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Arianne Ary

Das Haustier des Tyrannen

Widder Aime Heathcliffe. Eine Prinzessin aus dem kleinen Königreich Rikhill wurde von allen geliebt. Mit ihrer bezaubernd zurückhaltenden Schönheit und ihrem klugen Verstand hatte sie viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt und die Herzen vieler erobert. Einer von ihnen war der schneidige Kronprinz des Maganti-Reiches. Überwältigt von der Sehnsucht nach ihr und seinem Interesse an dem Land des kleinen Königreichs, machte der Kronprinz des besagten Reiches vor nichts Halt. Die Ritter des Maganti-Reiches marschierten durch die Massen und eroberten das vierhundert Jahre alte Königreich Rikhill. Das Königreich Rikhill fiel über Nacht in den Ruin. Der Kronprinz ließ kein Mitglied der königlichen Familie am Leben, außer seiner Kriegstrophäe Aries. Nachdem er in seinen Händen gelitten hatte, fand Widder die perfekte Gelegenheit zur Flucht. Damals nahm er sie mit zum Weltgipfel. Ein Treffen der Herrscher aller Königreiche und Reiche zu Friedensgesprächen. Dort traf sie den Kaiser von Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth. Von Verzweiflung überwältigt, flehte Aries ihn an, sie bei sich aufzunehmen. Es war zu spät, als sie erkannte, dass der Mann, den sie um Hilfe bat, noch viel grausamer, verdrehter und geradezu teuflischer war als der Kronprinz, weil er sie als sein... Haustier annahm! EXZERPT: Als ein Paar karmesinroter Augen über ihr schwebte, hielt Aries den Atem an. Als sich seine Lippen teuflisch kräuselten, konnte sie nicht schnell genug reagieren, als er ihre Position schnell veränderte. Sie merkte es erst, als sie ihn sattelte und mit großen Augen auf Abel hinunterblickte. "Niemand steht in diesem Reich über mir - nicht einmal das Gesetz, aber sieh dich an", sagte er mit einem teuflischen Grinsen. "Du starrst auf mich herab... so entmutigend." Aries biss sich auf die Lippe und legte ihre Handfläche auf ihre eingefärbte Brust. "Eure Majestät..." "Verstehst du jetzt, welche Macht du hast, Liebling?" Abel wickelte seine Finger vorsichtig um ihr Handgelenk, erfreut über ihre Reaktion. "Nur du, Widder, darfst dich über mich erheben und bist der einzige Mensch auf dieser Welt, der auf mich herabschauen darf. Niemand sonst." Er hob einen Arm und fuhr mit den Fingern durch ihr Haar und legte seine Handfläche auf ihren Hinterkopf, bevor er sie nach unten zog, bis ihr Gesicht eine Handbreit von ihm entfernt war. "Nutze das lieber zu deiner eigenen Verfügung", flüsterte er und legte den Kopf schief, als er ihn anhob, um zu fordern, was ihm gehörte. SIE. Darf ich vorstellen: Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth, der sadistische Tyrann, der ein Imperium mit eiserner Faust regierte. Als sein Haustier Aries immer mehr in sein langweiliges, düsteres Leben eindrang, war er drauf und dran, sie zu töten. Doch jedes Mal, wenn er daran dachte, ihr das Leben zu nehmen, änderte er leider seine Meinung. Je länger er sie an seiner Seite hatte, desto schwieriger wurde es, sie loszuwerden. Und je mehr er sich nach etwas Tieferem und Dunklerem sehnte... es machte ihn wahnsinnig. Was würde Abel mit dem Geheimnis, das er vor ihr verbarg, tun, wenn Aries die verrottende Wahrheit hinter dem Reich und dem Kaiser herausfand? Würde er sie töten? Oder sie küssen? Sie vielleicht in einen Käfig sperren? Und würde sie versuchen zu fliehen, wenn sie herausfindet, dass Abel nicht nur ein normaler Mensch ist? Oder würde sie akzeptieren, dass er nicht nur ein leibhaftiger Dämon war? War es in einer komplizierten Welt, die sie schwarz färbte, überhaupt möglich, dass zwischen einem Haustier und seinem Herrn Liebe aufblühte? Beobachte, wie diese beiden das gefährliche und verrückte Spiel von Liebe und Lust spielen. Wer würde der Meister und wer das Haustier sein? Wer war die Beute? Lesen Sie, um mehr herauszufinden. --------- Originalgeschichte von: alienfrommars FOLGE MIR AUF INSTAGRAM für originelle Zeichenkunst: @authoralienfrommars Discord-Server: Haftungsausschluss: Cover nicht von mir. Habe es von Pinterest. Credits an den Künstler.
