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Words Containing Deni


"The Sovereign of Altheora" "In the world of ALTHEORA, where magic, superpowers, and supernatural strength have become the norm. A world that has emerged from the Great Cataclysm before 200 years. After 176 years, A mysterious tower, piercing the skies has appeared at the centre of Altheora. From then, the Tower has been summoning residents for training - a trial by fire that either forges them into elite warriors or claims their lives. Amidst this backdrop, a young man, Anthony Ironheart, was summoned when he was only 15 years old, but his fate took a dark turn. Defying expectations, he failed to return within the allotted two years, leaving his loved ones with only questions and despair. Now, on the eve of the 200th anniversary of the Great Cataclysm, when he is 22 years old, the tower has spat him out, and Anthony Ironheart has emerged, forever changed. His eyes burn with a fierce determination, his body honed to perfection, and his spirit tempered by the unknown trials he faced within the tower's depths. As he steps back into a world that has moved on without him, Anthony must navigate the complex web of politics, magic, and power struggles. The tower's secrets still linger within him, and his return sets off a chain reaction that will reshape the destiny of Altheora and its people. Will Anthony find out why he was stuck in the tower for 7 years, or will the shadows of his past consume him? Can he unravel the mysteries of the tower and prevent a new cataclysm, or will the weight of his newfound abilities crush him?" #Action #Adventure #overpowered #genius
Emperors_words1416 · 1.4K Views

Escolhida pelo Destino, Rejeitada pelo Alfa

A Trindade, de dezoito anos, é diferente de qualquer outro lobo em sua alcateia. Por um lado, houveram circunstâncias incomuns em torno de seu nascimento, por outro, ela é o único membro da alcateia que nunca se transformou em forma de lobo. Então agora ela não pertence a lugar nenhum. Nem bem humana e nem bem lobo. Ela pensava que poderia viver a vida como quisesse quando completasse dezoito anos. Ir para a faculdade, fazer alguns amigos, se divertir. Mas o que ela faz quando o Alfa perigosamente sexy cai literalmente em seu colo? "Eu não sou humana e não sou um lobo. Eu não pertenço a lugar algum..." "...nós dois sabemos que ninguém vai se acasalar comigo, e mesmo que o fizessem, eles simplesmente me rejeitariam de qualquer maneira." O que o Alfa sexy e carrancudo vai fazer? Os anciãos estão fazendo ele realizar essas festas ridículas para procurar uma companheira. Ele não quer uma companheira, mas sabe que precisa de uma para completar o Círculo Alfa. Sem uma companheira, uma Luna para a alcateia, seu povo sofreria. E o que ele vai fazer quando se depara com a garota que o destino escolheu para ele e descobre que ela não tem lobo? "Isso não pode ser!" Eu rugi. "Não há como eu me acasalar com uma garota que nem sequer tem um lobo. Ela será muito fraca. Ela será inferior. Ela não será forte o suficiente para ser uma Luna." "Eu simplesmente não poderia aceitá-la como minha companheira. Não inteiramente. Não seria seguro para ela. Ela se mataria. E ela derrubaria meu bando junto com ela." Quando esses dois se encontram, faíscas certamente voarão. Mas será por paixão, ou por suas constantes brigas? Nenhum deles queria um companheiro. Nenhum deles quer o companheiro que o destino escolheu para eles. E nenhum deles pode fazer esse vínculo de companheiros desaparecer. O que eles vão fazer agora que estão literalmente presos um ao outro? ***Aviso de Classificação*** Linguagem Adulta Violência Conteúdo Sexual Forte ESTE LIVRO ESTÁ SOB UM CONTRATO EXCLUSIVO E NÃO DEVE SER POSTADO OU PUBLICADO EM NENHUM OUTRO LUGAR. Siga-me para encontrar meus outros livros ou me faça perguntas, obrigado por ler!!! SIGA-ME E DEIXE-ME SABER O QUE VOCÊ PENSA ***A ARTE DA CAPA É PROPRIEDADE EXCLUSIVA DO AUTOR E FOI ILUSTRADA POR VICTORIA DAYEN DO ART MSPUGLUVER'S***
Deni_Chance · 687K Views

