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Gao Ting Murder

Après la Descente de la Montagne, Sept Grands Frères me Gâtent

Zhouzhou est née avec peu de chances, et après avoir entraîné la faillite d'un temple taoïste en mangeant, elle a finalement été chassée de la montagne pour mendier de la nourriture. Mais par inadvertance, elle a trouvé une source de subsistance à long terme. Après avoir adopté la petite Zhou Zhou, Madame Qin a immédiatement envoyé un message à son plus jeune fils, "Regarde, tu as une fille !" Qin Lie, qui aurait dû se réjouir de devenir père, est resté de marbre et a dit, "Envoyez-la loin." Les jeunes tyrans de la famille Qin, qui auraient dû se réjouir d'avoir une petite soeur, ont l'air dédaigneux et ont dit, "Nous n'en voulons pas. Elle ne sait que pleurer, pas amusant du tout." Même les ennemis jurés de la famille Qin attendaient avec impatience de voir Zhouzhou entraîner la famille Qin à la faillite. Cependant, Qin Lie signait des contrats tous les jours jusqu'à ce que ses mains en soient douloureuses, et la famille Qin prospérait, consolidant leur position en tant que famille la plus riche. Même le septième frère infirme de la famille Qin a pu se mettre à courir et sauter. Lors d'un banquet, les jeunes tyrans de la famille Qin ont entouré Zhouzhou, essayant de lui faire plaisir. "Soeur, nous te donnerons toute la nourriture délicieuse !" "Soeur, quel genre d'histoire veux-tu entendre aujourd'hui ? Frère te le dira !" Qin Lie s'est approché directement, a soulevé la petite fille et a jeté un regard froid à ses neveux, déclarant sa possession, "C'est ma fille !"
COL+Jin Gao · 28.3K Views