alienfrommars · 74.4K Views

Escapé de mi ex, fui capturada por su rival

``` —Durante los últimos tres años, Ariana Ari Harlow ha dado todo de sí a su marido —. Los dos se casaron porque su hermana decidió huir en la noche de la boda, ya que creyó los rumores de que la Corporación Nelson estaba en bancarrota. —Ari amaba a Noah desde que tenía dieciséis años —, pensó que era el sueño de su vida hecho realidad. Sin embargo, no sabía que su hermana le había tendido una trampa y no era el comienzo de su nueva vida, sino su nuevo infierno. —Se vio obligada a renunciar a su formación como médico porque la respetable Señora Nelson no podía tener las manos cubiertas de sangre —. Ari aceptó. —Por el bien de Noah, se convirtió en la esposa perfecta que cuidaba de sus suegros y su marido —. No obstante, lo único que le esperaba eran insultos, su marido se avergonzaba de ella y su suegra creía que su hermana, Ariel, era la más adecuada para su hijo. —Con todo, Ari persistió —. Pensó que algún día llegaría a ablandar el corazón de su marido. —¡Pero lo pilló besando a su hermana! —.Con el corazón roto, Ariana decidió divorciarse de su marido, pero de alguna manera se encontró enredada con Nicolai —. El enemigo y rival de su marido. —No estaban destinados a estar juntos —. Pero a Nicolai no parece importarle las probabilidades en su contra. —De hecho, estaba decidido a irrumpir en la vida de Ari y prenderle fuego a todo —.En un estado de embriaguez, una vez la sujetó del cuello contra la pared de un bar sórdido : — "Puedes negarlo todo lo que quieras princesa, pero me deseas—. Sus ojos recorrieron su pecho agitado y sus ojos se oscurecieron, el rojo apareció desquiciado, posesivo como si quisiera arrancarle el alma del cuerpo y anclarla al suyo : — "Apuesto a que si echo un vistazo, estarás chorreando húmeda por mí. —El calor subió a las mejillas de Ariana mientras ella gruñía : — "Cállate. —Hazlo tú—, dijo Nicolai mientras estampaba sus labios sobre los de ella . —Sus besos se quemaban en su alma, y su calor le quemaba la piel cada vez que se tocaban —.Pensó que su mayor error había sido enredarse con Nicolai. —Con todo, Ari pronto se dio cuenta, literalmente, que ser deseada por semejante hermosa pesadilla era mucho peor que un error . ``` Y las cosas se complican cuando su marido descubre la verdad sobre todo. —Dispárame en el corazón, Ari —dijo Noah mientras colocaba la boquilla del arma donde latía su corazón—. Porque una vida sin ti es una vida que no quiero, así que mátame o vuelve. Te lo suplico. Ahora que Nicolai le había dado una opción, ¿se enamoraría Ari de él y se lanzaría a una vida de nada más que peligro? ¿O volvería con su marido, Noah, a quien ha amado desde que tenía dieciséis años? ¿Y evitaría Ariana el peligro que acecha en la oscuridad, esperando a que ella cometa un error y pierda todo lo que le es querido? ¿Encontraría la clave de todos los secretos que la atan a Noah y Nicolai así como a su retorcido destino? ******* —Se trata de dinero, ¿verdad? Toma y lárgate —gritó mientras lanzaba la tarjeta negra a la cara de Ariana. Ariana no podía creer lo que oía cuando su marido o su futuro exmarido la humillaba de esta manera. Tres años. Ariana Harlow le dio a Noah Nelson tres años y sin embargo cuando lo sorprendió besando a su hermana mayor, Ariel—— esto fue lo que él le dijo. —Voy a divorciarme de ti —declaró Ari y se fue. Se fue sin un centavo, pero Ari se topó con Nicolai. El enemigo y rival de su marido, el príncipe de la mafia de la Ciudad Lonest, un bastardo notorio conocido por sus tendencias violentas. El desafortunado encuentro la colocó en el camino de Nicolai y, así como así, posó sus ojos en ella. La primera vez que se encontraron, Nicolai le pidió que lo invitara a cenar. La segunda vez que se encontraron, le entregó un millón de dólares. La tercera vez que se encontraron, declaró —Te ves bien en mis brazos, ¿qué dices princesa? ********
