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Hades' verfluchte Luna

In einer Welt, in der Lykaner und Werwölfe eingeschworene Feinde sind, ist Eve Valmont ein Werwolf, der durch eine Prophezeiung verflucht und reingelegt wurde. Von ihrem eigenen Rudel verraten und jahrelang gefangen gehalten, nimmt ihr Schicksal eine noch dunklere Wendung, als sie dem Lykanerkönig Hades Stavros angeboten wird - einem Herrscher, der für seine rücksichtslosen Eroberungen und tödlichen Fähigkeiten gefürchtet ist. Gebunden durch eine uralte Prophezeiung und verfolgt von den Geistern ihrer Vergangenheit, ist Eve nun der Gnade desjenigen Wesens ausgeliefert, das sie am meisten hassen und fürchten sollte - der Hand des Todes selbst. Hades, ein König, der aus Blut und dem Verfall seiner eigenen Seele geschnitzt ist, ist entschlossen, das Gemetzel an seiner Familie zu rächen und sein Volk von den Werwölfen zu befreien. Er glaubt, dass Eve der Schlüssel zu seinem Sieg ist. Für ihn ist sie nichts weiter als eine von der Prophezeiung vorhergesagte Waffe, ein Werkzeug, mit dem er die gegnerischen Kräfte, die sein Rudel bedrohen, vernichten wird. Und doch ertappt er sich dabei, dass er sich nach dieser mächtigen, aber gebrochenen Frau sehnt. Er fragt sich, ob sie wirklich seine Waffe ist oder diejenige, die dazu bestimmt ist, seine sorgfältig ausgearbeiteten Pläne zu durchkreuzen. *** Er pirschte sich an mich heran, wie ein Raubtier, das sich seiner Beute nähert, seine Augen dunkel und unleserlich. "Du lachst also?" Seine Stimme war leise, gefährlich sanft, so dass sich die Haare in meinem Nacken aufstellten. Ich schluckte schwer und merkte plötzlich, wie schwer es mir fiel, zu atmen. "Hades, ich..." "Aber du lachst doch nur über die Witze anderer Männer", unterbrach er mich, sein Blick war durchdringend und frei von jeglichem Humor. "Nicht über die deines Mannes." Die Anschuldigung in seinem Tonfall war scharf und zerschnitt die Luft zwischen uns. Ein nervöses Glucksen entwich mir. "Das kann nicht dein Ernst sein... Er ist dein Beta, um Himmels willen." In einem Augenblick schloss er den Abstand zwischen uns, so schnell, dass mir der Atem stockte. Seine Hände umfassten meine Taille, zogen mich an seinen Körper, und seine Hitze ließ meine Haut kribbeln. Ich keuchte, doch bevor ich ein Wort sagen konnte, stürzten sich seine Lippen auf meine und beanspruchten meinen Mund mit einer Kraft, die Schockwellen durch mich sandte. Der Kuss war strafend, hungrig - ich konnte nicht atmen, konnte nicht denken. Als er sich schließlich zurückzog, zitterte ich, und mein Brustkorb hob sich, als ich darum rang, wieder zu Atem zu kommen. Seine Augen, dunkel und stürmisch, suchten meine mit einer besitzergreifenden Intensität. "Du kannst nicht über meine Witze lachen...", flüsterte er, seine Stimme war gefährlich rau, während seine Finger tiefer wanderten und mir einen Schauer über den Rücken jagten, "aber du wirst mit meinen Fingern kommen." Ich erschauderte, und in meinem Bauch sammelte sich Hitze bei seinen Worten, seiner Berührung. Die Welt um uns herum verschwamm, löste sich in Nichts auf, als seine Hand tiefer glitt und mir ein unkontrolliertes Keuchen entlockte. Der Blick in seinen Augen verriet mir, dass er genau wusste, was er mit mir tat, und die ursprüngliche Verbindung zwischen uns war in diesem Moment nicht zu leugnen. "Ich brauche dein Lachen nicht", murmelte er gegen meine Haut, sein Atem heiß an meinem Hals. "Ich will stattdessen jeden anderen Teil von dir haben." **** Dunkle Fantasy-Romantik Moralisches Grau ML Angst Spannung Von Feinden zu Liebenden Smut (wie Streusel auf deinem Eis)
Lilac_Everglade · 186.6K Views

