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Hen Tai Anal

Madame Gu est trop faible pour se débrouiller toute seule

On racontait que Qiao Xi avait une constitution fragile – une beauté maladive. On racontait qu'elle dépensait une fortune chaque jour en médicaments – les engloutissant comme des bonbons. On racontait que dix serviteurs l'attendaient auprès de son lit chaque jour – un fardeau pour tout le monde. Ils attendaient tous que la famille Qiao renvoie Qiao Xi à la campagne et la laisse se débrouiller toute seule. Qiao Xi : "Ils disent tous que je suis faible et incapable de prendre soin de moi. Apparemment, je dépense de l'argent de manière inconsidérée aussi." Elle regarda son chemisier déchiré et s’exaspéra. Qiao Xi : "Vous voulez dire que cette famille riche laisse sa fille porter des vêtements déchirés tous les jours ?" La fille riche de la famille Qiao ? Elle en avait assez ! Elle ne le serait plus ! Donc... Mauvais garçon : "Sans la famille Qiao, tu n'es rien." Qiao Xi : "Si je suis expulsée de la famille Qiao, je serai finie." Mauvaise fille : "Sœurette, ne sois pas trop déçue. Tant que tu travailleras dur, tu seras louée un jour." Qiao Xi : "Tais-toi, je ne connais pas une traîtresse comme toi." Le mauvais garçon et la mauvaise fille : "???" On racontait que le plus jeune fils de la famille Gu, Gu Zheng, avait imprudemment épousé une femme qui n'avait rien d'autre que son apparence. Qiao Xi : "Quelqu'un me méprise-t-il ?" Un jour, Qiao Xi vit un des employés de Gu Zheng se creuser la tête sur une série de chiffres à l'écran de l'ordinateur. Comme elle avait du temps libre, elle prêta main-forte. Avait-elle vraiment piraté le pare-feu créé par les efforts conjoints des meilleurs hackers de l'élite ?! Gu Zheng se rapprochait à chaque pas. "Qiao Xi, qu'est-ce que tu me caches encore ? Hmm ?" Qiao Xi : "Oh non ! Je me sens étourdie à nouveau ! Je suis si faible. Ce corps à moi est juste trop faible !"
Qiaoqiao · 102.3K Views

Das Hexenjäger-System

Der doppelte Anbau ist keine Wahl, er ist eine Notwendigkeit. Nachdem er wie die meisten glücklichen (oder unglücklichen) Protagonisten von einem Lastwagen angefahren wurde, fand sich Vaan im Körper eines Waisenkindes in der Welt der Hexen und Dämonen wieder. Doch die gab es nicht immer. Dämonen haben die Welt terrorisiert, seit das Reich der Gehenna vor über 300 Jahren untergegangen ist, aber mit ihnen kam auch das Mana, das die Hexen hervorbrachte, um diese Dämonen zu bekämpfen. Seitdem wird die Welt der Menschen von Hexen beherrscht, und es entstanden die sieben Hexenkönigreiche, die an vorderster Front die Invasion der Dämonen bewachen. Um in der matriarchalischen Gesellschaft der Hexenkönigreiche zu überleben, musste Vaan, wie alle anderen Männer, die keine Magie anwenden können, lernen, den Hexen zu dienen, um zu überleben. Doch das war nicht ohne Vorteile. Jahrelange Forschung führte die Welt zu der Entdeckung, dass Intimität zwischen Männern und Frauen die Manaaufnahme der Hexen erhöhen kann. Aber gleichzeitig konnten Männer einen Teil dieses Manas absorbieren, um ihren Körperbau und ihre Lebenserwartung zu verbessern. Seitdem hat sich in den Rotlichtvierteln eine komplizierte Beziehung zwischen Männern und Hexen entwickelt. Die Liebe wurde zwanglos, und die Doppelkultivierung ist weit verbreitet. Als Wunderkind in der Kunst, Frauen zu gefallen, lebte Vaan seit seiner Transmigration als Waisenkind zwei Jahre lang problemlos. Doch eines Tages brach alles zusammen, als er fast umgebracht wurde und Lady Eniwse, der er diente, durchdrehte. Doch das war noch nicht das Ende. Mit der Erweckung des Hexenjäger-Systems wird Vaan die Welt erobern und der Herr der Hexen werden. ===== Genre: [Mature Content] [R-18] [Smut] [Magie] [Hexen] [Dämonen] [Geister] [Drachen] [Bestien] [Reinkarnation] [Abenteuer] [Action] [Mystery] [Akademie] [Schwach-zu-Stark] [Scheming MC] [Harem] [System] [Diener] [Sklaven] [Smart MC] [Alchemie] [Schmieden] [Missverständnisse] [Spielelemente] [Kingdom-Building] [Overpowered MC] ===== Hinweis: Enthält Zitronen. Hexen zu jagen bedeutet nicht unbedingt, Hexen zu töten, wenn du weißt, was ich meine ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ===== Fühlt euch frei, dem Discord beizutreten, um über den Roman zu diskutieren, oder nehmt die Roman-Update-Rolle an, um benachrichtigt zu werden, sobald neue Kapitel unter dem unten stehenden Link veröffentlicht werden; ===== Meine anderen Romane; Erster Roman: Prime Originator (Gemeinsames Universum) Zweiter Roman: Ich bin ein berüchtigter Boss in der alternativen Welt (Shared Universe) =====
Pointbreak · 112.3K Views