fairytail72 · 452.1K Views

La Mascota del Tirano

Aries Aime Heathcliffe. Una princesa del pequeño reino de Rikhill era amada por todos. Con su belleza encantadoramente demure y una mente sabia, había atraído mucha atención y capturado los corazones de muchos. Uno de ellos era el atractivo príncipe heredero del Imperio Maganti. Superado por el deseo de tenerla y su interés en las tierras del pequeño reino, el príncipe heredero del mencionado imperio no se detendría ante nada. Los caballeros del Imperio Maganti marcharon a través de las masas y se apoderaron del reino de Rikhill de cuatrocientos años de antigüedad. El reino de Rikhill cayó en ruinas de la noche a la mañana. El príncipe heredero no dejó con vida a ningún miembro de la familia real, aparte de su trofeo de guerra, Aries. Después de sufrir en sus manos, Aries encontró la oportunidad perfecta para escapar. Fue entonces cuando él la llevó a la cumbre mundial. Una reunión de cada soberano de cada reino e imperio para conversaciones de paz. Allí conoció al emperador de Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth. Abrumada por la desesperación, Aries le rogó que la acogiera. Fue demasiado tarde cuando se dio cuenta de que el hombre al que pidió ayuda era mucho más cruel, retorcido y francamente diabólico que el príncipe heredero al tomarla como su... ¡mascota! EXTRACTO: Con un par de ojos carmesí acechándola, Aries contuvo la respiración. Cuando la comisura de sus labios se curvó diabólicamente, no pudo reaccionar rápido mientras él cambiaba rápidamente sus posiciones. Solo se dio cuenta cuando estaba montándolo, mirando hacia abajo a un Abel de ojos muy abiertos. —No hay nadie por encima de mí en este imperio e incluso fuera —ni siquiera la ley, pero mírate —entonó con una sonrisa diabólica—. Mirándome desde arriba… tan intimidante. Aries mordió su labio, apoyando la palma en su pecho tatuado. —Su Majestad... —¿Ahora entiendes el poder que tienes, querida? —Abel envolvió cuidadosamente sus dedos alrededor de su muñeca, satisfecho por su reacción—. Solo tú, Aries, puedes estar por encima de mí y eres la única persona en este mundo que puede mirarme desde arriba. Nadie más. Levantó un brazo y pasó sus dedos por el lado de su cabello, colocando su palma en la parte posterior de su cabeza antes de atraerla hacia abajo hasta que su rostro estuvo a la distancia de una palma de él. —Sería mejor que usaras esto a tu discreción —susurró, inclinando la cabeza mientras la levantaba para reclamar lo que es suyo—. Ella. Conozca a Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth, el tirano sádico, que reinó en un imperio con puño de hierro. Con la presencia cada vez mayor de su mascota, Aries, en su aburrida y oscura vida, estaba decidido a matarla. Pero, cada vez que pensaba en quitarle la vida, se encuentra cambiando de opinión. Cuanto más la mantenía a su lado, más difícil se le hacía deshacerse de ella. Y cuanto más ansiaba algo más profundo y oscuro... le estaba volviendo loco. Con un secreto que le estaba ocultando, ¿qué haría Abel si Aries descubría la podrida verdad detrás del imperio y el emperador? ¿La mataría? ¿O la besaría? ¿Quizás encerrarla? Y si ella descubriera que Abel no era solo un humano normal, ¿intentaría escapar? ¿O aceptaría que él no era solo un demonio encarnado? En un mundo complicado que los tiñó de negro, ¿era siquiera posible que floreciera el amor entre una mascota y su amo? Vea cómo estos dos juegan el peligroso e insano juego del amor y la lujuria. ¿Quién será el amo y la mascota? ¿Quién es la presa? Lea para descubrir más. ---------- Historia Original de: alienfrommars —Sígueme en Instagram para arte de personajes originales: @authoralienfrommars Servidor de Discord: Descargo de responsabilidad: La portada no es mía. La conseguí de Pinterest. Créditos al artista.
