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St Trinians Babes

Tangled With A Priest

‘All it took was getting caught in breaking the rules.’ She was the delinquent student. He was the priest who owned a black cat, and theirs was a union forged from the embers of hell. —— “Somebody is getting curious,” the first girl said. “It wouldn’t be the first time,” a man’s voice replied. “Shake the curiosity off her.” “Is it who I think it is?” An older woman questioned. The first girl nodded. “We’re not practically close, but it looks like she has a leverage.” “I told you all to be on the low,” a stern man’s voice interrupted. “We cannot stir things up now when there’s a recent death! Are you forgetting that there’s a new inclusion to the priests? Not one, not two, but three for goodness sake!” A hush fell amongst them, the man’s anger reverberating. “We’ve been on the low, I’m making sure of that,” the older woman said. “What leverage do you think she has?” The first man asked. The girl exhaled. “Didn’t say, but she kept asking questions.” “Do something about it,” the harsh man said, “or you know, it’s everyday students fall off the staircase, and it’s not hard to call it suicide.” —— When Ivie touched people, she could see excerpts from their past or their future, when Ivie touched Father Chibuike, she only saw darkness. Together they would fight the shadows of death that made the students of St. Stephen Immaculate college commit suicide. She could have escaped her twisted fate, but she agreed to hold the priest’s secret, and soon she told him hers!
i_am_damien · 6K Views

Abyssale Chroniken

Der Dämonenherr, eine Gestalt mit schwarzem Haar und roten Augen, regiert von ihrem Obsidianpalast aus, nachdem sie die Göttin, das stärkste Wesen der Welt, wiederholt besiegt hat. Sie unterlässt es jedoch, sie zu töten, da sie weiß, dass sie nur wiedergeboren wird, um einen weiteren Angriff zu führen. Während die Göttin schwer verletzt und hilflos vor ihr kniet, ertönt draußen das Geräusch von Explosionen, die den bevorstehenden Sieg der Allianz ankündigen. Trotz ihrer immensen Macht erkennt der Dämonenfürst die allgemeine Schwäche der Dämonen im Vergleich zu den Menschen und der Allianz an. Die Entwicklung von Kampfkraft und Mana hat es gewöhnlichen Menschen ermöglicht, gegen Dämonen zu kämpfen, was zur Niederlage der Dämonenarmee geführt hat. Da die Dämonenfürstin von der Absicht der Allianz weiß, den Abyssal-Dämon zu versklaven, beschließt sie, einen verbotenen Zauber zu sprechen, der ihr das Leben kosten wird. Als die Streitkräfte der Allianz den Palast stürmen, zögern sie, als sie die Energie des Zaubers spüren. Die Dämonenfürstin schwört, zu widerstehen und wiedergeboren zu werden, um ihr Volk zu retten. Währenddessen denkt die Göttin darüber nach, wie der Dämonenfürst sie in der Vergangenheit behandelt hat, und erkennt ihren Respekt und ihre Hingabe für ihr Volk an. Als der Dämonenfürst sich darauf vorbereitet, den Zauber zu sprechen, fragt die Göttin, ob sie ihren Plan aufgeben und frei leben kann. Die Dämonenfürsten sind jedoch verpflichtet, den Ruhm der Dämonenrasse wiederherzustellen und ihr Volk zu beschützen. Die Göttin versteht die Entschlossenheit des Dämonenfürsten und macht ihr Schwert bereit, um mit dem verbotenen Zauber des Dämonenfürsten zu kollidieren. Die daraus resultierende Explosion erzeugt einen Atompilz, der das Ende des Konflikts und den Beginn einer neuen Ära markiert. Der Dämonenfürst und die Göttin werden zu historischen Figuren, deren Geschichten gelegentlich erzählt werden.
Hail_The_loli · 15K Views

