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Angelo Kinderserie Charaktere

New Eden: Leben um zu spielen, spielen um zu leben

In einer Welt des ständigen Wettbewerbs strebt ein Mann nach der Spitze. In diesem neuen Genre VRMMORPG will er um jeden Preis der Stärkste werden. Die Klassen, die Rassen, die Startzonen, alles ist ein Geheimnis in "New Eden". Das Spiel kommt ohne ein Fitzelchen an Details auf den Markt. Das einzige, was angepriesen wurde, war die freie Wahl der Fähigkeiten. Unser Protagonist Alexander, Gamer-Tag Astaroth, hat schon immer davon geträumt, ein E-Sport-Athlet zu werden. Seine Eltern unterstützten seinen Traum, aber sie sind nicht mehr von dieser Welt. Er hat die feste Absicht, es in diesem neuen Spiel zu schaffen, wenn schon nicht für sich selbst, so doch zumindest, um ihr Andenken zu ehren. Da er keine Ahnung hat, wie er seinen Charakter spielen will, wählt Alexander die geheimnisvollste Startrasse. Wird dies sein Weg zum Erfolg oder sein Untergang sein? Der Spielassistent hat sicherlich das Letztere gedacht. "Mach, was du willst, junger Abenteurer. Ich möchte nur Folgendes hinzufügen. Komm nicht mit Beschwerden zurück, wenn du merkst, dass du die falsche Wahl getroffen hast", sagte die Elfe und sah ihn mit deutlichem Hass an. "Das werden wir ja sehen", erwiderte Alexander knapp. "Ich liebe Herausforderungen", fügte er hinzu. "Nun gut!", brummte die Elfe. "Ich wünsche dir das Abenteuer deines Lebens, so kurz es auch dauern mag", fügte er sarkastisch hinzu. Vor ihm liegt ein ungewisser Weg, der mit Prüfungen und Entbehrungen gefüllt ist. Aber eines ist in seinen Augen klar. Er wird der stärkste Spieler im Spiel werden, auch wenn er dafür über Berge von Leichen gehen muss. Vorbei sind die Zeiten, in denen er umsonst hart gearbeitet hat, jetzt geht es um alles oder nichts! Ich habe jetzt einen Discord, in dem ihr euch mit anderen Lesern und mir unterhalten könnt. Es gibt auch Kanäle, um über neue Waffen, Charaktere, Klassen oder Monster zu diskutieren, die ihr vielleicht entwerfen und in die Geschichte einbauen wollt. Ich werde immer die Person erwähnen, die diese Dinge entworfen hat, seid versichert. Der Link lautet
Galanar · 44.3K Views