alienfrommars · 115K Views

Nightmare of the Artificial Island

In the year of 2042, the hometown of Atlise becomes incapable of holding living creatures. Human beings find it difficult to live, facing serious problems like struggles in breathing, good food, pure water and other essentials for survival. Later, with the help of the O'Brien's Company, people migrate to Artificial Island(ARI), created by them with advanced technology. People enjoy a cozy and comfortable life at ARI, overpowered by bots and advanced environments. Only after moving to the island, youngsters get conscious of how vast and supernatural their lands was, being one among the powerful Octa countries. They extend to set bond with the people of octa countries, exclusive of the werewolf kingdom, who were considered the most coldblooded and merciless after transformation. In spite of moving to a safe place, problems arise once again by a mysterious evil intruder. Jason Maddox, who was born years later had to accidently fall as a bait to the mysterious eviler, who gives him a mysterious defect that lets him enter a abnormal life full of Chaos and breathtaking days. Things get tangled up, once they start to solve the quest of the problem, leading them into terrifying nightmares full of dark traits and thirst for revenge, which leads to breakage of relationships and trust between themselves. Will Jason be able to save himself and his people from the hands of evil? Let's get inside the adventure of Jason's life and see how he lives his life from normal to abnormal. _____ P.S (Tag: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Werewolf, adventure, Supernatural) Hello guys, this is the Author! If you are here to take a sip of werewolf story with a familiar plot, then this isn't a perfect place for you. NAI isn't like the ordinary Sci-Fi werewolf novel, you used to read often. Its completely different from the novels in WN, where lot of events occur in several places with interesting sequels. You could strongly feel the transformation of the MC, how he controls his self and his bonding, both with his family and friends. The antagonist would absolutely make you crazy, making confused by the acts of sacrimony. Once you start reading, you would completely get hooked up with the world design, since I didn't give much info about it here. Hope you fall in love with the Artificial Island and show your support till the end. Enjoy!!!
Shamira_Farhath · 171.5K Views

Shield Of Vengeance

In Shield of Vengeance, Arie, a young boy marked by strange patterns in his eyes, is thrust into a life of relentless training, his parents believing him destined for greatness as a warrior. Desiring only friendship, Arie's world is shattered when his village is razed by a dragon and treacherous foes. Amidst the chaos, Sara, a girl who had shown him kindness, dies protecting him. Determined to avenge his village, Arie embarks on a journey of self-discovery, mastering powerful magic, discovering ancient secrets, and wielding a legendary katana. But as Arie grows stronger, he learns that the true battle may lie not just in revenge, but in protecting those he loves from the shadows of his past. In this world where magic and might determine one's fate, Arie, a young adventurer, fights not just for survival but for a place in a realm that values power above all. From completing seemingly impossible quests to discovering hidden truths about his mysterious past, Arie's journey takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Princess Lea, a royal with secrets of her own. As Arie enrolls in the prestigious magic academy, he quickly finds himself entangled in a web of rivalry, admiration, and danger. His unique ability to wield a rare, mysterious form of Creation magic sets him apart, drawing the attention of allies and enemies alike. Yet, beneath the academy’s grandeur lies a looming threat—an ancient power that could disrupt the kingdom’s fragile peace. Can Arie rise above the challenges, master his newfound powers, and navigate his complex relationship with Princess Lea? Or will the weight of destiny crush him before he unravels the true extent of his potential?
Mashacre · 13.5K Views

The General’s Unknown Bride

Princess Arianne has spent her life trapped within the gilded walls of the palace, overshadowed by the ambitions of her five half-brothers who battle for the throne. Despite their rivalry, they love her unconditionally. But Arianne craves freedom—not power. When she and her youngest brother, Prince Kael, secretly escape the palace to explore the world beyond, their adventure turns into exile when their father, the king, discovers them. As punishment, they are sent to the kingdom’s harsh border, stripped of their royal titles, and forced to train as common soldiers. There, Arianne meets General Rian, the kingdom’s most revered warrior—and the man unknowingly betrothed to her. Loyal to his unseen princess, Rian has sworn to love and protect her, but he finds himself irresistibly drawn to the mysterious new recruit, Ari. Unaware of her true identity, Rian struggles between duty and desire, torn between the princess he has never met and the soldier who challenges and captivates him. As Arianne fights alongside him, she begins to see the man behind the legend, and against her better judgment, she starts to fall for him too. But secrets cannot stay hidden forever. When the truth comes to light, will love be enough to bridge the gap between them? Or will duty, betrayal, and the weight of the crown tear them apart? A tale of forbidden love, hidden identities, and the battle between destiny and desire—where the heart must decide what truly matters.
