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Nitro Express

O Deus vingativo em outro mundo sou eu?! não era só um jogo?!

‘Como foi que isso aconteceu’ O jovem, praticamente um garoto olhava para a cena em sua frente. Em apenas uma olhada era possível ver dezenas de pessoas, mais atentamente ele tinha certeza que podiam ser centenas ou milhares, de pessoas se prostrado em sua frente. Desde o centro da praça da cidade até as ruas adjacentes na frente do templo, com uma similaridade assustadora com oque acontecia no Vaticano quando o Papa fazia algum discurso. O jovem sentado em um trono grande demaia para ele, dentro de um templo de mármore podia ver a expressões de felicidade, reverência, gratidão e em alguns uma pequena pitada de medo. Não que ele prestasse muita atenção nos demais, sua atenção era atraída principalmente para o grupo diretamente abaixo do trono. Esse grupo era composto de pessoas de várias idades desde velhos com cabelos grisalhos e enrugados, mas com corpos estranhamente saudáveis e com posturas eretas como postes, há jovens de várias idade incluindo crianças. Oque esse grupo tinha em particular tinha em comum expressão que tinham, só podendo ser descritas como fanáticas enquanto olhavam o jovem. A única coisa que se passava na cabeça do jovem, cento dessa atenção desmedida era simplesmente… ‘Como as coisas ficaram assim?!!!! Eu só tava jogando um jogo!!!!’ ——————————— Em um quarto de um apartamento comum, em uma cidade comum. Um jovem aparentemente comum podia ser visto deitado na cama com um celular sobre o peito. O celular estava ligado e mostrava cenas do que parecia ser um jogo. Com uma pequena e intrigante coincidência de que o jovem sentado em um enorme trono dentro de um templo de mármore, era completamente idêntico ao jovem dormindo. ********************************************** Obrigado ao ImagineArt pela imagem
FereliX25 · 10K Views

Whisper of Desire

This story is about Kyouko, a woman in her early forties. She works hard to stay beautiful and graceful because she wants to bring back the love she once had with her husband, who now seems distant and uncaring. Despite her efforts, Kyouko feels that her husband no longer loves her. Kyouko lives with her daughter Sayaka and her son-in-law Haruki. This situation creates a unique connection between Kyouko and Haruki. At first, they keep their feelings for each other hidden. Kyouko notices that Haruki often looks at her with admiration, and his gentle smiles make her feel special. Haruki, who is young and handsome, appreciates Kyouko’s charm and elegance but doesn’t express it openly. As they spend more time together in their daily lives, Kyouko and Haruki start to feel a strong pull toward each other. Their secret glances and quiet moments lead to a growing bond. Kyouko begins to feel happy and more confident because of Haruki's attention. She remembers a part of herself that she had lost amidst her struggles. While their feelings deepen, both Kyouko and Haruki are aware of the complications. They worry about Sayaka and Kyouko’s husband, which makes it difficult for them to openly express their emotions. The story explores their inner struggles, the longing they both feel, and the quiet complexity of their attraction. Kyouko and Haruki embark on a journey of self-discovery, hidden affection, and the risks that come with their unspoken love.
JakkuSen · 7K Views

The Last Expression

Revan Kylo was born with a gift that felt more like a curse—his face could never show emotion, even though his heart was full of them. He felt joy, sadness, and anger, but the world only saw emptiness. From childhood to adulthood, his life was a stage of tragedy, leaving him shunned, abandoned, and forgotten. Everything changed when a mysterious portal transported him to another world—a realm of magic, mystery, and gods who toyed with human fate like pieces on a chessboard. In this new world, Revan found a fleeting happiness he'd never known. A woman named Liora Caelum, with her warmth and tenderness, taught him the meaning of love, family, and even how to smile. For the first time, Revan laughed. But that happiness was short-lived. A curse from the ruler of the gods took everything away—his loved ones, his newfound joy, and the hope that had just begun to grow in his heart. Left alone, Revan vowed to take revenge on the gods and reclaim something precious: the ability to express emotion on his face. Traversing dimensions, uncovering the secrets of the universe, and defying fate, Revan transformed from an ordinary young man into a force even the gods feared. Along his journey, he gradually regained his expressions—smiles, tears, and rage—leading to the ultimate climax: the final expression that would decide the fate of everything. "If I must defy the gods to become fully human, then I will shatter their thrones and tear down their heavens." The Last Expression is an epic tale of tragedy, vengeance, and the quest to become human in a world of divine chaos. Will Revan find his freedom, or will he become the monster he swore he’d never be?
MAS_HAL · 1.9K Views

The vengeful God in another world is me?! Wasn't it just a game?!