Das glamouröse Comeback der verdrängten Erbin

Sobald sie ihre Augen öffnete, fand sich Bai Lian im Körper einer berüchtigten und verwöhnten jungen Dame wieder. Sie hörte, dass ihr Vater ein neuer, aufstrebender Stern in Beicheng war, ein Selfmademan mit einem weitreichenden Ruf; Ihr älterer unehelicher Bruder war ein Genie, das die städtischen Prüfungen bestanden hatte und auf die Jiangjing-Universität ging; Die jüngere uneheliche Schwester aus der benachbarten internationalen Klasse war eine vielseitig begabte Schulschönheit, sanft und gut erzogen; Ihr Verlobter war ein Goldjunge der Finanzwelt, ein Schulidol, der sie nie richtig angeschaut hatte... Und sie war nur eine unscheinbare Person mit geringer Intelligenz, eine gewöhnliche Person, die von Anfang an aus dem Haus geworfen wurde. Bai Lian: Na schön, dann muss sie eben fleißig lernen und sich bemühen, ein normaler Mensch zu werden~ Alle (mit einem geheimnisvollen Lächeln im Gesicht): ...bist du dir da sicher?? Die junge Dame, die nach Xiangcheng geschickt wurde, ohne Hintergrund, unwissend und ungelernt, jeder könnte auf ihr herumtrampeln... aber sie können sie nicht bewegen... (Eine einzigartig atemberaubende, faule und kapriziöse weibliche Hauptfigur, die jeden vernichtet, der ihr in die Quere kommt, gegen einen edlen, coolen und dominanten männlichen Protagonisten mit einem IQ, der alle Anwesenden zerquetscht) PS: Sowohl die männliche als auch die weibliche Hauptfigur sind sehr charmant. Bei dieser Geschichte geht es um befriedigende Lektüre ohne viel Logik, also bitte nicht zu tief in die Logik eindringen, danke. Nachricht: Liebe das Lernen, sei ein guter Mensch.
Road of Flowers · 42.8K Views

SSS Ranked Summoning: I'm An Extra With The Strongest Harem System

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT | HAREM | R18 | COMEDY | ACTION | FILTHY [Ding!] [You have unlocked the strongest Harem System!] Mikey Dickson, an 18-year-old webnovel addict, stumbles upon a hidden feature—one that lets him enter the novels he reads. But Mikey isn’t just any reader… he’s the biggest pervert imaginable! When given the chance to choose his adventure, does he pick epic battles or grand quests? Hell no! He chooses MILFs. [Mission Processing…] [Mission Confirmed!] [Satisfy these MILFs and capture their soul cores to grow stronger!] 'Oh my freaking god! I got a real system—just like in those novels! This can't be real!' But reality slaps Mikey hard when he accidentally enters a novel way beyond his capabilities. Now, it’s not just about satisfaction—it’s about survival. If he fails, the consequences are far worse than he ever imagined. Can Mikey conquer his world by reaching the peak of the social class, claim his rewards, and live the ultimate fantasy? Or will he get more than he bargained for? Join him on this wild, steamy, and action-packed journey! [Bonus chapters alert! Bonus chapters will be released at 20,50,100,300,1000 and 2000 powerstones. 3 to 5 Bonus chapters will be released for super gift donations!] Additionally tags: Sex| MILF | Anal | BDSM | Threesome | Mystery | Academy | Gang wars | Urban There will be SMUT, HAREM, MYSTERY, DEATH and intense story building. Feel free to ask your questions about the book in the review or comment section. Add this book to your collection and donate your power stones! Please leave a review of your thoughts of the book. Please take a chance on the book and read a few chapters atleast. Thanks again. See you in the comments!
IamthePervert · 111.6K Views

