A voice calling from distant
The story follows Ryu Kento, a high school student who longs for a meaningful relationship but has never been able to get into one. He struggles with the emotional scars left by his abusive parents who abandoned him, leaving him to live alone in a small apartment.
Ryu experiences vivid, recurring dreams of a faceless girl. In these dreams, she beckons him toward something mysterious, and over time, her face begins to reveal itself bit by bit, deepening the intrigue and emotional connection. These dreams create an atmosphere of sadness, tied to Ryu's past, as he finds himself longing for a bond he’s never truly had in real life.
As the story progresses, a romance unfolds with the faceless girl, who turns out to be a transfer student at Ryu’s school. Alongside this growing connection, Ryu has two close friends at school who will play a significant role later in the story, supporting him through his struggles and helping him navigate the complexities of love, friendship, and healing.
The story blends elements of romance, mystery, and emotional depth, with hints of sadness as Ryu comes to terms with his past and begins to uncover the truth about the faceless girl in his dreams.