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Sniffing Bra

Mia n'est pas une fauteuse de troubles !

La famille Miller avait dans ses rangs une fauteuse de troubles. Son nom était Amelia Miller. Sa mère était morte en couches lorsqu'elle est née. Sa belle-mère est tombée d'un escalier alors qu'elle était enceinte et est morte. Le père d'Amelia la punissait en la faisant mettre face au mur dans le grenier. Le grenier était sombre et humide, sans la moindre lumière du soleil. Personne ne lui apportait à manger, et Amelia pensait qu'elle pourrait bien y mourir. Peu avant sa mort, elle composa un numéro que sa mère lui avait donné avant de passer. Après avoir raccroché, des bruits de grondement résonnèrent autour d'elle. La résidence de la famille Miller était encerclée par un groupe de gardes du corps habillés en noir. Huit hommes sortirent de leurs voitures, chacun dégageant une aura différente. Ils se dirigèrent directement vers le grenier. L'homme qui les menait mit un genou à terre et tint Amelia, inconsciente, dans ses bras. Il avait une expression solennelle sur le visage. « La famille Miller doit faire faillite. » Après avoir dormi toute la nuit, Amelia se réveilla pour découvrir que son père avait fait faillite. Les membres de sa famille étaient tous sans-abri. Pendant ce temps, elle... Elle avait huit oncles et un grand-père aimant qui l'adoraient profondément. Le père d'Amelia regrettait ce qu'il avait fait, et il refusait d'accepter son destin. Et alors si Amelia menait maintenant une bonne vie ? Elle restait la fauteuse de troubles qui avait causé la mort de sa mère et la faillite de son père ! Il ignorait qu'après le retour d'Amelia chez son oncle, leur chance ne semblait que s'améliorer. Même sa grand-mère clouée au lit pouvait désormais sortir de son lit et danser sur la place ! Enfin, un homme à l'allure divine prétendit être son père. Il la dorlotait au point que le monde entier l'enviait.
Nunu · 59.6K Views

Échappé à mon ex, enlevé par son rival

Pendant les trois dernières années, Ariana Ari Harlow a tout donné à son mari. Ils se sont mariés parce que sa sœur a choisi de s'enfuir le soir du mariage, croyant aux rumeurs que la Corporation Nelson était en faillite. Ari aimait Noah depuis ses seize ans, elle pensait que c'était le rêve de sa vie qui se réalisait. Cependant, elle ne savait pas que sa sœur lui avait tendu un piège, et ce n'était pas le début de sa nouvelle vie, mais bien son nouveau enfer. Elle a été forcée d'abandonner sa formation de médecin parce que la respectable Mme Nelson ne pouvait pas avoir les mains couvertes de sang. Ari a accepté. Pour l'amour de Noah, elle est devenue une épouse parfaite qui prenait soin de ses beaux-parents et de son mari. Cependant, ce qui l'attendait n'était rien d'autre que des insultes, son mari avait honte d'elle et sa belle-mère pensait que sa sœur, Ariel, était mieux assortie à son fils. Pourtant, Ari persistait. Elle pensait qu'elle réchaufferait le cœur de son mari un jour. Mais elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur ! Cœur brisé, Ariana décida de divorcer de son mari, mais elle se retrouva d'une manière ou d'une autre empêtrée avec Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari. Ils n'étaient pas faits pour être ensemble. Mais Nicolai semble se ficher des obstacles qui se dressent contre eux. En fait, il était déterminé à s'immiscer dans la vie d'Ari et à mettre le feu à tout. Dans son ivresse, il l'a un jour plaquée par la gorge contre le mur d'un pub miteux, "Tu peux le nier tant que tu veux princesse, mais tu me désires." Ses yeux parcouraient son torse haletant et ses yeux s'assombrirent, le rouge apparut dérangé, possessif, comme s'il voulait arracher son âme de son corps et l'ancrer dans le sien. "Je parie que si je jette un coup d'œil, tu seras trempée pour moi." La chaleur monta aux joues d'Ariana alors qu'elle grognait, "Tais-toi." "Fais-moi taire," dit Nicolai en écrasant ses lèvres contre les siennes. Ses baisers brûlaient dans son âme, et sa chaleur lui brûlait la peau chaque fois qu'ils se touchaient. Elle pensait que sa plus grande erreur avait été de s'emmêler avec Nicolai. Cependant, Ari comprit bientôt à la dure, littéralement, qu'être désirée par un tel cauchemar magnifique était bien pire qu'une erreur. Et les choses se compliquent lorsque son mari découvre la vérité sur tout. "Tire-moi dans le cœur, Ari," dit Noah en plaçant la buse du pistolet là où se trouvait son cœur. "Parce qu'une vie sans toi est une vie que je ne veux pas, alors tue-moi ou reviens. Je t'en supplie." Maintenant que Nicolai lui avait donné le choix, Ari tomberait-elle amoureuse de lui et plongerait-elle dans une vie remplie de dangers ? Ou retournerait-elle vers son mari, Noah, qu'elle aimait depuis ses seize ans ? Et Ariana éviterait-elle le danger qui guette dans l'ombre, attendant qu'elle fasse une erreur et qu'elle perde tout ce qui lui est cher ? Trouverait-elle la clé de tous les secrets qui la lient à Noah et Nicolai ainsi qu'à son destin tortueux ? ******* Extrait : "C'est une question d'argent, n'est-ce pas ? Prends-le et disparais," hurla-t-il en jetant la carte noire au visage d'Ariana. Ariana ne pouvait pas croire ce qu'elle entendait quand elle a entendu son mari ou son futur ex-mari l'humilier