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Aesthetic Vestidos

La Esposa del Demonio

``` *Romance Histórico de Queima Lenta* Lady Elise estava prestes a trocar pelo vestido que estava jogado no canto da sua cama quando ouviu uma batida suave vindo de sua porta. Curiosa, ela girou a maçaneta e viu um homem alto se impondo à sua frente. “Mestre Ian!” Ela chamou. Ian sorriu com o sorriso maroto de sempre que ele sempre usava. Seus olhos carmesins percorreram o quarto dela e avistaram o vestido preto sobre a sua cama e direcionaram o olhar para a mulher à sua frente. Ele deu um passo à frente e falou. “Onde você conseguiu esse vestido?” “O Sr. Harland me deu.” Lady Elise respondeu e esticou o pescoço para ver as sobrancelhas de Ian se unindo em sua elegância. “Você sabe por que um homem adoraria dar um vestido a uma mulher?” Ele fez um enigma que ela sempre tinha que pensar duas vezes antes de responder. Mas dessa vez, ela não encontrou resposta e, em vez disso, balançou a cabeça. “Não sei.” Seu sorriso se tornou encantador como se algo tivesse despertado no profundo dos olhos escarlates que ele tinha. Ele lentamente deslizou sua mão pela gola do vestido dela, enviando um arrepio frio que a assustou por um momento devido a sua temperatura congelante. Depois de desabotoar os dois primeiros botões na gola, ele inclinou sua cabeça para baixo, sussurrando em seu ouvido. “Porque eles querem ser os primeiros a despir o tecido.” Ele pausou e beijou seu pescoço, tornando a pele pálida em vermelho antes de retrair seu movimento para arrumar o olhar sobre ela e respondeu de forma despreocupada. “Infelizmente, você não pode vestir o vestido ali com isso.” Ele riu e passou uma caixa para as mãos dela. “E a notícia boa é que preparei um vestido para você.” Lady Elise era uma garota amaldiçoada que podia ver fantasmas. Sua família a odiava e a jogava de uma família adotiva para outra. No entanto, a desgraça não agia sozinha. Quando ela foi criada por sua tia, foi vendida como escrava. Quando pensou que se tornaria nada mais do que um sacrifício ao feiticeiro, foi salva por um homem cuja identidade era muito diferente de um ser mitológico normal. *** Este livro é ORIGINAL e não é uma Tradução Junte-se ao discord do Autor(a): ```
mata0eve · 124.2K Views

aesthetic gym

aesthetic gym Bekleidung liegt voll im Trend und ist längst mehr als nur funktionale Sportkleidung. Sie verbindet Komfort, Leistung und Stil, sodass sich Fitness-Enthusiasten nicht nur beim Training wohlfühlen, sondern auch optisch hervorstechen. Ob im Fitnessstudio, beim Outdoor-Workout oder im Alltag – moderne Gym-Kleidung ist Ausdruck eines aktiven Lebensstils und unterstreicht die persönliche Ästhetik. Ein ästhetisches Fitnessstudio ist weit mehr als nur ein Ort für körperliches Training – es ist ein Raum, der Körper und Geist gleichermaßen anspricht. In der heutigen Zeit, in der Fitness und Wohlbefinden immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen, sind ästhetische Fitnessstudios zu einem Trend geworden, der sowohl funktionale als auch visuelle Aspekte des Trainings miteinander vereint. Ein solches Studio ist nicht nur auf die Verbesserung der physischen Fitness ausgerichtet, sondern bietet auch eine Umgebung, die die Sinne anspricht und zu einem ganzheitlichen Erlebnis beiträgt. Ein wesentliches Merkmal eines ästhetischen Fitnessstudios ist die Gestaltung des Raumes. Die Architektur und das Interieur sind so gewählt, dass sie eine beruhigende und gleichzeitig motivierende Atmosphäre schaffen. Helle, natürliche Materialien wie Holz und Glas, gepaart mit minimalistischen Designs und klaren Linien, vermitteln ein Gefühl von Raum und Offenheit. Sanfte Farben und eine gut durchdachte Beleuchtung tragen dazu bei, eine entspannte Stimmung zu fördern, die das Training angenehmer macht und gleichzeitig den Fokus auf das Wesentliche lenkt. Neben der visuellen Gestaltung spielt auch die Auswahl der Geräte eine zentrale Rolle. In einem ästhetischen Fitnessstudio werden hochwertige, funktionale Geräte verwendet, die sowohl optisch ansprechend als auch effektiv in ihrer Nutzung sind. Oft findet man dort maßgeschneiderte Maschinen, die nicht nur dem neuesten Stand der Technik entsprechen, sondern auch in ihr Design integrierte ästhetische Prinzipien aufweisen. Das Training wird so zu einem Erlebnis, das nicht nur den Körper fordert, sondern auch die Sinne anspricht. Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt ist die Atmosphäre des Studios. In einem ästhetischen Fitnessstudio geht es nicht nur um das reine Training, sondern auch um die Schaffung eines Wohlfühlorts. Oft bieten solche Studios zusätzliche Annehmlichkeiten wie entspannende Lounge-Bereiche, Saunen oder Spa-Bereiche an, die den Besuchern die Möglichkeit bieten, nach dem Training zu entspannen und sich zu regenerieren. Diese Einrichtungen tragen dazu bei, den gesamten Fitnessprozess zu einem ganzheitlichen Erlebnis zu machen. Darüber hinaus ist die Community in ästhetischen Fitnessstudios von großer Bedeutung. Der Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten und die Motivation, die durch die Umgebung und die Mitglieder entsteht, fördern eine positive Einstellung zum Training. In einem ästhetischen Fitnessstudio wird die Atmosphäre von einem Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit geprägt, was das Engagement und die kontinuierliche Verbesserung unterstützt. [url=]aesthetic gym[/url] Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass ein ästhetisches Fitnessstudio weit mehr ist als nur ein Ort für körperliches Training. Es ist ein Raum, der durch Design, Atmosphäre und hochwertige Ausstattung sowohl Körper als auch Geist fördert und eine Umgebung schafft, in der sich Menschen nicht nur fit, sondern auch inspiriert und entspannt fühlen können
Aman_Chima · 1.2K Views

The scarlet Lamb

Summary The story is a fantasy story with a slight horror aesthetic coupled with slight romance but not too much for this is mainly an action novel. Disclaimer: lots of gore and profanity will be used, with lit RPGs. Yes it's another reincarnation story but one where the MC doesn't know how to make everything in modern time. There will be slight evolution but not much for I want to keep him as close to a sheep as possible but he will get humanoid form but he won't turn into a human. No Graphic R18 scene. I'm not writing a smut story! I will add art of the characters and monsters as much as I am able to in the comments at the end, so please check them out when you finish reading the chapter! If you really like the story and or character art please help support my work by visiting my etsy store where I will be selling them on t-shirts or other nick-knacks. Alright that enough self promotion now onto the main sum. Summary: Enter the world of Redsorrth, a world filled with magic and dangers >:)! A world filled with all the fantasy classics like dwarves, elves, beast-men etc.. with classic monsters such as… goblins, demons and dragons. This fantasy classic story takes place where our hero Babbitt is a newborn sheep where he must survive to become a shepherd, but how will he survive when his race is always being hunted! For sheep flesh makes the best sacrifices to the gods as well as to feed their enemy stomachs, for sheep is the most prized of delicacies! For they are Hunted down for their wool, blood and flesh, while their innocent souls make the best conduit for the demons and gods alike. How long will he survive being born at one of the human farms? Will he escape to find the higher forms of his race? Or will he forever be stuck as a sheep for the slaughter? Will he meet a cute female sheepy…. Well I guess the only way to know is to read and find out!