Abyssales Erwachen

Alice, die ihre Kindheit in Ketten verbrachte, war ein Kind, das weder Liebe noch Freude kannte. Von ihrer Familie verachtet und im Namen des Allgemeinwohls jahrelang gefoltert, wurde sie gefühllos und gedankenlos. Bis ihr eines Tages ein Mann in Schwarz eine Chance zur Flucht bot. Einst gab es Gerüchte über eine endlose Hölle, ein Land des glorreichen Todes und der schrecklichen Möglichkeiten. Dummköpfe machten sich auf die Suche danach, und die Klugen wagten sich nie dorthin. Erst als seine unheilvollen Geheimnisse auf die Erde gelangten, hörten alle seinen Namen - den Abgrund. Ein einziger Tropfen seines Blutes konnte jemandem die Macht verleihen, Schatten zu kontrollieren, sich schneller als der Schall zu bewegen oder stärker zu sein als der stärkste Mann. Doch all das hatte seinen Preis: Das Blut sorgte immer dafür, dass diejenigen, die es tranken, Teil des Abgrunds wurden - mit einer Ausnahme: Alice. Von ihrem eigenen Blut verstoßen, war es ihr Schicksal, in einem vergoldeten Käfig zu verrotten. Doch dieser schicksalhafte Tag änderte alles. Sie bekam eine zweite Chance im Leben, eine Chance, ihr Leben umzukrempeln und Rache an ihrer Familie zu nehmen, eine Chance, tief in den Abgrund einzutauchen und die Macht zu erlangen, ihr eigenes Schicksal zu lenken, und Alice nahm seine Hand, ohne zu ahnen, welches Schicksal sich vor ihr entfalten würde. Uneinigkeit: Anmerkungen des Autors: Dies ist mein drittes Buch und ich werde das, was ich aus den vorherigen gelernt habe, nutzen, um mich zu verbessern. Dieses Buch wird sich auf die Handlung, die Action, die Tiefe der Charaktere und insgesamt auf einen dunkleren Ton in dieser grausamen Fantasy-Welt konzentrieren, die ich mir für dieses Buch ausgedacht habe! Wenn ihr dieses Buch ausprobiert, hoffe ich, dass es euch gefällt! Es ist eine ganz andere Erfahrung und ein ganz anderer Ton als Nanomancer Reborn.
Reili · 11.5K Views

Landgut für Bauernmädchen

[Landwirtschaft]+[Weltraum]+[Herzerwärmend]+[Wohlstand]+[Abschaum besiegen] Mo Yan, durch eine Explosion in Asche verwandelt, wurde in alten Zeiten wiedergeboren, Sie wurde ein kleines Bauernmädchen auf der Flucht vor der Hungersnot! Über ihr ein freundlicher und gutaussehender Gelehrtenvater - nicht schlecht! Unter ihr ein lebhaftes und liebenswertes jüngeres Geschwisterpaar - sehr gut! Aber in Wirklichkeit fühlte sie sich immer wieder wie der Tod, weißt du? Auf der Flucht, ohne Essen, Trinken oder Unterkunft zu sein, war eine Sache, aber sich ständig vor bösen Jungs in Acht nehmen zu müssen, die sie gefangen nehmen könnten, um sich die Bäuche vollzuschlagen, war eine andere! Zum Glück folgte ihr der aufrüstbare Space aus dem vorherigen Leben, aber was soll's - dieser fantastische Raum mit Bergen, Wasser und Fleisch zum Essen war formatiert worden! Angesichts der verzweifelten Lage entfachte Mo Yan ihren Kampfgeist neu: Was soll's, wenn es formatiert ist, ich werde trotzdem ein Vermögen machen und meinen Reichtum direkt am Fuße der Kaiserstadt aufbauen! Berge abtragen, Obstgärten anlegen, Geschäfte kaufen, Häuser bauen... nicht ein einziges weniger! Aber... es gibt so viele grünäugige Störenfriede! Gehört dein Hof dir? Hier, ich werde dich ohne Diskussion zu Tode trampeln! Willst du meine Stiefmutter sein? Gut, dann schicke ich dir einen Haufen Witwer. Deine Mutter sucht dich? Hier, nimm die Scheidungspapiere, behalte sie und danke mir nicht! ... Was ist denn? Ein hübscher Mann macht mir einen Antrag? Äh, das... soll ich mich ihm an den Hals werfen? PS: 1. ohne Zögern auf die Landwirtschaft bestehen + untypisches häusliches Geplänkel + keine Palastintrigen 2. Der Schreibstil ist ziemlich ernst, und die Werte sind normal (abgesehen von der gelegentlichen Laune des Autors) Links zu abgeschlossenen Werken: [Abandoned Farm Girl: A Beautiful Countryside] Link: [Die legitime Tochter des Generals, mit der man sich nicht anlegen sollte] Link:
Chilly Twilight · 10.4K Views

