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Système de Ligue Majeure

Suivez le parcours captivant de Ken Takagi, un prodige du baseball au lycée dont les rêves ont été brisés par une blessure à l'épaule dévastatrice lors d'un match crucial. Contraint d'abandonner le baseball et de devenir un simple employé de bureau, sa vie tourne au vinaigre en voyant ses coéquipiers évoluer à un niveau professionnel tandis qu'il se morfond dans la douleur et l'apitoiement. Cependant, le destin a d'autres projets pour Ken lorsqu'il se retrouve renvoyé dans son enfance au collège avec un allié puissant—le Major League System. Avec une nouvelle opportunité de réécrire son destin, Ken se lance dans une quête pour retrouver la gloire qu'il a perdue. Équipé du Major League System, il navigue à travers les défis de l'adolescence, de l'amitié et de la quête de la grandeur. Alors que Ken s'efforce de surmonter les erreurs de son passé et de façonner un futur dont il peut être fier, les lecteurs sont entraînés dans une aventure exaltante à travers le monde du baseball, où les rêves se font et se défont. Ken sera-t-il capable de surmonter les revers, d'affiner ses compétences et de réaliser son rêve de devenir un joueur de baseball professionnel? Avec le Major League System à sa disposition, le voyage est semé d'excitation, de revers et de rebondissements inattendus. C'est une histoire de résilience, de rédemption et de quête d'excellence—un récit qui vous tiendra en haleine, vous poussant à tourner les pages avec empressement pour découvrir si Ken peut réussir à réécrire son propre destin. Préparez-vous pour une exploration palpitante de la passion, de la détermination et de l'esprit indéfectible d'un jeune athlète en quête de grandeur.
leeroycgna · 11.4K Views

Mon ex-mari milliardaire me pourchasse

[Contenu Mature] Arabella Donovan a sacrifié sa jeunesse uniquement pour son mari. Cependant, il l'a divorcée parce qu'elle ne pouvait pas lui donner d'enfants, lui causant une grande douleur. Bella a décidé de disparaître de sa vie. Cinq ans plus tard, elle est revenue dans le pays avec son adorable fils. Sa vie paisible a commencé à être perturbée quand son ex-mari l'a poursuivie dès qu'il a su qu'elle avait donné naissance à son fils. Mais à présent, elle n'était plus la même Bella qu'elle avait été. Elle est une personne totalement différente. ***** « Patron, elle est de retour ! » « Qui ? » Tristan Sinclair demanda tout en gribouillant sa signature sur des piles de papiers. « Votre femme— » L'assistant hésita, observant attentivement Tristan. Quand il vit les sourcils froncés de Tristan, il se reprit. « Désolé, je veux dire votre ex-femme, Mme Donovan. Elle est revenue avec un garçon... » Tristan soupira, fixant le contrat devant lui. Après cinq ans de recherche, pour finalement découvrir qu'elle avait refait sa vie, ça fait mal. Mais il ne pouvait pas l'éviter. Elle mérite le bonheur avec quelqu'un d'autre. Il acceptera cette perte. « Elle mérite un nouveau mari... » Tristan murmura, congédiant son assistant. « Patron, ce que je voulais dire, c'est le petit garçon mignon. Je pense qu'il a environ quatre ans — » Tristan se tendit. Relevant la tête, il fixa son assistant d'un regard acéré. « J'ai besoin que vous organisiez un test ADN pour le gamin. Et trouvez-moi son adresse ! » Une lueur apparut dans ses yeux alors qu'un sourire se dessinait lentement sur son visage. ______ Author Novel: 1. DAMN! JE SUIS TOMBÉ AMOUREUX DE LUI (Terminé) 2. The Bride Of Immortal Crown Prince (La Mariée Du Prince Immortel Couronné) (Terminé) 3. Rebirth: Dancing In My Destiny (La Renaissance : Danser Dans Mon Destin) (Terminé) 4. The Billionaire's Genius Wife (La Femme Génie Du Milliardaire) (Terminé) 5. Rebirth As The Vampire Lord's Wife (Renaissance En Tant Que Femme Du Seigneur Vampire) (Terminé) 6. My Billionaire Ex-Husband Chase Me Back (Mon Ex-Mari Milliardaire Me Courtise De Nouveau) _____ Comment me contacter : >> Compte Instagram : authorpurplelight >> Page FB : Author_Purplelight >> Rejoignez mon serveur Discord : _____ Notes : La couverture du livre appartient à l'auteur. Veuillez ne pas la réutiliser !
PurpleLight · 957.8K Views