Wenn die wilde Bestie im Albtraumkreislauf gefangen ist (BL)

Nachdem er jahrelang in einer Nervenheilanstalt eingesperrt war, wurde Jin Jiuchi gerade wieder in die menschliche Umgebung entlassen, als er sich plötzlich in einem gefährlichen und spannenden Überlebensspiel wiederfand. Moment mal, stimmt mit euch allen etwas nicht? Warum seht ihr so verängstigt aus? Diese Welt ist so... aufregend! Für Jin Jiuchi, diese Bestie in Menschenkleidung, die durch die Gesetze der Gesellschaft in Ketten gelegt war, kam das Erscheinen des Albtraumzyklus einem wahr gewordenen Traum gleich! Tee trinken mit einer zerstückelten Braut in einer Spukwohnung, Tango tanzen mit einem bösen Geist in den Tiefen des Selbstmordwaldes, Seilspringen mit einem alten Gott in einer vergessenen Zivilisation... Jin Jiuchi war so glücklich, dass er fast verrückt wurde! Doch als er verrückt wurde, zitterten alle Spieler und NSCs im Zyklus vor Angst. *** Nur eine schöne Jadepuppe hatte noch nie Angst vor ihm gehabt. Shen Nianzu rief leise: "Jin-ge." Jin Jiuchi, der fröhlich im Magen einer verrotteten Leiche wühlte, ließ plötzlich alles stehen und liegen und sauste mit einer für das bloße Auge unsichtbaren Geschwindigkeit auf Shen Nianzu zu. Seine Augen waren zu Halbmonden gekrümmt, als er fragte: "Was ist los, Nian'er? Willst du dich mir auch anschließen?" Shen Nianzu starrte ausdruckslos auf den blutigen Mann vor ihm. Dann streckte er plötzlich eine Hand aus, die Handfläche nach oben. Verwirrt legte Jin Jiuchi seine schmutzige Pfote in Shen Nianzus Hand und schüttelte sie. Shen Nianzu: "Guter Junge." Jin Jiuchi: ? *** Lunatic drama king, wild beast gong x big beauty, cunning, strong-acting-weak shou Zusätzliche Tags: top/gong/seme Protagonist, Action, übernatürlich, psychologisch, Mystery, langsame Romanze, Geister, Gore, Monster, Bestien, schamloser Protagonist, Überlebensspiel, Teamwork, unbegrenzter Fluss, Horror, Spannung, jüngeres Liebesinteresse Find me on: Instagram: delanasiwarka Diskord: delanasiwarka#1490 Discord-Server:
delanasiwarka · 5.6K Views

