, and the path ahead is riddled with tasks that could lead him to greatness—or end his journey prematurely. Combining elements of dark humor, epic fantasy, and unpredictable divine interference, The Story of Pebble follows the adventures of a hero who never asked to be one, struggling to forge a path forward in a world where the line between game and reality is blurred—and where the gods are always watching.
Matt_Barbera · 28.2K Views

Roubada pelo Rei Rebelde

Como uma princesa que não conseguia usar magia, o único valor da Princesa Daphne para o seu reino era seu casamento arranjado. A tarefa era simples, mas quando Daphne é sequestrada e levada para as frias montanhas de Vramid, ela percebe que a situação é mais complicada do que pensava. Ela já tinha ouvido falar dessas montanhas amaldiçoadas antes - terreno rochoso, temperaturas congelantes, e a terra era governada por um homem temido por muitos no continente. Rei Atticus Heinvres, o sanguinário governante do Norte. Embora nunca tivesse o conhecido antes, histórias sobre a crueldade do Rei Atticus circulavam. Alguns diziam que ele era um monstro, outros afirmavam que ele era o diabo em pessoa, mas seja qual fosse a história, todos conheciam o homem que possuía poderes além da imaginação de qualquer um. Com um simples aceno de sua mão, auxiliado pelo que os outros rumoravam ser um anel de obsidiana amaldiçoado, ele podia derrubar exércitos e desmoronar nações. Ninguém fora de Vramid jamais havia conhecido o temido rei. Até Daphne. Porém, ao encontrar o formidável homem, Daphne descobriu que o rei pode não ser exatamente o monstro que outros disseram que ele era. Na verdade, o que estava escondido sob aquele escudo de obsidiana poderia ser apenas um diamante bruto. ― [Trecho] “Agora... onde devo colocar vocês dois?” ele perguntou casualmente, sem esperar uma resposta. “É lamentável que eu só tenha um lustre.” “Embaixo da minha cama? Não, não, muito sujo. Meus coelhinhos de poeira não merecem isso”, murmurou Atticus para si mesmo. “A prateleira da lareira? Que tal a mesa de maquiagem? Suponho que se eu cortar uma das suas cabeças eu poderia colocá-la em cima... Esposa, qual cabeça você quer encarar enquanto arruma o cabelo?” “Atticus!” Daphne gritou. “Eu não quero nenhuma cabeça! Deixe-os ir.” “Tudo bem.” Atticus deu de ombros e estalou os dedos. Houve dois estalos idênticos quando ambos os pescoços se quebraram de uma vez. Daphne ofegou, horrorizada. Este homem, seu marido, acabou de matar dois homens com um estalar de dedos, como se estivesse apagando velas. “Eu disse para você deixá-los ir!” Daphne gritou. “Sim, eu os deixei ir”, disse Atticus. Depois, seus olhos escureceram. “Para receber o julgamento divino dos céus.” ― Servidor de Discord:
saltedpepper · 203.6K Views

The Wild:War of Royals

In a world where magic is a weapon and trust is a luxury, **Lucian**, a college freshman, suffers from bullying and emotional crises while grappling with the loss of his mother. Haunted by betrayal from someone he cherished, his longing for connection becomes the first step in his transformation, thrusting him into a perilous new reality. Lucian finds himself in the body of **seventeen-year-old Dominic**, a boy tormented by relentless bullying yet harboring ambitions of his own. As he navigates this treacherous “Other Realm,” he discovers unsettling parallels between their lives. In this world, the revered **Emperea Empire** teeters on the brink of chaos, with rival royals vying for the crown. This is no ordinary war; it’s a deadly game where betrayal is merely another path to power. Nicholas, the vengeful crown prince, returns to reclaim what is rightfully his, while *Daphne*, a mysterious royal with her own dark secrets, prepares to stake her claim. As Lucian, now bearing the name Dominic, strives for a better future, he embraces his new identity and becomes a cunning strategist, determined to survive in the ruthless royal court. With alliances forged and shattered, love tested, and enemies emerging from the shadows, Lucian must confront an internal battle: will he surrender to the cold persona vying for control, or will he fight to preserve the compassion that defines him? In the savage Wilds, where ambition knows no bounds, he must navigate a dangerous landscape of betrayal and intrigue. As war looms on the horizon, Lucian must decide what he is willing to sacrifice for survival. *In this battle for the throne, no one is safe—and only the strongest will emerge victorious.*
K_Bliss29 · 6.4K Views

