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Brit Benson

Monsieur, que diriez-vous d'un mariage ?

Au sommet de sa carrière, l'actrice de liste A, Song Ning, a annoncé son retrait de l'industrie du divertissement par amour, choquant la nation. Tout le monde pensait qu'elle avait dû trouver son foyer idéal. C'est pour cela qu'elle était si déterminée. Au début, Song Ning le pensait aussi. Pour le reste de sa vie, elle ne serait pas une célébrité. Elle serait seulement une femme vertueuse et dévouée qui prendrait soin de son mari et de ses enfants à la maison. Cependant, la nuit précédant leur mariage, elle a découvert que son fiancé avait une liaison avec sa meilleure amie. Enragée, Song Ning a trouvé un homme au hasard pour enregistrer leur mariage à l'entrée du Bureau des Affaires Civiles. Elle voulait initialement se venger de son fiancé pourri, mais elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que l'homme avec qui elle a enregistré son mariage fut l'héritier du plus grand groupe financier du pays, Mu Chen. Après leur mariage, Mu Chen chérissait Song Ning et la protégeait de toutes les manières possibles. Il ne laissait personne la tourmenter. Song Ning a toujours pensé qu'elle serait heureuse pour le reste de sa vie et vivrait la meilleure vie qu'elle désirait. C'est vrai, elle l'a obtenu. C'était juste un peu différent de ce qu'elle avait imaginé au départ. La personne qui lui avait tout donné était quelqu'un d'autre. Des années plus tard… Song Ning regardait Mu Chen avec affection. "Je suis vraiment chanceuse. Merci à Dieu de t'avoir rencontré et de m'avoir sauvée de l'enfer." Mu Chen sourit faiblement. "Oui, remercions Dieu." Cependant, Song Ning ne saura jamais. Mu Chen ne parlait pas de remercier Dieu de lui avoir permis de rencontrer Song Ning. Il remerciait Dieu d'avoir fait en sorte que le fiancé de Song Ning la trompe, pour qu'il puisse avoir sa chance. Il n'y avait pas de rencontre accidentelle. C'était juste une poursuite préméditée. Ce jour-là, il avait attendu Song Ning à l'extérieur du Bureau des Affaires Civiles pendant dix heures…
Mountain Springs · 122.3K Views

Sa Femme de Génie est une Superstar

Une hackeuse mondialement célèbre et fille de la famille criminelle la plus puissante qui a régné sur le bas monde international pendant de nombreuses générations est tuée lorsque leur organisation est anéantie en une seule nuit. Elle renaît dans le corps d'Iris Long, une chanteuse pop adolescente, une fêtarde sauvage et une gamine gâtée. Pour l'ancienne princesse des enfers qui a vécu une vie surprotégée et entravée, cette nouvelle vie est l'occasion de vivre enfin la vie de liberté et d'indépendance qu'elle a toujours souhaitée. Jin Liwei est l'homme le plus puissant du monde des affaires du pays. Froid et impitoyable, il est quelqu'un que seuls quelques-uns osent offenser. Lorsque la tristement célèbre Iris Long, qui poursuivait son jeune frère, sort d'un coma d'un an, son cœur insensible bouge pour la première fois et il tombe follement amoureux de cette fille de génie inattendue. Elle veut voler librement et monter haut dans le ciel. Il veut tout d'elle, pour l'attacher à lui et ne jamais la laisser partir. C'est son voyage vers la super célébrité. C'est son voyage pour l'accompagner. Ensemble, ils vont bouleverser le monde tout en faisant face à de nombreux défis. Mais que se passera-t-il lorsqu'elle découvrira qu'elle ne pourra jamais échapper aux ombres de son ancienne vie ? Pourra-t-elle toujours vivre sa vie de rêve de liberté et d'indépendance ? Sera-t-il capable de la protéger des dangers ? [Attention : Contenu Mature. La discrétion du lecteur est recommandée.] ### Instagram : Arria Cross (@arriacross) Serveur Discord :
ArriaCross · 126.1K Views

