The Last Ship
The United Human Republic is on the brink of defeat, Thus Operation Lifeless Seed had commenced, The UHR and the HRSC both agreed on this course of action, the HRSC being the Human Republic Security Council. This operation required unprecedented, levels of secrecy and manpower, with every outer colony being lost to the Galatic Combine, an "uplifter" of lower species while, they bring them to the stars they bring, them as slaves. Humanity had already reached and Grasped the stars, with the creation of the Shockpoint drive, Human colonies that were sent out before the creation of the drive was reached by using approximations, unfortunately, several colony ships were never found, The Galatic Combine has invaded Sol, Humanity is in disarray and project lifeless seed was never completed...However Humanity Foresaw this, that's why the Automated shipyard was created in a bygone system hidden from prying eyes, it gathers....Stronger....and Stronger.