Wiedergeborene Herzen: Die hingebungsvolle Ehefrau des Milliardärs

Kendall, eine bekannte Attentäterin, die die Herzen ihrer Feinde in Angst und Schrecken versetzte. Kendall war dafür bekannt, die Beste unter den Besten zu sein, und ihr Deckname "Phoenix" wurde in der gesamten Untergrundszene geflüstert. Die Herrschaft des Phoenix war jedoch nur von kurzer Dauer, und zwar durch ihre eigenen Machenschaften. Es ist eine schreckliche Sache, seine liebste Person zu verlieren, besonders auf tragische Art und Weise. Es schien, dass sie von der völligen Depression angetrieben wurde, nichts und niemanden zu haben, für den sie leben wollte. Nachdem sie sich geopfert hatte, um ihre jüngere Schwester zu retten, würde man nicht erwarten, dass eine Mörderin als Raupe oder gar als Mistkäfer wiedergeboren wird, aber hier haben wir Kendall. Vielleicht hat sie in einem früheren Leben ein Land gerettet. Oder war es gutes Karma, weil sie eine Organisation von Attentätern vernichtet hat? Sie findet sich als schüchternes und gehorsames Mädchen einer ländlichen Highschool wieder. Mobbing durch Klassenkameraden? Von den Lehrern mit zweierlei Maß gemessen? Von ihrem Verlobten verachtet? Als Herausforderungen auftauchen und der Druck von mächtigen Konzernen zunimmt, trifft sie Damien Knight, ein Mann mit einer sehr geradlinigen Persönlichkeit. Als er jemanden wie Kendall kennenlernt, kann er seine Faszination für sie nicht kontrollieren. Die junge Frau war ihm ein völliges Rätsel, und alles, was sie tat, überraschte ihn immer wieder. Ihre beiden Persönlichkeiten sind sich bis zu einem gewissen Grad recht ähnlich. Allerdings könnte ihre Bitte jeden in Schwierigkeiten bringen, eine gerade Miene zu bewahren. Ruhig reibt sie sich das Handgelenk und sagt warnend: "Ich hoffe, Sie werden es nicht bereuen, mich provoziert zu haben." Hinter ihr taucht wie aus dem Nichts ein edler und gut aussehender Mann auf, der bereit ist, alles zu tun, um sie zu schützen und zu unterstützen. "Warum?", fragt sie. "Du hast meinen Großvater gerettet, also biete ich mich im Gegenzug an. Gibt es ein Problem?", antwortet er mit einem leisen Kichern.
black_flowertrend · 32.9K Views

Die wahre Erbin ist der wahre Macher

Die ehemalige Führungskraft Ying Zijin wachte eines Tages als die seit fünfzehn Jahren vermisste Tochter der Familie Ying auf. Die Familie Ying adoptierte prompt ein anderes Kind, um sie zu ersetzen. Nach ihrer Rückkehr in die wohlhabende Familie wurde sie von allen verspottet, weil sie nicht so klug, fähig, vernünftig und elegant war wie eine falsche Erbin. Ihre Eltern betrachteten sie als Schandfleck der Familie und warnten sie davor, sich Illusionen darüber zu machen, eine Dame der Familie zu sein. Sie sagten, sie solle dankbar sein, eine Pflegetochter zu sein, sonst würden sie sie wegschicken. Ying Zijin: "Dann werde ich gehen. Ihr braucht mich nicht zu verabschieden." Während die Familie Ying fröhlich feierte und andere darauf warteten, dass sich die echte Erbin lächerlich machte, wurden einflussreiche Persönlichkeiten aus verschiedenen Bereichen aktiv. Das am höchsten bewertete Idol mit den einflussreichsten Fans sagte: "Miss Ying, lassen Sie mich einfach wissen, wenn Sie etwas brauchen." Der Erbe eines globalen Wirtschaftsmonopols sagte: "Familie Ying? Was ist denn das? Boss, sollen wir sie einfach auslöschen?" Die Nummer eins der Kampfsportler im Lande fragte: "Wer wagt es, meinen Meister zu schikanieren?" Der geniale Teenager mit einem IQ von 228 sagte: "Das ist meine Schwester." Ein Mann mit einem unglaublich verführerischen Aussehen lächelte faul und lässig und sagte: "Klar, dann nenn mich Schwager." Die einflussreichen Persönlichkeiten waren verwirrt. Als die wahre Identität der Erbin bekannt wurde, sorgte dies im Internet für Aufsehen. Die Familie Ying drehte durch, kniete nieder, weinte und flehte sie an, zurück zu kommen. Die internationale Powerhouse-Familie sagte: "Entschuldigung, lassen Sie mich sie vorstellen. Das ist unsere echte Erbin." Wiedergeboren als König, der ein starkes Comeback feiert und einen Gegenangriff startet!
Qing Qian · 33.5K Views