Jardin du poison

[Volume 1 : Dante Blackthorn] Lorsque Anastasia et sa sœur Marianne sont capturées et emmenées par-delà les mers par des pirates, elles deviennent des marchandises destinées à être vendues dans une terre lointaine. Marianne est prise comme courtisane, tandis qu'Anastasia échappe de justesse à un terrible destin en prétendant être muette. Elle est contrainte au plus bas échelon des serviteurs au palais royal, où elle endure une vie de servitude et crée de magnifiques œuvres d'art pour masquer sa douleur. Malgré les années qui passent, Anastasia n'a jamais oublié la promesse de sa sœur de retourner ensemble dans leur famille. Cependant, avec ses mouvements restreints et la vigilance des gardes, l'évasion semble impossible. Lorsque Anastasia entre en contact avec le Prince Déchu, sa vie bascule hors de contrôle et elle déclenche une Crux d'incroyables proportions. Désormais en lutte contre ses propres démons intérieurs tout en naviguant dans la politique perfide de la cour royale, Anastasia doit confronter la vérité sur le sort de sa sœur et faire un choix qui pourrait changer le destin d'un royaume entier. [Volume 2 : Emily Blackthorn] La vie de la Princesse Emily prend un tournant tumultueux lorsqu'elle est rejetée, laissant son cœur brisé et son âme au bord de la corruption. Dans une tentative désespérée de se sauver, elle entreprend un voyage vers l'Ouest. Entre en scène le Prince de la Tempête, un archidémon charismatique aux yeux bleus, avec un sourire semblable à celui d'un saint. Emily avait espéré ne plus jamais le revoir, mais le destin en a décidé autrement. Comme si voir son âme se mourir ne suffisait pas, quelqu'un veut la lui voler ! Coincée entre les prétendants et les cauchemars hantant qui l'ont tourmentée depuis l'enfance, Emily commence à percevoir Raylen sous un nouveau jour. Le démon aux yeux bleus n'est peut-être pas le monstre qu'elle pensait.
ash_knight17 · 50.6K Views

Compagnons Pécheurs

Vivant dans sa voiture sur son lieu de travail, la vie d'Imogen était loin d'être idéalle. Avec une mère malade, un travail exigeant et luttant contre le sans-abrisme ainsi que les dépenses médicales la mettant sur la paille. Elle ne pensait pas que les choses pourraient empirer. Mais le destin aimait la frapper lorsqu'elle était à terre, juste au moment où elle pensait avoir touché le fond, elle apprend que les hommes pour qui elle travaille sont ses âmes sœurs et elle est aspirée dans un monde dont elle ne veut pas faire partie, elle valorise son humanité et ils refusent de la laisser partir, ils offrent plutôt de résoudre tous ses problèmes, il y a juste un hic : les humains étaient interdits dans leur monde, alors pour être avec eux elle doit abandonner la seule chose qui lui reste, sa vie. Juste au moment où elle pense avoir pris une décision et se sentir à sa place, elle découvre qu'ils avaient plus de secrets, et maintenant elle ne veut rien de plus que de s'échapper de leurs griffes et de continuer sa vie. Lorsque sa vie commence à déraper hors de contrôle et qu'ils la prennent, résistera-t-elle au lien et abandonnera-t-elle sa vie ? Elle sait qu'elle ne sera jamais libre d'eux et étant humaine contre un lycan et un vampire, elle pourrait aussi bien être un canard assis, une proie facile et maintenant elle doit trouver un moyen de résister aux pulsions du lien qu'elle n'a jamais su qui existait, résister à la tentation que sont eux mais surtout découvrir qui elle est vraiment, car sa famille a aussi des secrets et ces secrets sortent causant un monde de douleur mais aussi lui donnant une volonté de survivre.
Jessica Hall · 28.7K Views