comme ça. Trois ans. Ariana Harlow a donné trois ans à Noah Nelson, et pourtant, lorsqu'elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur aînée, Ariel —— voilà ce qu'il lui dit. "Je vais te divorcer," déclara Ari et partit. Elle est partie sans le sou mais Ari est tombée sur Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari, le prince de la Mafia de la Ville de Lonest, un bâtard notoire connu pour ses tendances violentes. Leur rencontre malheureuse l'a placée sur le chemin de Nicolai, et comme ça, il a posé les yeux sur elle. La première fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, Nicolai lui a demandé de l'inviter à dîner. La deuxième fois, lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrés, il lui a remis un million de dollars. La troisième fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, il a déclaré : "Tu serais bien dans mes bras, qu'en dis-tu princesse ?" ********
fairytail72 · 221.3K Views

A Esposa do Rei é a Companheira do Alfa

``` 1º LUGAR / VENCEDOR DE OURO NA COMPETIÇÃO DE ESCRITA DE LOBISOMENS DA WEBNOVEL 2022 "Você é minha companheira..." Leland disse com uma voz rouca. "Você não sabe o que eu estou fazendo?" Ele a olhou com um brilho nos olhos, e naquele exato momento, Sophie pensou que poderia entendê-lo. Ela podia sentir suas emoções transbordando. Era isso que queriam dizer com o laço de companheiros? Ela podia sentir tanto desejo envolvendo Leland e ela simplesmente sabia o que ele queria. Ele a queria. Queria devorar seu corpo e marcá-la com suas mordidas de amor, queria que ela gritasse seu nome uma, e outra, e outra vez. Queria possuí-la e fazer amor com ela como se não houvesse amanhã. O homem subiu na cama e a beijou novamente. Cobria-a de beijos, das bochechas aos lábios, e depois passou para a clavícula. Logo, ela estava gemendo suavemente por causa da estimulação. Os sons que escapavam dos lábios dela soavam tão sexy em seus ouvidos e o excitavam terrivelmente. Se Leland não tivesse um autocontrole melhor, já teria rasgado as roupas de ambos e a penetrado imediatamente. No entanto, ele se conteve e tentou permanecer gentil. Esta era apenas a primeira noite deles juntos como marido e mulher de verdade. Esta noite, ele finalmente poderia dar a ela tanto prazer que ela iria querê-lo em sua cama todas as noites. O sexo que tiveram da última vez foi uma obrigação. Foi seco e ele fez apenas o mínimo necessário. Mas desta vez... ele iria devorar o corpo dela e fazer amor com ela de maneiras que apenas a sua luna merecia. Sua resistência era de primeira linha e ele poderia satisfazê-la a noite toda. ___________________ SINOPSE: O Rei, ou o Alfa? Quando ela pula os muros da academia para escapar de seus intimidadores, Sophie cai direto nos braços de Nicholas, o príncipe herdeiro do reino com uma disposição doce e ensolarada. Faíscas voam e o amor floresce entre a pobre órfã e o príncipe. Mas... de repente, Leland, o perigoso novo alfa da matilha de lobisomens mais poderosa do reino reivindicou-a como sua companheira?! Sophie está dividida entre dois homens. Um a chama de esposa, o outro a reivindica como sua companheira. O príncipe é caloroso e doce, seu amor é ardente como o sol. O alfa é frio e dominador, seu amor é tão pesado quanto a montanha e tão frio quanto o inverno. Com quem Sophie acabará quando ambos os lados travam guerra por sangue, ódio e vingança? Leland incendiaria o reino inteiro apenas para ter Sophie e vingar sua raça. Por outro lado, o recém-corado rei, Nicholas, luta para expulsar os lobisomens que o reino considerava monstros... enquanto mantém um segredo sombrio dentro de si — Ele também é um lobisomem. __________________ Nota: Este livro é um harém reverso, o que significa que a protagonista feminina acabará com vários protagonistas masculinos. A capa é minha, por Arkans LER MEUS OUTROS LIVROS? * The Alchemists - COMPLETO * The Prince Who Cannot Fall In Love - COMPLETO * Till Death Do Us Part - COMPLETO * O Príncipe Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO * O Rei Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO * Encontrando Stardust - COMPLETO ```
Missrealitybites · 16.6K Views

L'animal de compagnie du Tyran

Aries Aime Heathcliffe. Une princesse du petit royaume de Rikhill qui était aimée de tous. Avec sa beauté qui était enchantement réservée et un esprit avisé, elle avait attiré beaucoup d'attention et conquis les cœurs de nombreux. L'un d'entre eux était le séduisant prince héritier de l'Empire de Maganti. Submergé par le désir de la posséder et son intérêt pour la terre du petit royaume, le prince héritier dudit empire ne reculerait devant rien. Les chevaliers de l'Empire de Maganti marchèrent à travers les masses et s'emparèrent du royaume de Rikhill vieux de quatre cent ans. Le royaume de Rikhill tomba en ruine en une nuit. Le prince héritier ne laissa aucun membre de la famille royale en vie à part son trophée de guerre, Aries. Après avoir souffert entre ses mains, Aries trouva la chance parfaite de s'échapper. C'était lorsqu'il l'emmena au sommet mondial. Un rassemblement de chaque souverain de chaque royaume et empire pour des pourparlers de paix. Là, elle rencontra l'empereur de Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Sangsouillé. Submergée par le désespoir, Aries le supplia