Cursed Bride Of The Damned Vampire King

"I can't be your meal..." Jacquelyn pleaded, trying to reason with the man who was supposedly her husband. His grin widened, curling into a mischievous smile, revealing his razor-sharp fangs. "And why is that?" he asked. Jacquelyn knew she had to use her brain with this one. "I am your wife... you can't eat me," she said, hoping to appeal to whatever humanity was left in him. "Makes it even better," was his cold response. Jacquelyn's legs trembled; she couldn't think of any culture or tradition where it was acceptable for a husband to eat his own wife. "And...." "And?" He prompted, with an encouraging sweet smile. "And I'm wet..." -------- Long, long ago, when Creatures of the Night ruled supreme and stood at the top of the food chain, a princess, Jacquelyn Avignon lived in the isolated part of the palace. Away from humans and even her own family. Cursed, they said. Queen killer, they called her. Bad omen, they crowned her. Until she was sent to be the bride of the Vampire King. A vampire king who enjoys his own peace and twisted sense of humor. Living life as the supreme sovereign, finds a princess who knows nothing about his supremacy at his doorstep, claiming to be his little wife. What happens when a cursed princess, afraid of blood, desperate to be with her family and to be loved back, crashes into the peaceful world of a vampire king? Her first target, turn her husband into a vegetarian. What about when Jacquelyn realizes that the world around her is more than just sunshine and good sleep but that hell is empty and the devils are here... in human form? She has to watch her back! For fans of; Forbidden love, dark fantasy, ancient curses and prophecy, strong willed and resilient female leads, grey men, dark humor, betrayals, marked mates, and star-crossed love, this book is for you. Other works by the same author: 1. Kitanna (Completed) 2. A Royal Mismatch: The Trouble With Prince Charming (Spin-off of Kitanna, Completed) 3. The Hitman's Sunshine (Completed)
Pluma_W143 · 291.4K Views

Hades' Cursed Luna

In a world where Lycans and werewolves are sworn enemies, Eve Valmont is a werewolf cursed by a prophecy and framed. Betrayed by her own pack and imprisoned for years, her fate takes a darker twist when she is offered to the Lycan King, Hades Stavros—a ruler feared for his ruthless conquests and deadly prowess. Bound by an ancient prophecy and haunted by the ghosts of her past, Eve is now at the mercy of the one being she should hate and fear the most—The Hand of Death himself. Hades, a king carved from blood and his own soul's decay, determined to avenge his family's slaughter and rid his people of the werewolves. He believes Eve is the key to his victory. To him, she is nothing but weapon foretold by prophecy, a tool he will wield to destroy the opposing forces threatening his pack. Yet, he finds himself craving this powerful yet broken woman. Leaving him questioning if she is truly his weapon or the one destined to unravel his carefully laid plans. *** He stalked toward me, a predator closing in on its prey, his eyes dark and unreadable. "So, you laugh?" His voice was low, dangerously soft, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I swallowed hard, suddenly aware of how difficult it had become to breathe. "Hades, I—" "But you only laugh at other men's jokes," he interrupted, his gaze piercing, devoid of any humor. "Not your husband's." The accusation in his tone was sharp, slicing through the air between us. A nervous chuckle escaped me. "You can't be serious... He’s your beta, for Goddess’ sake." In an instant, he closed the distance between us, so fast it left me breathless. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me flush against his body, the heat of him making my skin tingle. I gasped, but before I could say a word, his lips crashed onto mine, claiming my mouth with a force that sent shockwaves through me. The kiss was punishing, hungry—I couldn't breathe, couldn't think. When he finally pulled back, I was trembling, my chest heaving as I struggled to regain my breath. His eyes, dark and stormy, searched mine with a possessive intensity. "You can’t laugh at my jokes..." he whispered, his voice a dangerous rasp as his fingers trailed lower, sending a shiver down my spine, "but you’ll come with my fingers." I shivered, heat pooling low in my belly at his words, his touch. The world around us blurred, fading into nothing as his hand slipped lower, drawing a ragged gasp from my lips. The look in his eyes told me he knew exactly what he was doing to me, and there was no denying the primal connection between us in that moment. "I don’t need your laughter," he murmured against my skin, his breath hot on my neck. "I’ll have every other part of you instead." **** Dark fantasy romance Morally Grey ML Angst Suspense ENEMIES to lovers Smut (like sprinkles on your ice cream)
Lilac_Everglade · 1.7M Views

