Lunar Dominion
In the city of Valewood, power is held by five prominent werewolf families, who maintain a fragile peace through a careful balance of alliances and rivalries. This peace is disrupted when vampire families, long absent from the city, return with a vengeance. Their initial assaults appear to be driven by territorial ambitions, but the discovery of a mysterious artifact known as the Conductor reveals a much darker agenda.
Luca Alaric, a young werewolf heir, finds himself at the center of the struggle for survival. As the werewolves band together to fend off the vampires, they uncover a more sinister force manipulating the conflict from the shadows. The Conductor’s power, though destroyed, leaves behind remnants that twist and corrupt the vampires, making them stronger and more dangerous.
As alliances within the werewolf families begin to unravel, a mysterious figure emerges, hinting at an ancient, malevolent force far greater than either species. The werewolves must navigate their internal conflicts, confront the evolving vampire threat, and uncover the secrets of the Conductor before Valewood succumbs entirely to the encroaching darkness.
In a story of betrayal, unity, and survival, Lunar Dominion delves into the costs of leadership, the strength of family, and the darkness that resides within us all.