sweety_k_9348 · 6.5K Views

The adventure of a modern day detective turned aristocrat

Ari Kang, a sharp-witted detective from modern-day Korea, is renowned for her unrelenting pursuit of justice. With a mind rivaling Sherlock Holmes, she navigates the labyrinth of crime with an uncanny ability to unravel the most complex mysteries. But when a frustrating cold case leads her to seek solace in an old detective novel, fate plays a cruel joke—she wakes up inside its pages. Now trapped in the body of Lady Evelyne, the fallen daughter of a disgraced duke, she finds herself in a world of Victorian-style aristocracy, ruthless power plays, and a society where murder is disguised behind silken smiles. To make matters worse, she’s no longer just an observer—her original character was meant to die, serving as nothing more than a footnote in the book’s protagonist’s journey. Refusing to accept her fate, Evelyne sets out to rewrite the narrative, using her detective instincts to navigate the treacherous halls of nobility. But her investigations draw the attention of an enigmatic prince—the fifth in line to the throne—whose golden eyes hold secrets as deep as her own. As alliances shift and hidden enemies lurk in the shadows, Evelyne must untangle a web of conspiracies, solve murders that weren’t meant to happen, and uncover the truth behind her own family’s tragic downfall. But one question looms over her: if this is a book, can she ever escape? And if she does… does she even want to? A thrilling blend of mystery, intrigue, and slow-burning romance, The Adventures of a Modern-Day Detective Turned Aristocat is a tale where the detective becomes both the hunter and the hunted in a world where survival depends on wit, charm, and a well-placed deduction.
Pencilgon · 5.3K Views

Reincarnated to become the class president of HSH (short story)

shinn Yamada, reincarnated and become Haneul volkov. (EDITED) A normal high school boy name shinn, he was the just a normal high school boy until the day he got shotted by a pistol of a unknown enemy and died, he got reincarnated in a new world called ARIES. Shinn wakes up from his long and deep sleep, he's sitting on a empty white abyss nothing but silence, until a woman's voice speaks, "welcome to the void, to choose your next world, please tell me your new name and not your previous one. " shinn choose his favorite character name called HANEUL, after that he lost consciousness and woke up on a unfamiliar forest, wind gnetle winds. he introduced himself to a the principal of the nearby school called HSH, , or the HUNTERS HIGH , located at the fifth region of this new world called aries. the hunters high, is one of the most powerful school in all of aries, they hunt, and they kill monsters that invades their world. HANEUL, join the entrance exam to become a student in HSH, he and other nine students passed all the exams and become a students. weeks after.. . . haneul, nominated as the class president of the HSC or thie HUNTERS CLASSROOM,cand won the election, the reason he got chosen is because he was a skilled hunter since his day 1 in HSH. now haneul, will continue his life as a class president and a skilled assasin and hunter on this new world. ___________________________________ well, haneul have to experience a lot of quest and assignments to become what he's destined for.
Xedrha · 3K Views

Escaped My Ex, Got Snatched by His Rival

For the past three years, Ariana Ari Harlow has given her all to her husband. The two of them got married because her sister chose to run away on the night of the wedding, as she believed the rumours that the Nelson Corporation was bankrupt. Ari loved Noah since she was sixteen, she thought it was her dream come true. However, she did not know that her sister had dug a trap for her, and it was not the beginning of her new life, rather it was her new hell. She was forced to give up her training as a doctor because the respectful Mrs Nelson could not have her hands covered in blood. Ari agreed. For the sake of Noah, she became a perfect wife who took care of her in-laws and husband. However, what waited for her was nothing but insults, her husband was ashamed of her and her mother-in-law believed that her sister, Ariel was well-matched for her son. However, Ari persisted. She thought that she would warm the heart of her husband one day. But she caught him kissing her sister! Heartbroken, Ariana decided to divorce her husband, but she somehow