de l'accueillir. C'était trop tard lorsqu'elle réalisa que l'homme à qui elle demandait de l'aide était bien plus cruel, tordu et carrément diabolique que le prince héritier en la prenant pour son... animal de compagnie! EXTRAIT : Avec une paire d'yeux cramoisis planant au-dessus d'elle, Aries retint son souffle. Quand le coin de ses lèvres se leva diaboliquement, elle ne put réagir rapidement alors qu'il inversait leur position avec agilité. Elle ne le réalisa que lorsqu'elle le chevauchait, fixant Abel, les yeux écarquillés. « Personne n'est au-dessus de moi dans cet empire et même au-dehors — pas même la loi, mais regarde-toi, » dit-il avec un sourire diabolique. « Me toisant... si intimidant. » Aries mordit sa lèvre, posant sa paume sur sa poitrine marquée d'encre. « Votre Majesté... » « Comprends-tu maintenant le pouvoir que tu détiens, ma chérie ? » Abel enroula doucement ses doigts autour de son poignet, enchanté par sa réaction. « Seulement toi, Aries, peut être au-dessus de moi et la seule personne dans ce monde qui peut me toiser. Personne d'autre. » Il leva un bras et passa ses doigts dans le côté de ses cheveux, posant sa paume sur l'arrière de sa tête avant de la tirer vers le bas jusqu'à ce que son visage soit à une paume de distance du sien. « Tu ferais mieux d'utiliser cela à ta discrétion, » murmura-t-il, inclinant la tête tandis qu'il la soulevait pour réclamer ce qui est à lui. ELLE. Faites la connaissance d'Eustass Silvestri Abel Sangsouillé, le tyran sadique, qui régnait sur un empire avec un poing de fer. Avec la présence croissante de son animal de compagnie, Aries, dans sa vie ennuyeuse et sombre, il était prêt à la tuer. Mais hélas, à chaque fois qu'il pensait prendre sa vie, il se retrouvait à changer d'avis. Plus il la gardait à ses côtés, plus il devenait difficile de s'en débarrasser. Et plus il aspirait à quelque chose de plus profond et plus sombre... cela le rendait fou. Avec un secret qu'il lui cachait, que ferait Abel si Aries découvrait la vérité pourrissante derrière l'empire et l'empereur ? La tuerait-il ? Ou l'embrasserait-il ? Peut-être l'enfermerait-il ? Et si elle découvrait qu'Abel n'était pas juste un humain normal, essayerait-elle de s'échapper ? Ou accepterait-elle qu'il n'était pas juste une incarnation de démon ? Dans un monde compliqué qui les teintait de noir, l'amour était-il même possible de fleurir entre un animal de compagnie et son maître ? Regardez comme ces deux-là jouent le jeu dangereux et insensé de l'amour et du désir. Qui serait le maître et l'animal de compagnie ? Qui était la proie ? Lisez pour en savoir plus. --------- Histoire originale par : alienfrommars SUIVEZ-MOI SUR INSTAGRAM pour les arts des personnages originaux : @authoralienfrommars Serveur Discord : Avertissement : Couverture non mienne. Prise sur Pinterest. Credits à l'artiste.
alienfrommars · 81.7K Views

Destroy My Life In You

[Warning: This book contains Strong Language and Mature Content] On her eighteenth birthday, Ravenna felt the weight of exile as she was outlawed from her home because she could not shift to a werewolf, a mark of shame in their world that revered power. Away from all the ridicules and hate, she had at least a more peaceful life, until a beautiful storm knocked at her door. Deceived by its enchanting waves, Ravenna welcomed it with open arms until she was swept away into the deepest depth of the ocean of love. Being a daughter of an alpha, that was not supposed to happen even if she was not living in the pack anymore. Falling in love with the king of darkness. Alaric! He is the epitome of danger. But then, she turned his life upside down. From a heartless man to an obsessive lover. All he wished was to keep her with him. Even if it meant chaining her to himself. Whether what he felt was infatuation, desire or... he just would never ever let her go. Let no man or beast separate him from what he had claimed and marked; else they would face his unceasing wrath. **************** "Am of no use to you, why do you still insist on keeping me?" She just wanted to hear him say it. That he loved her as much as she did. She was becoming more desperate as days went by, maybe more than desperate to the extent of destroying herself in this love. Alaric paused and kept his laptop aside. He held her hand and brought her in front of him before pulling her to his lap. Silently, he sniffed her neck and licked it, then replied, "Because I want to." He continued his actions, and his hands were already moving under her dress caressing her thighs. Ravenna took a deep breath trying to stop herself from diving into pleasure as always. "Will you ever say it?" Her voice came out as a low yearning plead and with his advanced hearing ability, Alaric did not miss a word. "Say what?" His hand reached her pant ready to tear it apart. "That you love me." Her words made him pause abruptly before looking at her. As usual, his eyes were blank with no hint of emotions making Ravenna feel like she was just fooling herself. For how long could she endure this? "Do I?" He asked not tearing his gaze away from her eyes that were already tearing up. _________________________ This book is in the viral competition. Support Author by adding to library, gifting power stones and golden tickets.