My world-tree system

We were a peaceful people living in harmony with nature in the vast lands of Lyréanor, but this peace was short-lived when our people were defeated by the dark elves, an ancient people even older than this world. It is said that they arrived in Lyréanor by boat and since their arrival, chaos has been unleashed. Proud of their obscure power, derived from dark rituals, they have raised gigantic armies of monsters whose name is synonymous with terror: ‘Obscurus’. They went on the rampage, and everywhere they went the grass didn't grow back, life died and disintegrated. Seven, there were seven. The seven dark elves known as the Lords of the Apocalypse. A single gesture from them was enough to strike us all down, a single gesture from one of them was enough to decimate us in blood and terror. And as I, Foster, contemplate the macabre scene before me, the bloodied and deformed bodies of my fellow elfes beings, and as death grips my soul, a strange sign appeared before me. [Ding... Activation of the world tree system] If you'd like to discuss the book, I've set up a Discord server: Hello everyone! I'm the author of this little book, and I'm sorry to take your attention, but I've got a few things to say to you! I'm in the process of creating a new book that's totally different but stays within the theme, so I'll give you the title and synopsis! If you like the story, could you support it? Sincerely yours, your favourite author! Title: Starting out as a slave to dragons. Synopsis: When Isaac opens his eyes, it's not death that awaits him, but a new life... in a world identical to his own, with one exception: portals leading to monster-infested dungeons are appearing across the globe. If their boss isn't defeated in three days, the creatures escape and wreak havoc. In this world, awakened hunters are the only line of defence against these horrors. Graded from F to SS according to their magical power, they rule in a society dominated by force. Isaac wakes up in the body of a young boy of rank F, an orphan with no future. But his destiny changes when he discovers a unique gift: every night, his mind is projected into another world, a nightmare where dragons have enslaved humanity. In this hell, he is just another slave... but he soon realises that this cursed world holds the answers to the future of his own. To survive and prevent history repeating itself, Isaac must move forward. His only hope? A mysterious system that allows him to absorb the strength of monsters. Armed with a katana, he embarks on a race against time to unlock the secrets of these two worlds and prevent the inevitable. Link :
Le_Merwen · 131.5K Views

Les Héritiers du Chaos

Dans un monde où les frontières entre humains et démons sont dévastées, *Kairon*, un jeune homme victime de harcèlement et d’abus depuis son enfance, se trouve à un tournant de sa vie. Confronté à sa douleur et son impuissance, il découvre un ancien rituel de magie noire qui lui permet d'invoquer un être surnaturel : *Selene*, une démone puissante et énigmatique. Loin d’être un simple pacte, l’accord entre Kairon et Selene modifie leur destin à jamais. Alors que Kairon cherche à maîtriser ce pouvoir nouvellement acquis, il se rend vite compte que ce qui semblait être une solution à sa souffrance cache bien plus de secrets et de dangers qu'il n’aurait pu l'imaginer. [25/03, 3:57 PM] Mon Fils Chéri: Leurs aventures les entraînent dans un conflit épique où se mêlent démons, humains, et forces mystiques. Mais le passé de Kairon, marqué par des souffrances secrètes, le pousse à une remise en question sur son véritable rôle dans ce monde. Les conséquences de son pacte se révèlent être bien plus lourdes qu’il n’aurait cru. Le prix à payer pour la puissance est toujours plus élevé, et bientôt, il doit faire face à des ennemis bien plus puissants que tout ce qu’il avait imaginé. Au fur et à mesure que Kairon et Selene se battent aux côtés de nouveaux alliés, ils doivent naviguer entre trahisons, révélations et mystères anciens. Leur relation, à la fois complexe et intime, évolue dans un contexte où loyauté, pouvoir et sacrifice se croisent de manière inévitable. ---
Ixit · 144 Views

Reformation: Southern Knight

In a world where magic thrives and mythical beasts lurk in the shadows, Tohgi Akura is born into the unforgiving southern district of Vandekar—a lawless land ruled by bandits and plagued by poverty. Despite his humble beginnings, Tohgi harbours an audacious dream: to achieve recognition not for himself but for the overlooked and downtrodden people of his homeland. To realize this dream, he must become a Knight, a title synonymous with honour, power, and nobility. Tohgi’s raw talent rivals the elite, but his lack of noble heritage leaves him scorned by the privileged. Yet, his unwavering determination and resilience catch the attention of influential figures who see potential in the unrefined boy. With their guidance, Tohgi rises through the ranks, challenging a society built to keep people like him in the dirt. However, ambition has its price. As Tohgi carves his path toward greatness, his defiance of the status quo ignites conflicts that spiral into devastating wars. In his quest to protect those he loves and uphold his ideals, Tohgi must grapple with the weight of his choices and the sacrifices demanded by his legacy. The Journey of Tohgi Akura: 1. The Knight’s Path. 2. A Knight’s Dilemma. 3. Terrorist’s Mirror. 4. The Dark Truth. 5. National War. 6. Rise of the South. 7. The World Engulfed. Tohgi’s brilliance and strength make him a natural leader, but his journey is defined by contradiction. His moral ambiguity, reliance on intellect, and tendency to isolate himself complicate his path. Beneath his unyielding exterior lies a man burdened by the pain of his people and the weight of his choices. As he battles societal rejection and his inner demons, Tohgi’s story asks: Will he be remembered as a hero… a tyrant… or… just another man? Tohgi’s Odyssey is a tale of ambition, loyalty, and the unrelenting cost of dreams—a story of a boy’s rise from the shadows of poverty to the heights of power, and the tumultuous legacy he leaves behind. Do not hesitate to comment your thoughts at any point in the story, it would bring me great joy to be able to interact with readers of my work. I hope to see you on the other side. PS: Bold text indicates the use of magic, parenthesis () indicates thought. Thank you! Enjoy! :)
Tedag_Pen · 28.7K Views

