In the depths of a foreboding forest, Adanne, a pregnant woman, finds herself caught in a chilling nightmare orchestrated by a group of shadowy figures. These ancient beings, led by the sinister and enigmatic Samuel, are not merely seeking to control her unborn child—they are determined to complete a dark ritual that will bind her soul and her baby's life to an unholy pact. With each passing moment, Adanne races against time to escape their relentless pursuit, but the deeper she runs, the more the forest seems to close in, trapping her in a terrifying web of supernatural forces.
As the night stretches on, the line between hunter and hunted blurs. With her strength waning, Adanne must find a way to fight back before the ritual is completed and her child is claimed for an unimaginable fate. In a heart-stopping battle of will and survival, Adanne's desperate attempt to escape becomes a test of her resilience, her love for her child, and the very limits of the human spirit. But one thing is certain—there is no escaping the ancient darkness that has set its sights on her.
The Womb Collector is a suspense-filled tale of survival, supernatural terror, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her child, where every heartbeat could be the last.