Menyelamatkan Belahan Jiwa Tawanan: Menyelamatkan Luna Masa Depan

Bintang adalah gadis yang tidak mengenal dunia. Dia telah ditahan oleh keluarga besarnya sejak ibunya meninggal ketika dia berusia dua tahun, ataukah ibunya dibunuh? Tanggal ulang tahunnya yang ke-18 semakin dekat dan jika ia tidak segera lolos dari para penyekapnya, ia harus menikahi seorang pria yang sangat dia benci. Artem adalah Alpha muda baru yang merasa jijik oleh tindakan Alphas sebelumnya. Ingin mereformasi kelompoknya dan melindungi yang lemah, ia mengambil alih kekuasaan dengan paksa. Sekarang, dia menyelamatkan mereka yang telah dipukuli, disiksa, dan diabaikan. Selama salah satu misi penyelamatannya, Artem menemukan Bintang yang muda. Gadis itu sangat ketakutan akan keluarganya, dunia luar yang tidak dia kenal, dan juga dia. Jadi bagaimana dia akan memberitahu bahwa dia adalah pasangan yang ditakdirkan untuknya dan Luna masa depan dari kelompok mereka? Bisakah Artem membuat Bintang mempercayainya saat dia telah diberitahu bahwa tidak ada yang peduli dengan serigala yang lemah, terutama Alpha? Bisakah dia meyakinkan dia bahwa dunia tidak seperti yang telah dia yakini selama ini? "Aku akan melakukan apa saja untuk menyelamatkanmu, Bintang. Apapun untuk melindungimu. Tolong, kamu harus percaya padaku." Bisakah Bintang melampaui ketakutannya dan mempercayai pria yang tidak pernah dia kenal sebelumnya ini? Dan apakah keluarganya hanya akan menyerah begitu saja dan membiarkan dia diambil dari mereka? Apa suka duka yang menunggu Alpha kita dan pasangannya di cerita penuh roller coaster ini? ***PERINGATAN*** Kekerasan Grafis Bahasa Kasar Konten Seksual Konten Dewasa Penyiksaan Pemenjaraan Percobaan Pemerkosaan IKUTI AKU DAN BERITAHU AKU APA YANG KAU PIKIRKAN
Deni_Chance · 13.1K Views

Resgatando Sua Companheira Cativa: Salvando a Futura Luna

``` Estrela é uma garota que não conhece o mundo. Ela foi mantida refém por sua família extensa desde que sua mãe morreu quando tinha dois anos, ou teria a sua mãe sido assassinada? A data do seu décimo oitavo aniversário está se aproximando e, se ela não escapar de seus captores em breve, terá que se casar com um homem que ela despreza. Artem é um jovem novo Alfa que ficou enojado com as ações dos Alfas anteriores. Querendo reformar sua alcatéia e proteger os fracos, ele assumiu o controle à força. Agora, ele está resgatando aqueles que foram espancados, abusados e negligenciados. Durante uma de suas missões de resgate, Artem descobre a jovem Estrela. A garota está aterrorizada com sua família, o mundo externo que ela desconhece, e com ele. Então, como ele vai dizer a ela que ela é sua companheira predestinada e futura Luna da alcatéia? Artem pode fazer Estrela confiar nele quando ela foi informada de que ninguém se importa com lobos fracos, especialmente o Alfa? Ele pode convencê-la de que o mundo não é como ela foi levada a acreditar que era? "Eu farei qualquer coisa para te salvar, Estrela. Qualquer coisa para te proteger. Por favor, você precisa confiar em mim." Estrela pode superar seu medo e confiar neste homem que ela nunca conheceu antes? E a família dela vai simplesmente aceitar e deixá-la ser levada assim? Que altos e baixos esperam nosso Alfa e sua companheira nesta montanha-russa de história? ***AVISOS*** Violência Gráfica Linguagem Forte Conteúdo Sexual Conteúdo Adulto/Maduro Abuso Aprisionamento Tentativa de Estupro SIGA-ME E DEIXE-ME SABER O QUE VOCÊ ACHA ```
Deni_Chance · 74.4K Views

Rescatando a su Compañera Cautiva: Salvando a la Futura Luna

