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Citations Mulan

The Oresteia (Modernized)

All three of the great Greek Tragedians have written plays about the bloody chain of murder and revenge within the royal family of Argos. Yet theirs is in fact not a story of tragedy, but rather one of redemption. As they move from darkness to light, from rage to self-governance, from primitive ritual to civilized institution, their spirit of struggle and regeneration becomes an everlasting song of celebration to be heard throughout the ages. Forming a discourse set against the emergence of Athenian democracy out of a period of chaos and destruction, the Orestian plays are compelling stories of the tensions between our obligations to our families and the laws that bind us together as a society. In the beginning, we witness how a king’s decision to sacrifice his daughter and turn the tide of war inflicts lasting damage on his family, culminating in a terrible act of retribution. In the aftermath of regicide, we behold how a son must set out to avenge his father’s death by committing a most egregious sin. In the end, the sinner is tormented by supernatural powers that can never be appeased, but ultimately finds redemption and ends the curse on his house once and for all. Woven through all of this is the story of a friendship so close that it elevates itself to brotherhood - Where the blood of the covenant is shown to be indeed thicker than the water of the womb. In this very brief twelve-chapter modern rendition of the Orestian plays, I have chosen to place my focus mainly on the lives of the characters Orestes and his best friend Pylades. The chapters, each around 2000-2500 words, are split up evenly between them in first-person narrative. I hope that you will come to enjoy reading this heartwarming story, but more importantly, that you see how the conflicts portrayed in the story, whether human or institutional, are still much very relevant to our societies today. Note on Sources: The details of this story is very loosely based on The Oresteia by Aeschylus, who was one of the three great Greek Tragedians (though this story is not a tragedy). And I mean very loosely. Other sources that I referenced for detail and inspiration are Mythology by Edith Hamilton, Electra by Sophocles, and Iphigenia in Tauris by Euripides. You may also find that I have quoted some of these works, and others (such as Shelley's Ozymondaeus), without citations (average of 1-2 such quotes per chapter). I did this because I do not have the ability to describe certain scenes nearly as well as some of those writers. If you read a particularly beautiful piece of prose here, chances are it's probably stolen lol.
HAXX0RZ · 30.3K Views


Ever seen a bad@ss king?? Or perhaps you've heard of one?? If you've never met one then let me introduce you to King Cyrus,the ruler of the Mal Empire with over ten kingdoms under them. But the seat of the dominant ruler is in the Golden City,the kingdom name is known as Red-Golds. Immediately after the late king's death,two years ago,the crown Prince Cyrus was immediately made the king,even though he was still in college. He became the youngest prince to ever inherit the throne in the Redgold royal family Lineage. At the age of twenty two,he was ruling over more than ten kingdoms under the Mal Empire. The Red golds are the most influential royalties to ever exist and with this,they were made the dominant of others kingdoms. The RedGold castle where the royal family stays worth billions according to what was written in the history book. It's a castle built of mainly cold,going into this castle is like going into the paradise for everyone who ever got the opportunity. Back to the young King Cyrus,even though he's younger than everyone under him,He's still the most respected. The great aura he carries speaks of authority and power,sometimes it's even hard to talk to him,since he returned from the state to take over his father's throne,nobody have ever seen him smile unnecessarily,He's hard to please or gain his favor no matter how you try. *He's more like a mafia rather than a king* People would say each time they get to see the king. Some even concluded that he's a devil's son,with his black and red outfits every time,he looks scary. His handsome and perfect face which was always covered with coldness,since he began his reign,it has became a very hard one to see or experience different corruption and others,even the president respects him so much. Most people from other countries still find it hard to believe that such young king exists until they meet him. Now let's meet Moana Mulan,the daughter of the poorest farmer living in Golden City. Some years back,the late king had given hectares of land for countless peasant farmers for the purpose of making food plants. It was written that after farming for five years,their profits and interests will be divided into two,whereby half will be handed over to the royal family. The family of Mulan were part of the families granted this opportunity,but unfortunately,they couldn't keep either the interest or profit,the farmland was destroyed also and everything went down.
Anny_Angel_8385 · 2.2K Views