Muchen Xing

In the mystical realm of ancient China, a legendary tale unfolds within the esteemed Xing Sect. At its core is Mu Chen, the prodigious son of the venerable Xiao Xing. Mu Chen's cultivation level had reached the impressive Grade Four, a testament to his diligent efforts and innate talent. However, it was not until his father, Xiao Xing, bestowed upon him the Divine Chun Artifact that Mu Chen's true potential began to unravel. This ancient relic, imbued with the essence of the heavens, significantly amplified Mu Chen's powers, catapulting him into a new realm of martial prowess. As fate would have it, the harmonious coexistence between the Xing Sect and other martial arts clans was disrupted by the ominous Swords Sect. With an air of superiority, the Swords Sect issued an ultimatum to the Xing Sect, demanding the surrender of their most treasured artifacts. Xiao Xing, unwilling to yield to such tyranny, valiantly confronted the Swords Sect, only to find himself overwhelmed and defeated. It was at this critical juncture that Mu Chen emerged, driven by filial piety and an unyielding determination to protect his father and the Xing Sect. As he grasped the Divine Chun Artifact, Mu Chen felt an extraordinary surge of energy course through his veins. The artifact, sensing its master's unyielding resolve, underwent a miraculous transformation, elevating Mu Chen's cultivation level by two grades in an instant. With his augmented powers, Mu Chen launched a formidable counterattack against the Swords Sect, sending shockwaves throughout the martial arts community. His name became synonymous with bravery and unparalleled martial prowess, as whispers of the Divine Chun Artifact and its extraordinary abilities began to circulate among the sects. Thus, Mu Chen's legend was born, as he embarked on a perilous journey to safeguard the Xing Sect, unravel the mysteries of the Divine Chun Artifact, and forge a path that would etch his name in the annals of history as one of the most revered martial arts heroes of all time.
Kerrylinks1 · 14.6K Views