``` Estrella es una chica que no ha conocido otro mundo. Ha estado cautiva por su familia extendida desde que su madre murió cuando ella tenía dos años, ¿o su madre fue asesinada? Se acerca la fecha de su decimoctavo cumpleaños y si no se aleja pronto de sus captores, tendrá que casarse con un hombre al que desprecia. Artem es un joven nuevo Alfa que estaba disgustado por las acciones de los Alfas anteriores. Queriendo reformar su manada y proteger a los débiles, tomó el control por la fuerza. Ahora, está rescatando a aquellos que han sido golpeados, abusados y descuidados. Durante una de sus misiones de rescate, Artem descubre a la joven Estrella. La chica está aterrorizada de su familia, del mundo exterior que no conoce y de él. Entonces, ¿cómo va a decirle que ella es su compañera destinada y futura Luna de su manada? ¿Puede Artem lograr que Estrella confíe en él cuando se le ha dicho que nadie se preocupa por los lobos débiles, especialmente el Alfa? ¿Puede convencerla de que el mundo no es como le han hecho creer? —Haré lo que sea para salvarte, Estrella. Lo que sea para protegerte. Por favor, tienes que confiar en mí. ¿Puede Estrella superar su miedo y confiar en este hombre al que nunca antes ha conocido? ¿Y su familia simplemente se cruzará de brazos y la dejará ser llevada lejos de ellos? ¿Qué altibajos esperan a nuestro Alfa y su compañera en esta montaña rusa de historia? ***ADVERTENCIAS*** Violencia Gráfica Idioma Fuerte Contenido Sexual Contenido para Adultos/Maduro Abuso Encarcelamiento Intento de Violación SÍGUEME Y CUÉNTAME QUÉ PIENSAS ```
Deni_Chance · 73.2K Views

