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Manchi Papa

Monsieur le Président: Vous êtes le Papa de mes triplés

"M... Marissa ! Sont-ils mes enfants ?" Les yeux de Rafael ne se détachaient pas des visages adorables des enfants. "Non, Rafael. Ils ne le sont pas," Marissa dit avec un sourire forcé, "Ils ne sont pas les tiens. Tu te souviens ?" elle battit des cils de manière assez dramatique, "Nous n'avons jamais été mariés !" La sœur aînée de Marissa Aaron, Valérie Aaron, a abandonné son petit ami aveugle le jour de leur mariage et s'est enfuie. Pour sauver les apparences, la famille de Merissa l'a suppliée d'épouser Raphael Sinclair. L'ironie ? Elle n'avait pas le droit de dire à son mari aveugle qu'elle n'était pas Valérie mais Marissa Aaron. Le jour de la chirurgie oculaire réussie de Raphael, Marissa a appris que Valérie était de retour pour reprendre sa place légitime en tant que belle-fille des Sinclair. Marissa a tenté d'expliquer à son mari qu'elle était celle qui avait épousé, mais il ne l'a pas crue. Au lieu de le convaincre davantage, le cœur brisé, Merissa a décidé de quitter la ville sans lui révéler son secret. Raphael Sinclair était l'incarnation même de l'homme incroyablement séduisant et était le seul héritier du groupe d'industries Sinclair. Que ferait-il lorsqu'il apprendrait que tout ce temps la femme qui lui offrait son amour et son corps n'était pas Valérie mais sa sœur cadette Marissa Aaron ? Comment réagirait-il en apprenant qu'il était le père des bébés que Marissa portait en elle ? Chercherait-il à retrouver Marissa et à la reconquérir ? Et la question à un million de dollars ! Marissa serait-elle un jour capable de lui pardonner et de l'aimer à nouveau ?
JessicaKaye911 · 1.1M Views

Die gedankengelesene Erbin: Vom Hochstapler zum Familienliebling

Wenyan hatte ein Buch gelesen, in dem eine Figur, die ihren Namen trug, eine falsche Erbin war. Nachdem die wahre Erbin ihre Position eingenommen hatte, versuchte die Hochstaplerin, sich ihren Platz in der reichen Familie zu sichern, indem sie den ältesten Sohn unter Drogen setzte und aus einem gekochten Reis ein Geschäft machte, nur um von der Familie Shen entlarvt zu werden und schließlich aus Verzweiflung Selbstmord zu begehen. Wenyan war wütend über ein solches Ende. Wie konnte man ohne den Rückhalt einer wohlhabenden Familie nicht überleben? Hatte die Familie ihr nicht ein luxuriöses Haus und unzählige Luxusgüter zur Verfügung gestellt? Allein der Verkauf dieser Güter würde Dutzende von Millionen einbringen. Sie war einfach ein hoffnungsloser Fall! Wäre sie die Wenyan aus dem Buch, hätte sie ihre Stellung aufgegeben und einfach entspannt gelebt wie ein gesalzener Fisch! Aber als sie aus ihrem Schlaf erwachte, verwandelte sie sich tatsächlich in das Buch. Getreu ihrem Wort, hörte sie auf zu intrigieren. Über Nacht packte sie ihre Koffer, verkaufte ihr Haus, ihr Auto und ihre Taschen und suchte sich einen Job. - Die gesamte Familie Shen bemerkte die Veränderung von Wenyan, ihrer Adoptivtochter. Sie war nicht nur gehorsam ausgezogen, sondern machte auch keinen Ärger mehr. Noch seltsamer war, dass sie jetzt ihre innersten Gedanken sehen konnten! Papa, Mama, ich wollte nie in euer Nest eindringen, aber die DNA-Testergebnisse der wahren Tochter haben Probleme. Sie ist sogar noch falscher als ich, die Scheinerbin.】 Shen Familie Eltern: ...... Dann wurde die lange vermisste "Tochter", die gefunden worden war, als Hochstaplerin entlarvt und von der Polizei zum Verhör abgeführt. 【Großer Bruder, dieser Schulkamerad von dir taugt nichts, er ist ein Firmenspion, das uneheliche Kind der Erzfeinde der Shen Familie.】 Shen Family's eldest son: ...... Danach wurde der Mitschüler beim Diebstahl vertraulicher Dokumente erwischt und ebenfalls von der Polizei zum Verhör abgeführt. 【Zweiter Bruder, du bist so ein reiner und edler Mensch, du darfst nicht mit der Tochter der Qin-Familie zusammen sein, sie benutzt dich nur, ihr Herz ist eigentlich auf jemand anderen gerichtet.】 Der zweite Sohn der Familie Shen: ...... Danke, ich werde es mir ansehen. 【Und dritter Bruder, vierter Bruder......】 Am Ende konnte niemand vorhersehen, dass die unscheinbarste Adoptivtochter der Shen-Familie die verwöhnte Schwiegertochter werden würde.
Draw the sword with a smile · 20.8K Views