found herself entangled with Nicolai. The enemy and rival of her husband. They were not meant to be together. But Nicolai doesn’t seem to care about the odds stacked against them. In fact, he was determined to break into Ari’s life and set everything on fire. In his drunken stupor, he once held her by her throat against the wall of a dingy pub, “You can deny it all you want princess, but you want me.” His eyes raked over her heaving chest and his eyes darkened, the red appearing unhinged, possessive as if he wanted to wrench her soul out of her body and embed it in his own. “Bet if I take a peek, you will be dripping wet for me.” Heat flared up Ariana's cheeks as she snarled, “Shut up.” “Make me,” said Nicolai as he smashed his lips on hers. His kisses burned into her soul, and his warmth seared her skin every time they touched. She thought that her biggest mistake was getting entangled with Nicolai. However, Ari soon realised the hard way, Literally, being wanted by such a beautiful nightmare was much worse than a mistake. And things turn complicated when her husband finds the truth about everything. “Shoot me in the heart, Ari,” said Noah as he brought the gun's nozzle where his heart lay. “Because a life without you is one that I don't want, so either kill me or come back. I beg of you.” Now that Nicolai had given her a choice, would Ari fall in love with him and jump into a life of nothing but danger? Or would she go back to her husband, Noah, whom she loved ever since she was sixteen? And would Ariana avoid the danger that lurks in the dark, waiting for her to make a mistake and lose everything dear to her? Would she find the key to all the secrets that tied her to Noah and Nicolai as well as her twisted fate? ******* Excerpt: “It's all about money, isn’t it? Take it and get lost,” He shouted while throwing the black card at Ariana’s face. Ariana couldn’t believe her ears when she heard her husband or her future ex-husband humiliate her like this. Three years. Ariana Harlow gave Noah Nelson, three years and yet when she caught him kissing her elder sister, Ariel—— this was what he said to her. “I am going to divorce you,” Ari declared and left. She left penniless but Ari stumbled into Nicolai. The enemy and rival of her husband, the Mafia prince of the Lonest City, a notorious bastard known for his violent tendencies. The ill-fated meeting placed her in Nicolai’s path, and just like that he set his eyes on her. The first time they met, Nicolai asked her to invite him to dinner. The second time, when they met, he handed her a million dollars. The third time when they met, he declared, “You will look good in my arms, what do you say princess?” ********
fairytail72 · 1.9M Views

Ang Kampilan na Humahati sa Hangin

Isang uri ng nobelang Bayaning-Mandirigma (War Hero), na ang mga pangunahing mga karakter ay marunong manlaban at nageensayo ng kanilang Sining Pandigma (Martial Arts). Sila ay mga Alagad ng Sining Pandigma (Martial Artists) na nagpapalakas ng kanilang Gahum (Spiritual Power) sa pamamaraan ng pagpatay ng ibang tao o hayop at pagkukuha ng kanilang Gahum o pagbibigay pugay o paghihingi ng kapangyarihan galing sa mga umalagad (ancestral spirits). Sa Kapuluang Baha-Bahagi, sa mundo ng Ikinatha, tinatahak ng dalawang dakilang magkakapatid ang buhay ng alipin. Si Mayumi at Bolan ay dalawang magkapatid na aliping horohan ni Datu Ranao. Mga dalaga't binata na, walumpung taon sila nagtataka kung sino ang kanilang mga magulang. Si Mayumi ay isang mabuting bata, umbo ni Bolan, mainitin ang ulo, at walang takot na sumusulong sa buhay. Lahat noon ay mababaliktad nang napaginipan niya ang puting buhok na diwata. Nanay niya ba ito? Buhay pa kaya siya? Si Bolan ay ang oyo ni Mayumi. Malumanay, matalino, pero marunong pumatay. Mahuhulog ang kaniyang damdamin para sa napakagandang Baylan sa kanilang lungsod... kaso lang, siya'y binayaan ng pagkikita sa mundong hindi makita. Maari siyang maging bayugin. Sundan ang dalawang magkapatid na ito at ang kanilang kaibigan na sila Urduya at Galura, sa pagngayaw kay Datu Keraya, ang Datung nagnakaw sa makabuluhang Kampilan ng Humahati sa Hangin. Kakayanin ba nila ang katotohanan? Gagampanan ba nila ang kanilang responsibilidad? Hanapin ang Kampilan ng Humahati sa Hangin. *** Kapag nagustuhan ninyo, mag-vote at comment! Talagang pinapahalagaan ko ang inyong mga feedback! *Ako gumawa ng cover, pero hindi ako ang may-ari ng imahe na ginamit. Credits sa owner.