Naissance en tant que femme la plus riche du monde

【Un roman de favoritisme, de double pouvoir, de Cartes de Tarot, et de traiter les ordures comme elles le méritent !】 Dix ans de mariage, dix ans de dévouement. Elle a versé tout son talent et ses émotions, seulement pour être remboursée par un incendie prémédité à la fin. Torturée par son mari et trahie par sa meilleure amie. Il s'avère que tout le monde autour d'elle jouait la comédie. Avant sa renaissance, elle était une dame de talent renommée à Ville Capitale. Après sa renaissance, elle est devenue célèbre à Ville Capitale en tant que... une simple d'esprit ! Qui plus est, elle s'est transformée en une riche demoiselle démunie, à la merci des autres. Timide, faible, inutile, incompétente, ce sont les étiquettes qui lui étaient collées. Alors qu'elle ouvrait les yeux une fois de plus, la jeunesse refleurissait, elle était de retour en tant qu'elle-même ! Cette vie, elle revient avec un atout inestimable ! Avec un jeu de Tarot, elle manœuvre à travers tout le cercle des riches ! ** Jeune maître sans égal, il est le chef renommé mais énigmatique de la famille Mo à Ville Capitale. Il est aussi un démon portant une malédiction. Contrôlant la vie et la mort, dominant le destin, il est le leader puissant du Monde Superpuissant. Une telle autorité écrasante et des traits stupéfiants font que d'innombrables jeunes filles se pressent vers lui. L'une est une idiote riche humble et peureuse, l'autre est un 'démon' largement connu portant une malédiction à Ville Capitale. La collision de l'eau et du feu, un entrelacs de froid et de chaud. Personne ne sait qui succombe finalement à qui à la fin. ** Plus tard, le distant chef de la famille Mo, qui ne s'est jamais intéressé aux femmes, annonce soudainement son mariage très médiatisé. Tout le pays est en émoi, de nombreuses jeunes filles déchirées. Après le mariage, il se transforme en mari parfait, aimant tendrement sa femme et obéissant à tous ses désirs. 【Micro Drame】 Une certaine femme (avec un visage froid) : « M. Mo est tellement riche et puissant, moi, une humble fille, n'ose pas ajouter à aucun fardeau. » Le coin de la bouche d'un certain homme se courba en une courbe significative. La femme était si effrayée qu'elle recula immédiatement d'un pas : « Quoi, quoi, que vas-tu faire ? » ...... 【Citations de M. Mo】 *Tu devrais savoir, dans ce monde, à part moi, personne d'autre ne mérite de se tenir à tes côtés. *Si cette ère florissante se terminait, je pourrais encore en établir une nouvelle ! Mais elle, il n'y en a qu'une dans le monde, je, ne peux pas me permettre de jouer ! *Ce n'est que de l'argent. J'ai même donné ma vie pour elle, alors gaspillons simplement.
Deutsche Unforgotten · 50.6K Views