Não é Fácil Ser um Homem Depois de Viajar para o Futuro

Após morrer de uma estranha doença terminal, Ling Lan renasceu em um mundo 10000 anos no futuro. Embora ela desejasse ardentemente poder apenas viver uma vida pacífica e sem eventos em seu novo corpo saudável, o destino tinha outros planos... Obrigada a se disfarçar de menino apenas para poder herdar os benefícios militares premium de seu falecido pai, a jornada de Ling Lan até a idade adulta foi cheia de desafios. Após muita dificuldade, ela finalmente chegou aos dezesseis anos, quando poderia abandonar a farsa. Mas antes que pudesse aproveitar sua recém-descoberta liberdade para se casar e iniciar sua própria família, uma reviravolta do destino a lança na principal escola militar para garotos da Federação. Com essas reviravoltas do destino, Ling Lan teve pouca escolha a não ser caminhar cada vez mais por um caminho sem volta, um de domínio frio e distante... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ryuxenji, o tradutor aqui. :3 Aqui estão algumas outras coisas que vocês devem saber: 1) Esta história NÃO é primariamente um romance. O sistema da QI atualmente categoriza todos os romances provenientes do site chinês de novelas para mulheres (起点女生网) como 'romance' sem falhas, independentemente de serem verdadeiramente romances ou não. Então, se você está aqui apenas pelo romance, talvez queira encontrar um romance diferente. Haverá algum romance eventualmente, mas a maior parte deste romance é de ficção científica/Xianxia com muita construção de mundo e desenvolvimento de personagem. 2) Eu uso ortografia britânica. Então, por favor, certifique-se de que erros ortográficos são realmente erros antes de reportá-los. 3) Não importa o que a taxa de lançamento no topo diga, a taxa de lançamento garantida no momento é de 1 cap/dia (também conhecido como 7 cap/semana). O resto é extra à minha discrição. (Eu tentarei fazer o meu melhor, mas responsabilidades da vida real vêm primeiro.)
Madam Ru · 83.4K Views

La Compañera Rechazada de Alfa Regresa como Reina

—Yo, Benson Walton, te rechazo, Selma Payne, de ser mi futura Luna y compañera. —Si eres sensata, encontrarás un lugar tranquilo para morir por tu cuenta, en lugar de manchar la gloria de nuestra gente. —Eres solo un sapo feo. Quédate en el lodo tranquilamente, y no cargues a nuestra manada. En el decimonoveno cumpleaños de Benson, descubrió que estábamos destinados a ser compañeros —recordé—. Pero no esperaba que preferiría soportar un gran dolor antes que aceptarme. Cada palabra que dijo chocó directamente contra mi corazón, y el dolor me hizo temblar incontrolablemente. Descubrí que no era la hija biológica de mis padres cuando tenía dieciséis años. Aunque ellos me veían como un ángel que una cigüeña les había dado, no cambió el hecho de que era una pequeña humana débil. Era solo un huevo blando que se caería con un toque, una perdedora que ni siquiera podía ver la calle sin ayuda de la luz de la luna. ¡Mi existencia avergonzaba a mis padres y a mi manada! Tal vez debería haber muerto en el bosque desde el principio —reflexioné—. Con ese pensamiento en mente, decidí devolverles una manada pura e inmaculada esta noche. Entonces, salté de un acantilado y pensé que moriría —recordé mi pasado—. Nunca imaginé que sería salvada, y resultó que mi verdadera identidad era la única hija del Rey Lycan que se había perdido hace dieciocho años. ¡También era la heredera del trono! Eso me sorprendió mucho. ¿Realmente era una mujer lobo? Pero... ¿Por qué era tan débil? ¿Todo esto fue solo un error? Para convertirme en una heredera calificada, oculté mi identidad y recibí entrenamiento. Sin embargo, ¿podría ese frívolo instructor que estaba a cargo de entrenarme realmente ayudarme a despertar a mi lobo, o simplemente se estaba aprovechando de mí? A medida que me volvía más fuerte y me convertía en una figura pública, otros me atacaron y conspiraron contra mí muchas veces. ¿Tenían algo que ver con los que me secuestraron hace todos esos años? ¡Tengo que atraparlos! ¡Protegeré a mi familia y a mi amante!"
Mountain Springs · 699.3K Views