Der Mythos des Wunders: Wiedergeboren, um meinem Schicksal zu trotzen

Xiu Wanxue wachte auf und stellte fest, dass sie wiedergeboren war. Dieses Mal erfuhr sie, dass sie nur ein Niemand in dieser Welt war, in der die Tochter und die Söhne des Schicksals existierten. Wenn sie an all die tragischen Ereignisse in ihrem früheren Leben zurückdachte, seufzte sie bitterlich. Kein Wunder, dass sie so sehr gehasst wurde, obwohl sie nichts falsch gemacht hatte, sondern nur "ihre" Fürsorge und Liebe bekommen wollte. Kein Wunder, dass sie sie alle so sehr liebten. Es stellte sich heraus, dass Xiu Wanxia, ihre Zwillingsschwester, die Tochter des Schicksals war, die von himmelstürmenden Gelegenheiten, außergewöhnlichen Männern und den mächtigen Partnern der Bestien umgeben war. Der Himmel und die Erde gaben ihr die Chance, ein neues Kapitel aufzuschlagen, und sie wird nicht noch einmal denselben Fehler machen und die Menschen falsch einschätzen. Sie wird nur zu denen freundlich sein, die sie freundlich behandeln, und diejenigen bestrafen, die ihre Lieben verletzen. Das alte Armband, das sie am Handgelenk trug, war in Wirklichkeit ein tragbarer Raum mit einer kleinen Welt darin, in die sie alles einpflanzen konnte. Alchemie lernen, Runen malen, mit Bestien in Kontakt treten, Schätze erforschen... viele weitere spannende Dinge werden hier geschehen. Mit Blut und harter Arbeit machte sie sich auf den Weg zur Unsterblichkeit und schwebte über den Himmel, um ihre Freiheit zu finden und ihrem Schicksal aus dem letzten Leben zu trotzen. Doch irgendetwas stimmte nicht. Was würde passieren, wenn sie herausfindet, dass alles ganz anders ist, als es zu sein scheint? Als die Geheimnisse langsam ans Licht kommen, entpuppt sich alles als so....... Dieses Buch ist für die Teilnahme am Webnovel Spirity Award 2024 bestimmt. HINWEIS: Dieses Buch ist ein Reverse Harem Roman, das Ende ist absolut Reverse Harem. Cover von: Webnovel AI Generator Charakterbild: Pinterest, Credit goes to all original owner Die Zitate der einzelnen Charaktere, sind nicht von mir. Ich habe sie von einer Website recherchiert. Credits gehen an die Besitzer der Zitate. Mein DISCORD-Benutzername: littlecarrot6510 Mein Instagram: Littlecarrot006__ #ReverseHaremFL #Reborn #Portablespace #Cannonfodder #Romance #Beastpartners #Adventures #Darkromance #ImmortalWorld #Xianxia #TwistedPlots #Fighting #DetailNovel #Mysteriouspast #Previouslifemememory #Novelwithmoral #Inspiration
Littlecarrot · 5.3K Views

Abyssales Erwachen

Alice, die ihre Kindheit in Ketten verbrachte, war ein Kind, das weder Liebe noch Freude kannte. Von ihrer Familie verachtet und im Namen des Allgemeinwohls jahrelang gefoltert, wurde sie gefühllos und gedankenlos. Bis ihr eines Tages ein Mann in Schwarz eine Chance zur Flucht bot. Einst gab es Gerüchte über eine endlose Hölle, ein Land des glorreichen Todes und der schrecklichen Möglichkeiten. Dummköpfe machten sich auf die Suche danach, und die Klugen wagten sich nie dorthin. Erst als seine unheilvollen Geheimnisse auf die Erde gelangten, hörten alle seinen Namen - den Abgrund. Ein einziger Tropfen seines Blutes konnte jemandem die Macht verleihen, Schatten zu kontrollieren, sich schneller als der Schall zu bewegen oder stärker zu sein als der stärkste Mann. Doch all das hatte seinen Preis: Das Blut sorgte immer dafür, dass diejenigen, die es tranken, Teil des Abgrunds wurden - mit einer Ausnahme: Alice. Von ihrem eigenen Blut verstoßen, war es ihr Schicksal, in einem vergoldeten Käfig zu verrotten. Doch dieser schicksalhafte Tag änderte alles. Sie bekam eine zweite Chance im Leben, eine Chance, ihr Leben umzukrempeln und Rache an ihrer Familie zu nehmen, eine Chance, tief in den Abgrund einzutauchen und die Macht zu erlangen, ihr eigenes Schicksal zu lenken, und Alice nahm seine Hand, ohne zu ahnen, welches Schicksal sich vor ihr entfalten würde. Uneinigkeit: Anmerkungen des Autors: Dies ist mein drittes Buch und ich werde das, was ich aus den vorherigen gelernt habe, nutzen, um mich zu verbessern. Dieses Buch wird sich auf die Handlung, die Action, die Tiefe der Charaktere und insgesamt auf einen dunkleren Ton in dieser grausamen Fantasy-Welt konzentrieren, die ich mir für dieses Buch ausgedacht habe! Wenn ihr dieses Buch ausprobiert, hoffe ich, dass es euch gefällt! Es ist eine ganz andere Erfahrung und ein ganz anderer Ton als Nanomancer Reborn.
Reili · 9.8K Views