Mythe du miracle : Renaître pour défier mon destin

Xiu Wanxue se réveilla et découvrit qu'elle était renée. Cette fois, elle apprit qu'elle n'était qu'une personne insignifiante dans ce monde où existaient la fille et les fils de la destinée. Repensant à tous les événements tragiques qui s'étaient produits dans sa vie antérieure, elle soupira amèrement. Pas étonnant ; ils la détestaient tant, même si elle n'avait rien fait de mal, si ce n'est désirer obtenir 'leur' soin et amour. Pas étonnant ; ils aimaient tous 'elle' tellement. Il s'avéra que Xiu Wanxia, sa sœur jumelle, était la fille de la destinée, entourée d'opportunités défiant le ciel, d'hommes extraordinaires et de partenaires bêtes puissants. Le ciel et la terre lui accordèrent une chance de repartir à zéro, elle ne ferait plus les mêmes erreurs et ne se méprendrait plus sur les gens. Elle sera seulement gentille avec ceux qui la traitent avec gentillesse et punira ceux qui blessent ses proches. Le vieux bracelet qu'elle portait au poignet était en fait un espace portable avec un petit monde à l'intérieur où elle pouvait tout planter. Apprendre l'alchimie, dessiner des runes, contracter des bêtes, explorer les trésors... beaucoup d'autres choses excitantes vont se passer ici. A travers le sang et le dur labeur, elle entama son voyage vers l'immortalité et s’éleva au-delà du ciel pour trouver sa liberté et défier son destin de la vie dernière. Cependant, quelque chose clochait. Que se passerait-il, quand elle découvrirait que tout était complètement différent de ce qu'il semblait être ? Quand les secrets commenceraient lentement à transparaître, tout s'avéra être si....... Ce livre participe au Webnovel Spirity Award 2024. NOTE : Ce livre est un roman de harem inversé, la fin est absolument un harem inversé. Couverture de : Générateur IA de Webnovel Image du personnage : Pinterest, le crédit revient à tous les propriétaires originaux Les citations de chaque personnage ne sont pas de moi. Je les ai recherchées sur un site web. Le crédit revient aux propriétaires de ces citations. Mon nom d'utilisateur DISCORD : littlecarrot6510 Mon Instagram : Littlecarrot006__ #HaremInverséFL #Renaissance #EspacePortable #Figurant #Romance #PartenairesBêtes #Aventures #RomanceNoire #MondeImmortel #Xianxia #IntriguesTordues #Combat #RomanDétaillé #PasséMystérieux #MémoireDeVieAntérieure #RomanAvecMorale #Inspiration
Littlecarrot · 67.5K Views

The Gospel of Matthew

The position of the Gospel according to Matthew as the first of the four gospels in the New Testament reflects both the view that it was the first to be written, a view that goes back to the late second century A.D., and the esteem in which it was held by the church; no other was so frequently quoted in the noncanonical literature of earliest Christianity. Although the majority of scholars now reject the opinion about the time of its composition, the high estimation of this work remains. The reason for that becomes clear upon study of the way in which Matthew presents his story of Jesus, the demands of Christian discipleship, and the breaking-in of the new and final age through the ministry but particularly through the death and resurrection of Jesus. The gospel begins with a narrative prologue, the first part of which is a genealogy of Jesus starting with Abraham, the father of Israel. Yet at the beginning of that genealogy Jesus is designated as “the son of David, the son of Abraham”. The kingly ancestor who lived about a thousand years after Abraham is named first, for this is the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the royal anointed one. In the first of the episodes of the infancy narrative that follow the genealogy, the mystery of Jesus’ person is declared. He is conceived of a virgin by the power of the Spirit of God. The first of the gospel’s fulfillment citations, whose purpose it is to show that he was the one to whom the prophecies of Israel were pointing, occurs here: he shall be named Emmanuel, for in him God is with us. The announcement of the birth of this newborn king of the Jews greatly troubles not only King Herod but all Jerusalem, yet the Gentile magi are overjoyed to find him and offer him their homage and their gifts. Thus his ultimate rejection by the mass of his own people and his acceptance by the Gentile nations is foreshadowed. He must be taken to Egypt to escape the murderous plan of Herod. By his sojourn there and his subsequent return after the king’s death he relives the Exodus experience of Israel. The words of the Lord spoken through the prophet Hosea, “Out of Egypt I called my son,” are fulfilled in him; if Israel was God’s son, Jesus is so in a way far surpassing the dignity of that nation, as his marvelous birth and the unfolding of his story show. Back in the land of Israel, he must be taken to Nazareth in Galilee because of the danger to his life in Judea, where Herod’s son Archelaus is now ruling. The sufferings of Jesus in the infancy narrative anticipate those of his passion, and if his life is spared in spite of the dangers, it is because his destiny is finally to give it on the cross as “a ransom for many”. Thus the word of the angel will be fulfilled, “…he will save his people from their sins”. In Matthew begins his account of the ministry of Jesus, introducing it by the preparatory preaching of John the Baptist, the baptism of Jesus that culminates in God’s proclaiming him his “beloved Son”, and the temptation in which he proves his true sonship by his victory over the devil’s attempt to deflect him from the way of obedience to the Father. The central message of Jesus’ preaching is the coming of the kingdom of heaven and the need for repentance, a complete change of heart and conduct, on the part of those who are to receive this great gift of God Galilee is the setting for most of his ministry; he leaves there for Judea only and his ministry in Jerusalem, the goal of his journey, is limited to a few days. In this extensive material there are five great discourses of Jesus, each concluding with the formula “When Jesus finished these words” or one closely similar. These are an important structure of the gospel. In every case the discourse is preceded by a narrative section, each narrative and discourse together constituting a “book” of the gospel. The discourses are, respectively, the “Sermon on the Mount”, the missionary discourse, the parable discourse, the “church
Dali098 · 168.7K Views

