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Chempo Mulan


Ever seen a bad@ss king?? Or perhaps you've heard of one?? If you've never met one then let me introduce you to King Cyrus,the ruler of the Mal Empire with over ten kingdoms under them. But the seat of the dominant ruler is in the Golden City,the kingdom name is known as Red-Golds. Immediately after the late king's death,two years ago,the crown Prince Cyrus was immediately made the king,even though he was still in college. He became the youngest prince to ever inherit the throne in the Redgold royal family Lineage. At the age of twenty two,he was ruling over more than ten kingdoms under the Mal Empire. The Red golds are the most influential royalties to ever exist and with this,they were made the dominant of others kingdoms. The RedGold castle where the royal family stays worth billions according to what was written in the history book. It's a castle built of mainly cold,going into this castle is like going into the paradise for everyone who ever got the opportunity. Back to the young King Cyrus,even though he's younger than everyone under him,He's still the most respected. The great aura he carries speaks of authority and power,sometimes it's even hard to talk to him,since he returned from the state to take over his father's throne,nobody have ever seen him smile unnecessarily,He's hard to please or gain his favor no matter how you try. *He's more like a mafia rather than a king* People would say each time they get to see the king. Some even concluded that he's a devil's son,with his black and red outfits every time,he looks scary. His handsome and perfect face which was always covered with coldness,since he began his reign,it has became a very hard one to see or experience different corruption and others,even the president respects him so much. Most people from other countries still find it hard to believe that such young king exists until they meet him. Now let's meet Moana Mulan,the daughter of the poorest farmer living in Golden City. Some years back,the late king had given hectares of land for countless peasant farmers for the purpose of making food plants. It was written that after farming for five years,their profits and interests will be divided into two,whereby half will be handed over to the royal family. The family of Mulan were part of the families granted this opportunity,but unfortunately,they couldn't keep either the interest or profit,the farmland was destroyed also and everything went down.
Anny_Angel_8385 · 2.2K Views

What happened After Happily Ever After?

We all have our favorite Disney princess...some boys too, no need to be shy, but have you ever thought that you got the story wrong. What happens when the seven dwarves turn into handsome men and give Snow white the palace?....who's gonna be her king? What if Cinderella isn't as meek as she seems? What if she doesn't want to marry the prince but instead his money? What if she made her sister's ugly ? What if sleeping beauty didn't really sleep for 100 years? But instead partied while everyone else was? What if Ariel was actually trying to make the sea ultimate and obliterate the land? What if she goddamed played Eric? What if Belle was actually a con artist? What would have happened if she stole the beast's flower? What if she was vain and plastic? What if Mulan was secretly rebelling against the emperor? What if she had the Phoenix's destiny to rule alone? What if her family sells her out? What if Jasmine was the real sorceress? What if she tried to kill her father? What if she wanted to kill Aladdin for stopping her? What if Rapunzel wore a really really long wig? What if she actually played the witch? What if she never let down her hair? What if Moana was also a god? What if she tricked Mawi into helping her? What if she just wanted to find and destroy the island lady? What if Anna was the real villain? What if Elsa was actually a boy? Would they end up together or let it go? Sydney has so many " What if " questions about our beloved questions, she annoyed the system so much she was transported to Fairytale land. But now, she has to make sure their kids follow their dreams while discovering what happens after Happily Ever After? She doesn't have much time and must fulfill am her missions before the last page is turned or she'll be stuck here forever. One last time....What if Sydney manages to change the story and even find her own Happily Ever After? We'll have to wait and find out. So I know I probably just made enemies with some people who love Disney princesses and made some weird friends who wanna see where this story goes ( I'm not complaining ) But don't forget to add to your library and enjoy Sydney's adventure. Disclaimer : Cover art designed by me but original photos not mine. All credit goes to original owner
Kik1_Yijaa · 35.9K Views

After I Livestreamed Raising Cubs I became Wealthiest in Interstellar

Carrying a spirit beast rearing system, Mingyou transmigrated. In nineteen years, he never saw a single “spirit beast” with sufficient stats, until he came to a rundown animal care facility to work. Mingyou hugged the huge black cat while crying tears: “Psychic powers drained to exhaustion, powers in disorder, malnutrition, and how many old wounds all over?! Who’s the evil scum that abused you!! I’ll raise you, and I won’t let you get harmed again!” Prince of the Kingdom — Former Grand Marshal — Hero of Interstellar Space — Dark Shadow Liger — Arthur had a bunch of question marks floating over his head: “Is this guy sick in the head?” —— Through livestreaming his cub rearing skills, Mingyou sold off countless spirit beast nutrition supplements, and became the top wealthiest man in interstellar space. One day, the king urged his fully recovered younger brother to return to work in the military. Arthur-cat rolled over on the special order cat bed worth tens of millions, and lazily said: “As the cat of the wealthiest person, acting cute is my livelihood, why do I need to work?” Beside him lay his former subordinates, all nodding their furry heads, fully agreeing: “That’s right that’s right!” —— Mingyou later found out that the group of beast cubs at the brink of death he raised up actually used to be heroes who had all established illustrious achievements on the battlefield against the Zerg. The war has ended. Interstellar space has returned to peace. And the heroes have removed their armor to return home. —————————————————————————— This is a translation. credits to the author, Mulan Bamboo and official translator WhiteMoon x BlackSun
Alice20554 · 25.6K Views