New Eden: Leben um zu spielen, spielen um zu leben

In einer Welt des ständigen Wettbewerbs strebt ein Mann nach der Spitze. In diesem neuen Genre VRMMORPG will er um jeden Preis der Stärkste werden. Die Klassen, die Rassen, die Startzonen, alles ist ein Geheimnis in "New Eden". Das Spiel kommt ohne ein Fitzelchen an Details auf den Markt. Das einzige, was angepriesen wurde, war die freie Wahl der Fähigkeiten. Unser Protagonist Alexander, Gamer-Tag Astaroth, hat schon immer davon geträumt, ein E-Sport-Athlet zu werden. Seine Eltern unterstützten seinen Traum, aber sie sind nicht mehr von dieser Welt. Er hat die feste Absicht, es in diesem neuen Spiel zu schaffen, wenn schon nicht für sich selbst, so doch zumindest, um ihr Andenken zu ehren. Da er keine Ahnung hat, wie er seinen Charakter spielen will, wählt Alexander die geheimnisvollste Startrasse. Wird dies sein Weg zum Erfolg oder sein Untergang sein? Der Spielassistent hat sicherlich das Letztere gedacht. "Mach, was du willst, junger Abenteurer. Ich möchte nur Folgendes hinzufügen. Komm nicht mit Beschwerden zurück, wenn du merkst, dass du die falsche Wahl getroffen hast", sagte die Elfe und sah ihn mit deutlichem Hass an. "Das werden wir ja sehen", erwiderte Alexander knapp. "Ich liebe Herausforderungen", fügte er hinzu. "Nun gut!", brummte die Elfe. "Ich wünsche dir das Abenteuer deines Lebens, so kurz es auch dauern mag", fügte er sarkastisch hinzu. Vor ihm liegt ein ungewisser Weg, der mit Prüfungen und Entbehrungen gefüllt ist. Aber eines ist in seinen Augen klar. Er wird der stärkste Spieler im Spiel werden, auch wenn er dafür über Berge von Leichen gehen muss. Vorbei sind die Zeiten, in denen er umsonst hart gearbeitet hat, jetzt geht es um alles oder nichts! Ich habe jetzt einen Discord, in dem ihr euch mit anderen Lesern und mir unterhalten könnt. Es gibt auch Kanäle, um über neue Waffen, Charaktere, Klassen oder Monster zu diskutieren, die ihr vielleicht entwerfen und in die Geschichte einbauen wollt. Ich werde immer die Person erwähnen, die diese Dinge entworfen hat, seid versichert. Der Link lautet
Galanar · 54.4K Views

Top Call Escort Babes <<03204417173>> 500+ Beautiful Women and Escorts

Get Lahore's Best In-Call & Out-Call Escort Babes Due to market demand for both in-call and out-of-call escort services, our company began offering top-notch services as well. All of the services we provide at our Lahore escort should be the greatest as we are different and superior to others. Our women shouldn't cause you any trouble either. Our babes, who are professionals in their area, seize every opportunity to persuade their clients to comply with their wishes. Both the in-call and out-of-call plans have very reasonable and affordable costs. Of course, you can afford them. Additionally, as the majority of our clients desire to spend the night with our Lahore model escort, take advantage of the benefits of being a female escort. We provide them with the greatest hotel room rate as a result. It's extremely simple to obtain everything you're considering. Therefore, don't hesitate any longer and give us a call to reserve our escorts in Lahore. Have fun a wonderful night with Elite College Escorts Lahore. In addition, the city of Lahore has a significant need for student escorts. Plus, college women usually request our Lahore Escort. When our females, not a prostitute or a low-class girl, are with you, everyone feels you're with your girlfriend or life partner. Despite their desire to live a luxurious lifestyle, many large figure babes are unable to do so due to financial constraints. College females are also hired by us for part-time jobs. In order to swiftly cover their own expenses, college girls begin working part-time at escort services like ours. They are also able to continue attending school with ease. If you would also like to go out to dinner, a pool party, or a date with this woman. In addition, college eroticas are now more affordable than they were in the past. They'll join you for dinner and on dates. She is skilled in enhancing your physical well-being. It provides you with all the joy you desire in life. Use our sex services in the most secure method and enjoy complete privacy. Everyone wants to be left alone when using a security service in Lahore. Here, we take the necessary precautions to guarantee that the data of our clients is always secure. Don't worry, we won't give anyone else access to any personal information you have provided. We make sure your identity is hidden from everyone. We also guarantee that your experience with our attractive girls will be captivating and unforgettable. elite VIP escort services in Lahore for more in-depth information via WhatsApp >
Eesha_Saleh · 337 Views

