The Last Heir of Merlin
In a world where magic hides just out of sight, ten-year-old Jake Fernandes’s life is turned upside down by a tragedy he never saw coming. One night, after overhearing a bitter argument between his adoptive parents, Jake witnesses something that no kid should ever have to see—an act of violence that tears apart everything he thought he knew about home and safety. And in that terrifying moment, something inside Jake snaps loose. He discovers a power he never knew he had, one that erupts out of him when the chaos takes over.
Meanwhile, all the way across the ocean, Albus Dumbledore catches wind of what’s happened to Jake. Dumbledore knows that this isn’t just any kid—Jake is the last living descendant of Merlin himself. And that means he’s got some serious potential. Dumbledore steps in, determined to get Jake out of danger and show him the magical world he’s been kept from.
As Jake steps into Diagon Alley for the first time, the world of magic feels like something out of a dream. But even with all the wonders of this new life, the shadows of his past still follow him. He’s got to figure out who he really is now and what these strange powers mean. And with Dumbledore’s help, he starts to realize that his magic is more than just something cool—it’s a big responsibility, and it’s up to him to decide how he’ll use it.
If you want to see where Jake’s story goes next, you can get early access to new chapters on my Patreon. Come along for the ride, and join me at to get a sneak peek at Jake’s journey as he heads to Hogwarts and faces a whole new world.