Oberster Magus

Derek McCoy war ein Mann, der sein ganzes Leben mit Widrigkeiten und Ungerechtigkeiten zu kämpfen hatte. Nachdem er gezwungen war, sich eher mit dem Überleben als mit dem Leben zu begnügen, hatte er endlich seinen Platz in der Welt gefunden, bis ihm ein letztes Mal alles genommen wurde. Nachdem er sein Leben verloren hat, um seinen ermordeten Bruder zu rächen, reinkarniert er, bis er eine Welt findet, in der es sich zu leben lohnt, eine Welt voller Magie und Monster. Begleite ihn auf seiner Reise, vom trauernden Bruder zum außerirdischen Soldaten. Vom Säugling zum Obersten Magus. ------------------------------------------- Stichworte: Seelenwanderung, Männlicher MC, Western Fantasy Zeitplan: 12 Kapitel/Woche (außer ich bin krank oder es passiert etwas) Kapitellänge: 1200 - 1400 Wörter Warnung: Der MC ist weder ein Held noch ein Anti-Held. Er ist eine gebrochene, zynische und misanthropische Person, die nur nach ihrem eigenen Vorteil sucht. Wenn du einen verzeihenden, netten MC suchst, der herumläuft und Menschen in Not rettet, ist dies nicht deine Tasse Tee. Dasselbe gilt, wenn du einen unveränderlichen MC ohne Charakterentwicklung suchst. -------------------------------------------- Unterstütze den Autor: ------------------------------------------- Discord-Kanal: ---------------------------------------- Cover von Supreme Magus Lith Verhen von Bocah. Besucht den offiziellen Discord für seine offiziellen Porträts der Charaktere.
Legion20 · 208.8K Views


Ragazzi e ragazze, tutti rinchiusi nello stesso lurido posto. Vittime delle loro azioni. Vittime di ciò con cui si sono macchiati. Vittime di chi li ha cresciuti. Ma soprattutto, vittime di loro stessi. Quando sei vittima di te stesso non puoi correre da nessuna parte. Solo imparando ad affrontare la realtà, solo così, potrai dire di essere veramente libero. Ma ci si può liberare della propria mente? Non potrai mai sentirti libero se prima non impari a convivere con quel che hai fatto pagandone le conseguenze. Alcune cicatrici è difficile guarirle. Dipende dove te le porti, se nel corpo, o nella mente. I pensieri fanno male, logorano. Le azioni ne conseguono. Ma quando ti ritrovi in un posto dove quel che hai fatto ti viene messo tutto su un tavolo, non puoi non guardare in faccia la realtà. Così impari a conviverci h 24, rimanendo solo tu coi tuoi pensieri perenni. Loro verranno uniti da una sola cosa, ovvero, una cella fredda ed un pavimento polveroso dove parlare dei loro maledetti problemi. E questa, è la loro storia... Lui, per lei è come una calamita Lei, per lui è la persona sbagliata. Lui, è la tempesta. Lei, è la calma. Lui, è la persona da cui vorresti stare lontano. Lei, è la persona a cui vorresti stare affianco. Lei, è cresciuta volendo pensare al futuro. Lui, è cresciuto restando intrappolato nel passato. Lei, angelo dannato in cerca di emozione. Lui, demone disperato in cerca di pace. Lei, vittima del pericolo. Lui, vittima del crimine. ⏩©copyright,tutti i diritti riservati sequel: "VIVERE NEL PERICOLO". STORIA COMPLETATA⏪
thestories01 · 56K Views