GraceDaniels · 156.4K Views

Rise Of The Demon Alpha

The forest was quiet, and everything was still. The gentle northern wind sweeping through the trees and dried leaves brought nothing but a sense of foreboding and despair as Raphael crawled into his cave and huddled against the dirt stained walls. Stifling the moan of anguish that escaped his mouth, he pressed hard on the cut below his ribs. The blood stopped flowing briefly, as he dug some sticky clay from underneath the roots of the oak tree and applied it to his injury. It stopped the blood flow instantly. He was aware of the giant slash across his back, but he was too exhausted to attend to it. 'Later' he thought to himself, leaning back as he shut his eyes. He was lucky to have escaped with his life. "They will pay for this. I will get my revenge soon enough," he muttered to himself as the owl perched on the branch of the oak tree above hooted ominously. He had become his neighbour for the past few weeks, his hooting always reminding him that he may not be the only living thing in the forest. Other days, the silence was impregnable, the eerie quiet sending chills down his spine. As he slowly started to slip into unconsciousness, he heard a dull thud on the dirt outside the cave, too faint for a normal person to hear. But Raphael was no ordinary person. Crouching behind the roots of the tree, he waited patiently as the sniffing began. He made a silent prayer, to no one in particular as he saw the red eyes right outside his cave. They locked eyes with each other, and the enormous wolf bared his canines at him, before howling into the night. All around the forest, several other howls answered, as the earth began to tremble under the numerous paws thundering above it. 'Here we go again,' he thought to himself.
JB_Writes · 4.5K Views

Dusk Veiled Desires: cunning devotion

[MATURE CONTENT 18+] [NO RAPE] *Daily update at 11:11pm* "It all started after a lie" --- Concealing her true age, she presents herself as a 17-year-old, despite being 19. Little does she realize that her presence becomes the obsession of the Crown Prince. As Elestria navigates the palace's intricate web of secrets, she must uncover the truth behind her mother's demise while maintaining her age deception and grappling with the conflicting desires that arise in the presence of the enigmatic Crown Prince. The palace holds not only the key to the mysteries she seeks but also the potential for her to fall into the traps carefully set by the Crown Prince rince, who aims to reshape and manipulate her for his own purposes. Will Elestria triumph in her quest for truth, or will the palace's shadows ensnare her in a fate woven by the Crown Prince's designs? ----- His grip tightened on her, his fingers digging into her skin.   A soft gasp escaped her lips when she sensed the intruder sniffing just above her neck. His actions sent shivers down her spine, making her eyes widen with shock. Her breathing quickened—was he going to snap her head? her imagination running wild with ominous possibilities.    Elestria, desperate and terrified, mustered her strength. With a surge of adrenaline, she swung her elbow backward, aiming for the man's abdomen, but before her strike could land, he swiftly yanked her arm toward him, twisting it a little.   Her heart raced, and a cold sweat broke on her forehead when his grip tightened on her arm.   "Hmm, full of hopes and dreams, just the way I prefer," the person hummed, his deep throaty voice vibrating against her neck, making her body stiffen.   She shut her eyes in fear. Her freed hand instinctively reached to her chest, her thin fingers trembling and pressing against her pounding heart as if attempting to suppress its rapid beats. The sound of her own pulse echoed in her ears.   "Am I making you nervous? Little liar?" asked the male voice.    Her eyes snapped open, and the two words—little liar—echoed in her mind....(Read book) ----- YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED The story is highly going to be. r18 - kink - dark romance - slow burn - HAUNTED - Stalking. male lead will be evil than you think.
zylksh · 14.7K Views

Renascer como Companheira do Alfa Amaldiçoado

O que acontece quando uma deusa se apaixona por um shifter? Asara, a deusa do amor, foi punida por seu pai, o deus do trovão. Seu crime foi se apaixonar por um mortal Alfa shifter. Para pagar por seus pecados, ela renasceu como Cassandra LeBlanc; uma mortal Princesa no mágico Reino de Speldaria. Sua família e seu reino, exceto sua irmã do meio, rejeitaram-na pois ela nasceu sem nenhuma habilidade mágica e não tinha recordações de sua verdadeira identidade. Seu prometido, o poderoso comandante mago de Speldaria, estava indiferente a ela. Ele desejava alguém forte. A vida de Cassandra foi revirada quando ela recebeu um escravo guerreiro pelo poderoso Alfa de Dusartine. Ela foi convidada a participar do Evento Anual da Arena colaborando com o guerreiro. Cassandra, que odiava 'A Arena' com todo o seu ser. Um lugar onde o sangue fluía como vinho e a vida era mais barata que o próprio ar que respiravam, não entendia seu propósito ali. Além disso, o misterioso guerreiro a afetava de maneiras inimagináveis. Seu olhar hipnótico a desestabilizava. Sua essência rara a sobrecarregava. Seu corpo musculoso e bronzeado a consumia com pensamentos pecaminosos. Até mesmo os sonhos de sua vida passada a atormentavam. Quando 'A Arena' começou, as agendas ocultas e verdades subjacentes vieram à tona e Cassandra foi jogada em um destino traçado. Sem escolha, ela teve que ceder e escolher um caminho. A questão seria. Como Cassandra vai lidar quando descobrir sobre a maldição sobre ela? Será que ela será capaz de obter suas habilidades mágicas e enfrentar seu pai? Quem irá ajudá-la em sua jornada? ~Trecho~ Então ela o sentiu, todo ele. Toda a sua aspereza. A força de seu braço. A maciez de seus lábios. O aperto de sua mão. O calor de sua respiração. Cada músculo de seu corpo ficou tenso diante da implicação