‘How did this happen’ The young man, practically a boy, looked at the scene in front of him. In just one glance it was possible to see dozens of people, more closely he was sure there could be hundreds or thousands of people prostrating themselves in front of him. From the center of the city square to the adjacent streets in front of the temple, with a frightening similarity to what happened in the Vatican when the Pope gave a speech. The young man sitting on a throne too big for him, inside a marble temple he could see expressions of happiness, reverence, gratitude and in some a small hint of fear. Not that he paid much attention to the others, his attention was mainly drawn to the group directly below the throne. This group was made up of people of various ages, from old men with gray and wrinkled hair, but with strangely healthy bodies and postures upright like poles, to young people of various ages including children. What this group in particular had in common was their expression, which could only be described as fanatical as they looked at the young man. The only thing that was going on in the young man's head, with all this excessive attention, was simply... ‘How did things get like this?!!!! I was just playing a game!!!!’ In a room in an ordinary apartment, in an ordinary city. A seemingly ordinary young man could be seen lying in bed with a cell phone on his chest. The cell phone was on and showing scenes from what appeared to be a game. With a small and intriguing coincidence that the young man sitting on a huge throne inside a marble temple was completely identical to the sleeping young man. ********************************************** Thanks to ImagineArt for the image
FereliX25 · 33.3K Views

Windows to the soul

Skylar Covey is a young teenage girl navigating the complex landscape of her emotions as she embarks on the journey of self-discovery. At this pivotal stage in her life, she finds herself grappling with a whirlwind of feelings—joy, confusion, sadness, and excitement—all entwined in the intricate tapestry of adolescence. Each day brings new experiences that challenge her understanding of herself and her place in the world. Skylar often reflects on her changing friendships, the pressures of academic expectations, and the realization of her dreams and ambitions. She feels the weight of her emotions as she encounters the ups and downs of teenage life, from the exhilaration of first crushes to the heartache of misunderstandings. With an introspective nature, she begins to delve deeper into her thoughts, seeking to understand why she feels the way she does and how she can express these emotions in a healthy and constructive manner. In her quest for self-identity, Skylar may find solace in creative outlets such as writing, drawing, or music, helping her make sense of the turbulent feelings swirling inside her. Surrounded by supportive friends and family, she starts to open up about her struggles, learning that she is not alone in facing the challenges of growing up. Through her journey, Skylar Covey not only explores the depths of her own heart but also learns valuable lessons about empathy, resilience, and the importance of embracing the full spectrum of human emotions.
NariKim2009 · 3.1K Views

A Night in the Galaxy Express Railway

Winter is an orphaned girl who works as a barista in an old-fashioned English café called Café Guifi. She lives in a small cottage house together with her bright cat, Lady Matilda McMuffin. On a scorching summer day, a mysterious gentleman appeared out of nowhere, claiming to be Cait Sìth. The legendary “casanova,” “King of Cats,” and “the soul of England,” that everyone deemed to be an urban legend. Torn between attraction and annoyance, Winter concluded that there was more to the man than meets the eye. Finding herself trusting him more. She invites Winter to ride the Galaxy Express Railway, a one-way ticket to see the universe. **SNIPPET** “W-Where are you taking me?” Winter finally finds the courage to talk again, despite the fact that she was still sensitive to the eerie and mysterious atmosphere that surrounded them. Her skin was drenched in cold sweat, which caused the muscles throughout her body to stiffen up. “Stay. And you'll find the answer to your question.” He removed her mask—gave an oh-so-charming smile, blue eyes glistening with mischief. She ought to be screaming and crying for help right now. Nevertheless, there was something within this person, or rather this being, that had entranced her in so many ways—causing her to be anxious, frightened, and completely mystified at the same time. ** OTHER STORIES: Too Gay for You: You Give me Heart Eyes Miss Not so Typical: Consider me Humored Join the discord:
talesofheaven · 1.8K Views
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