What happened After Happily Ever After?

We all have our favorite Disney princess...some boys too, no need to be shy, but have you ever thought that you got the story wrong. What happens when the seven dwarves turn into handsome men and give Snow white the palace?....who's gonna be her king? What if Cinderella isn't as meek as she seems? What if she doesn't want to marry the prince but instead his money? What if she made her sister's ugly ? What if sleeping beauty didn't really sleep for 100 years? But instead partied while everyone else was? What if Ariel was actually trying to make the sea ultimate and obliterate the land? What if she goddamed played Eric? What if Belle was actually a con artist? What would have happened if she stole the beast's flower? What if she was vain and plastic? What if Mulan was secretly rebelling against the emperor? What if she had the Phoenix's destiny to rule alone? What if her family sells her out? What if Jasmine was the real sorceress? What if she tried to kill her father? What if she wanted to kill Aladdin for stopping her? What if Rapunzel wore a really really long wig? What if she actually played the witch? What if she never let down her hair? What if Moana was also a god? What if she tricked Mawi into helping her? What if she just wanted to find and destroy the island lady? What if Anna was the real villain? What if Elsa was actually a boy? Would they end up together or let it go? Sydney has so many " What if " questions about our beloved questions, she annoyed the system so much she was transported to Fairytale land. But now, she has to make sure their kids follow their dreams while discovering what happens after Happily Ever After? She doesn't have much time and must fulfill am her missions before the last page is turned or she'll be stuck here forever. One last time....What if Sydney manages to change the story and even find her own Happily Ever After? We'll have to wait and find out. So I know I probably just made enemies with some people who love Disney princesses and made some weird friends who wanna see where this story goes ( I'm not complaining ) But don't forget to add to your library and enjoy Sydney's adventure. Disclaimer : Cover art designed by me but original photos not mine. All credit goes to original owner
Kik1_Yijaa · 35.9K Views

After I Livestreamed Raising Cubs I became Wealthiest in Interstellar

Carrying a spirit beast rearing system, Mingyou transmigrated. In nineteen years, he never saw a single “spirit beast” with sufficient stats, until he came to a rundown animal care facility to work. Mingyou hugged the huge black cat while crying tears: “Psychic powers drained to exhaustion, powers in disorder, malnutrition, and how many old wounds all over?! Who’s the evil scum that abused you!! I’ll raise you, and I won’t let you get harmed again!” Prince of the Kingdom — Former Grand Marshal — Hero of Interstellar Space — Dark Shadow Liger — Arthur had a bunch of question marks floating over his head: “Is this guy sick in the head?” —— Through livestreaming his cub rearing skills, Mingyou sold off countless spirit beast nutrition supplements, and became the top wealthiest man in interstellar space. One day, the king urged his fully recovered younger brother to return to work in the military. Arthur-cat rolled over on the special order cat bed worth tens of millions, and lazily said: “As the cat of the wealthiest person, acting cute is my livelihood, why do I need to work?” Beside him lay his former subordinates, all nodding their furry heads, fully agreeing: “That’s right that’s right!” —— Mingyou later found out that the group of beast cubs at the brink of death he raised up actually used to be heroes who had all established illustrious achievements on the battlefield against the Zerg. The war has ended. Interstellar space has returned to peace. And the heroes have removed their armor to return home. —————————————————————————— This is a translation. credits to the author, Mulan Bamboo and official translator WhiteMoon x BlackSun
Alice20554 · 25.6K Views
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