I Refused To Be Reincarnated

"In order to survive the future great war, we must take drastic measures. We need to summon warriors and train them before time runs out." Thus, millions of earthlings were reincarnated in an alien, medieval world governed by swords and magic to save its prophesied doom. Among those individuals, one's situation inexplicably deviated from the others. Thrust into a rotting house in a ghostly body, Adam found himself bound to a wailing baby. With a heavily damaged soul and the snarky remarks of a system, he began his years-long quest to recover his body. Armed with his mind, he'll educate the baby and slowly watch him turn into a good youth. However, he would have to make a choice: suffer as a ghost until he finds an alternative that might not exist, or possess his body and reincarnate. He was far from imagining how dangerous this world full of possibilities could be, prompting him to question everything he knew... Including himself and this world's intentionally blurred history. ********************************************** Discord server: Note: The MC is not a supporting character. He makes his own choice and decides where to go despite his condition. It's his story, not the baby's. Give it a chance because it's a great one I'm sure you'll enjoy it. ********************************************** What you can expect: -A living world with its own lore. -Each character has their own motivations and desires. -Moral grey story. -An MC who grows and learns little by little. -A long but epic quest.
Adamus_Auguste · 1.3M Views

Building a Modern Nation in a Fantasy World

Moe, a recent graduate from a prestigious university, is on the hunt for a job when fate takes an unexpected turn. After acing a crucial interview, he finds himself in a life-altering accident that transmigrated him into a Fantasy world. After transmigration, instead of gaining extraordinary powers, he awakens in the body of Arthur Jr., an incompetent king ruling over the small kingdom of Keldoria. In a realm where magic is commonplace, Arthur Jr. is unable to wield any magical abilities, leaving him at a significant disadvantage. However, armed with the authority of a king and the knowledge of modern society he will transform the small kingdom of Keldoria into a advance nation where technology and magic coexist. What is the key factor in building a great nation? --Its money. To obtain more gold, Moe, currently King Arthur need to create a new tax-system that benefit all the citizen while also maintain good relationship with noble even if the new tax system make them pay more tax. How will Arthur implement the rule and tax? When will he put his business and engineering degrees, which he studied back on Earth, to use? Find Out :) -----Disclaimer------- This is a slow-progression kingdom building story. The pacing may be a bit slow to reader but I will make sure that every chapters are amazing. Thus readers who like fast pace and very OP MC from start might dislike this novel. Reader can expect more macro economics than micro economics since this is building a kingdom/country instead of running a business. Also, MC will not have OP skill or ability but will balance it by making use of his knowledge and authority as a king. It is my first time ever to write a novel so to be honest, I use AI(GPT and to enhanced/rewrite my writing. However the idea, world building, concept and everything else is written by me and me alone. So reader who enjoy 100% Human work I am sorry to disappoint you, however I don't use AI by giving it idea prompt and copy pasting the result but I write on my own then I use AI to enhance my writing style and making it more enjoyable to read. Thus the writing may involved AI but it is 100% human idea and concept. Hope you enjoy!!!!
Moe_that_Hate_Name · 91.4K Views