de dormir nos braços de um homem. Ela nunca havia dormido no abraço de um homem antes. Sua pele inteira formigava como pequenas faíscas dançando nas partes que se conectavam com ele. As fendas de seu cérebro tinham essas memórias que não eram dela. Esse toque de alguma forma não parecia estranho para ela. Ela se sentiu segura em seu abraço calmante e não desejava afastá-lo, mas sabia que isso estava longe de ser apropriado. Cassandra tentou se livrar de seu aperto, seus braços pareciam ser feitos de ferro pois não cediam. A leve vestimenta que ela havia vestido levantou-se de sua coxa leitosa expondo-a enquanto a musculosa e bronzeada dele estava drapeada sobre ela. E agora ela podia sentir algo a cutucando nas costas. Seus olhos de repente se arregalaram com a realização e Cassandra entrou em pânico total. “Solte-me!” Ela disse, pesadamente. Siroos lentamente levantou sua perna e afrouxou seu aperto em sua cintura para que ela pudesse se afastar. Ele havia despertado quando ela endureceu pela primeira vez, mas quis ver o que ela tentaria. Com os olhos arregalados, ela roubou um olhar em direção ao homem que a mantinha envolvida em seu abraço como um tesouro precioso, o tesouro dele. Seus olhos de ouro fundido haviam se aberto e havia essa suavidade e desejo com os quais ele a encarava. Aqueles cachos castanhos macios caíam sobre seus olhos enquanto ele esquecia de piscar, observando a beleza atemporal que ela era. O perfume único dela era uma tortura para os seus sentidos. Como ele desejava agarrar seu tornozelo delicado, puxá-la por ele e tê-la espalhada sob ele. Beijar a própria pele que exalava tal aroma que estava enlouquecendo-o. No lugar disso, ele dobrou o braço e o colocou sob sua bochecha, usando-o como travesseiro para observá-la com olhos cheios de desejo. O silêncio constrangedor entre eles se prolongou enquanto Cassandra limpava a garganta. “Você tinha que subir em mim para dormir?” “Não foi intencional, mas foi certamente tentador e definitivamente não será a última vez.” Sua voz profundamente hipnótica era ainda mais atraente nesta manhã cedo, ressoando ao redor dela. A capa do livro é minha.
Sunny_Shumail · 31.9K Views

His Naughty Lessons

[ Caution: High Heat Advisory ] “Harper, stop undressing me with your eyes. The plot isn’t going that way… YET.” Harper McKenzie, a newbie web novel author, has a problem — she struggles with romance scenes. As someone with almost nonexistent real-life experience in the matter, she can’t get the intimate chemistry right, and those chapters always come out dry and cringy. Fortunately for her, Harper finds a freelance editor willing to workshop her writing. But the surprise? That editor turns out to be her childhood friend and the very first crush of her life. What happens now when he offers her personal lessons on how to write the hottest romance … and love scenes? -------------- Note: this is a fun, cozy, sweet story with a low-drama plot. No love triangles, no misunderstandings, no memory loss / car accidents / terminal illnesses / etc.. Mature content abounds, starting out soft but heats up quickly. You’ve been warned! -------------- Sneak Peek: He slid her bra over her shoulders and, with impossibly quick and skilled work, tied the lacy garment around her wrists. “Spread your legs wider,” he ordered. Harper’s already faltering heartbeat faltered some more. The command in his tone was foreign, but it crashed over her like a heat wave, and even though she could barely begin to picture how salacious she must look, with her hands bound and thighs spread wide like an offering to be ravished, she could feel the scorching need coiling hotter and hotter in her core. Her body obeyed eagerly on its own accord, bringing herself fully open just like she was told. Eli grinned. Moving between her legs, he trailed hot kisses along her inner thigh, leaving sizzling little fires crackling in its wake. “Good girl. Now, what should your character say next?” A finger glided over her wet and wanting flesh in a slippery stroke, making her heart slam to a hard stop as a moan tore free. “Write the next line for me, what should I say before I unravel you with my tongue and make you scream my name?”
Witchhazel · 1.3M Views

ALPHA VINCENT: His Mate's Last Dance

~Audrey, if you dare try to reject me again or even try to think of it, I will take you to the highest mountains, where the whole world can see us, I will claim you as mine and no one else, not even your proclaimed lover can reverse that.~ Audrey Lane, A Mateless She-wolf who was brought up in a brothel as a dancer after her pack was raided and her parents were killed gets herself entangled with Alpha Vincent Cruz; A heartbroken Alpha who was still obsessed with his ex-lover, Hazel, who was a human. Alpha Vince comes from a ruthless werewolf Mafia family. Well-known for their power, wealth, and dominance across many countries. Vince was the oldest son and Alpha of the Blood-Feast Pack. The most-feared werewolf packs in the whole of the city. Powerful and strongest amongst his numerous brothers. Unbeknownst to Audrey that she was Vince's mate. Vince who intended to use Audrey to make Hazel jealous found himself falling deeply for Audrey. After rejecting her for Hazel who came back after three years. Excerpt: I instantly kicked the dress under the bed as I saw Vincent approaching, He was quick to grab my waist and pull me close to his body. "W-what are you doing, Vin?" I asked, my fragile little voice quivering fearfully from his touch. "Sniffing you to find out whose strange scent has covered you all over," Vin spoke under his deep breath and I stared at him questionably, trying to understand what he meant. "That isn't necessary. It was just a dance." I tried to explain to him. "I know, it doesn't change the fact that other men watched and lust over you." "Now tell me, Who was it? I can smell him all over you. tell me! why did he touch you?" He growled at me. I could sense his anger and his gleaming yellow eyes scared me.