Pada saat Prabu Dharmawangsa Teguh Anantawikrama dari Kerajaan Medang Kemulan merayakan pesta pernikahan kedua puterinya yaitu Dewi Sri Anantawikrama dan Dewi Laksmi dengan Pangeran Airlangga dari kerajaan Bedahulu di Bali, tiba-tiba menyerbu prajurit raja Wura-wari dari kerajaan Lwaram Dalam penyerbuan itu Prabhu Dharmawangsa Teguh dan permaisuri serta seluruh menteri dan bangsawan kerajaan tewas. Istana Watu Galuh dihancurkan. Airlangga dan kedua isterinya didampingi pelayan setianya, Mpu Narottama dan beberapa pengawal berhasil meloloskan diri dan berlindung di Gunung Prawito. Tiga tahun hidup di hutan Prawito sebagai pertapa, tahun 931 Saka Airlangga kedatangan serombongan orang dipimpin oleh beberapa pendeta untuk menyampaikan keinginan rahayat Medang agar Airlangga kembali membangun kerajaan baru meneruskan dinasti Ishyana. Dengan bantuan para pendeta, reshi dan brahmana, Airlangga menyusun kekuatan membangun kerajaan Medang. Diantara para reshi terdapat Mpu Bharada penasehat spiritual mendiang prabu Dharmawangsa Teguh, dibantu oleh Ki Ageng Loh Gawe, pertapa di Gunung Anjasmara Pada tahun 931 Saka istana Wotan Mas selesai dibangun dan Airlangga diangkat sebagai raja dengan gelar Abhiseka Sri Maharaja Rakai Halu Sri Dharmawangsa Airlangga Anantawikramatunggadewa. Kerajaan yang baru bernama Kahuripan. Atas jasanya membantu pembangunan kerajaan Kahuripan, Prabu Airlangga menghadiahkan tanah perdikan di desa Giri Lawangan kepada Ki Ageng Loh Gawe. Dalam kunjungannya ke Wotan Mas, Ki Ageng Loh Gawe mengajak muridnya bernama Ki Puger berusia 20 tahun. Mengetahui Ki Puger murid Ki Ageng Loh Gawe yang ikut membantu membangun Wotan Mas, Prabhu Airlangga meminta agar Ki Puger bersedia dinikahkan dengan sepupu raja yang bernama Dewi Centini Luh Satiwardhani atau Ni Luh Sati. Setahun setelah perkawinan itu lahirlah seorang anak laki-laki yang diberi nama Aryosetho Jayawardhana. Tahun 954 Saka atau 1032 M Giri Lawangan diserbu gerombolan pimpinan Gagak Lodra. Sehari sebelum itu Ki Puger dan keluarganya pergi meninggalkan Giri Lawangan menuju ke pertapaan Kaliwedhi untuk menghindarkan Aryosetho Jayawardhana dari penyerbuan Gagak Lodra karena ia dipilih oleh para dewa sebagai cikal bakal yang kelak akan menurunkan raja-raja besar di tanah Jawa. Di Kaliwedhi Aryosetho digembleng dengan keras oleh Reshi Sethowangi. Berkat ketekunannya ia memperoleh ilmu mahadahsyat ciptaan Sang Hyang Wishnu yang bernama Bhayu Selaksha dan menerima pedang sakti Sosronenggolo Setahun kemudian Aryosetho bersama Ki Puger turun gunung membantu Prabu Airlangga merebut kembali tahta kerajaannya yang direbut oleh Ratu Arang Ghupito. Berkat perjuangannya Aryosetho berhasil membantu Prabu Airlangga merebut kembali tahta kerajaannya. Dalam perjalanan dari kraton Dhaha kembali ke Kahuripan, ia dan prajuritnya berhasil menumpas gerombolan Gagak Lodra. Selesai menjalankan tugasnya Aryosetho mengajak sahabat masa kecilnya ke Kaliwedhi menjemput calon istrinya yang bernama Dyah Ayu Rogopadmi Aninditho Prameshwari alias Dewi Condrowulan. Beberapa waktu lamanya di Kaliwedhi, Aryosetho kembali ke Giri Lawangan memboyong Dewi Condrowulan yang telah menjadi istrinya dan hidup sebagai pertapa. Setelah 93 tahun pernikahannya Dewi Condrowulan di karuniai seorang putri. Namun kebahagiaan bersama sang putri yang dinantikan selama puluhan tahun hanya berlangsung selama 40 hari, setelah hari itu Dewi Condrowulan harus menyerahkan putrinya untuk diasuh oleh orang lain seperti dirinya dulu ditemukan Reshi Sethowangi di tengah hutan. Bayi tanpa nama itu diserahkan kepada Mpu Purwo, seorang pertapa sakti yang kemudian memberinya nama Ken Dedes. Ken Dedes kelak akan melahirkan keturunannya menjadi raja besar di kerajaan Singhasari dan Majapahit. Aryosetho dan Dewi Condrowulan telah berhasil menjalankan tugas yang diberikan oleh Dewata Agung sebagai pepunden cikal bakal raja-raja besar di tanah Jawa.
Uud_Bharata · 56.2K Views
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