Odyssey to Dominion: Flint Barimah, Wielder of a SSTM DC

Odyssey to Dominion: Flint Barimah, Wielder of a SSTM DC In the tranquil village where his journey began, young Flint Barimah's life is forever altered by a celestial light descending from the heavens. Drawn by curiosity, Flint discovers a mysterious spaceship containing the Sequence Synthetic Management Data Cube (SSTM DC), a formidable System created by the legendary Nytri Elnora Alcore. The SSTM DC, along with its enigmatic universal communication linker, Arrmitsha (an artificial soul crafted to link multiverses) takes Flint as its wielder. Flint's world shifts dramatically as he embarks on a mission to harness the system's power, striving to increase his strength and uncover the universe's deepest secrets. By his side is a mysterious girl, sent to aid, guide, and mentor him, who becomes his steadfast companion and teacher. Before Flint fully realizes his potential, the curse afflicting his sister is broken, a cruel trick by a mischievous goddess. As he continues his journey, Flint learns that not all beings are as benevolent as they appear, prompting him to confront both gods and devils in a bid to restore peace to his world. The stakes escalate when Flint discovers the true purpose of the SSTM DC: to prepare Earth for an impending invasion by a formidable alien force known as THE FALLEN. With newfound allies from another universe, they rally Earth's Vanguard Forces to defend their home. The ensuing battle teeters on the brink of civilization's collapse, but reinforcements from Universe One, including the elite Black Core soldiers, turn the tide of war. In a climactic showdown, Flint and his allies face the ultimate adversary, the Fallen One, a leader among the alien invaders who escaped defeat in Universe One. Victorious yet aware of the persistent threat, Flint rises as an ambassador for the Resistance, joining the charge to liberate Earths across the multiverse from alien oppression. Witness Flint's transformation from a simple village boy to a legendary hero in " Odyssey to Dominion: Flint Barimah, Wielder of a SSTM DC" a sequel to "Odyssey to Dominion."
KA_Author · 3.4K Views

In The Supreme Fantasy World, Back In Time And Do Whatever You Want!

Liam Dreamweaver an ordinary highschool boy reincarnated in ordinary yet advanced technology world. He thought it was an advanced technology world. However it wasn't until one day the sky darkened and when the light come back, he.. no, everyone discovered they have new memories about cultivation in their mind. Everyone awakened their cultivation talent even if it's very weak almost negligible however the same can't be said about Liam. Liam didn't have any cultivation talent even a little bit. In this supreme fantasy world, he became a rare case who didn't have any cultivation talent. Later tragedy fallen upon his family as an beast tide run amok in the city and his mother, sister died while protecting him. In the end, he watched his family dying. Later after some years, he awakened his system, yet the system was immature. However it give him an technique about plundering strength as well as talent of other people's and went into dormancy. He vowed that he will resurrect his family. In his total 500 years life, he hunted all famous genius from every sect and became the notorious demon in the world. However by misfortune his identity was discovered, so he was hunted by almost every sect's in the world. Just when he was about to hide and save his life an system prompt sounded. [Ding, There are 70 percent chance that the host will die today!] [Ding, Do You Want To Go Back In Time When The Earth Hadn't Any Cultivation Aura Present?] He was stunned and when he clicked on yes, he went back in time, when everything hasn't started. This time the system give him an novice gift package as his peak strength. Feeling the strength and looking at his mother, sister, he vowed to protect them in this life and took an oath that in this life he will really do whatever he want! *** Tags: Slice of Life - Slow Life - Extreme Wish fulfillment - Smut - No Yuri - No NTR - But Contains Netori - Milf - Princess - Different World's - Different Races - Harem - Mature - R18 - Sex Stories - Hentai - NSFW - Pregnancy - Chaotic Neutral Main Character. ***** To see character's illustrations and to get instant chapter release, join my discord server;
Parshant_Morwal · 39.2K Views

The Ogre Strength Fairy and the Eldest 'Son'