Abdulkarim_Latifat · 93.1K Views


“Shut up!” He roared, as he tore my slave garment from my body in less than a second, leaving my body bare, except for my bra and panties. “Oh my…” He muttered devilishly with lust filled eyes, as he roughly grabbed the right cup of my bra, manhandling it as if to get a pre-feel of how the main softness will feel like. I had given up already, tired of writhing on the floor, tired of trying to wiggle out of his hold, and tired of pleading. What was the use? My legs were already held hostage in the confines of his own limbs, my throat was now sore, and all my plea fell on deaf ears. I shut my eyes tightly, already welcoming my cursed fate, when suddenly the door burst ajar. Who could that be? A savior or another foe? I opened up my eyes, already glazy with tears, and peered at the visitor. He was a man. A beautiful man. A beautiful, angry man. I couldn’t tell distinctively his facial features because of my tear clothed eyes, but even as I laid as dead underneath my assailant, I could feel his rage rolling over him like waves. “Who dares to interrupt my pleasure time? My assailant asked, about to turn his head way back to see who had been standing by the door, when suddenly, in a twinkle of an eye, his head went off flying from his neck, to the ground idly. And so, I screamed; especially as I felt his blood splatter all over my chest and face. But in my screaming and shocked state, I was still able to hear the first words of the man since he had stepped into the room. “How dare you to touch my mate?” He roared. ***** Olivera, the only wolfless girl in the Red Moon’s Pack was captured alongside her best friend by the deadliest pack in the entire region. While performing her slave duties for the new pack, she was almost raped by her taskmaster, but for the intervention of Raul, the Alpha of the pack, who is reckoned for his infamous curse, ruthlessness and womanizing traits. Journey along with Olivera, and see how a shy, seizure plagued wolfless girl tamed the big bad alpha, especially when it was discovered that she was a hybrid, the chosen world who would restore peace between the two supernatural realms at war.
nuvvy10 · 988.3K Views

Frost's Bite

Summer's life was suddenly uprooted with her dad's announcement that they were moving. Senior year in high school was not her ideal time to move. She'd spent all her life with the same kids, she had friends, she was comfortable and settled. She had even recently gotten her dream boyfriend and they were going to prom. Her dad's job was transferring him across the country to a snowy wasteland on the edge of civilization. The pay was apparently much better, but what's the point if she has to start all over? She didn't understand why her dad was so set on making them move. Summer was determined to hate her new home and everything about it, until she met Caspian Frost. Frost was the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. He was larger than life, he intimidated her, he was probably way out of her league, but there was a strange chemistry between them that she couldn't resist. At thirty-two, Caspian Frost was about to become the alpha of his Winter Clan and shortly afterward have his mate marking ceremony. He was a respected wolf shifter, a successful CEO, had a shifter that he was intending to mark, and this year his clan was hosting the Tetrad Ball and Scavenger Hunt. He didn't have time for a budding romance, especially not with some eighteen year old little wolf shifter who hadn't even had her first shift yet and certainly not one from the rival Summer Clan. Every shifter had three fated mate choices, but they usually didn't meet all of them in their lifetime, they would feel a connection to all three, but the strength of the pull was not the same. He'd heard stories about the pull between first fated mates, but he couldn't have imagined it'd be this powerful. He'd always assumed that he'd end up with his childhood friend Maura who was his third chance mate choice and the shifter he'd intended to mark during the ceremony. Not only did he meet his first chance mate, he was also her first chance mate. Although Summer's wolf hadn't appeared yet, he could sense her presence calling to him. Unfortunately, Summer wasn't even aware of her wolf's existence yet, or at least that's what everyone expected to show up. Although Frost was determined to avoid Summer, he couldn't stay away. Especially not when the Tetrad Ball approached, more of the rival clan members arrived, and mysterious deaths started occurring. It took all of Frost's determination to not bite Summer and claim her immediately when he saw her second and third chance mates sniffing around. He wanted to put his mark on her so badly he could barely think, but he wanted her to consciously choose him too. The trick would be to keep her safe and mark free until he managed to claim her for himself.