oinonsana · 52.3K Views

VRMMORPG: Eternal Nexus online

The world's greatest VRMMORPG, Eternal Nexus Online, is released, and millions of gamers log in eagerly to behold its wonders, to explore its lands, conquer its dungeons, and unravel its mysteries. But as excitement soon turns to terror, players realize the game has a deadly twist: if you die, you forget in the real world, turning into an empty shell of your former self. Ryu Takashima is a quiet but fiercely determined gamer who finds himself trapped in this merciless virtual reality. With nothing but his beginner gear and a strong will to survive, he quickly learns that strength and alliances are the keys to enduring this brutal new reality. As Ryu delves deeper into the Nexus, he discovers rumors of an ultimate challenge - the Nexus Keeper, a legendary creature said to hold the key to escape. But the path to freedom is fraught with danger, deceit, and betrayal. Along the way, he teams up with Aris, a skilled and pragmatic rogue, and Draven, a charismatic but enigmatic spear wielder with his own hidden agenda. Together, they have to find their way through dangerous dungeons, discover ancient artifacts, and defeat relentless foes—both monsters and other players. But as the secrets begin to unravel about the true purpose of the game, Ryu learns that the stakes are higher than anyone imagined. In a world where everything decided can mean life, death, or even the loss of one's very identity, will Ryu be able to rise to the challenge and uncover the truth about the Eternal Nexus? Or will he become just another forgotten player in the shadows of the game? Survival isn't the goal; it's the game. Join in the journey of Ryu as he becomes the strongest player of NEXUS ONLINE. enjoy and have a good read ;) note: i update daily 1-2 chapters
Sykko_ · 41.4K Views

Star Stream: The Multiversal Streaming Platform

In a dystopian future where alien lifeforms coexist with humanity, Aries, a 4th class citizen considered the lowest of the low, discovers a world-changing opportunity. The existence of portals leading to another dimension called The Sanction of God has granted species the ability to absorb the powerful essence known as Mana, granting immense strength. However, to harness this power, they must defeat monsters and obtain their monster cores. Aries's life takes an unexpected turn when he accidentally installs a mysterious app called Star Stream on his phone. To his astonishment, he instantly becomes a streamer whose broadcasts are viewed by beings across the multiverse. Realizing the potential of this streaming platform and being the only streamer in his universe, Aries seizes the opportunity to document his growth from the weakest of the bunch to a being capable of conquering the universe. With the world as his audience, Aries embarks on a perilous journey to become the number one streamer in the entire Multiverse. Armed with determination and an unyielding spirit, he ventures into The Sanction of God, challenging dangerous monsters and absorbing their monster cores to acquire their Mana essence. As Aries's streaming adventures unfold, he gathers a loyal and diverse fan base from various dimensions, each following his exploits with fervor. His content captures not only the thrilling battles against formidable creatures but also the struggles of a society where class divisions persist. Aries's rise to power through the ranks of the streaming world inspires hope among the oppressed and downtrodden, sparking a rebellion against the established order. As Aries gains popularity, he faces numerous challenges and adversaries who seek to exploit his newfound fame and power. With alliances forming, betrayals lurking, and the ever-looming threat of the powerful ruling elite, Aries must navigate a treacherous path to maintain his integrity and fulfill his ultimate goal. Star Stream is an action-packed science fiction novel that blends elements of epic battles, interdimensional exploration, and social commentary. Through Aries's gripping journey, readers witness the transformative power of determination, courage, and the ability to inspire change in a universe hungry for hope and justice.
Kaya_Alon · 4.6K Views


—ella fue elegida porque era su derecho desde el principio...—Una vez en una rara ocasión, la noche de una luna llena azul, una niña es llevada de una casa para servir a las bestias que se hacen llamar hombres lobo. Los hombres lobo eran los que gobernaban el pueblo y todo lo controlaban. Parecían humanos pero, bajo su fachada humana, había un monstruo despiadado que buscaba destruir. Todos intentaban protegerse, pero en el fondo sabían que no eran rival para los hombres lobo. Arianne era una niña que había nacido diferente a las demás personas del pueblo. Tenía el cabello largo y rojo y había nacido con ojos de diferente color. Uno verde y uno marrón. Nadie sabía por qué había nacido así y no era hereditario. Su madre también murió durante su parto y, por eso, su padre, Massimo, se distanció de ella y decidió volver a casarse. Se casó con una mujer llamada Christine que ya tenía una hija fuera del matrimonio, Rissa. Juntas, Rissa y Christine decidieron hacerle la vida un infierno a Arianne, mientras su padre les daba la espalda. Por esto, Arianne decidió alejarse de su familia y de la sociedad. Llegó el día de la selección y Rissa fue elegida para servir a los hombres lobo. Aterrorizada por su vida, Rissa decidió persuadir a su madre para convencer a Massimo de ofrecer a Arianne para la selección. Ignorando sus súplicas y lágrimas, Massimo ofreció a Arianne para servir a los hombres lobo. Nadie sabe realmente qué sucede con las chicas que son seleccionadas y a nadie le importa preguntar. Sin saber el destino que le espera, Arianne decide ir a servir al hombre lobo al que llaman Ivan Giovanni, un alfa conocido por su crueldad. ¿Podrá Arianne sobrevivir viviendo entre hombres lobo? ¿Qué sucede cuando descubre más sobre su identidad y la única persona que puede ayudarla es Ivan? ¿Qué crees que sucederá si descubre que Ivan era el niño al que salvó hace tantos años de morir? NOTA: NO SOY EL PROPIETARIO DE LA IMAGEN DE LA PORTADA DE ESTE LIBRO. LA IMAGEN FUE ENCONTRADA EN PINTEREST.