Barbaric realms

"I will be ok papa," Shai said "I just want to make sure you're safe," Leif said "I will be fine I love you," Shai said "Love you too," Leif said Sadly It didn't turn out so, Shai Aqua went to work followed by a mysterious figure watching her before disappearing, she came back home to find it destroyed with a shining blue portal in the middle of her room. She was pulled into the portal away from her realm into another one, "What are you looking at Judy?" Eurus asked walking up to her, Judy pointed at a hole in the ground, when they looked into the hole it showed a woman with brown hair, Judy's instincts kicked and she slid down the hole to see if the woman was alive, "Judy!" Eurus yelled before following her, Judy puts her head on the woman's chest to hear her heartbeat, "She's alive," Judy said under her breath, Eurus stands next to her, pulls Judy off the woman, Shai was found by Judy and Eurus and brought to their home to be sheltered. Shai woke up after hearing from the figure in a different realm with an AI that had his own goal. "What is your motive?" Herman hums at this a little lullaby, showing her sites of mass destruction, Claire blocks most of it but she sees glimpses of mass death and ruin, she sees wars and rumors of wars, and she sees him above Judy and Eurus's dead body with Shai gets her throat crushed and thrown to the ground in front of her, Claire fell to her knees cradling Judy in her arms. She felt an odd pain in her head and opened her eyes still seeing him there, "Why do you want this? This is madness! we could live peacefully with them but you want death tell me why?" Claire asserted Herman just stared at her before chuckling at her, "Do you believe that I wanted to do this? I am programmed to be this way..... An AI that wants the death of humanity. that is made by insane scientists who wanted the death of all humanity, I'm what they couldn't even dream of, these humans don't deserve to live on this planet. That the elites of this world made it worse. So why not do what I am programmed to do?" Herman explained plainly, Shai didn't know but that was one of the reasons she was sent into that realm. To help this realm get rid of the AI and help twist it to their ways,
Chloethebarbarian · 94.7K Views

Hasta que nos separen?