Sulfates_Cidif · 9.6K Views

Casada con el Hijo del Diablo

【Volumen 1 - Casada con el hijo del Diablo】 Un príncipe, del que se rumorea que es hijo del Diablo. Él es la definición de Peligro. Él es la Oscuridad misma. Una princesa. Encarcelada en su propia casa, solo para salir una vez que se case. ¿Pero casarse con quién? *** Había una vez, el Diablo se enamoró de una de las muchas esposas del Rey. Una noche fue a su habitación disfrazado de su esposo y hizo el amor con ella. Ella quedó embarazada de su hijo. Al saber esto, el Rey ordenó su ejecución creyendo que su esposa le había sido infiel, pero entonces el Diablo se apareció al Rey ofreciéndole un trato. A cambio de gran poder para su Reino, el Rey permitiría que su esposa engendrara al hijo del Diablo. El Rey, codicioso de poder, acepta el trato y su Reino se convierte en uno de los más poderosos Reinos y el hijo del Diablo, el séptimo Príncipe del Reino. Ser princesa probablemente suena bien. Una vida llena de lujo, vestidos hermosos y zapatos bonitos, pero para Hazel, no hay nada agradable en ser princesa. Nunca puede salir del palacio, nunca puede tener amigos, nunca puede comer o decir o vestir lo que quiera y nunca puede elegir a la persona con la que va a casarse. Pronto se casará con un hombre al que nunca ha conocido, un príncipe del que se rumorea que es el Hijo del Diablo. 【Volumen 2 - El regreso del hijo del Diablo】 **Secuela de Casada con el hijo del Diablo** ¡Ha vuelto! Esta vez más feroz, rápido y fuerte, con una sola cosa en mente. ¡Venganza! Príncipe de la Oscuridad, Hijo del Diablo, Lucian ha vuelto, y tiene solo una cosa en mente. ¡Venganza! Eso es hasta que se encuentra con ella. Una mujer que lo seduce más allá de la razón, pero que también afirma ser su esposa. Rodeado de oscuros secretos y poderosos enemigos, Lucian debe decidir a quién confiar y a quién destruir. Después de que le rompieran el corazón una vez, Klara juró no volver a enamorarse. Pero cuando su hermano intenta obligarla a un matrimonio y el molesto pero diabólicamente guapo Roshan la rescata, las cosas se complican. ¿Podrá proteger su corazón del hombre cuyo tacto prende fuego a su cuerpo? ¿O se rendirá a su deseo y arriesgará su corazón una vez más? ————————————————————————————————— 【Volumen 3 - El Diablo en sus Sueños】 LA BESTIA ENTRE NOSOTROS Imagina vivir en un mundo lleno de seres ardientes y feroces, escondiéndose en las sombras, vagando en nuestros sueños, arrastrándose bajo nuestra piel. Escuchando a hurtadillas, manipulando nuestras mentes y explorando nuestros cuerpos. Son salvajes, bestias, pero algunos de ellos son compañeros y amigos de la infancia. Algunos son peligrosos, otros aún más peligrosos. Viven entre nosotros. Algunos de nosotros los llamamos Demonios, otros los llaman Djinn. Pero algunos de ellos nunca deberían ser llamados. LA BELLEZA BUSCANDO AMOR Heaven, la nieta del Diablo y princesa de Decresh lo tiene todo en la vida. Padres amorosos, belleza, riqueza y estatus. Pero falta una cosa. Y ese es el amor. Heaven sueña con el tipo de amor que tienen sus padres y ahora que ha llegado a la edad de casarse, debe encontrar a su hombre ideal y al futuro rey de Decresh. Y debe encontrarlo pronto. Hay un hombre. Un misterioso extraño de ojos plateados que sigue apareciendo en sus sueños. ¿Quién es él y qué quiere? A medida que la línea de pretendientes crece, los sueños de Heaven se vuelven más vívidos, lo que la obliga a embarcarse en un viaje para encontrar al hombre de sus sueños. ¿Podría él también ser el hombre de sus sueños? ¿O resultaría ser una pesadilla?
