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Lirik Lagu Sunny Summer Gfriend

Renascer como Companheira do Alfa Amaldiçoado

O que acontece quando uma deusa se apaixona por um shifter? Asara, a deusa do amor, foi punida por seu pai, o deus do trovão. Seu crime foi se apaixonar por um mortal Alfa shifter. Para pagar por seus pecados, ela renasceu como Cassandra LeBlanc; uma mortal Princesa no mágico Reino de Speldaria. Sua família e seu reino, exceto sua irmã do meio, rejeitaram-na pois ela nasceu sem nenhuma habilidade mágica e não tinha recordações de sua verdadeira identidade. Seu prometido, o poderoso comandante mago de Speldaria, estava indiferente a ela. Ele desejava alguém forte. A vida de Cassandra foi revirada quando ela recebeu um escravo guerreiro pelo poderoso Alfa de Dusartine. Ela foi convidada a participar do Evento Anual da Arena colaborando com o guerreiro. Cassandra, que odiava 'A Arena' com todo o seu ser. Um lugar onde o sangue fluía como vinho e a vida era mais barata que o próprio ar que respiravam, não entendia seu propósito ali. Além disso, o misterioso guerreiro a afetava de maneiras inimagináveis. Seu olhar hipnótico a desestabilizava. Sua essência rara a sobrecarregava. Seu corpo musculoso e bronzeado a consumia com pensamentos pecaminosos. Até mesmo os sonhos de sua vida passada a atormentavam. Quando 'A Arena' começou, as agendas ocultas e verdades subjacentes vieram à tona e Cassandra foi jogada em um destino traçado. Sem escolha, ela teve que ceder e escolher um caminho. A questão seria. Como Cassandra vai lidar quando descobrir sobre a maldição sobre ela? Será que ela será capaz de obter suas habilidades mágicas e enfrentar seu pai? Quem irá ajudá-la em sua jornada? ~Trecho~ Então ela o sentiu, todo ele. Toda a sua aspereza. A força de seu braço. A maciez de seus lábios. O aperto de sua mão. O calor de sua respiração. Cada músculo de seu corpo ficou tenso diante da implicação de dormir nos braços de um homem. Ela nunca havia dormido no abraço de um homem antes. Sua pele inteira formigava como pequenas faíscas dançando nas partes que se conectavam com ele. As fendas de seu cérebro tinham essas memórias que não eram dela. Esse toque de alguma forma não parecia estranho para ela. Ela se sentiu segura em seu abraço calmante e não desejava afastá-lo, mas sabia que isso estava longe de ser apropriado. Cassandra tentou se livrar de seu aperto, seus braços pareciam ser feitos de ferro pois não cediam. A leve vestimenta que ela havia vestido levantou-se de sua coxa leitosa expondo-a enquanto a musculosa e bronzeada dele estava drapeada sobre ela. E agora ela podia sentir algo a cutucando nas costas. Seus olhos de repente se arregalaram com a realização e Cassandra entrou em pânico total. “Solte-me!” Ela disse, pesadamente. Siroos lentamente levantou sua perna e afrouxou seu aperto em sua cintura para que ela pudesse se afastar. Ele havia despertado quando ela endureceu pela primeira vez, mas quis ver o que ela tentaria. Com os olhos arregalados, ela roubou um olhar em direção ao homem que a mantinha envolvida em seu abraço como um tesouro precioso, o tesouro dele. Seus olhos de ouro fundido haviam se aberto e havia essa suavidade e desejo com os quais ele a encarava. Aqueles cachos castanhos macios caíam sobre seus olhos enquanto ele esquecia de piscar, observando a beleza atemporal que ela era. O perfume único dela era uma tortura para os seus sentidos. Como ele desejava agarrar seu tornozelo delicado, puxá-la por ele e tê-la espalhada sob ele. Beijar a própria pele que exalava tal aroma que estava enlouquecendo-o. No lugar disso, ele dobrou o braço e o colocou sob sua bochecha, usando-o como travesseiro para observá-la com olhos cheios de desejo. O silêncio constrangedor entre eles se prolongou enquanto Cassandra limpava a garganta. “Você tinha que subir em mim para dormir?” “Não foi intencional, mas foi certamente tentador e definitivamente não será a última vez.” Sua voz profundamente hipnótica era ainda mais atraente nesta manhã cedo, ressoando ao redor dela. A capa do livro é minha.
Sunny_Shumail · 23.8K Views

Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Who was Quan Jingwu? He was the prominent figure at the heart of the city, nicknamed "Master Jing," and he was also the pinnacle "Big Diamond" of the city's social pyramid. However, one day, the highly esteemed ""Big Diamond"" got labeled ""exclusive"" by a woman, someone they regarded as the lowest of the low. Everyone in the city was left dumbfounded. And who was Jian Qing? She was the family's black sheep, rejected as an illegitimate child, and the laughingstock of the aristocratic families. When she returned, she shone brilliantly; it was time for those who owed her to pay back. As her multiple identities were unveiled, those who once looked down on her felt like they had been slapped in their faces. The first time they met, she was as serene as a lotus. She had a composed demeanor, and she made a grand entrance. The second time they met, she was as fierce as a wild beast. There was a faint smile on her face, but her actions were ruthless and swift. The third time they met, she was as cunning as a fox. With a simple call of ""Little Jing,"" she completely captured his heart, leading him onto the path of a doting husband and never looking back. Scene of Lovey-Dovey Moments: Subordinate: ""Boss, there's a rumor outside that Madam was born to restrain you, and your fortunes don't align." Master Jing: "Nonsense." "...". The subordinates lowered their heads and shifted back slightly, afraid of their boss's wrath. Then, a deep voice with a hint of indulgent laughter rang out, ""Clearly, she was born to pamper and love me."" Caught off guard by a sudden burst of affection, everyone instantly felt overwhelmed with love and let out a heartfelt cheer. 'Madam, come quickly and take away the boss—boss is about to show off his affections again!'
Mint Cool Summer · 829.6K Views

Reborn As Cursed Alpha's Mate

What happens when a goddess falls in love with a shifter? Asara; the goddess of love, was punished by her father, the god of thunder. Her crime being falling in love with a mortal shifter Alpha. To pay for her sins she was reborn as Cassandra LeBlanc; a mortal Princess in the magical Kingdom of Speldaria. Her family and kingdom, except her middle sister, shunned her for she was born without any magical abilities and she had no recollections of her true identity. Her betrothed, the powerful mage commander of the Speldaria, was unbothered by her. He wished for someone strong. Cassandra’s life was toppled when she was gifted a warrior slave by the mighty Alpha of Dusartine. She was asked to take part in the Yearly Arena Event by collaborating with the warrior. Cassandra who hated ‘The Arena’ with her very breath. A place where blood flowed like wine and life was cheaper than the very air they breathed didn't understand her purpose in it. On top of that, the mysterious warrior affected her in unimaginable ways. His hypnotic gaze unsettled her. His rare essence overwhelmed her. His muscular bronzed body consumed her with sinful thoughts. Even the dreams of her past life plagued her. When ‘The Arena' began the hidden agendas and underlying truths came to light and Cassandra was played a hand of fate. She was left with no choice but to give in and choose a path. The question would be. How will Cassandra grapple once she learns of the curse placed on her? Will she be able to obtain her magical abilities and stand up to her father? Who will help her along the journey? ~Excerpt~ Then she felt him, all of him. All his ruggedness. The strength of his arm. The softness of his lips. The grip of his hand. The warmth of his breath. Every muscle in her body went taut at the implications of sleeping in a man’s arms. She had never slept in a male’s embrace before. Her whole skin tingled like tiny sparks dancing on the very parts that connected with him. The crevices of her brain had these memories which weren't hers. This touch somehow didn't seem foreign to her. She felt safe in his soothing embrace and didn't wish to push him away and yet she knew this was far from appropriate. Cassandra tried to wriggle out of his hold, his arms seemed to be built from iron for they wouldn't budge. The light garment she had worn had lifted from her milky thigh baring it as his bronzed muscular one was draped on it. And now she could sense something poking her back. Her eyes suddenly expanded from the realisation and Cassandra fully panicked. “Let go!” She voiced out, heavily. Siroos slowly lifted his leg and slackened his hold on her waist so she could shuffle away. He had awakened when she had stiffened for the first time but wished to behold what she would try. With eyes blown wide she stole a glance towards the man who had her wrapped in his embrace like a precious treasure, his treasure. His molten gold eyes had flickered open and there was this softness and want with which he stared at her. Those soft brown curls cascaded over his eyes as he forgot to blink, watching the timeless beauty that she was. Her one-of-a-kind fragrance was a torture to his senses. How he wished to grab her dainty ankle, pull her from it and have her sprawled underneath him. To kiss the very skin that oozed such scent which was driving him insane. Instead, he bent his arm and placed it under his cheek using it like a pillow to watch her with desire-filled eyes. The awkward lull between them prolonged as Cassandra cleared her throat. “Did you have to climb on me to sleep?” “It wasn't intentional but was certainly enticing and definitely won't be the last time.” His deeply hypnotic voice was even more alluring this early in the morning as it resonated all around her. The book cover is mine.
Sunny_Shumail · 502K Views

