Star Sign: Lycan
Of the Many Worlds, Vermilion—the planet, not the moon—is one of the Crescent Union's most successful breeding grounds for Lycan Hybrids. Infamous for raising warmongers, terrorists, and staunch, model citizens patriotic to the Union's cause.
Most children on Vermilion are either orphaned or were born in a test tube, never to meet their parents. The Union's scientists believe that variation of genes is necessary for creating the ultimate soldiers to fight their wars on hostile worlds that won't yield.
Logan and Matthis, brothers, are soon to be 18-years-old, and their pack's Luna can't protect them any longer. Already four years overdue, they'll soon have to enter military conscription—a death sentence.
But when an unlikely opportunity with even greater risk—but a reward that promises a better life—presents itself, will they take it?