Khi dòng sông ngừng chảy

[VT] Nàng ngồi đó, chân trần vắt chéo, tẩu thuốc kẹp hờ giữa những ngón tay thon dài. Làn khói bạc uốn lượn quanh nàng như một điệu múa lười biếng. Đôi mắt hổ phách ánh lên vẻ thích thú, lướt qua những con chữ như thể nhìn thấu kẻ đang đọc chúng. "Ngươi nghĩ đây chỉ là một câu chuyện? Tệ thật, ngươi nhầm rồi. Đây chỉ là một trò chơi thôi." Giọng nói khác vang lên, cắt ngang dòng suy tư của nàng. Tác giả: “Ngươi không có lời cảnh báo nào sao?” Hồ Ly khẽ nghiêng đầu, đôi môi đỏ thẫm cong lên đầy vẻ thích thú. "Cảnh báo à? Hừm… Ngươi sẽ mất tiền thôi. Vì câu chuyện này rất thú vị. Và nếu không cẩn thận… ngươi có thể mất cả chính mình." Nhưng nàng lại đặt tay lên môi, làm động tác nhỏ tiếng, nở nụ cười: "Nhưng thôi, ta sẽ không tiết lộ trước. Cứ thử xem!" --- Văn án Giữa màn sương mờ ảo, một linh hồn lạc lối mở mắt ở một thế giới xa lạ—nơi thần linh không chỉ là tín ngưỡng mà còn là quy luật. Ở nơi này, giấc mơ, ký ức và số phận đều bị ràng buộc bởi những điều không ai có thể lý giải. Cậu được trao cho một món quà—hoặc một lời nguyền. Một năng lực đặc biệt, cho phép vượt qua ranh giới giữa sống và chết. Nhưng mỗi lần quay lại, một thứ gì đó mất đi: một phần ký ức, một cảm xúc mơ hồ, hoặc có lẽ… một phần của chính mình. Những mảnh vỡ của thực tại đan xen, những cái chết không chỉ là dấu chấm hết mà còn là những cánh cửa dẫn đến những bí ẩn chưa từng được biết đến. Trong thế giới này, mọi thứ đều có quy luật… ngoại trừ một điều—cái chết không bao giờ thực sự kết thúc. Vậy khi dòng sông ngừng chảy, thứ gì sẽ còn lại? Một giấc mơ dang dở? Một ký ức phai nhạt? Hay một cái tên đã chìm vào quên lãng?
MysticCloud · 3.2K Views

Harvesting The Witch Queen

Be sure to join the official HTWQ Discord server for news on the novel, direct updates, polls, & exclusive rewards such as original illustrations: You can donate to the novel: Growing up as a slave in the Halloween Kingdom, Junk had been a prisoner for as long as he could remember. Born without a healthy nor stable body, he might have been the weakest of all the Minotaurs. Managing to finally escape the confines of his prison cell, the beast wanders the Kingdom’s dangerous roads. His body and soul slowly and painfully withering into nothingness until he miraculously runs into one final chance—the fallen Witch Queen—Lady September Autumn who had just recently been dethroned of her royal title. She provides him the opportunity to remain alive. Keeping his body and soul intact by feeding him with her royal, sacred Queen milk. Of course, this is no act of charity. She asks for his services in return. In exchange for harvesting her milk, Junk must become her loyal servant and bodyguard fulfilling whatever she commands: including hunting down and defeating all of those responsible for her dethronement. Refuse, and no more milk. No more milk, and the Minotaur will be doomed to perish once more. So a symbiotic relationship is formed. However, the ex-prisoner has something in mind for his powerful new Queen. Harvesting the bitch herself! Ultimately corrupting her into his breeding-slut when the time is right and birthing an army of monsters to re-take the kingdom for himself instead. Together, they are marching through this ghoulish and spooky fantasy world plagued with undead, spirits, demons, werewolves, vampires, demonic Gods and far worse! . . . [ Tags ] R-18 | Mature | Adult | Smut | Harem | Ecchi | Hentai | NSFW | Blowjob | Anal | Sex | Threesome | Foursome | Hardcore | Thick | Thicc | Milf | Gilf | Young & Mature | Choking | Out doors | Bdsm | Fetish | Dual Cultivation | Action | Demon | Weak to Strong MC | Antihero | Comedy | Wise . . . Discord link: Donations: If you have any question or hate mail: Thank you for all the awesome feedback.
CamilleJuteau · 1.1M Views