ElectraEmerose · 1.8K Views

The Royal Mark

[Warning: Mature Content, R18+] Born with a mark that was never intended… Gifted with intelligence and skills far more advanced than her peers. Elsa Morgan didn’t experience the normal childhood that everyone had. Always been haunted by her nightmares and by unexplainable events since she was young. Elsa became a doctor to find answers. Destined to bear sufferings and do what is right for his people… Chris Jorgensen was bound to the woman he had not met yet and marked without knowing what he had done. In order to lead his kingdom to glory and victory, he must find her first no matter what it takes, even if it means crossing the other world. Two worlds apart that defy what is the norm in their worlds. Brought together by the invisible tie that binds them together. Or is it true love that defies all reasons? When accidents turn out to be fate in disguise, will they be able to reject the strong pull towards the person who turned their whole world and everything they worked hard for upside down? ******** “What the hell! I told you not to move!” Elsa shouted while running back to the man, who lifted his head and smirked at her. Elsa screamed when the naked man abruptly pulled her onto his lap and started sniffing her all over her body, especially on her chest, hair, and neck. She heard her dogs growl and come closer to the man but quickly calmed down when he gave them a quick glance, and it absolutely surprised her. “What are you doing!” Elsa pushed the naked man on the chest for she could feel him hard down there and it was making her really uncomfortable. “Your smell… Mmm… Lavender and blueberry… God, you smell divine…” The man casually said before burying his face in her neck and sniffing her hard. “You pervert!” With all her strength, Elsa pushed him once again and slapped him so hard that she also hurt her palm, making his head turn to the side on impact. She briskly stood up and shouted, “Nile, tackle! Girls guard!” In a swift move, Nile jumped to the naked man tackling and pushing him to the ground while Ciel, Gaia, and Nuri surrounded him, not removing their gaze from him while growling and showing their sharp teeth and fangs. But then a more powerful force is pulling her eyes beyond the man’s buff chest and deep in her mind she convinced herself that she would do this because she is a doctor and he is her patient– an injured patient, she reminded herself. She would look at him only to see the extent of his injuries and nothing more. She is a doctor… A licensed professional for God’s sake! ‘How can I buckle him up if it’s on the way of the strap? Should I move it to the side?’ Elsa was having a battle in her head ultimately muddled about whether she would touch it or not. From the way he looks, she is sure that he is heavy and she must use the straps properly to be able to securely drag him to her car for both their safety. ******** Chris pretended to be sleeping while he let himself heal, or so he thought. The sedative took a while to have an effect on him. But eventually, he dozed off and was unconscious for real this time. He opened his eyes and saw white walls and someone was holding his right hand. He sat up and saw the red-haired woman’s hand on top of his while her wrist was glowing. Chris’ eyes widened, he held his shoulder and shook her up, “Wake up! There’s a glowing mark on your wrist!” But no matter how hard he wakes her up, she’s not opening her eyes. “You are mine, Elsa. And I am yours.” Chris moved his face closer to hers and planted a soft gentle kiss on her lips. “Whoever you are, Elsa, I will protect you. Even if it’s from the man that you call Dad.” Chris whispered as if someone would hear him. Completed Book: CEO's Contract Obsession ********
Shiroi_Nami · 1.1M Views

Emily's Lunar Reflection

Emily had taken off her gown, and was bare before Charles. No piece of clothing was seen on her. "My family moved to a place I do not know." Her voice was faint, and it was almost like a whisper as she moved closer to him. He took a step backward, but his eyes went all over her body. "I want us to break the mate bond we have together." Her hands touched his chest. "It's important for me to break the bond." To him, breaking the mate bond wasn't the issue. The issue was in the method she wanted to use in breaking the bond. Of course he would have gone ahead with it as his eyes were too busy outlining her body. He was simply putting up an hesitation just so he wouldn't seem cheap to her. She poured a can of oil on her body, rubbing it all over her breasts, and down to the line between her legs. "Do we really need sex for this?" His curiosity led him to ask. "Yes." She nodded multiple times, sniffing him. "It's a different process of rejection." ******************************************** Emily could never count herself as a normal werewolf all because her inner wolf, who called herself Katie, had a consciousness that could make her exist alone. Katie was able to touch, and co-exist physically with her. One of Emily's major flaws was her inability to find a mate even after surpassing the normal mate finding age of eighteen to twenty four. Later on, she found Charles as her mate, but there was still an issue. Charles was already the mate to Raguel, the alpha of their pack, making it a bizarre occurrence between him and Emily. For that, he had left the pack, leaving her and Raguel behind. It was complicated that Charles and Emily's family weren't in the same world as her, and she needed to find them. Her dream had revealed him to have killed her mother, and her aim of getting revenge had to be through sex. How was she going to do that? Katie found a different mate for herself, and it was also the same day Emily finally found a mate. How were they going to adapt to these changes? Was Katie no longer part of her? Or could her rejection of Charles be the issue?
sammyefemona · 18.9K Views

She Belongs To The Devil

Theodore was not satisfied with just looking at her, he wanted to touch her. He slowly raised his hand and approached Princess Adeline. But Adeline subconsciously pulled back and shouted again, “I have already warned you, not to do anything like before. Or else I will…” Instantly, Theodore’s cheerful face turned grim. His golden eyes were now blood red and were staring very deeply at Adeline’s eyes. He was starting to emit a dark aura around him. Before Adeline could react, in the very next moment, Theodore pushed Adeline flat on the bed and was on top of her. He pinned both of her hands down with his hands and whispered near her ear, “Or else you will what? You will shout for your maids again?” Theodore sniffed in the sweet aroma that Adeline was giving off and gave a wicked smile, “Oh! I want you to try. I want you to try calling for your maids again. But don’t be shocked when I seal your juicy lips with my own lips.” Adeline had never in her life expected to see this side of Theodore. Yes, she knew he was the Devil but... [Book 1 Synopsis] Princess Adeline is the youngest child of King Dragomir of Wyverndale. She is detested by her stepmothers because she is born to a concubine – the only woman whom the King loved. And she is envied by her stepbrothers and stepsisters for being adored and loved by the King. Blinded by jealousy, the first Queen orders Princess Adeline to be kidnapped and thrown into the faraway Devil’s Cave as an offering. Her fate was to die that evening. However, her fate got rewritten by the very creature who was supposed to take her to her deathbed. The Devil took pity on the Princess