Enjoy Lahore's Top Call Escort Babes <<03204417173>> 500+ Beautiful

Get Lahore's Best In-Call & Out-Call Escort Babes Due to market demand for both in-call and out-of-call escort services, our company began offering top-notch services as well. All of the services we provide at our Lahore escort should be the greatest as we are different and superior to others. Our women shouldn't cause you any trouble either. Our babes, who are professionals in their area, seize every opportunity to persuade their clients to comply with their wishes. Both the in-call and out-of-call plans have very reasonable and affordable costs. Of course, you can afford them. Additionally, as the majority of our clients desire to spend the night with our Lahore model escort, take advantage of the benefits of being a female escort. We provide them with the greatest hotel room rate as a result. It's extremely simple to obtain everything you're considering. Therefore, don't hesitate any longer and give us a call to reserve our escorts in Lahore. Have fun a wonderful night with Elite College Escorts Lahore. In addition, the city of Lahore has a significant need for student escorts. Plus, college women usually request our Lahore Escort. When our females, not a prostitute or a low-class girl, are with you, everyone feels you're with your girlfriend or life partner. Despite their desire to live a luxurious lifestyle, many large figure babes are unable to do so due to financial constraints. College females are also hired by us for part-time jobs. In order to swiftly cover their own expenses, college girls begin working part-time at escort services like ours. They are also able to continue attending school with ease. If you would also like to go out to dinner, a pool party, or a date with this woman. In addition, college eroticas are now more affordable than they were in the past. They'll join you for dinner and on dates. She is skilled in enhancing your physical well-being. It provides you with all the joy you desire in life. Use our sex services in the most secure method and enjoy complete privacy. Everyone wants to be left alone when using a security service in Lahore. Here, we take the necessary precautions to guarantee that the data of our clients is always secure. Don't worry, we won't give anyone else access to any personal information you have provided. We make sure your identity is hidden from everyone. We also guarantee that your experience with our attractive girls will be captivating and unforgettable. elite VIP escort services in Lahore for more in-depth information via WhatsApp >
Aiza_Farooq · 364 Views

Entwined in Thorns: A Princess's Desperate Whispers(1st book of four)

Edward's touch was gentle yet electrifying as he drew Seutsui closer, his lips seeking hers with a hunger that mirrored her own. As their mouths met in a fervent kiss, a rush of heat surged between them. With a tender caress, Edward's tongue traced the curve of Seutsui's lips, seeking entrance to the depths of her being. As she parted her lips in silent invitation, he delved inside, their tongues entwining with desire.  *** He crouched down to my height and sighed. " Listen here, muffin," he began, his tone gentle yet firm "I wish I could tell you, but I think it's better if we wait for Saitous. So now, be a good girl and stop worrying so much, okay?" There was no room for Argument yet his voice... I didn't feel the reliance I always felt when he talked. He gently patted my hair and walked towards his room. This is worrying me more and more... "Entwined in Thorns: A Princess's Desperate Whispers" A lost princess unravels her hidden truth, setting forth on a courageous journey to reclaim her birthright. "Entwined in Thorns: A Princess's Desperate Whispers" chronicles the tale of hushed longings echoing through the challenging path she forges. With a delicate yet determined spirit, the princess stands resolute in fighting for her and her people. Amidst the thorns, the only confidant she had and wanted yet struggled to keep was a possessive and potent man whose love was clouded by warmth just for her. Why should she struggle? Who would dare to touch her with him beside her? Who would dare to take her from him? As she grapples with her own conflicted emotions will she be able to survive two people? One in whom she finds her solace and where she planted her love and one who claims her as his yet dare to be so cruel to her. Can she navigate the treacherous path to her rights while finding warmth in the most unexpected places? Content Warning: Attention Readers: This is a work of fiction intended to transport you to another dimension of storytelling. However, it may ventures into dark romance, exploring themes such as abuse, graphic fantasies, captivity, violence, and non-consensual acts. Please be aware that these themes are depicted in a graphic manner. Characters and incidents in this book are purely products of the author's imagination and are works of fiction. While sweet romance is also present, it's imperative not to disregard this warning. If you find certain content distressing or triggering, take the necessary steps to prioritize your mental well-being. Your emotional health is paramount, and it's perfectly acceptable to opt out of reading if you feel uncomfortable. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.
NHK · 8.4K Views

