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Gong Tae Kwang

Wenn die wilde Bestie im Albtraumkreislauf gefangen ist (BL)

Nachdem er jahrelang in einer Nervenheilanstalt eingesperrt war, wurde Jin Jiuchi gerade wieder in die menschliche Umgebung entlassen, als er sich plötzlich in einem gefährlichen und spannenden Überlebensspiel wiederfand. Moment mal, stimmt mit euch allen etwas nicht? Warum seht ihr so verängstigt aus? Diese Welt ist so... aufregend! Für Jin Jiuchi, diese Bestie in Menschenkleidung, die durch die Gesetze der Gesellschaft in Ketten gelegt war, kam das Erscheinen des Albtraumzyklus einem wahr gewordenen Traum gleich! Tee trinken mit einer zerstückelten Braut in einer Spukwohnung, Tango tanzen mit einem bösen Geist in den Tiefen des Selbstmordwaldes, Seilspringen mit einem alten Gott in einer vergessenen Zivilisation... Jin Jiuchi war so glücklich, dass er fast verrückt wurde! Doch als er verrückt wurde, zitterten alle Spieler und NSCs im Zyklus vor Angst. *** Nur eine schöne Jadepuppe hatte noch nie Angst vor ihm gehabt. Shen Nianzu rief leise: "Jin-ge." Jin Jiuchi, der fröhlich im Magen einer verrotteten Leiche wühlte, ließ plötzlich alles stehen und liegen und sauste mit einer für das bloße Auge unsichtbaren Geschwindigkeit auf Shen Nianzu zu. Seine Augen waren zu Halbmonden gekrümmt, als er fragte: "Was ist los, Nian'er? Willst du dich mir auch anschließen?" Shen Nianzu starrte ausdruckslos auf den blutigen Mann vor ihm. Dann streckte er plötzlich eine Hand aus, die Handfläche nach oben. Verwirrt legte Jin Jiuchi seine schmutzige Pfote in Shen Nianzus Hand und schüttelte sie. Shen Nianzu: "Guter Junge." Jin Jiuchi: ? *** Lunatic drama king, wild beast gong x big beauty, cunning, strong-acting-weak shou Zusätzliche Tags: top/gong/seme Protagonist, Action, übernatürlich, psychologisch, Mystery, langsame Romanze, Geister, Gore, Monster, Bestien, schamloser Protagonist, Überlebensspiel, Teamwork, unbegrenzter Fluss, Horror, Spannung, jüngeres Liebesinteresse Find me on: Instagram: delanasiwarka Diskord: delanasiwarka#1490 Discord-Server:
delanasiwarka · 6.3K Views

Système de Sauvetage du Méchant (BL)

``` En raison des cas croissants de suicide dans le pays, le gouvernement a créé un système simulateur lié aux ondes cérébrales humaines, les emmenant transmigrer dans des milliers de mondes et à expérimenter de nombreux aspects de la vie afin de stimuler la volonté de vivre. Seulement quand le volontémètre était rempli à 100 % pouvaient-ils finalement revenir à la vie. Lu Yizhou. Masculin. Célibataire. 22 ans. Un certain jour, il s'est suicidé en s'enterrant dans la terre des neiges. Et puis, il a été tiré dans le simulateur. 666 : Bienvenue, hôte ! Félicitations, vous êtes la 666ème personne à rejoindre ce projet ! L'hôte a beaucoup de chance d'obtenir 666, car 666 est le système le plus séduisant, le plus sensé et le plus merveilleux ! Lu Yizhou : ...Puis-je changer de système ? Tu es bruyant. 666 : QAQ Lu Yizhou : Peu importe le nombre de fois où je transmigre, mon volontémètre ne se remplit pas. 666 : N—Non, n'abandonne pas ! L'hôte ne devrait pas abandonner QAQ uwaaa, ne laisse pas 666 tout seul ! Tu es mon premier, mon unique, comment peux-tu être si insensible et me laisser derrière toi comme ça ?! Lu Yizhou : ...pourquoi cela sonne-t-il faux ? . . . Ainsi, il commença à sauter d'un monde à l'autre pour sauver le méchant. Lu Yizhou : Pourquoi dois-je sauver les méchants ? 666 : Ckckck, Hôte, tu es trop innocent ! Bien sûr, c'est parce qu'ils sont plus formidables que le protagoniste masculin ; plus riches, puissants, ingénieux, dominateurs et séduisants ! Lu Yizhou : ...ce ne sont que tes préférences, n'est-ce pas ? 666 : Hôte, pourquoi ne crois-tu pas 666 ?! QAQ . . . Il pensait qu'il n'avait plus rien pour lequel vivre. Emportant avec lui un cœur las et un corps engourdi, il a coulé au fond de l'abysse pour y trouver... une étoile scintillante. ******* Beau, stoïque, dense et étonnamment naïf gong x possessif, gâté et calculateur shou qui savait utiliser son charme Tags supplémentaires : transmigration rapide, fantasy, aventure, comédie, sombre, mystère, tragédie, rythme rapide, seme/gong/top protagoniste, l'intérêt amoureux tombe amoureux en premier, yaoi, mature, pensées suicidaires, le passé joue un grand rôle, 1 vs 1 Retrouvez-moi sur : Instagram : delanasiwarka Serveur Discord : Discord : delanasiwarka#1490 ```