****EXTREMELY SMUTTY **CAUTION: CONTAINS ELEMENT OF TABOO, Julian, the son of Duke Alden and the grandson of Grand Duke Augustus stood Infront of the crystalline ball that emanated mana. The crystal absorbed his mana and started glowing with purplish hue, with a sparks of lightning. "Yes, I have unlocked Lightning Affinity," Julian said, a spark of excitement lighting up his blue eyes. Suddenly, the ball began absorbing too much mana, Julian's eyes widened in horror as the energy swirled out of control, crackling with an intensity that was and terrifying. Just as he realized the danger, the ball erupted in a blinding flash, a shockwave of power surging outward. Julian wasn't hurt, but he felt a strange sensation as a dark mist swirled in front of him. Suddenly, he saw a strange entity, a shadowy figure, slip into his forehead. Then, Julian heard an unfamiliar sound echo in his head: “WELCOME TO THE MILF SYSTEM.” Connecting....Success Initializing.......Success “FUCK THE MILFS AND GET STRONGER, CONQUER THE MILFS, CONQUER THE WORLD.” , The voice said Curiosity piqued, Julian quickly asked, "Can you tell me more about the MILF SYSTEM?" The voice continued, "Sure, The MILF SYSTEM will help you reach unimaginable power as a mage. You will need to complete the tasks assigned to you and earn points." ********************* MILF SYSTEM - TASK POINTS CHART Handjob - 10 Points Blowjob - 20 Points Sex - 75 Points Creampie - 100 Points Threesome - 200 Points Spank - 15 Points Anal - 150 Points ********************* Julian grinned, excitement bubbling up inside him. “Well, if that’s what I should do to be stronger, I guess we don’t have any other choice,” he declared, determination shining in his blue eyes ************** [Huge Harem] [In Depth R-18] [Hardcore Fetishes] [Extreme Sex] [Gore] [Big Boobs] [MILF] [Best Girls] [Anal] [Threesome] [Foursome] [N-some] [Big ass] [Impregnation] Some smut scene may contain: [Spitting] [Slapping] [BDSM] [No NTR - No sharing - No mind control - No drugs or potions that influence the girls A lot of Netori and Stealing] Contains long and detailed smut.
author_210 · 2.3M Views

Rise of the God Emperor

[ WPC FEB 2024 ENTRY ] Hao Chen, a very handsome young man, doesn't have anything except his little sister. As he was walking home from where he worked, he suddenly had an accident. A car hit him while he was crossing a zebra crossing. But Hao Chen knows one thing, if it was a deliberate act, knows who is the mastermind behind all this. Unfortunately he couldn't do anything at that time, due to his serious injuries. His head was bleeding, and even his bones were broken. Because the blood continued to flow out, staining the surrounding streets. Hao Chen, he died. But he didn't realize that there was a light that witnessed everything, about his entire life and his memories. "What a poor mortal, let me, the God Emperor, Hao Tian, ​​help you avenge yourself!" A voice sounded from the surroundings, its tone was arrogant and filled with elegance. Suddenly the light began to enter the depths of Hao Chen's body, who was now dead. *** Watch on by reading the first chapter of this novel, the adventure that the god emperor will go through who returns as a mortal! Discord server: _________________ Others Tags: Evil MC, Cunning MC, NO YURI, NO NETORARE, ECCHI, HAREM, Mature, Adult, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Anal, Backdoor Sex, Beautiful Females, Dao Companions, Dual Cultivation, Netori, Dragons, Demons, Phoenix, Conflict, War, Overpowered, Genius, Wise, Campus, Teacher, Milf, Alchemy, Sister, Young & Mature, Young Girl, Mature Girl, R18, Smut, Ecchi, Blowjob, Titjob, Kiss, Romance, Fantasy, Gods, Immortals, AntiHero, Villain, Rise, Rise of The, Chaos, Mystery, Polygamy _________________ Daily Mission: 50 Powerstones: 1 Chapters Bonus! 100 Powerstones: More 2 Chapters! 50 Golden Tickets: 2 Chapters Bonus! 100 Golden Tickets: More 5 Chapters! _________________ Remember if the cover on this book is not mine!
DylanHusand · 872.2K Views