TEMPORADA 4 (pt.2) disponible apartir del 15 de Febrero 2025!! un capítulo por semana!!! Temporada 4 (RESUMEN) necesito estar contigo en mis últimos dias-- Luis entiéndeme yo no quiero estar contigo yo soy muy feliz con mi novio-- Nilo / / / / _________________ / / / / ________________ / / / / ~hermano no me quiero morir porfavor ayúdame pídele dinero a Lucas para mi tratamiento- Omar ~hermano ya no tengo nada que ver con el pero por ti voy hacer lo posible- Nilo / / / / ________________ / / / / _________________ / / / / •yo no soy tu papa!!- Toño •que es lo que estas diciendo papá- Nilo •tu verdadera familia son millonarios y ellos te esta buscado todo el tiempo- Toño >>>>>>>> RESUMEN TEMPORADA 1 Hola yo soy Nilo y está es mi historia, un día como cualquier día conocí a Lucas un joven muy apuesto de primero todo está muy bien pero de pronto todo empieza a mal mi mamá muere y La familia de Lucas nos quiere separ en primer lugar Rebeca y después conozco a Mateo a mi nuevo novio ¿Con cuál me quedo? TEMPORADA 2 debido a unos problemas empecé a salir con Luis pero Luis es un chico muy raro y hace lo posible para que yo no vea a Lucas pero el me sigue gustando y quiero llevar nuestra relación más allá porque me pasa esto ami: Lucas que paso: **** Nilo está en coma: dice Lucas llorando ¿Que pasara? TEMPORADA 3 después de que Nilo está en coma Lucas decide volver con su ex Hilda Miguel se canas de que Omar ya no se preocupe de el y nadamás se preocupa de su hija que está en coma TEMPORADA 4 RESUMEN MUY PRONTO CONTINUARA..... TEMPORADA. CAPITULOS (1). (8) (2). (8) (3). (10) (4). (3) {CONTINUARAAA!!}
Luis_Sanches_4470 · 43.9K Views

My Yandere Goddess daughter from another world

The story unfolds with a high school boy Evan enduring ceaseless bullying from both his male and female classmates. He's regarded as an easy target due to his quiet and peaceful nature, lacking the inclination to engage in fights or confrontations. Despite the torment, neither friends nor teachers come to his aid, perpetuating his suffering. However, the trajectory of his life takes a dramatic turn when he is unexpectedly transported to another world by the Goddess of Love, a breathtakingly beautiful being. She entrusts him with a pivotal mission: to defeat the demon lord plaguing this unfamiliar realm. Bestowing upon his divine powers to enhance his strength, the goddess sets him on a path filled with perilous adventures. In this new world, he forges deep connections and friendships, eventually falling in love with a princess who is destined to become his future wife. But Things change after Evan finally kills the demon lord. Those he once trusted betray him mercilessly, The Princess shares her thought that she never liked someone disgusting and ugly and she is already having an intimate life with the handsome prince, the princess he adores ruthlessly ends his life. Suddenly, he awakens in bewilderment, finding himself once more in the presence of the Goddess of Love. Filled with anger and confusion, he confronts her about the harrowing experiences he endured. To his astonishment, the goddess manages to pacify his turbulent emotions with a kiss. Gradually, he comes to realize that he has returned to his home world, Earth, with no recollection of the events that transpired following his return. Despite spending more than five years in the other world, his physical form remains that of a 17-year-old teenager. The divine powers, weapons, and domains bestowed upon him by the goddess are entirely absent. With no other options, he reluctantly resumes his former life on Earth, enduring the same torment of bullying and facing a life of poverty. Just when he believes things couldn't get any stranger, he encounters a peculiar and extraordinarily beautiful girl. Her appearance seems utterly out of place on Earth, her beauty transcending any human standard. Before he can begin to unravel this perplexing mystery, the girl spontaneously jumps into his arms, affectionately calling him "Papa," and places a kiss on his lips. The word "Papa" sends a chilling shiver down his spine as he begins to recall the enigmatic events involving the Goddess of Love. ====== Tags: revenge, action, old-love-interest, Goddess love, Yandere, incest, loli-con, romance, betrayal, harem, and Dad-con. Notice: extreme yandere daughter that would kill or wipe anyone who would come between her and her father. Warning: This is fanfiction, don't do this at home with your daughter and father. Note: Evan's daughter will appear in chapter five. (The book cover is not mine)
Uphar · 71.8K Views

O Deus vingativo em outro mundo sou eu?! não era só um jogo?!