delanasiwarka · 30K Views

When the Wild Beast is Trapped in the Nightmare Cycle (BL)

After being confined in a mental asylum for years, Jin Jiuchi had just been released back to human habitation when he suddenly found himself trapped in a dangerous and thrilling survival game. Wait, is there something wrong with you all? Why do you look so scared? This world is so… exciting! For Jin Jiuchi, this beast in human clothing who was chained by society laws, the appearance of the Nightmare Cycle was akin to a dream come true! Drinking tea with a dismembered bride in a haunted apartment, dancing tango with the evil spirit in the depths of suicide forest, skipping rope with the ancient god in a forgotten civilization… Jin Jiuchi was so happy that he was going crazy! However, when he went crazy, all the players and NPCs in the cycle trembled in fear. *** There was only a beautiful jade doll who had never been afraid of him. Shen Nianzu called out softly, "Jin-ge." Jin Jiuchi, who was happily digging through a rotten corpse's stomach, suddenly dropped everything and zoomed in front of Shen Nianzu with a speed invisible to naked eyes. His eyes were curved into crescents as he asked, "What's wrong, Nian'er? Do you want to join me too?" Shen Nianzu was expressionless as he stared at the bloody man in front of him. Then he suddenly stretched out a hand, palm up. Confused, Jin Jiuchi placed his dirty paw in Shen Nianzu's hand and shook it. Shen Nianzu: “Good boy.” Jin Jiuchi: ? *** Lunatic drama king, wild beast gong x big beauty, cunning, strong-acting-weak shou Additional tags: top/gong/seme protagonist, action, supernatural, psychological, mystery, slow romance, ghosts, gore, monsters, beasts, shameless protagonist, survival game, teamwork, unlimited flow, horror, suspense, younger love interest Find me on: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord: delanasiwarka#1490 Discord server:
delanasiwarka · 1.8M Views

Le Chant de la Compassion d’une Petite Fille Lâm Thị Huế - Lâm Emilie

Chapitre 1 : L’enfance dans des jours difficiles Je suis néedans une famille de cinq enfants, au milieu d’une époque où le pays subissait encore les lourdes conséquences de la guerre. À cette époque, ma famille était très pauvre. Mes parents, qui avaient grandi durant cette période difficile, n’avaient pas eu l’opportunité de bénéficier d’une éducation complète. Ainsi, toute leur vie, ils n’ont connu que le travail à la ferme, luttant durement pour subvenir aux besoins de la famille. Être agriculteur à cette époque était très éprouvant. Mes parents devaient se lever à l’aube, qu’il pleuve ou qu’il fasse beau, pour aller semer du riz ou récolter. Mais même le travail aux champs ne suffisait pas à nourrir toute la famille, alors ils devaient effectuer d’autres travaux pénibles. L’un de ces travaux était le déblaiement des pierres, un travail dangereux et épuisant. Mes sœurs, bien que très jeunes, devaient aussi suivre mes parents pour ramasser des pierres et faire exploser des mines. À un âge où elles auraient dû être à l’école comme tant d’autres enfants, elles devaient faire face à un dur labeur. La vie s’écoulait ainsi, et ma famille accueillit deux nouveaux membres – mon frère aîné, puis moi. À cette époque, au Vietnam, les garçons étaient souvent valorisés par rapport aux filles. Mon frère était choyé par mes parents bien plus que mes trois sœurs. Quant à moi, étant la benjamine, j’ai reçu le nom de Huế, d’après une ville ancienne et poétique du Vietnam. Les premiers souvenirs que je peux évoquer remontent à mes cinq ans. Je me rappelle très clairement des enfants du quartier – beaucoup étaient plus jeunes que moi – qui étaient emmenés par leurs parents à l’école maternelle. Quant à moi, je ne pouvais pas y aller. Je me contentais de me tenir à l’extérieur de l’école, à regarder à travers la fenêtre, voyant mes camarades chanter et danser joyeusement. Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi je ne pouvais pas aller à l’école comme eux, mais je ne m’en plaignais pas. Je restais là, observant silencieusement pendant un bon moment, puis je reprenais le chemin de la maison. À cette époque, j’étais une petite fille naïve et innocente, ne comprenant pas grand-chose de la vie, ne sachant que j’étais très obéissante, toujours à l’écoute de mes parents. Je ne savais pas que les années à venir seraient encore pleines de défis… Chapitre 2 : Les jours d’innocence En entrant à l’école primaire et au collège, je garde des souvenirs magnifiques de mes années passées sous le toit de cette école simple. Cette école n’était pas aussi moderne que celles d’aujourd’hui, mais c’était pour moi un endroit extrêmement cher. La cour de l’école était ombragée par de grands arbres, offrant un refuge lors des récréations pleines de rires. Chaque fois que le gong annonçait le début des cours, la cour devenait soudainement silencieuse. À cette époque, mes camarades et moi écoutions attentivement les enseignants, sans téléphones ni Internet, juste des livres et une soif d’apprendre. Le soir, je rentrais dans notre petite maison chaleureuse, où cinq frères et sœurs se retrouvaient avec nos parents. Mes sœurs avaient alors entre 17 et 18 ans, un âge rempli de vitalité et de premiers rêves. Notre maison était donc toujours animée et joyeuse. Les amis de mes sœurs venaient souvent jouer, s’asseyant autour d’un thé et discutant gaiement, ce qui rendait l’atmosphère familiale toujours vivante. Pour ma part, chaque après-midi après l’école, je me plongeais dans l’innocence de l’enfance avec mes amis du quartier. À côté de chez moi se trouvait une grande pelouse, où nous nous rassemblions chaque jour pour jouer à toutes sortes de jeux. Nous apprenions à faire du vélo, à sauter à la corde, à jouer à colin-maillard, à cache-cache… Ces jeux folkloriques faisaient partie intégrante de l’enfance de nombreuses générations, simples mais incroyablement joyeux.
mimihue · 266 Views

(BL) Mafia Love; He who falls the hardest loses

It took Haruki years to build the cold character that made those who knew him tremble before him as a Yakuza chairman, but it only took that man's glance to change everything, to break down his walls and make him seek a warmth he never knew he needed. Hiroshi's smile, scent, deep soothing voice, warmth of his embrace... "This is not what I want." "This cannot be what I need. There's no way I'm going to be weak! I'm the chairman, and I can't afford to be weak." "I will never fall in love, never be weak... ever again." "I need him to leave my life, I don't care about him, I never did." "Who gave you the right to harm what is mine?! I'm going to ruin your life!" "You are completely mine." "Haruki, it is okay to be weak when you are with me." "I will never fall in love with you, you simply belong to me." "Yes, I do..." But you are also mine. ***** Between a Mafia boss who is an infamous player and his doctor, who gets to fall the hardest in love? Bullied high school student, Haruki wakes up one evening in the hospital and he is faced with the fact that his grandfather he never knew was the head of a powerful popular clan and he was dying without an heir. The youth bullied for his beautiful appearance was forced to undergo a complete transformation under strict supervision within a short period. His transformation might have been extreme as Haruki grew up to get all he wanted and became infamous for being a player. He broke the hearts of many both males and females. His toughness knew no bond as the true Spirit of a strong clan leader that laid dormant in him was awakened with every work he did. The great leader was forced to pause at the sight of the new family doctor who had just taken over his father's job. He was pleased with the sight he saw and began to pursue what he wanted. The doctor how ever, had other plans as he was not going to let the younger man change his life completely without doing the same to him. (Breaking his walls and bringing him love). A war of love was fought between thee two men as none of them was willing to lose psychologically. Amid the bloody wars of the underground world, they fought to win through the push and pulls of the new feelings they got exposed to . Warning: *Dominant, strong, bottom/uke/shou, and a sweet, kindhearted, gentle, muscular, romantic top/seme/gong. *If you don't read Yaoi stories please you are excused. *It contains an abundance of sweetness and warmth.
