In the Kingdom of Bestia, Queen Charlotte, an omega rabbit, reigns over a land divided by ancient tensions. For decades, two noble families, the Leightons and the Whitehalls, have been embroiled in an awful conflict. Their rivalry's beginnings have long since been forgotten, yet it still exists. Even as the kingdom around them changes and evolves, the two families, bound by pride and tradition, continue to clash.
Known for their omega heirs, connections, and enormous riches, the Leightons are a distinguished family of beautiful and elegant cheetahs. However, they are inflexible and resistant to change as a result of their uncompromising adherence to tradition. The Whitehalls, on the other hand, are a powerful family of dominating Alpha wolves who are respected for their unmatched strategic influence and strong alpha leadership. However, because of their ingrained pride, they despise the Leightons and see their devotion to antiquated traditions as a sign of weakness. These two families, each strong in their own right, are nonetheless embroiled in a conflict that is molded by their completely different morals and unwavering pride.
Queen Charlotte, fed up with the never-ending rivalry between the two families, comes up with a bold scheme to put a definitive end to it. She orders the unmarried heirs of both houses, Vincent Whitehall, a quiet and strong alpha, and Elliott Leighton, a self-assured and assertive omega, to wed. She issues a severe warning to get them to comply: if they don't marry, they will forfeit their aristocratic titles and properties. Queen Charlotte hopes to compel both families to form an alliance that could change their futures with this ambitious maneuver.
Story by AP0KAL1PS
Art by sakit_encok