The CEO Of My Dreams Returned To Me

Officially winner of the Cupid's Quill Contest. This is the book if you are looking for a green flag male, who is not toxic, doesn't degrade the FL, doesn't rape or hurt her, physically or emotionally. Let's dive in. “Many can own your body but it takes a special someone to creep into your soul, infuse it with their magic and make it theirs. That's what you have done to me, Skyla Adams, and now you refuse to leave,” his sultry whispers were fanning the outer edges of her ear, rendering her weak. Not only in the knees but her whole body. (It's a dark romance so the book deals with trauma, ra*e and similar themes. But I guarantee you it will have a happy ending.) Synopsis Broken by the sudden news of her father's terminal cancer and further shattered by the betrayal of her fiancé; Doran, who was a renowned super model and CEO of his fashion company. Skyla sought solace in the arms of a call boy. Dressed like her favourite anime character with his face hidden behind a mask, the boy pulled her in and she ended up losing her v-card to him. Circumstances led her to marry her abusive/cheating fiancé. But after eight years of abuse and being told she could never run her father's company, Skyla had enough. When her husband’s boss suddenly offered her a job. She grabbed the opportunity to prove her husband wrong. What she hadn't anticipated was the kindness her boss had begun to shower on her. Zyair Kincaid; the CEO of renowned fashion company was a gynophobe who never hired women to work in his proximity. But he broke his own rules and hired Skyla to be his personal secretary. With his identity hidden from the world, behind a black mask, he was a man of many secrets but had only one goal. To liberate Skyla from her abusive husband and for that, he was willing to go to any length. In a tale where past and present collided, two broken souls sought comfort with each other. But can Skyla escape her husband? And how would Zyair grapple when his dark past comes knocking? (This is my entry for the competition Cupid's Quill. Kindly show support and send a power stone and add the book to your library. The characters I will be creating in this book will be in grey areas, I hope you people will love them as much as I am enjoying writing them.) Book cover is mine special thanks to Queenfrieza for making it. Want to chat? Find me on Instagram with the same name; Sunny_Shumail.
Sunny_Shumail · 940.7K Views

Elven Encounter With A Blood Seeker

Tired of toxic ones and seeking a dotting male lead? Want to read about a budding romance between two mortal enemies? Looking for a strong female instead of a whiny one? Well, you are in right place, let's get started. ~Excerpt~ I watched as they kissed passionately, as he undressed her body, fondling her, and making her moan. I still watched as their bodies collided, melting together, moulding into each other, moving in rhythms. But why was he watching me? Not for a second, his eyes flickered or left mine. Not even when he bit into her neck and sucked her blood. He still watched me and I did him, unwavering and unmoving as if we had been frozen in time. Treia left as he asked her to, giving me another unpleasant look as she walked past me. But, I was too engrossed in watching him as he had instructed me, I wouldn't look away because that's what he had asked me to do. When did I become so benign? Well, it was all for my mission, that's what I kept telling myself. Was that true though? Did I not feel even a single bit of pull toward this gorgeous entity in front of me? "Did you enjoy the show?" He finally asked sitting up in his bed. ~Synopsis~ Aselia was an elf whose world was ridden with many problems and strewn with species of all kinds but none was more colossal than vermins called 'Vampires' who sought blood not only for survival but also for pleasure especially from "The Elven Race." Their blood was considered superior and was relished above all by vampires. As a result, Elves were mercilessly hunted and were driven to the brink of extinction. Aselia hated Vampires with a passion. Then she met a vampire whose existence was unknown to most people. Xiran smiled at her as no vampire had ever done before. She didn't scream rainbows and he was no angel either. She was not a damsel in distress and yet he wanted to be her saviour. The man's appearance was not of a vampire and yet he drank blood. What secrets did he hold? And who exactly was he? How will he react when he will discover Aselia's deepest darkest secrets? Because she had many too. Read on to find out... ---------------------------- Thank you everyone for choosing to read my book, I am a newbie writer and I am sure you will love reading my book as much as I enjoy writing it. Leave a comment and send a power stone to show your love. Support me. Read my new book "The CEO of My Dreams Returned To Me." Follow me on Instagram and Facebook: Sunny Shumail. ----------------------------- The cover is mine.
Sunny_Shumail · 1M Views

Mr. CEO, You're Out!

Su Wan married the man she had loved for ten years with a heart full of joy. On their wedding night, however, he said to her, "Su Wan, you've been given the status of Mrs. Xu. All you need to do is fulfill your duties. The only things you can get from me are power and money, nothing else." Su Wan, holding a sincere heart as if it were red-hot coal, wanted to tell him that she had secretly loved him for many years. But before she could give away her true feelings, they were thrown to the ground and shattered. Everyone thought that Su Wan must be very happy to marry A city's most noble man, Gu Nanzhou. Even Su Wan herself thought so. But that was just what she thought. Until one day, Su Wan realized that no matter what she did, she could not warm Gu Nanzhou's indifferent heart, and she no longer hoped to gain his love. She chose to leave, to set each other free, leaving only a divorce agreement behind. Everyone knew that Gu Nanzhou had no feelings for Su Wan and that marrying her was merely a reluctant decision. On the day of their divorce, his friends celebrated for him. In the lively atmosphere of the private room, the cold yet noble man didn't utter a word. With his legs crossed and fingertips glowing with a scarlet light, his expression was obscured by the swirling smoke, his mood impenetrable to others. And nobody knew that after Su Wan left, there were countless sleepless nights when Gu Nanzhou sat in her room, his fingers holding the divorce agreement turning white with tension. Later, at a banquet, Gu Nanzhou cornered Su Wan in a dimly lit corner. The man's eyes were slightly red, his voice low and hoarse, his usually indifferent and serene face now showing an unprecedented disarray, almost begging the person in his arms. "Wanwan, please don't divorce me, okay?"
Seven Summer Leaves · 137.1K Views
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