Blood, Status, Ethnicity, and Nationality

Daphne Yalle: When the great nation Neptune invades her land, Daphne's peaceful life soon changes drastically. And because she is a Neptunian-Plutonian - owns the same ethnicity as the Neptune invader country - Pluto residents hate her ethnicity very much it leads to a provoking conspiracy that traps her and her entire ethnic group as genocide victims. Fortunately, at the last moment, she was saved by Stairmount Rivers, one of the lecturers at her university. Stairmount's heroic actions immediately make Daphne fall in love with Stairmount, without realizing that the mysterious quiet man holds many secrets, some of which are even very dark and have the potential to bring Daphne to the deepest scrap of affliction. Stairmount "Schynn" Rivers: As a citizen of Jupiter descended from Saturn Country, it is very awkward for Stairmount as he can live legally in Pluto, especially since Pluto is at war. Yet, maybe he must be grateful for this 'awkward' destiny - so that he can save Daphne, that beautiful girl who captures his heart for the first time in his life. His deep love for her even leads him to be willing to risk his own life to save her. But the price for this love is too dreadful, as to pay for the consequence, he is then forced to sin against the land of his ancestors - with the lives of the people he loves as the captives to force him to commit this unforgivable sin. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, countries, ethnic names, institutions, agencies, organizations, businesses, as well as the events, issues, and incidents produced from those matters above are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, issues, and incidents is purely coincidental. Get in touch: Twitter: Tiktok: Ko-fi: Tumblr: theuniverseisboundless YouTube: Boundless Universe
boundless_universe · 47.5K Views

Beyond Captivating

Lucas Tyson good looks has always Been his problem ...a big problem to himself and also to his billionaire parents. He had it all, he is tall, built, s-xy, everything about him is hundred percent beyond captivating ... Funny, he sees life in a different way, he flirts, smokes, parties and one thing is ...he believes everything he does is right .. women bows at his feet, he feels on top of the world, his looks was his power, his strength, his everything.. no future plans ... his parents couldn't stop him , absolutely no one could, that's what he believes though,, Not until he met Silvia Fred .. A woman of steel, whom years back suffered a hard night by an unknown rich thug, A bad thug who indefinitely left her son fatherless Since then her heart has been filled with hatred towards men, she's heartless, brutal, and a skilled martial art guru. What happened when Lucas parents felt its high time they set his life right only to set him up with Silvia Fred who accepted the job offer to help put some senses to his head.. She's the devil who did nothing but made his life miserable, he made his life a living hell.. With time Lucas finds himself falling for this crazy woman even when his wedding to some rich girl was fast approaching . It felt absolutely odd to start falling for an annoying strict woman who did nothing but place your life on time. What happened when he finds out they might have one time shared a bit of the past... It was a realisation which did nothing but turn his life into a disastrous hell. It was then I knew Even rich guys do suffer...
Chinenye_Okereke · 40.9K Views

The Princess and The Bad Boy

After her mother dies, Daphne Lane has to go with her father and stepmother who is a queen to Luisa Island, a small (fictional) island that is very prosperous. To become a member of the royal family, she is taken to a mansion in Los Angeles (Twin City of the capital of Luisa) to be taught manners. During the debriefing, she was mentored directly by her stepmother and got a private tutor. In an instant, Daphne's free life begins to be restricted by rules. A set of rules that become a habit should not be broken. Like it or not, Daphne must follow the rules that apply in her life. Transferring to a new school, Daphne immediately becomes the spotlight there as the Princess of Luisa. Although many are queuing up to become her new friends, Daphne prefers to befriend the children who are members of the "Dumped Students" to avenge the crimes of the popular students' club led by Trixie Marshall. Despite being known as a trouble-provoking and a school bouncer, no one knows how Daphne has felt since losing her mother and having to live under the same roof as a stepmother who upholds manners and often compares her to Christabel. Her stepmother and even father also began to make her feel alienated in her new environment. Daphne tries to escape by tricking the security. But unfortunately amid her attempt to escape, she actually 'meets' with Justin Lancaster, an annoying guy who is a troublemaker at school. So her journey to the place of contemplation was again interrupted by the boy's presence.
MinAera · 28.2K Views
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