JasmineJosef · 311.2K Views

Antitheus Canine's Demesne: Ultima's Uproar

At a peculiar time at night, where the celestial forms shine so bright, A new demesne of predators has risen, Their enemies suffer 'coz of the throes of violence. --- Technology started to rise and improve even more. It has become even more advantageous in the lives of people. But as we all know, humans are creatures that don't get satisfied after one success to another, and so professionals such as Scientists and Engineers continue to conduct new research, experiments, and inventions. Even if it means sacrificing their lives or others. --- "Do you still value your life?" --- With the eyes changing to a color of blood and death, Shifting forms that you can misinterpret, Ultima governs a territory close to hell, Sanguine and has sui generis exploits held. --- "Well, there is no harm in trying a game right?" A question suddenly popped up in front of him. It was just some typical questions for the people who would play a game. First Name: Kaito Last Name: Araki Gender: Male Age: 20 Character type: Werewolf --- With the name ANTITHEUS CANINE'S DEMESNE You can sense the prodigious strength pouring in, Beware of the aesthetic but deceiving dark skies, For "We assault our prey in the moonlit night, 'til they won't see tomorrow's light." --- "Welcome to a new world" *** Hello! I am Paired_Lucelence, and this is the story I have submitted in the WPC contest. It is about an online RPG world that gives you quests, embark on adventures, and raid domains, either solo, duo, or in team. It also allows you to establish your guild and conquer the top ranks. I will be very thankful for the support you will be investing in this story of mine. Thank you! May you not be spotted under the moonlit night, to enjoy tomorrow's light.
Paired_Lucelence · 11.9K Views

Reborn in the Gears of Destiny

Description: "Reborn in the Gears of Destiny" follows the journey of Maxwell Clarke, a modern-day businessman whose life takes an unexpected turn when he dies and is reincarnated during the Industrial Revolution. Armed with his advanced knowledge of economics and business practices, Maxwell navigates the challenges of a new era while revolutionizing industries, forming alliances, and confronting his past. As he rises to power, he must grapple with the ethical implications of progress and the choices he makes in a world on the brink of change. The novel explores themes of innovation, sacrifice, societal transformation, and the far-reaching impact of individual actions on history. Genres: 1.Isekai: The story features a reincarnation element, transporting the protagonist from one world to another, which is a common trope in the isekai genre. 2.Historical Fiction: Set during the Industrial Revolution, the novel offers a vivid portrayal of the time period, its technological advancements, and the societal upheavals that occurred. 3.Business and Economics: The protagonist's expertise as a businessman drives the plot, making the novel suitable for readers interested in business strategies, economic principles, and entrepreneurial endeavors. 4.Adventure: Maxwell's journey is marked by challenges, alliances, and conflicts, providing an adventurous and dynamic narrative. 5.Drama: The protagonist's struggle to reconcile his past, the choices he faces, and the ethical dilemmas he encounters create a dramatic and emotionally charged storyline. 6.Steampunk: With its focus on the Industrial Revolution, the novel incorporates elements of steampunk, blending advanced technology with the aesthetic of the Victorian era. 7.Intrigue: Rivalries, secrets, and unexpected twists keep readers engaged and curious about the fate of Maxwell and his world-altering inventions. 8.Social Commentary: The novel delves into the societal impacts of technological progress, offering commentary on class disparities, workers' rights, and the consequences of unchecked industrialization. 9.Philosophical: Through Maxwell's moral introspection and the choices he makes, the novel delves into philosophical themes related to ethics, personal responsibility, and the pursuit of progress. "Reborn in the Gears of Destiny" weaves together these genres to create a rich, thought-provoking narrative that explores the complexities of innovation, history, and the human spirit.