OT_Josie · 157.6K Views

I Am Tired Of Being A Hero

“Have you ever wished that a truck would hit you and you would transmigrate into a world filled with swords and magic? Perhaps you wished that you would be a hero, defeating the villains, protecting the land, and receiving all sorts of admiration and love from the people. I would give you one piece of advice. Perish that thought.” -Ravi West *** Ravi West was a hero of indisputable esteem. As a Sentinel, he traveled the Realms, killing villains and saving entire civilizations. His job was everything to him. Until Luxor. Luxor changed everything. Luxor changed him. Ravi was done. The tiredness etched into his bones. He laid down his mantle and vanished. He chose the most boring planet in his memory for his retirement, except this Earth was not like the one he remembered- Nests, monsters, superheroes, and villains filled the streets but that was not his business. He has a plan, a quiet, uncaring life filled with wine, food, and books. But the New Captain at the Bureau seemed to enjoy shattering all his carefully laid plans. He was the most annoying person Ravi had ever met, blonde hair, the most beautiful blue eyes, and a sunny smile, the righteous Arlen Sinclair constantly got involved in cases much bigger than him, dragging Ravi along into his Shenanigans. **** Grumpy, Cynic Shou who doesn't care if the world burns× Golden Retriever, Righteous Gong who is the first to bring the bucket to save the burning world. #Foundfamily #Sliceoflife, #crime, #mystery, #Superheros, #OverpoweredMc, #Protagonistfallsinlovefirst #MutualPampering #Powercouple #Superpowers #Cooking #Farming #yaoi #Detectives #Villains [This book is participating in the WSA contest] Disclaimer: The book cover to be taken down at owner's request.
Dark_Scholars · 1M Views

Dark Salvation

Hell is empty and all the devils are here. Shakespeare – [The Tempest] VOLUME 1 Status: Completed (260 chapters) As a form of punishment for mistakenly killing an innocent civilian, Song Zhuyu, a priest and part-time exorcist, found himself exiled to the distant shores of Shenci Island, hundreds of miles away from his hometown and the only city he had ever known his whole life. However, unbeknownst to anyone, he harbored a secret agenda— to hunt down the culprit who had turned his life upside down. Fully prepared for meeting danger at every turn, what he encountered instead was a beautiful, serene island, albeit with two strange ironclad rules: First, do not climb the hill after 1 AM. Second, do not interact with Rui Ye. On the first night of his stay, Song Zhuyu broke two of the taboos, only to discover that the infamous Rui Ye was nothing like he had expected. “I am cursed,” the blind, beautiful man told him with a wistful smile. “If you associate yourself with me, the curse will haunt you too.” In response, Song Zhuyu’s lips hooked into a careless smile, “I don’t think you have to worry about that. I, myself, am cursed as well. What’s the big deal about adding another one?” But as inexplicable deaths began to plague the island, Song Zhuyu realized that the island, including the helpless and soft-hearted Rui Ye he had come to know, held a far darker secret than he could've ever imagined. In a race against time, he must navigate the treacherous waters of deceit and betrayal to unravel the island’s sinister truth and achieve his goal before it's too late. *** Pretty, flirtatious yet heartless priest gong x blind, mysterious and cursed shou VOLUME 2 Status: To be written How does it feel to love a fallen angel? Additional tags: gong/seme/top protagonist, action, mystery, suspense, horror, psychological, thriller, dark elements, angel and demons, slow romance, murder, crime, beautiful protagonist, older love interest, 1 vs 1, dubcon, supernatural creatures, exorcism, tragedy, past plays a big part Find me on: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord server:
delanasiwarka · 506.4K Views

[QT.BL] Phoenix Interrupted

18+ Quick Transmigration BL/LGBT, M-Preg MC/Phoenix/Bottom/Shou/Switch, ML/Top/Gong/Switch-only for MC Both MC & ML are complex characters, and each arc will highlight the different sides to their personalities so some arcs MC maybe a power bottom and in some ML takes charge. But mostly MC is bottom, and ML is top. Join us as we follow a young anti-hero named Phoenix, as he tries to free himself from the clutches of whom ever kidnapped him and imprisoned him, gain power & knowledge in order to take them down & regain his memory that's been locked away from him. It seems that someone else was after Phoenix too but for what and why would they help him escape? Solaris the sentient A.I. system that hacked into The Jailer System that had been forcibly bound to Phoenix's soul and helped to spring Nix from his prison but for what reason and at what cost? No good deed goes unpunished and nothing absolutely nothing