The Shattered Flower

In a fierce battle, Bossia helps Kegira defeat a Dragonmaw orc, but Kegira is gravely injured by shrapnel from an explosion. Before dying, Kegira asks Bossia to bless her, and despite no longer being a paladin, Bossia offers a prayer. After Kaigira’s death, Bossia, weighed down by guilt and exhaustion, leaves the battlefield, cutting her scorched hair and carrying Kaigira’s keepsake—a golden key. Earlier, Bossia had clashed with Kegira over the key, which led the military priest Angelo to mediate. Angelo was troubled by Borgia’s loss of faith and deeply concerned for her spiritual well-being. During the battle, Bossia gradually comprehends the brutal nature of warfare and, after surviving a near-death experience, begins to confront her inner fears. While stationed at Menethil Harbor, she and Kegira have an open conversation about their pasts and regrets. Bossia reveals that she gave up her paladin status due to the wrongful condemnation of her lover, while Kegira admits to her own regret of never becoming a paladin. Eventually, Kaigira’s death prompts Bossia to temporarily reclaim her paladin status, earning the praise of the archbishop. She refuses Angelo’s suggestion to “rest due to injury,” leading to a confrontation in which Angelo falls to his death from a cliff. Seeking to escape her past and religious constraints, Bossia decides to hide her identity, sell her armor, and board a ship to Theramore, determined to start anew in anonymity.
Allenyang727 · 1.4K Views


Synopsis He is a nightmare born from daydream. She is madness in a pretty package. “The more I ignore you, the more you adore me? I don’t love you.” Gabriella stared at the man before her and she could help but admit that he was every woman’s wet dream. “ I have enough love for us to share.” A smirk appeared on Alessandro’s face as he slowly leaned closer to her until there was a few inches between their lips. Seeing him so close to her, she struggled to cover her dismay about his boldness. Gabriella swallowed hard. “Stay away from me.” He could see the pulse beating in her throat, he could see the tiny fleck of fear and nervousness. Without thinking, he covered her mouth with his and for an instant, she yielded to his hunger, she responded as if all the past disagreement they had meant nothing. He had expected resistance, anticipated ice. Instead he got fire, and it scorched through his blood, his only thought was tangling in the sheets with her.. Gabriella jerked her mouth away and slapped him hard. “Don’t ever touch me again.” Silvers of ice rose in her gaze as she shot him a glare that should have sliced him to the bone before walking away- then broke into a run as adrenaline filled her vein. She had just slapped Alessandro Romano, the most powerful man in the country. Alessandro watched her go, feeling ragged and edgy with desire. “You won’t get away from me, Wildcat.” * He was the boss of the underworld. At the sight of his mask and gun, everyone trembled. No one wanted to be his enemy. The man had developed two hundred and sixty torturing methods and he could do all of this without batting an eye, he doesn’t give empty threats. He was a monster. A monster that should never be angered or he would become your worst nightmare. When she was born, the devil exclaimed 'Oh shit! Competition.’ She could be sweet as sugar, cold as ice but if you hurt her, she would show you things worse than death. Some days she could be as meek as a dove, other days, she’s a bitch that you should not cross or the even the devil will weep on your behalf. He was Alessandro Romano, a powerful man to the public and Maschera, a masked mafia king in the underworld. He was used to taking what he wanted. Born to lead a powerful mafia family, he was not in the habit of asking for permission—or forgiveness. Willing to cross any boundary when it came to possessing what he considered to be his, Alessandro knew Gabriella was meant for him from the moment he laid eyes on her. She is Gabriella D’ Angelo, a not so simple girl. Alessandro finds himself instantly attracted to Gabriella as she matched his fire and is the only one fit to be his queen. She is out to get revenge for something relating to her past, irrespective of the cost and isn’t ready for any committed relationship. Their paths crossed and Alessandro is not willing to give up while Gabriella is defiant. Sparks fly and causes a collision followed by an explosion and what started off as a contract relationship would create a love that could stand the test of time. Would Gabriella’s revenge plan jeopardize the blooming love that they share? Would she be able to adapt to the dark side of her lover and rule alongside him?
Isa_Lolana · 563 Views