‘Como foi que isso aconteceu’ O jovem, praticamente um garoto olhava para a cena em sua frente. Em apenas uma olhada era possível ver dezenas de pessoas, mais atentamente ele tinha certeza que podiam ser centenas ou milhares, de pessoas se prostrado em sua frente. Desde o centro da praça da cidade até as ruas adjacentes na frente do templo, com uma similaridade assustadora com oque acontecia no Vaticano quando o Papa fazia algum discurso. O jovem sentado em um trono grande demaia para ele, dentro de um templo de mármore podia ver a expressões de felicidade, reverência, gratidão e em alguns uma pequena pitada de medo. Não que ele prestasse muita atenção nos demais, sua atenção era atraída principalmente para o grupo diretamente abaixo do trono. Esse grupo era composto de pessoas de várias idades desde velhos com cabelos grisalhos e enrugados, mas com corpos estranhamente saudáveis e com posturas eretas como postes, há jovens de várias idade incluindo crianças. Oque esse grupo tinha em particular tinha em comum expressão que tinham, só podendo ser descritas como fanáticas enquanto olhavam o jovem. A única coisa que se passava na cabeça do jovem, cento dessa atenção desmedida era simplesmente… ‘Como as coisas ficaram assim?!!!! Eu só tava jogando um jogo!!!!’ ——————————— Em um quarto de um apartamento comum, em uma cidade comum. Um jovem aparentemente comum podia ser visto deitado na cama com um celular sobre o peito. O celular estava ligado e mostrava cenas do que parecia ser um jogo. Com uma pequena e intrigante coincidência de que o jovem sentado em um enorme trono dentro de um templo de mármore, era completamente idêntico ao jovem dormindo. ********************************************** Obrigado ao ImagineArt pela imagem
FereliX25 · 18.1K Views

