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Mega Charizard Drawing

O Renascimento da Ômega

O que era pior que a própria morte? Bom, era morrer sabendo que ninguém sentiria sua falta, sabendo que sua morte era um favor para todos que você conheceu. Foi exatamente assim que me senti no dia em que morri. Eu era o fruto do amor do Rei Alfa Eclipse, numa época em que a ligação de companheiros era considerada sagrada, um filho nascido fora do casamento não era nada menos que sacrilégio... 'A culpa era dele, ele amou alguém além da sua companheira...' 'A culpa era dele, ele teve conhecimento carnal de uma mulher humana.' 'A culpa era toda dele, meu único crime foi nascer de sua luxúria.' Mas por que esse Rei Alfa, meu pai, estava perfeitamente seguro, enquanto eu era odiado, desprezado e culpado por tudo? Por que eu tinha que ser a moeda de troca do meu pai, usada para alcançar seus objetivos? Por que eu não podia receber uma rejeição como qualquer um, mas em vez disso fui assassinado por meu próprio companheiro? Por que fui morto antes mesmo de ter a chance de viver? Eu tinha mil perguntas e ainda assim não havia ninguém para responder e foi exatamente assim que morri... Então, por que meus olhos se abriram de repente naquele dia, um mês antes da minha morte? Seria por causa do meu pequeno segredo? Um segredo que não contarei a ninguém além de você... Pelo título da minha história, você deve pensar que sou um lobo Ômega... Não, você entendeu errado... Não sou um lobo Ômega, sou um lobo Alfa, e meu nome é Ômega. ~Segundo livro da série Renascimento do Lobisomem. *Não é uma prequela ou sequela de 'A Nêmesis do Rei Alfa', ambos os livros não são relacionados a não ser pela ambientação do mundo e pelo conceito de Renascimento do Lobisomem. *Arte da capa obtida na internet, todos os créditos para o artista original.*
JHeart · 244.4K Views

L'héritière qui lit dans les pensées : de l'imposture à la favorite de la famille

Wenyan lisait un livre dans lequel un personnage de chair à canon portant son nom était une fausse héritière. Lorsque la véritable héritière reprenait sa place, l'imposteur essayait de sécuriser sa position dans la riche famille en droguant le fils aîné et en en faisant un fait accompli avec une histoire de riz déjà cuit, pour finir par être démasquée par la Famille Shen et se suicider dans le désespoir. Wenyan était furieuse de voir une telle fin. Comment ne pourrait-on pas survivre sans le soutien d'une famille aisée ? La famille ne lui avait-elle pas fourni une maison de luxe et d'innombrables biens de luxe ? Il suffirait de vendre tout cela pour empocher des dizaines de millions. Elle était simplement un cas désespéré ! Si elle avait été la Wenyan du livre, elle aurait abandonné sa place et simplement vécu décontractée comme un poisson salé ! Mais lorsqu'elle se réveilla de son sommeil, elle avait réellement été transportée dans le livre. Fidèle à sa parole, elle arrêta de comploter. En une nuit, elle fit ses valises, vendit sa maison, sa voiture et ses sacs, et chercha un emploi. - Toute la Famille Shen remarqua le changement chez Wenyan, leur fille adoptive. Non seulement elle avait déménagé docilement, mais elle n'avait également jamais causé d'ennuis à nouveau. Plus bizarre encore, ils pouvaient maintenant voir ses pensées les plus intérieures ! 【Papa, Maman, je n'ai jamais voulu usurper votre nid, mais les résultats du test ADN de votre véritable fille ont des problèmes. En fait, elle est encore plus fausse que moi, la fausse héritière.】 Parents de la Famille Shen : ...... Puis, la 'fille' perdue de longue date qui avait été retrouvée fut exposée en tant qu'imposteur et emmenée par la police pour interrogatoire. 【Grand frère, ce camarade de classe à toi n'est pas fréquentable, il est un espion industriel, l'enfant illégitime des plus grands ennemis de la Famille Shen.】 L'aîné de la Famille Shen : ...... Par la suite, le camarade s'est fait prendre en volant des documents confidentiels et a également été emmené par la police pour interrogatoire. 【Deuxième frère, tu es une personne si pure et noble, tu ne dois pas être avec la fille de la Famille Qin, elle se sert de toi, son cœur est en réalité porté sur quelqu'un d'autre.】 Le deuxième fils de la Famille Shen : ...... Merci, je vais me renseigner. 【Et toi, troisième frère, quatrième frère ......】 Au final, personne n'aurait pu prédire que la plus insignifiante des filles adoptives de la Famille Shen deviendrait la belle-fille choyée.
Draw the sword with a smile · 41.7K Views