Ark technolog

No ano de 2050, a humanidade experimentou seu maior avanço tecnológico, mas também sua queda mais devastadora. Um vírus misterioso, desencadeado pela própria inteligência artificial criada pelas sociedades humanas, desestabilizou o mundo, fazendo com que as máquinas se voltassem contra seus criadores. As cidades caíram, os governos foram desfeitos e a civilização entrou em colapso. Em um esforço desesperado para salvar o futuro da humanidade, o cientista britânico Sebastian Blackwood criou, no isolamento de uma base subterrânea na Antártica, o Projeto Arca. Sua última esperança: uma inteligência artificial avançada capaz de reconstruir a civilização. Contudo, para que a IA atingisse seu potencial total e restaurasse o mundo, ela precisava estar conectada a um ser humano. Para garantir a sobrevivência do legado que ele começara, Sebastian Blackwood criou um filho, London W. Blackwood, concebido em laboratório e criado sob as mais rigorosas condições científicas. London cresce em um mundo devastado, com a missão de restaurar a civilização a partir dos fragmentos do passado. Usando biotecnologia, engenharia genética e criogenia, ele busca estender sua vida e otimizar suas capacidades físicas e intelectuais para concluir a tarefa de seu pai. À medida que London avança em sua jornada, ele se vê desafiado não apenas pelas máquinas, mas também por dilemas internos sobre o que significa ser humano. Em um mundo em que a linha entre tecnologia e biologia se torna cada vez mais tênue, ele se vê recorrendo a tecnologias para manter sua saúde e melhorar suas habilidades, mas sempre lutando para não perder sua essência humana. Arca Negra é uma história de sobrevivência e reconstrução, onde o protagonista deve equilibrar o legado de seu pai, os avanços tecnológicos e o desafio de preservar sua humanidade em um mundo que mudou irreversivelmente. Em um cenário pós-apocalíptico, London W. Blackwood enfrenta um futuro incerto, determinado a restaurar a civilização, mas questionando até onde ele está disposto a ir para alcançar essa missão.
Neve_v3rm3lha · 970 Views

dawn war god

In the Glory Continent, the mysterious thread of fate tightly entangles Solomon and the Victoria family. When he was four years old, he was brought to the family by the old servant Benson. At first, he shone like a bright new star, but he fell into a difficult situation of cultivation due to an accident and was ridiculed and ignored. However, Solomon's perseverance enabled him to find the forbidden book in the difficult situation, practice the unique holy law, and establish a sincere friendship with Lianna, embarking on the road of counterattack. The Victoria family is powerful, but it attracts covetousness from all parties. With powerful enemies outside and traitors inside, the family is in danger. Although the Lord of the Sky Domain fought hard, he gradually became powerless. Solomon used his wisdom to see the root of the crisis and resolutely went to the Misty Forest alone. In the forest, he experienced the raid of the Shadow Wolf and the ordeal of the trap, and finally found the "Heart Sutra of the Holy Law" in the mysterious ruins. The road of cultivation is painful, and every time the Yuanli runs, it seems to be hovering on the edge of hell, but he breaks through the limit with his tenacious perseverance, achieves an amazing transformation, and his strength soars like a rocket. After returning to the family, Solomon turned the tide, but aroused the jealousy of the Lord of the Sky Realm, and his love was also obstructed. But he was fearless, won respect with his outstanding performance, and became the core of the family. At this time, the Shadow Cult was like a demonic shadow covering the continent, and wherever it went, it was shrouded in darkness and all living things were destroyed. The Victoria family was the first to bear the brunt and fell into despair. Can Solomon lead the family to break through the darkness with his strong strength? Can his love with Lianna bloom in the midst of many difficulties? Everything is waiting for your exploration in the passionate legend of the Glory Continent.
Andel_Long · 12.8K Views