Semua Orang Ingin Memanjakan Putri Keberuntungan

``` Keluarga Duke sudah seabad tanpa adanya putri. Ketika akhirnya seorang putri lahir, seharusnya dia menerima segala cinta dan manja, tetapi ternyata putri yang sebenarnya telah tertukar saat lahir dan dibesarkan oleh keluarga pemburu yang baik hati. Sejak mereka mengadopsi gadis tersebut, para pemburu tampaknya menjadi beruntung dalam segala hal—binatang buruan tampaknya berlari ke dalam perangkap dan jaring yang mereka pasang, dan mereka selalu menemukan ramuan langka di mana pun mereka pergi. Sepuluh tahun kemudian, keluarga Duke akhirnya menyadari kebenaran bahwa putri mereka telah tertukar dan melakukan perjalanan ribuan mil untuk membawanya pulang. Setelah kembali ke keluarga aslinya, putri tersebut tidak diragukan lagi dimanja habis-habisan oleh setiap anggota keluarganya... Setelah dewasa, Lin Qingluo menguasai seni bela diri dan mencapai puncak dunia persilatan. Bergabung di medan perang bersama saudara-saudaranya dan ayahnya, dia menghancurkan musuh-musuh mereka dan dikenal sebagai Dewi Perang, mendapatkan tak terhitung pengagum. Tuan dari Pavilion Rahasia Surgawi: Reputasi Anda mendahului Anda, nona—tak ada yang sebanding dengan Anda, seperti rumor yang mengatakan. Kepala dari Lembah Ramuan: Kemampuan Anda dalam pengobatan luar biasa, dan saya mengakui keahlian Anda. Saya bersumpah setia sebagai imbalan atas bimbingan Anda untuk berlatih pengobatan dan membantu orang-orang. Pangeran Pertama dari Negara Qi: Terima kasih telah menyelamatkan saya. Saya berhutang nyawa pada Anda. Lin Qingluo: Seorang pangeran yang lekat hati telah mencuri hati saya, dan dia lah yang selalu saya pikirkan. Tak ada orang lain dalam benak saya. ```
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 25K Views

Todos quieren mimar a la hija afortunada

La familia del Duque no ha tenido hijas durante un siglo. Cuando finalmente nació una hija para ellos, ella debería haber recibido todo el amor y mimos, pero resulta que la verdadera hija había sido cambiada al nacer y acogida por una familia de cazadores bondadosos. Desde que adoptaron a la chica, los cazadores parecían tener suerte en todo: el juego parecía correr hacia las trampas y redes que ponían, y encontraban hierbas raras dondequiera que fueran. Diez años después, la familia del Duque finalmente se dio cuenta de la verdad de que su hija había sido cambiada y viajaron más de mil millas para llevarla a casa. Después de que volvió a su verdadera familia, la hija fue indudablemente consentida por cada miembro de su familia... Después de crecer, Lin Qingluo destacó en las artes marciales y ascendió al pico del mundo marcial. Unirse al campo de batalla con sus hermanos y su padre, aplastó a sus enemigos y se hizo conocida como una Diosa de la Guerra, ganando innumerables admiradores. —Su reputación le precede, milady, nadie se compara con usted, tal como dicen los rumores —señor del Pabellón del Secreto Celestial. —Sus habilidades con la medicina son extraordinarias, y me someto a su experiencia. Prometo mi lealtad a cambio de su tutela para practicar la medicina y ayudar a la gente —jefe del Valle de la Poción. —Gracias por rescatarme. Le debo una deuda de vida —el Primer Príncipe de la Nación Qi. —Un príncipe pegajoso ha robado mi corazón, y es en todo lo que puedo pensar. No hay otra persona en mi mente —Lin Qingluo.
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 63.1K Views

Murder Case At School

A girl named Karin accidentally gets involved in a murder case at her school. It all started when she accidentally found the body of the school janitor behind the warehouse. This piqued her curiosity about what had happened. She still clearly remembers the blood pooling, turning the grass red. The body lay sprawled with several stab wounds. The corpse looked like a small animal, helpless before its predator, dead just like that. Before discovering the body, she crossed paths with a man. A tall man with a mask and dark sunglasses covering his face. The man also wore a hat to cover his hair. His clothes appeared to be layered, and he carried a large bag that seemed very heavy. However, there was something the man could not hide. The clear scent of blood emanating from his body. Karin had a sharp sense of smell and she was certain the odor she detected was blood. Chaos erupted in the school environment. People started forming their own opinions. Karin was the one most affected. She was often questioned about the body she found. People kept asking her to recount the story. At that moment, a new teacher arrived, diverting the attention of the school community. A young teacher with a handsome face that drew everyone's attention. The murder case faded away just like that. The police couldn't find any more clues. When people started to forget, Karin felt something was off. The young teacher looked strange in her eyes. Karin felt that the teacher was constantly watching her. The teacher also had a blacklist that he showed to his students. He said the book was a record for the naughty children. If their offenses exceeded three times, those naughty ones would be punished. That's when the next murder began.
Putariririri · 7.4K Views

Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

The Duke's family has gone a century with no daughters. When a daughter was finally born to them, she should have received all the love and pampering, but it turns out that the real daughter had been swapped at birth and taken in by a family of kind-hearted hunters. Ever since they adopted the girl, the hunters seemed to get lucky in everything—game seemed to run into the traps and nets they set, and they would find rare herbs wherever they went. Ten tears later, the Duke's family finally realized the truth that their daughter had been swapped and journeyed over a thousand miles to bring her home. After she returned to her real family, the daughter was undoubtedly spoiled rotten by every member of her family... After she grew up, Lin Qingluo excelled in martial arts and rose to the peak of the martial world. Joining the battlefield with her brothers and father, she crushed their enemies and became known as a Goddess of War, gaining countless admirers. Lord of Heavenly Secret Pavilion: Your reputation precedes you, milady—none compares to you, just as the rumors say. Chief of the Potion Valley: Your skills with medicine are extraordinary, and I defer to your expertise. I pledge my loyalty in exchange for your tutelage to practice medicine and help people. The First Prince of Qi Nation: Thank you for rescuing me. I owe you a life debt. Lin Qingluo: A clingy prince has stolen my heart, and he is all I can think about. There is no other person on my mind.
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 1.7M Views
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