Stärkster Magier mit dem Lustsystem

[Warnung: Reifer Inhalt R-18] Ist der Tod das Ende oder ein neuer Anfang? Ich weiß es nicht. Aber für unseren Protagonisten war es das Letztere. Max, eine zwanzigjährige Jungfrau, wurde im Wald von einem Bären angegriffen und starb einen eher unfreiwilligen und vorzeitigen Tod. Zum Glück für ihn... war das nicht das Ende seiner Geschichte. Er wachte auf und fand sich transmigriert in einer Welt voller Magie, Wunder und... schöner Frauen wieder. Gott schien mit ihm zufrieden zu sein, denn in dieser Welt war er nicht nur der jüngste Sohn eines Adligen, sondern er erhielt auch ein System - das Lustsystem -, mit dem er der stärkste Magier werden und Höhen erreichen konnte, die noch nie jemand erreicht hatte. Alles schien erstaunlich, aber war es wahr oder nur eine Illusion? Begleite die aufregende Reise von Maxwell Garfield in dieser wunderbaren Welt, um an die Spitze aufzusteigen. ______________________________ [Dinge, die beachtet werden sollten] 1. Vom Titel her hättest du es schon ahnen müssen, aber ich kann dir sagen, dass die Geschichte mit vielen sexuellen Abenteuern gefüllt sein wird. Also... du bist herzlich eingeladen, sie zu genießen..... 2. Allerdings... erwarte nicht, dass MC mit jeder Frau, die er trifft, eine sexuelle Beziehung hat. Ich werde mich auf die Geschichte konzentrieren und 'versuchen', nicht blindlings mit Sexszenen nach links und rechts zu werfen. 3. Am wichtigsten ist, dass ich zum ersten Mal schreibe, so dass die Qualität der ersten 50 oder so kann ein wenig fehlen (Aber es wäre kein Problem für Sie, wenn ein paar kleine Fehler nicht stören Sie). 4. Es ist eine langsame Geschichte. Wenn ihr alles explosiv und schnell haben wollt, ist das vielleicht nichts für euch. Wichtiger Hinweis: Wenn euch die Geschichte gefällt, dann vergesst nicht eure GTs und Kraftsteine zu voten und wenn ihr könnt, auch ein paar GIFTS zu schicken. Diese arme Seele würde es zu schätzen wissen. Schaut euch auch meine anderen Werke an: [ Rise of the Strongest War God ] & [ My perverted devil system ] Viel Spaß beim Lesen~ ________________
Blizzard54k · 172.1K Views