Azure_Kai · 3.4K Views

A Beautiful Chaos

So the first thing that Janice knows now is that she has traveled to the past. The only thing that she remembers before opening her eyes in this new world is that she had an accident. Hmm, maybe she remembers one more thing. Her deal with the Grim Reaper. ----- Janice Green is a successful and top businesswoman and the only thing that could stop her is 'No-thing'. And on the other hand is her enemy, Noah Robbins. She still looks at him with hopes before she forgets all the time that he is no more her lover. But due to the most tragic turns of events, she transports back in time in the body of a woman named Duchess Janice Gilbert. And the only regret she has now is that she couldn't tell Noah the secret that she was finally going to tell him before the accident. She is assigned a task, but little does she know that the game is far more complex and she is not alone in that world which was until today hidden in history. This is the story of fate, past mistakes, revenge, and unfair love. This is the story that has a meaning that can only be discovered by the one who is pure-hearted. --- This is the first book in the series titled 'THE KINGDOMS AND MISTAKES.' It can be read as a stand-alone novel as well. THE KINGDOMS AND MISTAKES #1 A Beautiful Chaos #2 A Delicate Dream -------‐----------- NOTE:- The art on the cover is the original from @inawong87 (Instagram Id) and is not created by me (Luna Arsyn). I really love her art and the aesthetics too, so please do check her out on insta. I do not intend to infringe any copyright by making the cover. And upon the occurrence of any situation, with prior notification, I'm ready to change the cover too. The title design and title belong to Luna Arsyn.
LunaArsyn · 52.2K Views

Stellar Empires: The Chronicles of a Galactic Fortune

In the vast expanse of the universe, where fantasy and science fiction intertwine, lies a future where humanity has achieved extraordinary advancements. Welcome to a world of anime-inspired aesthetics and futuristic technologies, where the pursuit of wealth and power transcends planetary boundaries. In "Stellar Empires: The Chronicles of a Galactic Fortune," embark on a thrilling journey through space, exploring a realm filled with adventure, treachery, and the boundless potential of the cosmos. This gripping tale revolves around the remarkable story of Atlas Vance, a young and ambitious entrepreneur who dares to dream beyond the limitations of his humble beginnings. As he traverses the galaxy, Atlas finds himself drawn into a web of intrigue and opportunity, encountering strange civilizations, formidable adversaries, and the enigmatic forces that govern the interstellar economy. With the backdrop of an ever-expanding universe teeming with unique cultures and awe-inspiring technologies, "Stellar Empires" delves into the complex dynamics of a galactic economy driven by resource acquisition, trade routes, and cosmic investments. This narrative explores the interplay of power and wealth in a future where entire star systems become the playgrounds of the prosperous. Through the eyes of Atlas Vance, readers will witness the rise and fall of empires, uncover long-lost secrets hidden in the depths of the cosmos, and confront the ethical dilemmas that arise when vast fortunes hang in the balance. This tale intertwines elements of fantasy, science fiction, and anime aesthetics, creating a mesmerizing fusion that appeals to fans of diverse genres. Prepare to be immersed in a universe where space-faring vessels soar through nebulae, where ancient prophecies intertwine with cutting-edge technologies, and where the pursuit of money and power drives humanity's ambitions to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. "Stellar Empires: The Chronicles of a Galactic Fortune" invites you to embark on an epic adventure that will leave you questioning the very essence of human existence.
Youlovereading · 3K Views

In the clutches of the dark prince

[COMPLETED] Isn't it very weird when you're life gets too normal and calm without any chaos, a peaceful life with so much silence that you end up questioning yourself to know whether it's really even possible, whether it's real or not? Well, there was a girl who really didn't want that reality for herself and wanted something more... but, little did she know that everything had a price to pay or that she would end up losing everything that she held dear, that her consequences would end up being more than she could ever imagine? ... Melanie, a cheerful but hotheaded girl, with a lovely life finds herself scholar-shipped on a trip by her school. Her once-calm life changes completely as, she meets the mysterious, Brenden White! Her once calm and lively life gets filled with chaos!!! ... Sneak peek: "Why did you stare at me ?" He asked seriously. She paused at the table and sneered " It was pure fright, what do you expect, love at first sight?" saying that she left the table. He smirked, amused by her words, ' Only you will dare to sneer at the Dark prince.' ... Is the trouble really worth the price? or was the price already paid before being the bait... ... " Just like a devil never too near, but not too far! " ... Add the book to your library if you like it. Leave a comment to let me know your opinion of my book!!! ... The book cover is not mine and the credit solely belongs to the artist!!! ... Follow me on Instagram for aesthetics. UserID: author_mysticdragon1257
Mystic_Dragon_ · 124.9K Views
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