Cosmic Pirate
In a future where technology reigns supreme, young Grey, an orphaned boy with a knack for coding, stumbles upon a discarded advanced AI amidst the bustling streets of Neo-Tokyo. Unbeknownst to him, this AI, named Echo, holds the key to unlocking unimaginable wealth and power.
With Echo's help, Grey delves into the world of high-stakes hacking and digital espionage, accumulating vast sums of money through his cunning exploits. As his skills evolve, so does his ambition. Fuelled by dreams of exploring the vast expanse of space, Grey sets his sights on acquiring a second-hand space corvette, the key to fulfilling his ultimate aspiration.
Grey must navigate the treacherous waters of corporate intrigue and technological warfare to protect his newfound ally and realize his dreams of interstellar exploration.
As Grey races against time to secure his place among the stars, he discovers that the true power lies not in the technology he wields, but in the bonds of friendship and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. With Echo by his side, Grey embarks on a journey that will test his courage, loyalty, and determination, leading him to uncover the mysteries of the universe and his own destiny amidst the echoes of tomorrow.