Ang Gwapong Hardinero

Good day. Ako nga pla si Rein. Tisoy, 24 yrs old na ako ngayon 5'7 ang height at slim body may itsura nalaban sa pageant. ang kwentong ito ay hango sa karanasan ko mula nung 10 yrs old palang ako. Bata palang ako nun alam ko na sa sarili Kong may kakaiba sa akin.Ang tawag nila sa akin ay Rein Tisoy. Dahil sa may lahi akong American Pero dko nakilala si Papa na nakilala ni mama sa Olongapo. Andito na ako ngaun sa Bukid kasama ng lola at lolo ko sa Zambales. Masabi ko naman na marangya buhay namin kasi may mga katulong kami sa bahay at kasama na dun si kuya Caloy (Matangkad, Gwapo at Maskulado at Moreno ang nagparanas Sakin ng ligaya at sakit). Ang mama ko kasi ay Nasa US na at nakapag asawa ng U.S citizen na Pinoy din naman. Inaantay lng nila ako makatapos ng pagaaral at kukunin din dun. Tanghali na ako nagising dahil Gabi na kami nakauwi nila lola galing sa Kasal. Pang baba ko sa Sala dumeretso na ako sa kusina dun kasi malapit ang CR. Paglabas ko ng CR tinanong ako ni manang Anie (kasambahaya namin) kung gusto ko daw ba ng sinangag. Tumango nalang ako at wala pako sa wisyo at kagigising ko. Habang hinahanda ni Manang ang pagkain ko umupo ako sa Mesa at Dali akong tinimplahan ng gatas ni ate. Sa kinauupuan ko nahagip ng mata ko sa bintana na may lalakeng nakatakip ng kamiseta ang mukha habang nagpuputol ng Malagong halaman sa Hardin. Nakasandong manipis at Shorts na pangbasketball. namangha ako sa katawan nito dahil sa taglay nitong hulma. "Ate sino po Yong naglilinis sa Hardin" tanong ko Kay ate Anie. "Ah yan ba, si Caloy yan anak ni Mang Goryo Jan sa kabilang bahay" sagot ni ate Anie. "Te sya na bago boy nila lolo?'' tanong ko. "Ngayong bakasyon lang, nagaaral pa yan sa senior high si Caloy incoming grade 12 sa pasukan" paliwanag ni ate Anie. "Pupunta na nga pla ako sa palengke soy (nickname ko pinaikling Tisoy). Mamayang 10 am pakidalhan nalang si Caloy ng Meryenda, may kakanin at Suman Jan sa ref. "Opo Te ingat po" sagot ko. Wala pang 10 am Pero inasikaso ko kaagad ang Meryenda ni kuya Caloy dala na din ng excitement. Dumako na ako agad sa likod ng bahay kung San ko narinig na may nagtatabas ng mga Malagong halaman. Papalapit pa lang ako, titig na titig na ako sa katawan ni kuya Caloy. "Kuya Good Morning po. Magmeryenda ka po muna" inilapag ko sa papag ang pagkain. Narinig naman ako nito at tumango. "Good morning sir Rein. Ako po si Caloy bago ninyong boy." pakilala nito at tinanggal ang kamisetang nakabalot sa mukha. Namangha ako sa istura ni kuya Caloy 17 palang sya Pero para syang batang version ni EJ Falcon. mukhang mabait si kuya Caloy. Umupo sya at NASA gitna namin ang suman at kakanin. Nagtanggal sya ng Damit pangitaas kitang kita ko ang kabuoan ng katawan Nia na nagpapawis may abs at pormadong dibdib. Kaka-kain ko lang ng almusal Pero parang nagutom ako Uli. "Kuya Bale uwian ka po ba or stay-in ka po" tanong ko. "Stay-in ako dto sir, para may kasama daw po Kau ni ate Anie habang nasa hospital si lolo mo yan kasi bilin Sakin ng lola Mila mo'' paliwanag nito. "Kuya wag mo na po akong tawaging sir. Rein nlng po." Sabi ko. "Hahahaha" " Cge pla rein." patawang sagot nito. nakita ko ang mga ngiti ni kuya Caloy mas lalo itong nagpagwapo sakaniya. Pinagmamasdan ko sya habang kumakain sabay tingin nito Sakin at ngiti. napaiwas nlng ako ng tingin baka mailang si kuya Caloy Sakin ngunit alam Kong nahuli Nia akong nakatitig saknya. "Rein wala ka bang inumin Jan" tanong nito. " Ay kuya oo nga po Pla, ano pong gusto mo" tanong ko. "Ikaw" sagot Niya. "Ako po" mejo nagulat na may kilig. "Oo ikaw, ikaw ang bahala Pero kung may beer pwedi Nadin hahahaha". pabiro nitong bilin and Dali Dali akong kumuha ng Coke Casalo. Pagbalik ko habang nilalagyan ko ng Coke ang baso ni kuya tumayo ito at magtanggal ng short at boxer shorts nlng ang natirang suot. Muli itong umupo at tinaas ang paa sa papag na upuan at sumandal. "Rein boxer short muna ako hah ang init kasi dibale tayo lang naman dito.
DaoistXHTNxl · 4.5K Views