Duality of Shadows

In a world where everyone is a slave, someone is born who cannot be controlled. At the same time, an unstoppable villain rises on a quest for revenge. But the truth is darker than he ever imagined, and now he must face an unbeatable enemy — including himself. *** Bruno was a young man born on Earth, the son of an influential modern Emperor. Despite having everything money could buy and receiving the best and most rigorous training to succeed his father, he chose the opposite path, defying his family’s ruthless rule. The price of his innocence? A merciless death and the complete erasure of his existence by the deity controlling his fate. On Earth, the law of the powerful was absolute; a slave could never rebel. But then, he wakes up again. He’s reborn in a world of cultivation, where freedom was promised to those strong enough to claim it. Now, he could soar like a free bird and carve his own destiny... or so he thought. The harsh reality of this new world soon showed him how insignificant he still was. He realized he had only changed masters. The freedom he sought was an illusion. The heavenly laws treated everyone as servants, and their rules were unbreakable. Bruno learned this bitter truth after losing everything that made him happy due to an unjust rule. But who was he to question? Hopeless, Bruno died... and was reborn as Alm, an unstoppable villain. With a soul poisoned by pain and vengeance, he sowed chaos across the universe. Planets were destroyed, countless lives taken, and his name became synonymous with terror. A hero rose to oppose him, wielding a sacred sword of hope. People from all corners of the universe united against Alm, raising their voices and weapons to stop the villain who defied the heavens. But Alm was no longer just fighting for revenge. He was challenging the heavenly laws that sought to control him, fighting fate and all living beings. And against all odds... the sacred sword shattered. The alliance of the entire universe was defeated. The villain won! Now, Alm found himself alone in the empty void of a dead universe, facing his own inner demons. Who could be more ruthless to him than himself? “What have I done?” At that moment, the doors of truth opened to him. Everyone was a puppet of a supreme figure, an entity that manipulated minds and even the heavenly laws. “I will find you, no matter where you are!” Thus, the last emissary of the true Heaven’s Will awakened. Alm, who once only relied on his sheer will and rage, now had a system to guide him. But his opponent was an immortal existence, above even the heavens. The villain who destroyed an entire universe now faced a new beginning. He discovered that the universe he devastated was just a tiny grain of sand in an infinite cosmos, where countless other universes existed. And so begins the legendary tale of the villain’s rise... and the Sacred Round God? A strange Duality of Shadows existed within one person. But this time, he wouldn’t be alone. *** To clear up any potential confusion or frustration, here are some key points about the story. I’ll avoid major spoilers, but a few things will be revealed. You might find this concerning at first, but just check the book cover—it shows the main character and his only partner. She first appears at 10 years old, but rest assured, there’s no inappropriate content or early romance. At around 13, SHE starts developing feelings for the protagonist, but he doesn’t respond until she’s an adult. With her determined personality, she tries to seduce him at 17/18, but it doesn’t work. Their relationship only happens much later. The book has nods to other works, with my own spin on them, and focuses on avoiding elements I find problematic in other stories. Lastly, the beautiful book cover was commissioned and created by HDIArt.
Suiyan · 738.5K Views

Echoes of an Empire

Synopsis of Echoes of an Empire Echoes of an Empire is a historical novel chronicling the rise, dominance, and eventual decline of Pakistan’s most influential business empires. Spanning over a century, it tells the intertwined stories of six prominent business families: the Adamjee Group, Hashwani Group, Saigol Group, Fateh Group, Kohinoor Maple Leaf Group, and Ittefaq Group. Each of these families played a pivotal role in shaping Pakistan’s economic landscape, their successes symbolizing the nation’s industrial progress and their struggles reflecting its political and social turbulence. Echoes of an Empire is a gripping historical novel that chronicles the rise and fall of Pakistan’s most influential business empires: the Adamjee, Hashwani, Saigol, Fateh, Kohinoor Maple Leaf, and Ittefaq groups. Spanning over a century, the novel weaves together the personal struggles, family conflicts, and ambitious dreams of these business dynasties as they navigate the country’s shifting political and economic landscape. From the Adamjee Group’s pioneering role in the textile and jute industries to the Ittefaq Group’s dominance in steel and their complex ties with politics, the novel captures the highs and lows of entrepreneurial ambition. With political upheavals, nationalization, and internal family rivalries threatening their legacies, these families face immense challenges as they strive to maintain their empires. At its core, Echoes of an Empire is a tale of resilience, sacrifice, and the enduring impact of these industrial giants on Pakistan’s economy. It offers a compelling exploration of ambition, legacy, and the intricate relationship between business and politics, leaving readers to ponder the cost of power and the legacy of those who shaped the nation’s industrial future. --- The Hashwani Group: Building a Hospitality Empire Next, the novel delves into the journey of Sadruddin Hashwani, a dynamic entrepreneur who transformed his modest cotton trading business into a hospitality powerhouse. The Hashwani Group became synonymous with luxury through its Pearl-Continental and Marriott hotel chains, redefining Pakistan’s tourism industry. Set against the backdrop of political instability and terrorism in the 1980s and 1990s, the Hashwani family’s resilience shines through. The narrative captures their ability to navigate crises while maintaining their business integrity, symbolizing Pakistan’s potential for perseverance and excellence. --- The Saigol Group: Innovators in Industry The Saigol Group emerges as a beacon of industrial innovation. Originating in the early 20th century, the family expanded from textiles into chemicals, electronics, and power generation. Their establishment of Pak Elektron Limited (PEL) marked a significant milestone in Pakistan’s industrialization. Through the Saigol family’s story, the novel examines the balance between tradition and modernization. Internal family dynamics, generational clashes over business strategies, and the challenges of staying competitive in a rapidly evolving market are central themes. The Saigols’ narrative underscores the importance of innovation and adaptability in sustaining long-term success. --- The Fateh Group: Titans of Textile The Fateh Group, founded by Haji Mohammad Ilyas, became a leading textile manufacturer in the 1950s, contributing significantly to Pakistan’s export economy. Their commitment to quality and innovation allowed them to dominate the textile sector for decades. However, financial mismanagement and external economic pressures in the 1990s led to their decline. The novel portrays the family’s struggle to maintain their legacy amidst mounting debts and internal disagreements. It serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of over-expansion and the importance of strategic foresight in business. --- The Kohinoor Maple Leaf Group: Masters of Diversification The Kohinoor Maple Leaf Group, spearhead
FarheenSadiq · 24.2K Views