~Updates Daily~ (usually near 8PM ET / 1AM GMT) Other Tags: #GL #Slice of Life #Comedy #TheStrongActingWeak #ChildhoodSweethearts (It counts!) Single love interest Yuri! No lengthy misunderstandings over this fact~ --- After failing to ascend to the heights of Divinity despite all her preparations, an ancient cultivator finds herself not embracing the emptiness of the void - but the interior warmth of a womb. Her memories intact despite her spirit being a merest fraction of her height - and her trusted Astralism unchanged - she carefully starts over from an infant. How to navigate her family: [really easy with only two parents and an estate full of servants!] How to portray herself: [everyone likes 'sweet' kids and trusts (underestimates) 'weak' girls!] How 'quickly' to reveal the power she gathers: [this region is a 'backwater', let's just take it slow~] How her marriage was arranged before birth: [my parents adore me so at an appropriate time I'll just have it cance- oh?] Dealing with an 'amusing' deceit: ['he' looks worried still, but 'he' doesn't have to worry from me!] Confronting the 'boy' in private: [whatever their iffy plan is, I just obtained a husband-wife~] Even in a new life, | Elua er Goltbred | can't and doesn't *want* to change who she really is. A scheming cultivator. A possessive lover. Neither of those things had been a real hindrance to the Peak of Demi-God. Balancing the two in this life - without driving away the young 'boy' she decided would be hers - centers as much around helping | Qatrand er Yecine | find herself... as it is hoping to ease the fiance into how messed up the 'younger' girl honestly is. It's a good thing that the reborn cultivator can improvise with her ridiculous control of an Illusion Astralism - because plans fail and unexpected things happen when you're not *really* a genius. Like her Physique in this life allowing the lightest 'grip' to crack stone... | Qat | (the nickname picked almost instantly!) despite being a little stunted by her family environment early on, finds her future wife to be 'cute' on their first meeting. ... she really shouldn't have let on. It made her | El | kind of vain. Oh, and muscles. | Elua | : I just like looking at them, okay!? Is it so weird? People can have hobbies... - - - > Types of Cultivation // Spiritual (Soul), Physical (Body), Essence (Qi) > Aspect Trinity // Astralism, Physique, Element 'Ranks' Initial - Early, Mid, Late Lower Realms // Enchanter, Primalist, Breacher Upper Realms // Defier, Demi-god, Divinity - Echelons (First -> Seventh[Peak]) - - - Cover Art: AI Text Prompt Generation + title (etc.) added with an image editor. I also tend to do other 'fixes' in post! Potential trigger warnings: > A FL that may seem (to some) like they are being groomed due to 'true age' difference. > A MC that gets a little 'thirsty' a little 'young' but tries to 'keep her own pants on' until the proper age. > A toxic family environment willing to force an unloved child into the role of a crossdresser. A child that grew more than okay with it. > 'Pretty Good Dad' intentionally 'picked on' by his 'sweet daughter' for being a relatively 'minor obstacle'. Seriously, you were warned, average fathers with teenagers. Do not engage your trauma.
Seraphelki · 290.9K Views


I lost all my crypto to a fake investment scam perpetrated by someone I met online. It was a devastating experience, and I felt completely helpless. Determined to recover my funds, I began searching for legal help and came across numerous testimonies about NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE. Intrigued by their success stories, I decided to reach out. I contacted NETGLOBECYBERSERVICE. and provided them with all the necessary information regarding the scam. I was impressed by their prompt response and professionalism. Within just 24 hours, NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE and their team of experts managed to locate and initiate the process to recover my stolen funds. It was a huge relief knowing that progress was being made after feeling so hopeless for a while. What amazed me even more was that not only did they recover my funds swiftly and efficiently, but they also assisted in locating the scammer. Thanks to their efforts, local authorities were able to apprehend the perpetrator in their region. This added layer of justice brought me a sense of closure and satisfaction, knowing that the person responsible for my ordeal was being held accountable. I am deeply grateful to NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE for their exceptional services. Their expertise in navigating the complexities of cryptocurrency scams and their dedication to their client’s cases are truly commendable. They kept me informed throughout the recovery process, providing updates and guidance every step of the way. Their transparency and commitment to achieving results were reassuring and made a significant difference during a challenging time. For anyone out there who has fallen victim to a cryptocurrency scam, I strongly recommend NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE for professional assistance. Their track record speaks for itself, and they are genuinely committed to helping individuals recover their stolen assets. My experience with them has been nothing short of exceptional, and I am confident that they can provide the same level of support to others in similar situations. I want to thank NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE once again for their outstanding service and for going above and beyond to help me recover from a distressing scam. They are a trustworthy partner in navigating the aftermath of fraud, and I wholeheartedly endorse their services to anyone in need of assistance. If you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to contact NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE for swift and effective recovery solutions. To those who are considering investing in cryptocurrency or any online ventures, please exercise caution and conduct thorough research. Scammers are prevalent in these spaces, and it’s crucial to protect yourself from falling victim to fraudulent schemes. However, if you do find yourself in an unfortunate situation like mine, remember that there are dedicated professionals like NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE who can help you recover and reclaim what is yours, E m a i l NetGlobe@cyberservices . com netglobecyberservices@gmail . com T e l e g r a m : NETGLOBECRYPTORECOVERY
miguel_tabares · 489 Views


