In the heart of the Sahara Desert, where only whispers of the past echo across the endless dunes, lies the forgotten kingdom of Dungu—a once-vibrant realm blessed with lush vegetation, shimmering gold, and life-giving waters. Two decades ago, the land thrived under the watchful eyes of sun and land gods, their powers harnessed by the people for prosperity and abundance. But as the flames of greed ignited, the kingdom crumbled, burying its secrets beneath the shifting sands of time.
Fast forward, a diverse group of history students embarks on an adventurous trip to explore the Sahara desert. Among them are Ewe Rose, a resourceful young woman with dreams of a brighter future, Nandi Gutt, a spirited girl, Renny Smith, an African American exchange student with depression and a hidden story.Edi Danny, a local boy.
When a chance encounter with the remnants of the kingdom awakens the long-dormant powers of the land and sun gods, the four friends find themselves imbued with incredible abilities: the power to summon rain, cultivate flourishing crops, and unearth precious minerals hidden beneath the surface. United by their newfound gifts but burdened by the weight of Dungu's past, they must navigate the complexities of their powers and the responsibilities that come with them.
As they unravel the secrets of Dungu, the group faces challenges that test their friendships, courage, and understanding of their place in the world. They must confront the shadows of greed that once toppled the kingdom and learn that true wealth lies not in riches, but in harmony with nature and each other.
N:B; The story will handle different individuals not just the female characters. I couldn't find the provision for just Fantasy because it's neither female or male based,you kind of get the point.
It also handles African methodology and fiction, Adventure etc.