"Awareness" is a dark-themed dystopian novel set in the fractured world of Nova Terra, where humanity's thoughts are no longer their own. Bound by the oppressive grip of the Hotep-glasses worn from birth that manipulate perception and suppress free will-people live in unquestioning submission.
But for those known as Familiaris, whose glasses are cracked and distorted, fragments of a forbidden truth begin to surface. These cursed individuals are shunned, feared, and pushed to the brink of madness as their fractured vision reveals the lies holding their world together.
At the heart of the story is Kaduri Chazoi, a curious boy who grows into the masked symbol of rebellion, Eleven. Torn between his humanity and his mission, Kaduri leads a desperate fight for freedom against the tyrant Dux, whose traumatic past fuels his obsession with absolute control, and the Veraces, a faction of Familiaris who will stop anyone from toppling the system they fear will plunge the world into chaos.
Brimming with psychological conflict, moral complexity, and high-stakes action, "Awareness" explores the fragility of truth, the cost of rebellion, and the unyielding courage it takes to break free from chains-both seen and unseen.