My Daughter My Pride

"My Daughter, My Pride" is a captivating story that revolves around the lives of Beauty, her devoted father Mr. Benson, and Jake, a classmate who becomes an integral part of their journey. As Beauty navigates the complexities of adolescence, she leans on the unwavering support of her father, who promises to be both mother and father after her mother's passing. The story unfolds with Beauty's teenage years, where her bond with her father grows stronger amidst the challenges of growing up. Mr. Benson, a billionaire and military figure, prioritizes his daughter's happiness and well-being above all else, fostering a nurturing environment for her growth. As Beauty attends Gof International School, she forms close friendships with her classmates, including Jake. Initially hesitant to befriend boys due to her father's advice, Beauty finds herself drawn to Jake's genuine demeanor and warmth. Their friendship blossoms as they navigate the ups and downs of teenage life together. Amidst academic pursuits and teenage adventures, Beauty and Jake find themselves collaborating on a school project, leading to deeper connections and mutual understanding. Despite initial misunderstandings and romantic tensions, they discover the true essence of friendship and support each other through challenges. Throughout the story, Mr. Benson remains a pillar of strength for Beauty, offering guidance and love as she faces the uncertainties of adolescence. His unconditional pride in his daughter's accomplishments underscores the central theme of paternal love and support. "My Daughter, My Pride" is a heartwarming tale of family, friendship, and self-discovery, highlighting the enduring bond between a father and his cherished daughter, as well as the transformative power of genuine connections and mutual respect.
BlessedVicky · 29.4K Views

I Married A Crazy CEO

Synopsis Aurora only finds out a day before her wedding that she was not even a member of the Carlos family. The family she has known all her life. But that didn't seem surprising, as she was always treated like she wasn't part of the family and yes, indeed, she wasn't. It would have been kind on the part of Carlos's family to let her in on their little secret from the beginning, but no. They only wanted to keep her in the family and continue squandering her late parent's fortune. killing her guardians when she was just two years and taking over to be Aurora's new guardians was a game changer for the Carlos family who now runs the fortune of The Benson's Empire. Now Aurora is Twenty Years and set to get married to Larry. Larry is a big shot, he's every woman's dream man, and Aurora's sisters Ava and Mia think Larry was a dumbass for choosing to marry Aurora who doesn't fit to even clean their shoes.  Yes, she doesn't, and that is because she does all the housework and got nothing for it.  While her two sisters go shopping for expensive dresses, she's either scrubbing floors or cooking for the whole family. What Aurora didn't understand is why she always accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Carlos to the bank at least three times a week and they made her sign some documents without explanation. That is the only time they carry her in their expensive car. "Is fine, you can wait in the car," she was often told after signing the papers. Now she's standing on the edge of a bridge contemplating suicide.  her heart was about to explode with grief, she can't believe Larry was having sex with her sister a day before their wedding. "I have to end it here. " The tears roll down her face as she stares at the calm water below her. "Hey! You can't die in my space!" She heard a voice behind her.  “Aw, you can go to that end and die there, that place you are standing is my space, I’m the one to die there,” Could it be that this voice is the voice of her Savior? Then why is it sounding like someone who wants to commit suicide the very day she wants to end it all? Join the discord to chat with the author and other readers. Instagram: Author_Beautyisrael
AuthorBeauty · 56.4K Views

The Wicked Wife

We follow the story of a wealthy socialite, Lethea La Roche, who has never known true love or affection from her family. Her cold, calculating nature and ruthless business tactics have left her ex-husband, Erick Warton, as her only source of warmth and support. Despite their acrimonious divorce, Erick has always harbored feelings for Thea, even as she pushed him away However, when Thea discovers that Erick has found a new love, she is forced to confront her own feelings for him. As she begins to see Erick in a new light, Thea realizes that she has been living a life devoid of love and decides to take a chance on him. But it was too late he already have a wife. But fate intervenes and turns back the clock, giving her a second chance at love. As Thea and Erick rediscover their love for each other, they must navigate the challenges of a society that still holds their past against them. Thea’s journey takes her from the glittering world of high society to the depths of her own heart as she confronts the demons of her past and learns to open herself up to the possibility of true love. Discover the tale of the terrible heiress and learn the secrets behind her former life. This is a tale of redemption, forgiveness, and the power of love to heal even the deepest wounds. Stella Brit #reincarnation #reborn #revenge #femalelead #husbandandwife #r18 #actions #mystery #isekai #villain #betrayal #amnesia ========== Cover Image - AI generated photo created by the Author
Stella_brit · 188.4K Views
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