vấn đạo cầu trường sinh

Tuân lệnh " từ an cất quả cầu trắng vào ngực áo nhìn sang hướng từ yên nhi " điện chủ ra lệnh rút lui mau trở về " giọng hắn không lớn nhưng có tính xuyên phá cực mạnh Tần trúc đã bị đánh bất tỉnh thương tích đầy mình nằm dựa vào gốc cây tôn thượng hương đang bị từ yên nhi bóp cổ nhấc bổng lên " Điện chủ ra lệnh rút lui từ yên nhi mau trở về" " định hồn châu còn chưa hấp thu được một nửa mà đã rút lui có nhầm lẫn ? mà thôi kệ để tỷ đưa hai cưng đi một nơi mà chắc chắn hai cưng sẽ rất thích thú cho mà xem " " Ngươi ...có bệnh " " Hahaha ngươi mới có bệnh đợi khi về tỷ sẽ treo hai cưng lên từ từ dạy dỗ " Tôn thượng Hương nhìn sang tần trúc lúc nãy hắn bị tên điên này đá một cái vào hông cả hai đều té xuống nhìn có vẻ tần trúc bị thương rất nặng Tiểu cô nương nhìn sang từ yên nhi " ngươi đã bao giờ nếm trải cảm giác của những người bị ngươi hại chưa " từ yên nhi bỗng lạnh gáy bỏ tôn thượng Hương ra lùi lại hai bước lấy ra từ trong hư không ra một chiếc roi da đính đầy những miếng thép nhỏ * Tu vi tiểu cô nương này mới hậu thiên tầng 3 sao ta lại có cảm giác bị uy hiếp, không được phải đánh nhanh thắng nhanh tránh đêm dài lắm mộng * " Loại như ngươi đến địa ngục cũng không dung nạp được " tôn thượng Hương đồng tử chuyển sang lam nhạt từ ngón tay giữa hai tay hình xăm màu lam như hai con rắn quấn đến bàn tay thì dừng lại trán điểm chu sa tóc hai bím thả ra bay nhè nhẹ như làn nước xanh tuyệt đẹp người tỷ tỷ này của tần trúc hiện giờ nói là tiên nữ hạ phàm cũng không ngoa chút nào Trong đầu từ yên nhi bây giờ chỉ còn một chữ * chạy * chỉ trong một cái chớp mắt khí thế tăng gấp mấy lần rõ ràng là muốn đồng quy vu tận vả lại thủ đoạn còn không tầm thường * ngươi điên rồi * Tôn thượng Hương chỉ cười nhẹ tay phải đưa lên phía trước kèm theo đó là một dòng linh khí nhẹ nhàng mền mại nhưng không kém phần hủy diệt bay về hướng của từ yên nhi toàn bộ luồng linh khí màu lam bao quanh chỗ này tiếp sau đó là một tiếng nổ kinh thiên động địa đến những người đang chiến đấu chật vật cách đó một ngọn núi cũng phải dừng lại một nhịp Cùng lúc này một thanh linh kiếm màu trắng từ trời giáng xuống một phân thành hai hai phân thành bốn bốn phân thành tám đến vạn kiếm ảnh " Đây là cái gì nhiều tới mức này làm sao tránh được " " Ba mẹ hài nhi bất hiếu " " Hức ta còn chưa đụng tay vào nữ nhân bao giờ ta không muốn chết đừng mà a a a " Còn chưa đau buồn xong hàng vạn kiếm ảnh đã đến trước mặt dân làng từng thanh kiếm lạng lách tránh né một cách không hợp lẽ thường chém thi quỷ như máy xay cắt thành từng mảnh vụn không thể khôi phục sau đó bốc cháy toàn bộ " Ta...ta còn chưa chết " " Đáng sợ quá " " Nhất định là vấn đạo tông đến, chúng ta được cứu rồi " Diệp vô thương phi kiếm lên núi khung cảnh hiện ra trước mắt chỉ có tần trúc nằm đó, xung quanh đổ nát như vừa có một trận kịch chiến nổ ra đây tuyệt đối không phải chuyện một hậu thiên tầng 3 có thể làm ra được HAI NGÀY SAU * Tiểu trúc ta xin lỗi * " Hương tỷ "
Mer_Game · 6.3K Views

Reincarnated as a Scholar: But I only write Erotica

**CAUTION: CONTAINS ELEMENT OF TABOO, I Dreamed of Cultivation... and Got Homework Instead! “Ah, reincarnation into a xianxia world! Time to wield swords, shoot qi bullets, and become the overlord of the heavens!” At least, that’s what Lin Mao thought would happen. Instead, he woke up in a scholar’s robe, surrounded by ink-stained fingers and people debating... philosophy. “This isn’t the path to immortality! This is the path to finals!” Now Lin Mao has to navigate his life in the prestigious Sky Moon Sect, where flying on swords is nothing but a dream. The only thing flying is debates and enlightenment that comes from philosophy, not martial arts. Instead of fighting demonic beasts, he's fighting grumpy senior brothers, mysterious sect elders, and his master that has a.......long beard. “Who needs qi cultivation when you have the ‘Path of Society’? What does that even mean?! And why does everyone here hate jokes?!” Filled with nothing but Earth’s most degenerate novels, his unhinged personality, and his special ability to accidentally piss people off, Lin Mao is determined to shake up the scholar world. He might not be a cultivator, but who says he can’t make being a scholar legendary? “This isn’t the dream I signed up for, but whatever. If they are going to make me study, I’ll do it my way!” **** This novel will be story-focused, blending humor, character development, and world-building. However, it will also include R18 elements with detailed smut for those who enjoy a little spice in their story. You’ve been warned! *** [ Tags ] R-18 | Mature | Adult | Smut | Harem | Ecchi | Hentai | NSFW | Netori | Blowjob | Anal | Sex | Threesome | Foursome | Hardcore | Feet | Thick | Thicc | Loli | Milf | Gilf | Young & Mature | Choking | Out doors | Humiliation | Bdsm | Fetish | Action | Handsome MC | Weak to Strong MC | Comedy | Wise
Philosopher_Immort · 39.5K Views