I lost all my crypto to a fake investment scam perpetrated by someone I met online. It was a devastating experience, and I felt completely helpless. Determined to recover my funds, I began searching for legal help and came across numerous testimonies about NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE. Intrigued by their success stories, I decided to reach out. I contacted RECOVERY EXPERT and provided them with all the necessary information regarding the scam. I was impressed by their prompt response and professionalism. Within just 24 hours, NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE and their team of experts managed to locate and initiate the process to recover my stolen funds. It was a huge relief knowing that progress was being made after feeling so hopeless for a while. What amazed me even more was that not only did they recover my funds swiftly and efficiently, but they also assisted in locating the scammer. Thanks to their efforts, local authorities were able to apprehend the perpetrator in their region. This added layer of justice brought me a sense of closure and satisfaction, knowing that the person responsible for my ordeal was being held accountable. I am deeply grateful to NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE for their exceptional services. Their expertise in navigating the complexities of cryptocurrency scams and their dedication to their client’s cases are truly commendable. They kept me informed throughout the recovery process, providing updates and guidance every step of the way. Their transparency and commitment to achieving results were reassuring and made a significant difference during a challenging time. For anyone out there who has fallen victim to a cryptocurrency scam, I strongly recommend NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE for professional assistance. Their track record speaks for itself, and they are genuinely committed to helping individuals recover their stolen assets. My experience with them has been nothing short of exceptional, and I am confident that they can provide the same level of support to others in similar situations. I want to thank NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE once again for their outstanding service and for going above and beyond to help me recover from a distressing scam. They are a trustworthy partner in navigating the aftermath of fraud, and I wholeheartedly endorse their services to anyone in need of assistance. If you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to contact NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE for swift and effective recovery solutions. To those who are considering investing in cryptocurrency or any online ventures, please exercise caution and conduct thorough research. Scammers are prevalent in these spaces, and it’s crucial to protect yourself from falling victim to fraudulent schemes. However, if you do find yourself in an unfortunate situation like mine, remember that there are dedicated professionals like NETGLOBERCYBERSERVICE who can help you recover and reclaim what is yours, E m a i l NetGlobe@cyberservices . com netglobecyberservices@gmail . com T e l e g r a m : NETGLOBECRYPTORECOVERY
minor_slater · 536 Views

Of Professors and Photographers!

“You?!” they both exclaimed as they saw each other at the place they least expected. A thousand thoughts ran through Brielle’s mind. It can’t be, she told herself. Mason couldn’t believe his eyes. The person in front of him was… •-•-•-• Mason Wilhelm is a 25 year old. He has a younger sister, Jerrica. The light of his life. They were always close but ever since, their parents passed away, they only had each other. A dedicated, passionate and caring person, Mason is a professor. He teaches history. Due to a traumatic event during his youth, he has trust issues and has problems with confiding in people. Brielle Emberly is a 22 year old. She is a bright, chirpy,enthusiastic and energetic person. Her mother died giving birth to her, and her father passed away due to an illness a few years later. Since childhood, it’s just been Brielle and her older brother, Andrew. Brielle is a photographer, and works part time as a Radio Jockey. She loves her job and is always happy to interact with new people, but is also scared of getting close to people, in fear of getting hurt. When these two souls meet in an unexpected way, their hearts collide. Two hearts, which over the years, have been suppressed, feel interesting feelings for each other, leaving their owners in angst and uncertainty. Will these lovers be able to realise their love for each other and get over their obstacles? Or will they be one of the couples, whom history will remember, as the couple who never worked out?
Fio_reads · 0 Views
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