in the multiverse is ever completely free. But what choice does Nix have? Surely following Solaris' missions cannot be worse than what he left behind right? Is this just another way for his captors to abuse him more? Can he ever be truly free when he just spent the last 32 thousand years being forced to live one horrific abusive life after the other. Can he even dream of healing when he cannot forget even a single moment, he spent in that hell hole? This story begins at the end of his imprisonment from "hell" and follows his journey to discovering himself, regaining his lost memory and discover who and what was and is behind all this. But can he handle the truth? What happens if he were to learn that he was being punished for crimes against the celestial Dragon Emperor and heaven itself? Could he truly be capable of such a thing and if so, what will he do then? One could definitely say that Nix is an anti-hero, since he is not benevolent but would not stand for injustice happen to the innocent or those, he deems worthy enough to care for and about. Nix is cold, apathetic & keeps everyone & everything at arm's length. Despite his cold, arrogant, apathetic & aloof exterior, Nix surprisingly has a big soft heart for animals & children, as well as all things cute & adorable but he would never admit it. ML: Hey what about me? Nix: What about you? Who are you again anyways? ML: ...? Solaris & Author: eating popcorn & booked peanuts (I know they aren't for everyone, don't come for me) ML: Nix how can you say that? Mrs_TNT do something he's being hateful again for no reason! Why must he always push me away? What did I ever do to him? Author Mrs_TNT: Is that a serious question right now? Well, I guess you'll have to read to find out. This story begins at the end of his first imprisonment and follows Phoenix as he tries to recover his memories from before he was imprisoned and bound to the Jailer System as well as gain power and complete the missions given by Solaris until he can finally be free and exact his revenge before he has his soul annihilated so that he never reincarnates again. I may do flashbacks or even write a prequel after this novel is finished depicting his long, long journey just to get to the beginning of this novel. Be Warned! There will be several triggering topics addressed in this novel, though it is not a dark romance it does touch on abuse: neglect, mental, verbal, physical and sexual. This is a Boy Love, LGBT or gay romance novel that will have explicit scenes. I will not be putting warnings up as I go along. I am working through some of my own trauma through writing this novel, so I understand it is not for everyone. That said this is very loosely based off some of my own experiences and any coincidences between names, places or events is just that a coincidence and have nothing in common unless I state other wise and will credit it if I do as well. Cover art was made by me using A.I. image generator and editing it myself. I hold all rights to this novel.
Mrs_TNT · 58.3K Views

After the Happy Ending with My Archenemy [Quick Transmigration]

和死对头HE后[快穿] Author: 光明在案 Synopsis: Perspective: Main Shou (Receiver) After having a happy ending with his mortal enemy, he lost his memory. --- General Qin Chu received a very troublesome mission. He met a task object he particularly hated: sharp-tongued, a drama queen, and in several worlds, dragging him down. Unable to hold back, General Qin Chu ended up beating up the task object. Unexpectedly, while beating him up, they accidentally rolled into... Then, the task object woke up, lost his memory, and seemed to have a fiancée? Qin Chu picked up his particle cannon. --- The Empire's Prince, Levi, woke up from a crisis, only to encounter a black-robed youth blocking his door telling stories. The first time Levi saw the youth, he sarcastically said, "You're so short." The black-robed youth lifted his eyelids and gave him a cold glance, "Try saying that again." Levi laughed, "What, do you dare to hit me?" Later... The Prince, with a face like a pig's head, snuggled into the youth's arms, saying, "Darling, I was wrong~" Levi X Qin Chu Task object turned deadly rival series Empire General Shou - High combat power, overflowing protectiveness. Empire Prince Gong - Pretends to be weak, a born drama queen. Not an all-powerful protagonist. Not a fast-paced face-slapping, abusive quick transmigration. Content Tags: Strong-Strong, One-Sided Love, Enemies to Lovers, Quick Transmigration. Search Keywords: Main Character: Qin Chu | Supporting Character: Levi | Others: Atypical Quick Transmigration. One Sentence Summary: He lost his memory. Theme: After passing through darkness, still believing in the goodness of humanity. --- This is translation of BL novel. NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR
ssp25 · 1.3K Views
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