Legends Never Die
In the sprawling and perilous city of Maze, a young man named Vince struggles to survive amidst a world of thieves and mercenaries. Born with magical potential, Vince’s life takes a dramatic turn when an encounter thrusts him into the unforgiving underbelly of Maze and sets him on a path toward greatness. From the treacherous streets where survival is an art, to the revered Mage Academy where only the strongest thrive, Vince embarks on a journey fraught with danger and adventure.
As Vince hones his craft and rises through the ranks, he faces challenges that test his loyalty, courage, and ingenuity. Along the way, he encounters allies and adversaries whose ambitions push his limits; uncovering secrets that could shape, or destroy, the world around him. "Legends Never Die" is a gripping tale of adventure, ambition, and the indomitable spirit of a mage determined to carve his name into history.