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Madam Umbridge Home For Wayward

Madam, Ihre Identitäten werden einer nach dem anderen aufgedeckt!

Eine Bedrohung. Ein Delinquent. Eine Enttäuschung. Wenn Sie jemanden fragen, wie er Jiang Yue beschreiben würde, wären es diese drei Worte. Sie hat einen schlechten Ruf. Sie brach die Schule im Alter von 6 Jahren ab und verließ ihren Vater, der in einem vegetativen Zustand war, um in anderen Städten Chaos zu stiften. Dafür ist sie bekannt. Alle dachten, dass sie ihre Tage damit verbrachte, in Schwierigkeiten zu geraten und ihr Leben rücksichtslos zu leben. Was andere jedoch nicht wussten, war, dass diese Worte weit von dem entfernt sind, was sie tatsächlich ist! Ein Genie! Sie hat einen schlechten Ruf, weil sie nie zögert, Gewalt gegen diejenigen anzuwenden, die ihr schaden wollen. Sie hat die Schule im Alter von sechs Jahren abgebrochen, weil sie alles gelernt hat, was es in der Schule zu lernen gibt! Sie verließ ihren Vater, um eine Maschine zu bauen, die ihm helfen könnte, sich zu erholen, und sie streifte umher, um diejenigen zu finden, die ihren Vater verletzt hatten, und ihn zu rächen! Sie wird niemanden verschonen, der ihrer Familie geschadet hat! Sie wird die Bastarde finden, die ihren älteren Bruder getötet, ihren Vater in einen vegetativen Zustand versetzt und ihre Schwester verletzt haben. Doch die Dinge liefen nicht so, wie sie sollten. Sie ist zurück in der High School, um ihr Versprechen gegenüber ihrer Schwester einzulösen, aber warum hat sie stattdessen einen anhänglichen jungen Meister an sich gebunden? *** In einer bestimmten Nacht trafen sich Jiang Yue und Luo Zhelan in einer unerwarteten Situation. An diesem Tag hatte Luo Zhelan keine Ahnung, dass die Frau, die mit einer Waffe in der blutigen Hand vor seinem Auto stand, die Frau sein würde, die sein Leben vervollständigen würde. "Junger Meister Luo, die junge Frau ist wieder ein Trend auf Weibo!" Ein Untergebener berichtete. Der junge Meister kniff die Augen zusammen: "Was ist es diesmal wieder?" "Es stellt sich heraus, dass sie die Person hinter Allico Intelligence ist! Sie hat das Unternehmen gegründet und es zu einem der führenden Tech-Giganten des Landes gemacht!" Ein gewisser Untergebener berichtete. "Bruder Zhe, es hat sich etwas herumgesprochen!" Sein guter Freund rief ihm zu. Luo Zhelan fragte: "Was für Neuigkeiten?" "Schwägerin ist Shadow! Der Top-Assassine, der 'Fallen Vengeance' ins Leben gerufen hat! Die Liga, die aus allen gefürchteten Attentätern besteht!" "Junger Meister Luo, sehen Sie sich diesen Posten an!" "Sohn, warum nennt Direktor Wei Xiao Yue 'Schüler'?" "Bruder Zhe, Schwägerin hat Altersky erschaffen?!" "Junger Meister! Ich habe etwas über die junge Madam herausgefunden!" Ein gewisser junger Meister war verblüfft.
Nnaise · 57.2K Views

Madam, Your Identities are being Exposed One by One!

A menace. A delinquent. A disappointment. If you ask anyone how they would describe Jiang Yue, it would be those three words. She has a bad reputation. She dropped out from school at the age of 6. She left her father who was in a vegetative state to roam around and wreck havoc in other cities. That's what she is known for. They all thought she spent her days just getting into trouble, living life recklessly. What others didn't know though was those words are far from what she actually is! A Genius! She has a bad reputation because she never hesitates to use violence against those who seek to harm her. She dropped out from school at the age of six because she has learned everything there is to learn in the school! She left her father to create a machine that could help him recover and she roamed around to find those who hurt her father and avenge him! She won't spare anyone who harmed her family! She will find those bastards who killed her Older Brother, caused her father to be in a vegetative state, and hurt her sister. However, things didn't go the way they should be. She's back in high school to fulfill her promise to her sister, but why is it that she got a clingy Young Master stuck to her instead? *** On a certain night, Jiang Yue and Luo Zhelan met in an unexpected situation. On that day, Luo Zhelan had no idea that the woman standing in front of his car with a gun in her bloodied hand would be the woman who would complete his life. "Young Master Luo, Young Madam is trending again on Weibo!" A subordinate reported. The Young Master narrowed his eyes, "What is it again this time?" "It turns out she's the person behind Allico Intelligence! She created it and made it into one of the leading tech giants in the country!" A certain subordinate reported. "Brother Zhe, there was some news going around!" His good friend exclaimed at him. Luo Zhelan asked, "What news?" "Sister-in-law is Shadow! The top assassin that brought up 'Fallen Vengeance'! The league that was made up of all the feared assassins!" "Young Master Luo, look at this post!" "Son, why is Principal Wei calling Xiao Yue 'disciple'?" "Brother Zhe, Sister-in law created Altersky?!" "Young Master! I found out something about Young Madam!" A certain Young Master was dumbfounded.
Nnaise · 1.3M Views

Perfect Imperfection: Resurrection of the Wayward Heart

#Entertainment #Showbiz Ying Yue was once a fire that burned anything that even tried to block her way. Now, she was merely a tool an entertainment company, brought out to be compared to Li Yi, an artist they were promoting. The more love Li Yi received, the greater the hate that was given to her. Bound by the rope of contract, she followed their instructions and became one of the most undesired celebrities in history. ‘I’ll just leave the industry when the contract ends anyway.’ She always thought. But the Han Entertainment was not satisfied with her just leaving the company like that. They wanted to make sure that she would be buried and never have the chance to regrow again in this industry. A video of her abusing Li Yi was exposed by a tabloid account. Ying Yue who was ready to quit the industry was awakened when a call came in to remind herself of the person she was. The rebellious heart of hers which she had buried for the past three years was finally resurrected. Sure, she could quit being an actress, but she would not give up with a label of bully on her name. She fought back. And came back even harder than they ever thought she would. And on her journey to finding her lost self once again, she comes across the very person who taught her what love was. And also heartbreak. *** In Future___ The CEO of the Han Entertainment had a deep regret. Because he had not cared enough for the no name artists in his company, he had slipped a very talented artist through his fingers. Who would have thought that the once most hated actress Ying Yue would be a musical genius seek by many directors and singers. ***** }}=SNEAK PEEK={{ [ She still remembers that Christmas Eve. She was in his arms, under the cover of the dark moonless sky. Neither not mining the chilling snow underneath them. She told him then,  "My life is filled with flaws. Meeting me has become the only imperfection in your otherwise perfect life."  To which he stared into her eyes and gave her the sweetest kiss he had given. As if he was pulling her into his very soul and showering her with his endless warmth. "Well… You are the perfect imperfection I need in my life." ]
A_Mis · 3.1K Views
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