The dimly lit room was cloaked in a shroud of secrecy, its walls lined with maps, photographs, and cryptic notes that spoke of unseen dangers and tangled networks. The air was thick with the scent of old paper and cigar smoke, remnants of a world where power was wielded in the shadows. In the center of the room stood a figure, his presence commanding and ominous. Ivan Petrov, the feared Russian mafia leader, was a man whose name had become synonymous with fear and control. His reputation for cruelty and cunning was legendary, and his influence extended far beyond the criminal underworld. He was a man who thrived in darkness, pulling the strings of power from behind the scenes. Petrov's gaze was fixed on a map spread out before him, dotted with various locations and coded symbols. His mind was racing, plotting the next move in a game of high-stakes manipulation and deceit. The room's dim lighting cast deep shadows on his face, emphasizing the harsh lines of his expression. "There are always new players on the board," Petrov mused, his voice a low, gravelly whisper. "And every player has a weakness to exploit." Across from him, a shadowy figure emerged from the corner, stepping into the faint light. This was not an ordinary operative; this was a figure of enigma and danger, known only by whispers and rumors. The Broker, a mysterious and elusive figure, was as much a legend as Petrov himself. Their meeting was one of necessity and mutual benefit, but the stakes were high, and trust was a currency neither could afford. "The game is changing, Petrov," The Broker said, their voice carrying a cold, calculated edge. "The dynamics are shifting, and new players are emerging. Your empire is vulnerable." Petrov's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint reflecting in them. "I am aware of the threats," he replied, his tone laced with menace. "But I have survived this long by adapting and eliminating any threat to my power. Tell me what you know." The Broker stepped closer, revealing a set of documents and photographs that detailed a series of operations and individuals connected to a new threat. These were not mere notes but a roadmap to a larger scheme—a scheme that could disrupt the delicate balance of power Petrov had worked so hard to maintain. "This," The Broker said, placing the documents on the table, "is a precursor to what could be a major upheaval. There are those who seek to challenge your position, and they are more dangerous than you might realize. We need to act swiftly and decisively." Petrov studied the documents, his mind working furiously to assess the implications. The stakes had been raised, and the threat was imminent. The world of shadows was never static; it was a realm where power constantly shifted, and the price of failure was unforgiving. "This is not a game for the faint-hearted," Petrov said, his voice taking on a tone of grim resolve. "I will deal with these new threats as I have dealt with all others. But I will need allies and information. Tell me what you require." The Broker's lips curled into a faint smile, a gesture that spoke of hidden agendas and complex alliances. "We need to ensure that we are always a step ahead. I have my own interests and resources, but we must work together to neutralize these threats. The balance of power must be preserved." As they exchanged information and forged an uneasy alliance, the room seemed to close in around them, the weight of their plans and the shadows of their past looming large. The stage was set for a new chapter in a high-stakes game of power and deception, and the consequences of their actions would reverberate through their lives and the lives of those who would become entangled in their web. Unbeknownst to them, the paths they were about to cross would set in motion a series of events that would test their resolve and shape their futures. In the shadows of their pasts and the darkness of their plans, a new narrative was beginning to unfold
AlexXQuin · 3.8K Views

