Keegan's Diary
The story follows Keegan, a former trainer from Flannery's gym in Lavaridge Town, who is forced to enlist in Hoenn’s Fourth Battalion. Through the pages of his journal, Keegan recounts the challenges, tensions, and horrors of this mission, from the fear for his partner Pokémon, Slugma, to the doubt of whether he will ever live a peaceful life again.
1- I want to clarify that this fanfic began as a meme from the community of ElRandes’ YouTube and Twitch channel, inspired by his Pokémon Team Rocket Edition series. The story starts right after the game’s protagonist wins the Kanto League.
2- I will update the fanfic when I can, as this is a project I’m doing for fun and as a tribute to the ElRandes community.
3- Mainly short chapters, and when I say short, I mean really short.
Thank you for reading!