Ingin Selalu Bersamamu

Pria bersetelan formal menjeda langkah, memandang isi kamar putranya. Berantakan. "Tidak biasanya kamar kamu seperti ini, apa yang terjadi sampai hati mengobrak-abrik barang-barang?" tanyanya. Rakha menoleh sendu ke ambang pintu dengan perasaan hancur berkeping." "Papa sudah pulang," Rakha menggumam pelan. Miko melangkahi bantal tergeletak di sisi pintu, memindahkan gulungan selimut ke tempat tidur dan banyak lagi kegiatan dilakukannya membereskan kamar. "Belajarlah menjadi lelaki dewasa. Jangan melampiaskan emosi ke benda-benda di sekitar, ini mencerminkan sikap kekanak-kanakan," tegur Miko. "Papa tidak tahu alasan aku marah," lirih Rakha. Selesai merapikan isi kamar, Miko duduk di sofa. "Kemari. Ada sesuatu penting ingin Papa bicarakan," ucap Miko sungguh-sungguh. Rakha menolak bangkit. "Prihal bisnis lagi? Aku tidak semangat diskusi lain kali saja membahasnya." "Bukan. Ini tentang perjodohanmu dengan putri teman Papa," jelas Miko. "Hatiku sedang patah tidak sebaiknya Papa menghibur aku dengan gurauan atau lelucon, bukan menambah beban pikiranku dengan memberitahu aku hendak dijodohkan," miris Rakha. Miko merogoh saku jas kantornya, beranjak mendekat dan menyodorkan sebuah foto kehadapan Rakha. "Perhatikan baik-baik. Dia yang akan menjadi istrimu," kata Miko. Rakha mengambil foto tersebut, menatap datar gambar perempuan berwajah anggun yang tengah tersenyum lembut. "Armala satu-satunya putri tunggal Adinata dan Farah. Kamu dan dia sama-sama anak pertama bedanya kamu memiliki adik. Armala tidak. Kalian dijodohkan tanpa sepengetahuan Mama dan adikmu agar pernikahan kalian berjalan lancar tanpa hambatan," terang Miko. "Papa tidak ada bedanya dengan Mama dan Luna, mengatur aku sesuka hati," sedih Rakha. "Berhenti protes. Terima pilihan Papa. Jika Aqeela mencintai kamu mana mungkin dia meninggalkanmu untuk Fattah. Jika Aqeela tulus mencintai, seratus lelaki yang datang menawarkan cinta sudah pasti ditolak demi menjaga perasaanmu. Tetapi kenyataannya Aqeela tidak menolak Fattah," sambung Miko. "Dari mana Papa tahu Aqeela mengkhianati Aku? Apa mungkin dibalik kandasnya percintaanku ada campur tangan—" "Menuduh Papa?" sela Miko. "Aku tidak menuduh hanya saja terasa janggal di saat hubunganku dan Aqeela rusak, Papa mengungkapkan perjodohan ini seperti jauh hari sudah direncakanan tapi kalau Papa tidak terlibat dalam hal ini dari mana Papa mengetahui semuanya?" terheran Rakha. "Dimas memberitahu segalanya," jawab Miko. Rakha merosotkan bahu, usaha menyembunyikan masalah dari Papa berakhir percuma karena Dimas suka rela membocorkannya. "Selama ini kamu memberikan yang terbaik kepada Aqeela, tidak perlu menyesal ditinggal pergi. Tidak ada gunanya meratapi kepergian cinta. kamu pantas hidup bahagia, membuka lembaran baru dengan Armala," lanjut Miko. Rakha mengusap air mata, mengangguk siap menjalani kehidupan baru bersama Armala.
Penabiru · 8.6K Views