DA_Aloera · 794.3K Views


"ela foi escolhida porque era dele por direito desde o início..." Uma vez, em uma rara ocasião, na noite de uma lua cheia azul, uma menina é levada de uma casa para servir às feras que se chamam lobisomens. Os lobisomens eram os que governavam a cidade e controlavam tudo. Eles pareciam humanos, mas sob sua fachada humana havia um monstro impiedoso que busca destruir. Todos tentavam se proteger, mas no fundo sabiam que não eram páreo para os lobisomens. Arianne era uma menina que nasceu diferente das outras pessoas da cidade. Ela tinha longos cabelos ruivos e nasceu com olhos de cores diferentes. Um verde e um marrom. Ninguém sabia exatamente por que ela nasceu assim e isso não era hereditário. Sua mãe também morreu durante seu parto e por causa disso seu pai, Massimo, se distanciou dela e optou por se casar novamente. Ele se casou com uma mulher chamada Christine que já tinha uma filha fora do casamento, Rissa. Juntas Rissa e Christine decidiram fazer da vida de Arianne um inferno, ao que seu pai fechou os olhos e, por causa disso, afetou Arianne e ela decidiu se afastar de sua família e da sociedade. O dia da seleção chegou e Rissa foi escolhida para ir servir os lobisomens. Com medo pela própria vida, Rissa decidiu persuadir sua mãe a convencer Massimo a oferecer Arianne para a seleção. Ignorando seus gritos de súplica e lágrimas, Massimo entregou Arianne para ir servir aos lobisomens. Ninguém realmente sabe o que acontece com as meninas que são selecionadas e ninguém se deu ao trabalho de perguntar. Desconhecendo o destino que a aguarda, Arianne decidiu ir servir ao lobisomem a quem chamam Ivan Giovanni, um alfa conhecido por sua impiedade. Arianne conseguirá sobreviver vivendo entre os lobisomens? O que acontece quando ela descobre mais sobre sua identidade e a única pessoa que poderia ajudá-la era Ivan? O que você acha que aconteceria se ela descobrisse que Ivan era o menino que ela salvou anos atrás de morrer? NOTA: EU NÃO SOU O PROPRIETÁRIO DA IMAGEM DE CAPA DESTE LIVRO. IMAGEM ENCONTRADA NO PINTEREST.
DA_Aloera · 194.9K Views


"she was chosen because she was his right from the very beginning..." Once on a rare occasion, the night of a blue full moon, a girl is being taken from a household to serve the beasts who call themselves werewolves. The werwolves were the one who ruled the town and controlled everything. They looked human but buried under their human facade was a ruthless monster who seeks to destroy. Everyone tried to protect themselves but deep down they knew they were no match for the werewolves. Arianne was a little girl who was born different from other people in the town. She had long red hair and she was born with different coloured eyes. One green and one brown. No one knew exactly why she was born that way and it wasn't hereditary. Her mother also died during her child birth and because of that her father, Massimo distanced himself from her and chose to remarry instead. He married a woman called Christine who already had a child out of wedlock, Rissa. Together Rissa and Christine decided to make Arianne's life hell to which her father turned a blind eye to and because of that, it affected Arianne and she decided to withdraw herself from her family and the society. The day of the selection came and Rissa was selected to go and serve the werewolves. Scared for her life, Rissa decided to persuade her mother to convince Massimo to offer Arianne up for the selection. Ignoring her screaming pleas and tears, Massimo offered up Arianne to go and serve the werewolves. No one really knows what happens to the girls that are being selected and no one bothered to ask. Not knowing the fate that awaits her, Arianne decided to go and serve the werewolf who they call Ivan Giovanni, a alpha who is known for his ruthlessness. Can Arianne survive living among werewolves? What happens when she finds out more about her identity and the only person who could help her was Ivan? What do you think will happen if she finds out that Ivan was the boy she had saved all those years ago from dying? NOTE: I DO NOT OWN THE COVER IMAGE OF THIS BOOK. IMAGE WAS FOUND ON PINTEREST.
DA_Aloera · 2.3M Views
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