"Dutton's Legacy: The Rise of Alex"
Plot Summary follows the life-altering journey of Alex Dutton, a decorated Delta Force soldier and billionaire, as he is reborn into the world of Yellowstone as John Dutton's youngest son. At the tender age of six and a half feet tall and muscularly built, Alex quickly captures the hearts of his new family. His valorous deeds and strategic acumen earned him the nickname "Hulk" during his military career, including his most notable achievement of ending the reign of Saddam Hussein. Upon his return to the ranch, Alex uses his financial expertise to bolster the family's wealth, leading John Dutton to become the second major shareholder in Tesla. Simultaneously, Alex aids his siblings, John and Beth, in their respective ventures by offering his military comrades new opportunities in law enforcement and private security. As the season unfolds, Alex finds love in the unlikeliest of places with Teeter, a local ranch hand. The season is packed with action, family dynamics, and the emergence of a new powerhouse within the Dutton family, culminating in a dramatic twist that leaves everyone questioning the future of the Dutton empire.