Young Master Enzo's siren

(Warning:Mature content) Sirens they say have always had men falling at their feets. Serene De Vitto left the country three years ago,leaving school,family,friends and an ex boyfried behind. with an unknown reason she returns three years later only to win the title of a siren and a seductress a differenet woman from who she was before. Capturing the hearts of young masters and a source of envy to the women from the higher society. She catches the eyes of Lorenzo De Angelo a man feared and rumoured to be ruthless even to his own fiancee. Lorenzo also happens to be the ex she left behind. Will Serene be able to fully have the engaged man. Or will Enzo avoid the call of a siren. You'll know when you join their very long journey. First love they say doesn't die. ~~~~~ ''Just a word from you Rene and I'll end this wedding''Lorenzo says while looking at her with pleading eyes. The woman he will do anything for seems to want nothing to do with him. ''I wish you a happy married life Enzo''Serene says and walks out of the place a cold expression on her face. The moment she turns a tear slides down her cheeks ~~~ ''You are hurting me Enzo''She cries out trying to remove his hand while starring deep into his eyes. ''You hurt metoo Serene,Leaving three years ago,coming back''He says while starring at her Warning:This Novel will contain sensitive topics. Abuse,kidnappings,toture and all is not any usual romance as the story line gets more interesting. THANK YOU FOR READING.
Empressking · 67.7K Views

Beyond Your Eyes

There is an old classic saying, in which our eyes are the window to our soul. Our deepest fears and desires hide within them. For Celeste D’Angelo, she is someone others would consider to be very blessed. As the only child to a vastly wealthy family whose power and influence knows no bounds, nothing stands in her way. With her serene personality she adored by her friends and is even considered among her peers as a glamorous classic doll. But despite that, internally Celeste has her own struggles, desires, and fears that if someone paid just a little more attention - they might mock and be cruel to her. On the surface nothing fazes or bothers her, but as one gets deeper and deeper into her skin a different story is told. Dean Cortez is a man who is a human hurricane. Also hailing from a wealthy family, Dean takes life by the reins and drives off leaving a disaster in his wake. Crass and wild, much like a wild mustang, he is a force that can’t be stopped. For Dean he indulges in doing whatever, whoever, and whenever. Embodying everything people expect from a rich kid especially one of equal status to the Cortez Family. But everyone has secrets, and though everyone gets close to him, no one sees the secrets he hides beyond his eyes and deep in his heart. Through some circumstances the pair end up together, and while they are vastly different from one another, their defining traits perfectly balance them out like Yin and Yang. Follow along to see how they navigate their mid-twenties, familial and societal pressures, the secrets they carry, and their growing affection for one another. authors note: This is my first kind of slice of life novel! I appreciate any feedback and I hope you enjoy! The artwork is courtesy of Claudia Wilson via Canva
jklena · 58.3K Views


Angelo Verde is a spy who investigates the Mafia's underground business. In the middle of an undercover operation, some unavoidable events leave him no choice but to serve Marvel Yerevan, the Mafia crime boss of one formidable Family. The taste of horrible and peculiar experiences in the underworld does not stop him from stepping deeper into the Mafia's territory, all to gain Marvel's trust. Ready to submit, even become a plaything, he will act subservient while secretly taking advantage of his position for the investigation to complete the tasks he is given. But, can he win the mission when he has never been victorious over a personal battle with the boss? EXCERPT I: "Sir, I think you need to change your clothes, or else you will catch a cold." I suggested Marvel, using his half-wet suit of rain as an excuse to get to know him better. The man in front of me was so tall and well-built, his physique exposed both strength and beauty. It wasn't out of curiosity that I patted his shoulder to sweep the wet dots away, but I wanted to create a connection with him. "If you don't mind, let me help you," I smiled. "It's my responsibility to take care of your health and serve you, so let's go to your room and change-" The coldness of fingers touching my cheek startled me, freezing up the rest of my words. Before I could develop a reaction, the artistic form of a man had turned blurry above my dilated eyes when Marvel reduced our distance. Seizing up the air I meant to breathe in, his lips contrived a way to communicate with mine without the need for words. I always asked myself, what should I do to get closer to Marvel, to step into his territory, to make him trust me? I think I know now. EXCERPT II: "It isn't that hard," Marvel convinced me, sure of it. His knuckles slithered above my cheek. "All you have to do is put it inside your mouth and just let it slide above your tongue." His words were followed by a gesture of his thumb teasing my lips until I felt it in between my teeth. Demanding access, it started to push in deeper, stroking my tongue without any sign of reluctance. When his eyes slightly narrowed to hold a smile, the steel blue marbles glimmered, and I couldn't tear my gaze away from this handsome gent in front of me. "You can do it, right?" At first, I wanted to pretend I didn't understand what Marvel was talking about, but my attempt to be indifferent might not work against someone with a character like his, knowing how much power he had, and I realized what his true intention was. I forced my mouth to open, only later did I know that those simple words would change my fate completely. "Yes, Sir."
Puppetstring · 1.1M Views