Esposa Amada do CEO Pai

``` Na noite em que seu noivo a traiu, Ran Xueyi não imaginava que sua família e amigos já soubessem de tudo antes mesmo dela. Devastada, Xueyi decide que quer vingança de um jeito que pudesse arruinar a reputação da sua família e se livrar do noivado que ela não queria! E a única maneira de fazer isso era engravidar do filho de outro homem! Mas o que acontece quando o pai da criança aparece diante dela depois de 2 anos exigindo levá-la e ao seu filho de volta? Xueyi será capaz de resistir aos encantos dele quando até seu filho quer adotar esse homem como pai?! --- Conheça Song Yu Han, um homem enigmático e o magnata mais rico do país! Pena que o homem era frio como gelo... Mas justo quando todos pensavam que nunca haveria uma mulher que o fizesse se apaixonar, ele de repente apareceu com uma bela esposa e um filho. ---- Algumas cenas do romance: “Mamãe, eu quero jantar com o papai,” disse o pequeno um dia. Xueyi não conseguiu resistir ao charme do filho e relutantemente disse sim. No dia seguinte. “Mamãe, eu ouvi meus colegas falando que eles dormem com os pais. Posso chamar o papai para dormir conosco?” Xueyi rejeita a ideia, mas quando seu filho começou a chorar e fazer birra, ela finalmente cedeu. E no dia seguinte, novamente. “Mamãe, eu quero uma irmãzinha da mamãe e do papai. Vá e faça uma para mim!” o pequeno exigiu e piscou para o pai que estava em pé atrás dele. Assim começa a vida de Xueyi repleta de amor tanto do marido quanto do filho. [CONTEÚDO MADURO] ```
Poisonlily · 127.9K Views

Daddy CEOs geliebte Ehefrau

In der Nacht, in der ihr Verlobter sie betrog, dachte Ran Xueyi nicht, dass ihre Familie und Freunde noch vor ihr davon wussten. Am Boden zerstört, beschließt Xueyi, dass sie sich rächen will, indem sie den Ruf ihrer Familie ruiniert und aus der Verlobung herauskommt, die sie nicht wollte! Und der einzige Weg, das zu tun, war, mit dem Kind eines anderen Mannes schwanger zu werden! Aber was passiert, wenn der Vater ihres Kindes nach 2 Jahren vor ihren Augen auftaucht und verlangt, sie und ihr Kind zurückzunehmen? Wird Xueyi seinem Charme widerstehen können, wenn sogar ihr Sohn diesen Mann als seinen Vater adoptieren will?! --- Das ist Song Yu Han, ein rätselhafter Mann und der reichste Tycoon des Landes! Zu dumm nur, dass der Mann kalt wie Eis ist... Aber gerade als alle dachten, dass es nie eine Frau geben würde, in die er sich verlieben könnte, brachte er plötzlich eine schöne Frau und einen Sohn mit. ---- Ein paar Szenen aus dem Roman: "Mama, ich möchte mit Papa zu Abend essen", sagte der Kleine eines Tages. Xueyi konnte dem Charme ihres Sohnes nicht widerstehen und sagte zögernd ja. Am nächsten Tag. "Mami, ich habe von meinen Klassenkameraden gehört, dass sie bei ihren Eltern schlafen. Kann ich Papa anrufen, damit er bei uns schläft?" Xueyi lehnte die Idee ab, aber als ihr Sohn zu weinen begann und einen Wutanfall bekam, gab sie schließlich nach. Und am nächsten Tag wieder. "Mami, ich will eine kleine Schwester von Mami und Papi. Geh und mach mir eine!", forderte der Kleine und zwinkerte dann seinem Vater zu, der hinter ihm stand. So beginnt das Leben von Xueyi, die von ihrem Mann und ihrem Sohn geliebt wird. [REIFER INHALT]
Poisonlily · 68.5K Views

Fierce Deaity Slayer

"Only the end matters. As long as I can accomplish my goal of getting revenge on the gods, I will gladly forsake everything if the need arises." "I love many things, but I am not obsessed with any one thing. The fleeting pleasures, the countless wants and desires—they are all the same to me. Yet, somehow, certain things seem more important than others at different points in time. I have yet to find anything worth devoting my entire life to pursuing." "There are so many things I want to do—so many dreams, so many goals, so many paths my life could take. And the worst part of it all? Each one feels equally important. It’s as if every dream has been engraved into my soul for ages, stubborn and unyielding, pulling me in different directions." --- In an era where the power of the gods runs rampant and deities walk the land, Alan White, the prodigal son of a noble family and a mere mortal just beginning his journey on the path of Soul Ascendancy, finds himself entangled with a proclaimed angel by the name of Domisera. His life is about to take a drastic turn. Now, Alan—along with his Soul Land Spirit, Papa Bear, a creature suspected of hiding secrets of its own—joins Domisera on her quest for vengeance against the gods. Motivated by the potential benefits and the massive fortune she promised for aiding her mission, they embark on their journey. Together, the trio travels across both earthly and heavenly realms, each silently harboring their own motives.
Ozen_Ice · 3K Views
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