Conquest Of The Fallen: Dark Dominions

[DING!] [Congratulations, APOLLYON. You have unlocked the Infernal System!] [NAME: Israfel BlüdThïrste.] [FACTION: DEMON ¢ RANK A.] [DING!] [You have ascended to the realms of man.] [CITY: The medieval Empire of Eldoria.] [ALL HAIL THE BURNING ONE!] [CONQUEST: Level Up to NINTH INFERNAL CIRCLE.] [The battle for DOMINION begins.] [SYSTEM has graciously provided the most delicious and bosomy babes to compete for MC.] [ADDITIONAL TAGS: Ruthless MC – NSFW – BDSM – Cosplay – MILF – War Crimes – Unholy Trinities – Hybrids – BDE – Smut – EVOLUTION – Succubus – Slaves – Yandere – Ascension – Gore – ADULT CONTENT AND LANGUAGE – Anal – Dominant MC – Hentai – Lust – Demon – Extreme violence – R18 – Faceslap – Fistfights – Bestiality – Bloodsport – Exorcism – LOLITA – Brutal MC – Magic – UNDERWORLD – Politics – Demonology – Necromancer – Old Gods – Fae – Sword and Sorcery – System – Hardcore – Mermaid – Cat girls – Dragon girls – DARK – Vulgar – Epic battle – Hell Ranking – Fallen Angels – DOMINIONS – Incest – Dungeon – Leveling up – Cold MC – Sibling Lust – Taboo sex stories – MONSTER GIRLS – Debauchery – Utter fuckery – Demented SC – MANA – Invulnerable MC – Elf – Vampire – Demoness – MATURE – Murder – Psychopaths – Luciferan Bloodlines – Corruption of virtue – Chivalry – Villainy – Death – LEGION – Clashing armies – Weapons system – Resurrection.] [WARNING: This book features detailed descriptions of female humiliation, hardcore sex and depravity. There is a guaranteed Adult Chapter one out of every five. NOT FOR CHILDREN! NOT FOR SOFT HEARTS!] • FULL BLURB Israfel BlüdThïrste was born in Hel. He has lived in it all eighteen years of his life. As seventh in the bloodline of the Morningstar himself, Rafel has had a pretty fucking great life. There's spilled blood in excess. Violence to choke the gray skies. Abundant sex—depraved and hardcore. And more blood. Everything a Prince of the Abyss could desire. But Rafel has heard stories, of the world above. The world of the weak mortals whose damned souls fall endlessly through the red skies of his, to meet with perpetual torture. Stories of their fine carriages and legendary kings. Their golden sun and green earth. But mostly, their virgin women. He wishes to see it for himself. And so, when a lucky gambit with his dear Aunt, Lilith, opens up a way for him to explore the surface, Rafel hops to it. The deal is a hundred years before he has to return to his duties as Hell's Apollyon. Accompanied by his new slave, a voluptuous horned Succubus, Rafel journeys to the mortal realm, entering into the mythical lands of Eldoria as the enigmatic Earl of Emberfall, a haunted estate. But Rafel intends to rise, into the very courts of the Eldorian Queen. At least before his time runs out. And if corrupting, blackmailing, fucking, and murdering a few mortals gets in his way, so be it. This is until the haloed mess of Ravenna de Vries ends up on the grand steps of his Manor, soaking wet with a blood debt hanging over her head. Israfel had seen many beautiful women in his time, but somehow the little mortal girl is sufficient to make him rethink his gambit. Ravenna is owed to a powerful Hell Principality. And though Rafel convinces himself that building up his power ranking is solely selfish, it also has to do with going up against an ancient adversary from his home who is certain to appear just about anytime to collect what he is owed—Ravenna. She is not his responsibility, but why does Rafel feel exactly that whenever he looks at her? And suddenly for this Immortal, a hundred years is not enough to fall in love.
Staplehead · 633.6K Views
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