Taming The Wild Prince

[Excerpt]- “Please, Kai. Don’t go,” Aylin pleaded, grabbing Kaiser's wrist firmly; tears were rolling down from her golden eyes. But, her pleading was empty and meaningless for Kaiser who swore not to trust her ever again. His gaze was cold and dismissive as he turned to face Aylin. Then pulling his hand away from her grip, he asked furiously, “Lin, stop acting as if you care. When you don't!" Biting her lower lip, Aylin mumbled helplessly, “So you will leave me without even listening to the whole truth? Why don’t you kill me instead of torturing me like this?” Kaiser answered coldly, taking a step closer, “Because, I want you to suffer…” As Aylin looked up, she found his handsome face closer than she realized and her heart ached in sharp pain. She wanted to explain a lot of things but before she could say anything, his warm lips captured hers. It was a hungry, forceful, and brutal kiss with no sweetness or loving gestures. His scent engulfed her as his demanding lips were devouring the softness of her lips. His tongue twined with her, intense, forcing her to think about him only, burning through her. She closed her teary eyes. She had never tasted such a breathless kiss. She reached to push him away, but she found herself wrapping her arms around his neck instead. Aylin gasped as their lips parted and their eyes met again. Kaiser’s blood-red eyes were still cold and furious even after the heat of the kiss. Aylin mumbled in a breathy tone while trying to find the answer, “Kai, W-why are you-” “It’s your Punishment, Lin. For playing with my heart. You must suffer more than me..." ----------- Aylin Angelo- A forgotten princess of Arcelia got engaged to the enemy Prince against her will as a token of the peace treaty though her heart was still aching for a stranger whom she met 4 years ago when she was just 12 years. But, who knew she had the most destructive secret which was going to be the reason for the deadliest fight ever and would destroy the peace for eternity! Kaiser Hale- The Third Prince of Fintan was infamous as an untamed and brutal beast and he could kill anyone while smiling. Even his frozen heart melted, seeing Aylin's warm smile for the first time. But who knew that she was going to be betrothed to his elder brother, Crown Prince! Their fates entangled together though their love was forbidden. But, Forbidden Fruit always tastes the sweetest. -------- **The Cover is edited by Serenfox. The picture is not owned by me. All credits go to its original creator.** ------------ •First Book of Forbidden Romance Series.
Ishabellacullen · 580.1K Views

The Billionaire's Ex Wife Returns

“I've had enough! I'm going back to Marcello and I am taking my son with me!” He looked at me with a cold and murderous gaze in his eyes. “And what makes you think I will let you go? You are both mine.” *** Reina's life takes a sharp turn when she discovers that her baby needs a bone marrow transplant from a father who doesn't know his child exists. With no other options, Reina travels to America to convince her ex-husband to take a DNA test. After discovering the truth, he demands the baby must stay with him. Faced with Alessio's threat to kill her lover, Reina decides to raise her son with his real father and damn the consequences. As she navigates through motherhood, conflicted feelings about Alessio, working with him and his growing obession, Reina finds that her complicated past with the Mafia resurfaces and begins to haunt her. Before long, an attempt on her best friend's life is made. Realizing that she can no longer hide, Reina must protect both her child and her best friend from danger. Desperate for solutions, she decides to embrace her true identity and delve into her dark past and as a result, her best friend falls into a coma, and Reina mysteriously disappears. Three months later, Alicia wakes up from her coma. With her having information on where Reina might be, she joins forces with Alessio for a perilous mission to rescue the most significant person in their lives. However, will they manage to succeed, or will they be too late?
Astria_Angelo · 8.9K Views
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