and even went as far as sharing his demonic power with her. Ever since that day, her fate was bound to the Devil Prince of Hell – Prince Theodore. With time, love blooms between the son of God and the daughter of humans. They are madly in love and they want nothing more than to be together forever. However, with the rise of several enemies, from other fallen angels, supernatural creatures, and even God himself, will they get their forever after? [Book 2 Synopsis] **Spoiler alert for Book 1** Adeline and Theodore have a beautiful daughter – Ariel. She is the definition of perfection because God himself created her to be without any flaws. God wants to hand over the whole universe to his granddaughter and retire from his duty as the Supreme Being. However, nobody else wants that future for Ariel. Ariel, on the other hand, is oblivious to her grandfather’s plan for her. She is a free spirit who always has a wide smile on her face. And the only thing she wants to do is go on adventures with her childhood friend – Damien and her cousins. But will she be able to maintain the smile on her face upon being faced by God? Will she be able to maintain her friendship with Damien when he discovers a gut-wrenching truth – that Theodore was the one to kill his father? Follow me on Instagram for more. This art was commissioned from Shu G Sin. Find him on Insta gram @shu_g_sin
sanimimosa7 · 2.5M Views

Protected By a Mafia Boss

"Carmine... I'm about to...." "Not before I taste you." He delivers me, permitting my legs to drop. "Taste..." He slides down my body and throws my legs over his shoulders with my back squeezed against the chilly metal wall. His warm, thick tongue plunges inside my hot pussy. "Fuck..." I toss my head back, scaling the wall, yet he grasps my thighs, holding me set up. His tongue twirls around my clit, sucking and licking in a way that creeps me out. I curve into him, riding his face, grasping his hair. Sweet delivery is inside my grip, and he keeps sucking, licking, focusing on the areas that settle on me wriggle and decision his name. The stars glint behind my shut eyes, and I open them, gazing at the roof. My shirt is open, Carmine is between my thighs, and give up is torn from my spirit. My climax collides with me like a wave, shaking my entire body and making me pant for air. Carmine clutches me until the last quakes die down before he stands up and kisses my temple delicately. "Much obliged to you," I murmur energetically, resting up against him for help as we both catch our breaths. "That was only the tidbit." Carmine sneers and presses a modest kiss all the rage before at long last squeezing the lift button and getting it under way once more. "Imagine a scenario where somebody saw us." I look at the camera, feeling anxious briefly at the prospect of my own standing and vocation. "They'll be biting the dust to understand how I intend to treat you." With his lips squeezed against my neck, the lift entryways open on the highest level of the extravagant inn, and he ventures out. A dazzling perspective on the city underneath should be visible from the glass walls, the horizon with lights that sparkle and shimmer in the evening. The impression of the actual room is reflected against them, making a wonderful sight. "This is lovely." "Not more lovely than you." He accumulates me in his arms and conveys me inside. He thuds down on the love seat that sets before the lit chimney. With the perspectives on New York around midnight radiating through the windows, he starts to take off my garments. I rapidly copy him, anxious to taste him the manner in which he tasted me. I push his coat off, dropping it to the floor. Then, at that point, I unfasten his dress shirt, tearing his undershirt until I'm holding his solid arms and kissing across his characterized chest, the skin of which I scratched with my nails during my delivery. "You're awesome." "I'm a long way from it, bellissima. Presently, let me see you." He pulls from me and stops to respect me for one minute. The white ribbon bra differentiating against the tan skin and dim twists falling thickly over my shoulders. "Strip for me."
Elizabeth_Solomon · 4.8K Views

My Boss Who Is Secretly A Vampire

[Mature Content] A humble shop owner struggling to make ends meet in the modern world, storms into a company to demand her money back for a defective vibrator when she meets the arrogant and dangerous boss, Alaric Draconis. In a twisted tale of rags to riches, love and war; something dark lies just beneath the surface, challenging Ari's world as she knows it. There are things out there that prey on humans, hidden councils that keep mortals oblivious to the bloodthirsty beasts that lurk in the shadowed streets of Seattle Washington. In a world of witches, ghosts, succubus', werewolves, and vampires, Ari is the most dangerous piece in the game: a blood doll that strengthens a vampire's ability. The ultimate weapon between warring supernaturals. —————————————————————- Ari used a single hand to dig into her bra, retrieving her cellphone. "I will not grovel like some sinner in church. Are you secretly some kinky priest?" She waved the device at the door guard. The threat was mostly empty. She couldn't really afford to be involved with the authorities and explain why she'd stormed into the building to begin with. The silence grew as she waited with baited breath. Please let this work. Please let this work. She prayed in her mind. "I don't think you understand, Ms. Ari. A man such as myself doesn't aim for success with the idea of only pleasing some of his genuine audience he appeals to. The goal is perfection, and I've had that for ten years until today. I couldn't care less if you were God," He spoke lowly, then said. "If I can't handle a woman with a mouth I shouldn't run a company." Alaric chuckled lowly beneath his breath and rested a fisted hand against his mouth where he bit on each knuckle slowly. This woman surely had an interesting thought process, especially the vocabulary of words she used in a sentence when speaking about him. "A priest?" His naturally almond shaped eyes seemed to almost narrow more than they had, smooth wrinkles scattering at the corner of each eyelid. Another glint of red light flashed onto the surface of those Grey hues from the various city lights flashing through the large floor to ceiling windows. Dark clouds loomed behind him, and when he stepped forward and crossed the room, he'd seemed like he flew down from them; some fallen angel who'd descended from grace. The speed was quick. In one blink he stood in front of her, his hand coiling around her wrist tightly. "I've been many things in my life, but priest isn't one. I've been an angel, helping those in the community stand on their feet. I've been patient, and I've been the devil to those whom I dislike. Being on my bad side isn't where someone would like to stay if they had any sense. Apparently you don't have that. Let me tell you exactly what would've happened had you called the police. They would've come right in here and ignored everything they saw. Why? Because money and fear keeps people's mouths closed." Yanking her lifted arm downward, he forced her onto her knees before him, his gaze glinting in the darkness. "And only an idiot would forget to apologize when they attempted to swindle someone out of their league. If you want a new product, fine. But you won't be getting your money back. Remove your rude comment off my site and all will be forgotten."
TheLastRemnants · 34K Views
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