Top Call Escort Babes <<03204417173>> 500+ Beautiful Women

Get Lahore's Best In-Call & Out-Call Escort Babes Due to market demand for both in-call and out-of-call escort services, our company began offering top-notch services as well. All of the services we provide at our Lahore escort should be the greatest as we are different and superior to others. Our women shouldn't cause you any trouble either. Our babes, who are professionals in their area, seize every opportunity to persuade their clients to comply with their wishes. Both the in-call and out-of-call plans have very reasonable and affordable costs. Of course, you can afford them. Additionally, as the majority of our clients desire to spend the night with our Lahore model escort, take advantage of the benefits of being a female escort. We provide them with the greatest hotel room rate as a result. It's extremely simple to obtain everything you're considering. Therefore, don't hesitate any longer and give us a call to reserve our escorts in Lahore. Have fun a wonderful night with Elite College Escorts Lahore. In addition, the city of Lahore has a significant need for student escorts. Plus, college women usually request our Lahore Escort. When our females, not a prostitute or a low-class girl, are with you, everyone feels you're with your girlfriend or life partner. Despite their desire to live a luxurious lifestyle, many large figure babes are unable to do so due to financial constraints. College females are also hired by us for part-time jobs. In order to swiftly cover their own expenses, college girls begin working part-time at escort services like ours. They are also able to continue attending school with ease. If you would also like to go out to dinner, a pool party, or a date with this woman. In addition, college eroticas are now more affordable than they were in the past. They'll join you for dinner and on dates. She is skilled in enhancing your physical well-being. It provides you with all the joy you desire in life. Use our sex services in the most secure method and enjoy complete privacy. Everyone wants to be left alone when using a security service in Lahore. Here, we take the necessary precautions to guarantee that the data of our clients is always secure. Don't worry, we won't give anyone else access to any personal information you have provided. We make sure your identity is hidden from everyone. We also guarantee that your experience with our attractive girls will be captivating and unforgettable. elite VIP escort services in Lahore for more in-depth information via WhatsApp >
Aizal_Ameen · 128 Views

Transmigrated to Game World with SSS Wife

[Ding!] [Welcome to the fantastic world of Aether Babes!!!] [Title granted: King of the Cosmos!] In his first life, Nick was an avid gamer. One of the top-ranking players in the gacha game Aether Babes, he never thought in a million years he'd be transmigrated into the world of his favorite game. However, it wasn't everything he imagined it to be. Somehow all the gods were dead, leaving him as the new King of the Cosmos far earlier than his character was supposed to be. More than that, it seemed like his favorite game actually contained the worlds of many different games... And as the King of the Cosmos, it was his duty to conquer every game, obtaining ultimate power. Finding himself in a dangerous plane of existence filled with exotic monsters and demons and even more nightmarish creatures he never dreamed of fighting in real life, Nick has to fight relentlessly just to stay alive. Luckily, he has the help of his favorite waifus! Couple warnings: Few lemons. Though the characters will be close and intimate, I do not plan on making many detailed scenes, at least at the start. Also, there wouldn't really be the chance anyways, as imminent danger is lurking around every corner. MC will be OP. Combined with his gacha knowledge and wide assortment of Valkyries (The waifus he summons) he himself is also op. To be fair, some of his enemies, especially the Endwalkers, are op as well. Also, it will be a progression based OP. Ch2 MC would not be facing the same enemies as Ch 2,000 enemies. Yes harem. NTR one time and its against abusive husband. No yuri. The harem will be filled with a bundle of different personalities, so you can expect a bundle of different personalities as well as tropes like Tsun, yandere, etc. NO F* INCEST!!! NONE!!! Book will be addicting hehe. If you enjoy, don't forget to shower with powerstones, golden tickets, and gifts!!!
PhoenixTheShiba · 1.7K Views