Sauvetage de sa compagne captive : Sauver la future Luna

``` Étoile est une fille qui n'a connu aucun monde. Elle a été retenue captive par sa famille élargie depuis la mort de sa mère quand elle avait deux ans, ou a été sa mère assassinée ? La date de son dix-huitième anniversaire approche et si elle ne s'échappe pas bientôt de ses ravisseurs, elle devra épouser un homme qu'elle méprise. Artem est un jeune Alpha récemment arrivé qui a été dégoûté par les actions des Alphas précédents. Voulant réformer sa meute et protéger les faibles, il a pris le contrôle par la force. Maintenant, il sauve ceux qui ont été battus, maltraités et négligés. Lors d'une de ses missions de sauvetage, Artem découvre la jeune Étoile. La fille a peur de sa famille, du monde extérieur qu'elle ne connaît pas, et de lui. Alors, comment va-t-il lui dire qu'elle est son compagnon destiné et la future Luna de leur meute ? Artem peut-il obtenir la confiance d'Étoile alors qu'on lui a dit que personne ne se soucie des loups faibles, surtout pas l'Alpha ? Peut-il la convaincre que le monde n'est pas comme on lui a fait croire ? « Je ferai tout pour te sauver, Étoile. Tout pour te protéger. S'il te plaît, tu dois me faire confiance. » Étoile peut-elle dépasser sa peur et faire confiance à cet homme qu'elle n'a jamais connu auparavant ? Et sa famille va-t-elle simplement se laisser faire et lui permettre d'être emmenée loin d'eux ? Quels hauts et bas attendent notre Alpha et son compagnon dans ce grand huit d'histoire ? ***AVERTISSEMENTS*** Violence Graphique Langage Vulgaire Contenu Sexuel Contenu Mature/Adulte Maltraitance Emprisonnement Tentative de Viol SUIVEZ-MOI ET DITES-MOI CE QUE VOUS EN PENSEZ ```
Deni_Chance · 102.7K Views


In a world where unspoken truths can weigh heavier than mountains, no one ever warned me about the danger of words left unsaid. I always thought I could handle it—breaking my heart seemed easier than breaking my mind, after all. But it turns out, the mind is a far more dangerous place than the heart. It doesn’t heal quickly, and it doesn’t forget. What happens when you leave words hanging in the air is that they start to fill every empty space, crowding out anything else, leaving only the residue of missed opportunities and what-ifs. My journal sat in front of me now, filled with everything I’d never said. All the words that could have changed something, anything. It was strange, how it felt so much easier to discard an entire journey than it did to let go of a single glance from yesterday. The words I left behind felt heavier than the pages I wrote them on. I didn’t even know why I kept writing anymore—maybe because it was the only place where I could finally speak, even if no one would ever read it. The reality of not saying things, of keeping my feelings buried, left a deeper scar than any conversation I never had. But what could I do? It’s not like the words would ever come, not now. What was left were the possibilities—the ones that never had a chance to come to life. A life where we could have made different choices, said the things we were too scared to say. But the past is a cruel thing to hang onto. It taunts you with the “what could have been” but never gives you any answers. And so, I sat there, sighing as I thought about how this was all I could do—curse the world, blame myself, and wonder if maybe there was something I could have changed. Maybe I could’ve found a way to let him know how I felt. Maybe I could’ve found the courage to stop pretending. But now, I was just left to face the weight of silence, and it felt as heavy as the words I could never speak. I thought I could be fine, that time would wash it all away—just move on, I told myself. But the more I tried, the more I found myself tangled in a web of thoughts that didn’t make sense. The days and nights we spent together were now just memories—snippets of laughter, quiet moments, little glances exchanged in the middle of the chaos, all trapped in the space between the confusion and the comfort of what used to be. I looked back, trying to make sense of it all, but it was like trying to hold water in my hands. The harder I tried, the more it slipped through my fingers. I regard all of us, how we all fall into this trap—how we’re all just people, trying to navigate this world with the hope that someone might catch us, that someone might finally understand what we didn’t say. Maybe we all end up here, stuck in the mess of things we wanted to say, but never did. And at the end of the day, there’s no one to blame but ourselves. We’re the ones who held back, who kept our truths hidden, all for the sake of protection, or pride, or fear. It’s easy to blame the world for the things that go wrong, but in the end, we’re the ones who let it go unspoken. And maybe that’s the hardest part—learning that we were the ones who stood in our own way.
silverstariii · 9.8K Views

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Eighteen-year-old Trinity is unlike any other werewolf in her pack. For one, there were unusual circumstances surrounding her birth, for another, she is the only pack member to never shift into a wolf form. So now she doesn't quite belong anywhere. Not quite human and not quite wolf. She thought she would be able to live her life how she wanted when she had turned eighteen. Go to college, make some friends, have some fun. But what is she to do when the dangerously sexy Alpha literally falls right into her lap? "I am not human, and I am not a wolf. I don't belong anywhere..." "...we both know that no one is going to mate with me, and even if they did, they would just reject me anyway." What is the sexy, brooding Alpha going to do? The elders are making him hold these ridiculous parties to search for a mate. He doesn't want a mate, but he knows he needs a mate to finish the Alpha Circle. Without a mate, a Luna for the pack, his people would suffer. And what is he going to do when he stumbles across the girl that fate has chosen for him and he finds out she has no wolf? "This cannot be!" I roared. "There is no way that I can mate with a girl that does not even have a wolf. She will be too weak. She will be inferior. She will not be strong enough to be a Luna." "I simply could not accept her as my mate. Not fully. It wasn't safe for her. She would get herself killed. And she would bring my pack down with her." When these two meet, sparks will surely fly. But will it be from passion, or their constant fighting? Neither of them wanted a mate. Neither of them wants the mate that fate chose for them. And neither of them can make that mate bond go away. What are they going to do now that they're literally stuck with each other? ***Rating Warning*** Adult Language Violence Strong Sexual Content THIS BOOK IS UNDERDER AN EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT AND IT IS NOT TO BE POSTED OR PUBLISHED ANYWHERE ELSE. Follow me to find my other books or ask me question, thanks for reading!!! FOLLOW ME AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ***COVER ART IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE AUTHOR AND WAS ILLUSTRATED BY VICTORIA DAYEN OF MSPUGLUVER'S ART***
Deni_Chance · 16.1M Views

Midnight Wishers

In a world overshadowed by twilight and haunted by an eternal absence of sunlight, Amaya’s life has become a quiet drift through shadows, a ghostly existence she cannot fully escape. She works the night shift in an old hospital, her heart worn thin by the years without joy. Her past is filled with unspoken grief, and her future is empty of hope—until she meets Luka. Luka, a man with sorrow stitched into his gaze, carries dreams that should have been buried long ago. His nightly conversations with Amaya pull her out of the numbness, teaching her how to dream again. But Luka hides a truth that will tear apart everything she thought she knew about this broken world. Beneath his skin, a secret stir—Luka is a werewolf trapped between his human sorrow and the beast that sleeps within him. The skies turned hollow not because the sun vanished—but because creatures like Luka arose. Cursed with immortality, they siphon the light from the world to feed their endless hunger. Luka was once a lover, a friend, a brother—but the wolf devoured all he once loved, and now only his guilt keeps him tethered to his humanity. Amaya finds herself drawn to Luka, but she is not the only one. As they grow closer, other wolves—each with their own broken histories—emerge from the shadows, circling Amaya like moths around a flickering flame. These werewolves are not mindless beasts. They are tragic, beautiful souls, cursed to seek out light wherever they can find it—and Amaya, with her warmth and quiet strength, becomes their guiding star. Amaya soon realizes she must confront her own darkness to survive. Her past hides secrets that make her more entangled with these wolves than she ever imagined. Love becomes a dangerous game—a choice between embracing Luka’s monstrous truth or surrendering to the darkness inside herself. But the world demands sacrifices. To break the curse, Amaya must make an impossible decision: Will she awaken the beasts inside these broken souls to bring light back into the world—or will she let herself be consumed by the darkness, choosing love over salvation?
akey_words · 417 Views
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