Tale of the Mythical Beast Tamer

In a realm where humanity’s survival hinges on taming the primordial beasts that rule land, sea, and sky, ten-year-old Kai is branded a failure after bonding with a pitiful Rock Sparrow—a creature synonymous with weakness. But when Kai awakens a forbidden gift, **Beast Insight**, he uncovers the truth: even the lowliest beasts harbor mythic potential. Armed with the ability to see evolution paths invisible to others, Kai embarks on a perilous quest to transform his sparrow into a legendary Skyfeather Roc. Yet the materials he needs lie in the deadliest corners of the world: Stormheart Crystals guarded by tempests, Phoenix Down plucked from ashes of rebirth, and Essence of Gale siphoned from the lungs of hurricanes. Along the way, he forges bonds with misfit beasts discarded by society—a scarred Azure Wolf, a flame-drained Salamander, and a tree spirit cursed with rot—each hiding secrets only Kai can unlock. But power attracts envy. Ruthless Tamers, greedy nobles, and ancient beasts who resent humanity’s arrogance conspire to crush him. As Kai defies the limits of what a Tamer can achieve, he unravels a darker truth: the line between “tamer” and “beast” is thinner than anyone dares admit. And the gods who forged these bonds are watching… ***Tame or be tamed?*** In this epic saga of growth, betrayal, and soaring ambition, Kai will rewrite the laws of evolution—or become another cautionary tale in humanity’s fragile reign. --- **Tagline:** *"Weakness is an illusion. Every beast—and every soul—has a path to godhood."*
Nep_Facts · 7.7K Views

First demon empress

In the demonic realm, the title of Tarath, once a name, has become synonymous with the demon emperors. Two thousand years after the original Tarath's death, a new era dawns with the ascension of King Virex of the Aeriel Demon Kingdom to the throne of Demon Emperor. However, this time, a Demon Empress is born, challenging the ancient traditions. King Virex, wary of the power and unpredictability of demonesses, remarks, "Demonesses are problems themselves, what more could a Demon Empress be?" The new Demon Empress, Tarath, is a figure of immense power and desire. By her side is Bain, a half-mortal, half-fox demon whose loyalty and unexpected strength have made him indispensable. Despite his mortal origins, Bain has grown powerful and has outlived many pure demons. *** As Tarath sits on her grand throne, her beauty and allure are undeniable. Her subjects know her as a demon driven by lust and desire. Bain, ever loyal, kneels before her, his eyes filled with admiration. She extends her hand seductively, and Bain, understanding her unspoken command, kisses it reverently. "Demon kings covet the throne," she muses. "They dream of killing me to take it, but it will remain just that—a dream. You've grown powerful, Bain. Do you also desire my throne?" Bain pauses, then looks up at her with unwavering devotion. "I want you, not the throne," he declares. **** In the demonic realm, rain is acidic and falls only once every 5,000 years. But what happens when the Demon Empress ventures into the mortal realm and feels the pure rain on her skin for the first time? And what if she encounters the rain god? This story is a tapestry of emotions—unspoken feelings, lust, confusion, loyalty, ambition, betrayal, pain, and epic battles. The clash of desires and the struggle for power will determine the fate of the demonic realm. volume 1:Birth of the demon empress and the freak
Dgirlblusky · 682 Views

By Blood and Ashes

In the heart of the empire, House Velcraven stood as a legend of power, feared for their dark blood magic and ruthless might. Their name was synonymous with strength, their red eyes a mark of nobility, and their rituals a gateway to unearthly force. At the center of their bloodline was Katherine, the youngest heir, born under a prophecy that declared her the future of her house. Her birth was marked by tragedy: her mother perished in childbirth, a sign of strength according to Velcraven tradition, for to kill in birth was to claim dominion. Yet this triumph was short-lived. When Katherine completed her Rite of Passage—drinking the blood of her ancestors—she gained the power of twenty men, but at a price: her very life would now depend on the blood she drained from others. No longer could she live in peace; she must feed or succumb to death. But the day of her ascension brought more than just power. She began seeing visions—cryptic whispers from the past, a woman shrouded in shadows, who seemed to be her long-dead ancestor. The woman shows her a vision of destruction, and of a war that would tear her house apart. Before Katherine could warn her family, the great houses of the empire, in league with the emperor himself, set their treacherous scheme in motion. Stormhold, the Velcraven ancestral castle, was engulfed in flames. Her father, seeing her gift as a sign of ancient power, managed to send Katherine away in secret, safeguarding the last hope of the Velcraven bloodline. But her family stayed behind to face the slaughter, their names lost to the ravages of war. Alone in a foreign land, Katherine must learn to survive, to feed, and to rebuild her house to its former glory. The blood of her ancestors courses through her veins, guiding her path as she seeks vengeance against the cowardly houses that betrayed her—and the emperor who plotted her house’s downfall. With visions haunting her every step and the weight of her lineage upon her shoulders, Katherine will carve her way through a world that knows nothing of House Velcraven and everything of its wrath.
RyoInThaBassu · 1.1K Views
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