From Shadows to Sovereign

For years, Connor Rojo was nothing more than a shadow in the halls of St. Helena's Academy. An introverted, unremarkable student, he lived at the mercy of his bullies, ignored by his peers, and shackled by the weight of his own inadequacies. Every day was a routine of survival, not living—a monotonous grind that dulled his spirit and buried his dreams under the rubble of ridicule and rejection. The world had written Connor off, and he had accepted it. That is, until the summer before Year 11 changed everything. One fateful night, while Connor was locked away in his room, resigned to another solitary summer, a system appeared in his mind—an otherworldly interface called the OmniCore System. Designed to grant its user unlimited potential, the system offered Connor what he never dreamed possible: power. Not just physical strength or social charisma, but infinite power—limited only by his imagination and willingness to seize it. With quests to guide him, stats to build, and abilities to unlock, Connor’s life became a game, and for the first time, he had the tools to play it his way. But power doesn’t come without consequences. As Connor explored the system’s limits, he discovered its origins shrouded in mystery. Was it a gift from a higher entity? An alien experiment? Or something far more dangerous? With every quest completed and every skill unlocked, the stakes grew higher. Connor’s newfound abilities transformed him from a meek, forgotten boy into a force to be reckoned with, but his journey was just beginning. As the school year started, Connor returned to St. John’s Academy a changed man—stronger, smarter, and no longer content to be overlooked. No longer satisfied with survival, he set his sights on something far greater: domination. He would turn the school into his kingdom, with himself as its undisputed ruler. His bullies? They’d kneel before him. His detractors? They’d become his pawns. And those who stood in his way? They’d feel the full force of the system’s wrath. From subtle manipulation to devastating displays of power, Connor began reshaping the social fabric of the school. Allies were forged, enemies crushed, and the unthinkable became reality as Connor carved out his place at the top. Yet, even as his ambitions grew, so did the challenges. The system’s true purpose began to unravel, revealing enemies beyond comprehension—forces that sought to control, claim, or destroy what he now possessed. As Connor rose from the shadows, his quest for control expanded beyond the confines of his school. Wealth, influence, and loyalty became his tools as he set his sights on the world stage. Governments, corporations, and entire nations would fall under his sway. But with such immense power came dangerous questions: Could he hold on to his humanity? Would he use his abilities to create a better world, or would vengeance and ambition consume him entirely? From Shadows to Sovereign is a gripping tale of transformation, ambition, and the intoxicating allure of power. It’s the story of a boy who was invisible to the world, thrust into the role of a god in the making. As Connor walks the fine line between savior and tyrant, readers will be captivated by his journey—from the quiet halls of his school to the vast expanse of global domination. Will Connor rise as the leader humanity needs, or will he become its greatest threat? In this thrilling exploration of revenge, morality, and ultimate power, one thing is certain: Connor’s world—and the world itself—will never be the same.
Omni_God2000 · 324 Views

The Ghost King's Reincarnation Into The 21st Century

This tale is a fusion of two worlds, born from the remnants of unfinished stories, now woven into a single epic narrative. At its heart lies Zhong Kui, the legendary King of Ghosts whose name echoed through China during the Tang and Ming dynasties. Known for his mastery over 80,000 demons and his unyielding vigilance in maintaining order between the realms of the living and the dead, Zhong Kui’s reign was fortified by the Five Bats—symbols of the Five Blessings of good fortune. With their power, his rule was unmatched. But fate turned cruel. A cataclysmic battle with an enigmatic figure known only as the "Emperor" shattered Zhong Kui's dominion. The Emperor, a being with powers that twisted reality itself, struck a devastating blow. Stripped of the Five Bats, Zhong Kui fell. Sealed away within a cavern, he was left to slumber for a millennium, his legacy fading into myth. Fast forward to the 21st century. Explorers unearth the ancient cave, unwittingly breaking the seal that binds Zhong Kui. The ghost king awakens to a changed world, brimming with both opportunity and peril. Enter Bai Lumin, a struggling writer navigating the chaos of modern life. Desperate to make ends meet, her life takes a sharp turn when she discovers an extraordinary gift—she can see ghosts. This revelation comes in a harrowing encounter within an abandoned building, where danger lurks in every shadow. It is Zhong Kui, who comes to her aid, a towering figure from a forgotten age, now tethered to a world far removed from his own. Their meeting ignites a story of intrigue, danger, and the rekindling of ancient powers. As their paths intertwine, Bai Lumin is drawn into Zhong Kui's quest to reclaim the Five Bats and restore balance to the world of spirits, while carving her own destiny amidst the chaos. Publishing: Monday-Friday 10:10 AM (WAT)
NR_Narrative · 1.7K Views
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