In the primordial dawn of existence, at the very birth of the universe, two supreme beings reigned with unparalleled power. These beings, known as god and Lucifer, were like brothers, their authority absolute unquestioned by any angel. Together, they shaped the cosmos, their bond unbreakable.
But as time flowed, god envisioned a new creation—beings of flesh, crafted in their divine image, destined to inhabit the Earth. This vision, however, was met with fierce opposition from Lucifer. A rift formed, and what began as a disagreement soon ignited into a cataclysmic war, shaking the very foundations of the heavens.
Lucifer, with his loyal faction of angels, stood against God, who also commanded his own devoted followers. Despite their formidable forces, the celestial war raged on for a staggering 10,000 years. In the end, Lucifer faced defeat. Yet, God, unable to bring himself to destroy the brother who had once stood by his side, chose a different fate for him. He cast Lucifer into the depths of Hell which was created for the solely to punish the rebellious, along with the surviving rebellious angels. There, they were condemned to endure endless torment and the relentless torture of the demons