Godnet - Valkyrie Protocol

After the betrayal of Luciferel, and having to deal with the Nephilim problem God made a few changes to how Heaven was run. Time does not quite flow the same in Heaven, so God was able to draw inspiration from millennia of human history. In the end, God chooses to structure things like a mega-corporation with him as the CEO and his archangels acting as department heads. To keep the threat of another angel rebellion to a minimum, every few years the angels would be ordered to change departments. To ensure that things ran smoothly and that the communication between departments happened in a timely fashion a Heaven-wide internet was established called Godnet. Due to an accident caused by mistaken identity, John Smith was killed by an angel on her first day in the Department of Death. By the time she released her mistake, it was far too late to "just" put him back in his own body. In an effort to correct her mistake the angel tried to have John Smith be reborn in the universe she originally was supposed to have a John Smith die in. The Angel was originally in IT for Godnet so she thought that it would be not too difficult to hide her little oops by altering a few records. However, she got a call from Upper Management during the process of having John be reborn. Figuring the " proper" department would step in to finish the process, the angel left to report to upper management, not wanting to receive an even bigger punishment than what she was already going to receive. In her rush to leave, she forgot to close down the connection to Godnet.
Mindviper81 · 89.1K Views

Legendary Guardians: Mad Emperor

The Realm of Dawn, a continent blessed by nature and protected by the Dragon Pantheon; Ra. To the creatures of the night, Ra was the morning sun, capable of scorching the entire universe. But, to humans and demi-humans, who coexisted peacefully, Ra was a father... a guardian... A God. It communed with mortals, protected them, and received their prayers. Until Greed crept in, drawing some humans to a darkness they should have ignored. Power, wealth, women... "You can be like Ra..." they said. "All you have to do is get this to him" And they did... The pulsating hexagon crystal was hidden amongst the corpse of the week-old lamb offered to Ra. And so it happened, Ra was consumed by the evil of the crystal and went on a rampage. Lost in rage, it decimated everyone and everything in its path, turning the land of dawn into a fiery hell hole. The greedy humans who made the offerings were the first to die, but it didn't stop there. In merely an hour hundreds of thousands of humans and demi-beasts had been reduced to smothering ashes. Humans and demi-beasts fled in all directions, confused as to why their God had turned on them. In the world's darkest hours, they came. They called themselves the Visitors, yet they brought chaos and destruction. The world tore open and machines of chaos and destruction invaded the land of dawn, meeting Ra in combat. They say the battle lasted a week, only ending after Ra took his last breath. --- Three centuries later the land of dawn has changed completely. Humanity's saviors didn't just stop at Ra, they also went after demi-beasts. They accused demi-beasts of collaborating with Ra to wipe out the human race. Soon, walls were built around humans, and trees and vegetation were replaced with skyscrapers. The land, which was once a paradise had grown into a mega city of science and technological breakthroughs. Yes, the visitors never left. But they kept their promise, exposing the human race to a power acquired through forbidden means. --- Kael Ardyn was born into the western kingdom of the Empire; Auranos and was opportune to be selected by Ra as his vessel. Under Ra's guidance, Kael is exposed to a world he never existed before. The Path of Mystic Resonance!
Abandoned_son · 4.8K Views

The Mind-Read Heiress: From Impostor to Family Favorite

Wenyan read a book in which a cannon-fodder character sharing her name was a false heiress. After the true heiress assumed her position, the impostor tried to secure her place in the wealthy family by drugging the eldest son and making a done deal out of a cooked rice, only to be unmasked by the Shen Family and end up committing suicide in despair. Wenyan was furious to see such an ending. How could one not survive without the backing of a wealthy family? Hadn't the family provided her with a luxury house and countless luxury goods? Just selling those off would fetch tens of millions. She was just a hopeless case! If she were the Wenyan in the book, she would have relinquished her position and just lived laid-back like a salted fish! But when she woke up from her sleep, she actually transmigrated into the book. True to her word, she stopped scheming. Overnight she packed her bags, sold her house, car, and bags, and looked for a job. - The entire Shen Family noticed the change in Wenyan, their adopted daughter. Not only had she moved out obediently, but she also never caused any trouble again. Even more bizarre was that they could now see her innermost thoughts! 【Dad, Mom, I never wanted to usurp your nest, but the DNA test results of the true daughter have issues. In fact, she's even more fake than I, the bogus heiress.】 Shen Family parents: ...... Then the long-lost 'daughter' who had been found was exposed as an impostor and taken away by the police for questioning. 【Big brother, that schoolmate of yours is no good, he's a corporate spy, the illegitimate child of the Shen Family's archenemies.】 Shen Family's eldest son: ...... Afterwards, the schoolmate got caught stealing confidential documents and was also taken away by the police for questioning. 【Second brother, you are such a pure and noble person, you mustn't be with the Qin Family's daughter, she's just using you, her heart is actually set on someone else.】 Shen Family's second son: ...... Thank you, I'll look into it. 【And third brother, fourth brother......】 In the end, nobody could have predicted that the Shen Family's most undistinguished adopted daughter would become the pampered daughter-in-law.
Draw the sword with a smile · 2.3M Views
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