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How rich people think

3 Middle class believes hard work creates wealth… World class believes leverage creates wealth I f hard work was the secret to financial success, every construction worker and cocktail waitress would be rich. The wealthy strategi- cally focus their efforts on the most profitable areas of their business while leveraging their contacts, credibility and resources to maximize the results of every action they take. World-class performers work hard, but not in the traditional sense. Hard work to the wealthy means out-thinking their competitors and leveraging the collective brain- power of their advisors. The middle class sees hard work as a badge of honor. The world class sees success as a more important badge of honor. While one group is mentally and physically exhausted at the end of the day, the other is fresh and excited about thinking of new solutions and ideas that will keep the first group employed. As a result, the middle class lives paycheck to paycheck and the world class lives without limits. The only real difference lies in their approach and ability to use leverage in place of linear effort. The average person is playing life’s proverbial slot machine, while the wealthy own the slot machines. The beauty of living in a capi- talistic society is that anyone in the middle class is free to make theSteve Siebold 21 necessary changes in their thinking to capitalize on the concept. Most people won’t do it because they are either unaware of how they can think differently, or don’t believe it’s possible. Either way, the wealthy will continue to amass fortunes while the masses sit on the sidelines worrying about how to pay their bills. “People with leverage have dominance over people with less leverage. In other words, just as humans gained advantages over animals by creating leveraged tools, similarly, humans who use these tools of leverage have more power over humans that do not. Saying it more simply, ‘leverage is power’.” — Robert Kiyosaki ᏷ Rich Resource Your Money & Your Brain: How The New Science Of Neuroeconomics Can Help Make You Rich by Jason Zweig ᏶ Critical Thinking Question: What were taught about hard work when you were growing up? ᏸ Action Step: Make a decision to let go of any limiting beliefs you have about hard work, and start thinking about how you can use leverage to become more successful. How Rich People Think 22
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